8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 6

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More crying again with the younger one...

She seems to be trying to sleep again too as it's not a huge bout of crying...

But this one is more protracted... and now she's sleeping again???

Oh well... it's raining pretty good now so the air should be nice and refreshing come day break....

I've got to try and get some sleep now...


DW's laptop died. :sad1: This is the 3rd laptop she's had over the last 4 years. Luckily :confused: we had the protection plan from Circuit City. Problem is getting them to own up to their own system that they tout every time you buy an expensive item! :mad: With the first one that died (Compaq) we got a gift card for the full amount and it was taken care of in the store (a very good friend worked there). The second one (HP) was a TOTAL NIGHTMARE!!!! Since we weren't near our friend any more, we had to go through "the process" of sending off to their depot repair. Pretty straightforward...they send a box via FedEx and we send the laptop back. They shipped it back to us...IT WAS MORE BROKEN THAT HOW WE SENT IT!!! :furious: So she goes to the store and raises holy hell about it
. The useless NO customer service people offer to send it off for repair (mind you, it's been non-operational for going on 2 weeks now). We check back the following week and they said the depot replaced the laptop with a new one and it's in! :yay:

We go to pick it up and the asst manager comes up to the counter, tosses the box into a bag and tries to shoo us out the door. :confused: But we have ammo this time...our neighbor was the store's GM and got promoted to DM--but he introduced us to his replacement and she was in the store. So DW--not trusting this bozo--opens the box......
IT WAS THE SAME LAPTOP!!! So now, the Italian comes out
and she takes the guy's head off in front of everyone! :rotfl: The store GM apologizes profusely and gives us a full refund for the laptop, tax (even though it was tax free) and the cost of the protection plan :upsidedow We used that gift card to buy a VAIO and this one has also died...the HP and VAIO both developed broken power jacks. So now, we're waiting to see if they are going to repair (unlikely) the unit or authorize a refund. BUT!!! She's not interested in ANY computer at CC this time...no, this time she's going to contact a friend who works for Dell and go with them!

DH was able to replace my power jack. The part was about $14, but the replacement job requires taking the computer apart & doing a little soldering. If you have an independant computer repair place near you, they should be able to do the job for you.

I'm leery of the big-chain computer service places. Best Buy's repair place always seemed to manage to skim the most expensive parts off of my laptop, replace it with cheaper stuff and claim it was the way I sent it to them. :scared1:
:surfweb: Good morning to all!!!

Man, this thread is like a runaway train!!! Last night I was a mere 15 pages behind, now I'll be looking at the summary! :rotfl2:

party: :bday: party: Have a great day John!!!

:jumping1: Way2go Got2Travel for snagging the pirate: !

The vow renewal thing sounds like a lot of fun. Is there an 'official' committee for it yet? :rotfl:

Congrats to all of those with new tags!

All I am saying is what I said ....you have to figure it out from there ....Again He is in AWE and he plays CJS ...Its really a cool scene , but thats all I can say ....


My hunch is not everyone likes to do their own stunts?

(Sorry if this was covered already. I'm drowning in ketchup this morning.)
Way behind again ... DW had a rough week, she's working on her PhD and with all these snow days, holidays, sick days, the kids haven't been to school a full week this year. In fact, I think they've only been to school 5 full days in the last 3 weeks and they have a holiday tomorrow. Anyway, she couldn't get enough study time and has been real upset about her last research paper that was due last Tuesday. She's afraid she may need to drop this semester if the grade comes back bad, which would mean she couldn't start her disertation in July, which means no chance at graduation next summer. Anyway, the cruise is to be hopefully a graduation celebration, but she says she wouldn't want to go if she doesn't graduate. :rolleyes: So, I made a big dinner with Maryland Crab Cakes (her favorite), Stuffed Flounder, & Lobster Tail, then, to top it off, I pulled the DCL Chocolate Souflee (sp?) recipe offline and made her dessert. Here's hoping to a better week!

:grouphug: For you and your family. Sometimes we wenches are way too critical on ourselves. Sending some pixiedust: your and DWs way!
Meanwhile, if anyone is the praying kind... please say a little prayer for my DH. His shoulder is acting up again- a few years ago he hurt it at work and then the dr put him on light duty for awhile but listed it as "not work related" (which is a bunch of bull! There is no other way he could have hurt it BUT lifting over 500lbs almost on a daily basis at work!). In any case, back then he went on light duty, company paid for the dr visits- but since it was listed at the end as not work related... it wouldn't be covered again if it's reinjured.

Well about a week ago he said it was hurting again and started taking ibuprofen (because the dr, who I'm beginning to think is not that great of a dr, had said it was just swollen tissue inside his shoulder joint/etc.) to reduce any inflammation in there... and well, that and rub on stuff is not helping. Now my husband is NOT a big baby (except maybe a little when he's sick). He's the type he could cut off an arm when trimming a tree and he'd just go oops, KWIM? (something like that- not a good example I suppose). but let's just say he doesn't usually even admit to being in pain and has a HIGH HIGH tolerance for pain. yet the last few days his shoulder has been hurting him pretty bad. What's really bad is that he's still working normally at work because the last person that got put on light duty for a "non work related injury" -they laid him off until he's well enough to work regular duty. We can't afford for him to do that- and I don't just mean to miss out on the cruise... I mean like lose the house, lose the cars, become homeless kind of "can't afford that". KWIM?

I'm going to make him a dr appt tomorrow, but I just hope they don't say he needs surgery or something- or we're in deep doo.... seriously. Prayers please! If it's just inflammation in the previously injured area of that shoulder- we really need it to GO AWAY please.
It's hard for me to see him in pain, because he never shows that he's in pain- yanno? So I know it has to be hurting a lot for him to show it.... and then on top of that to have to see him go off to work every day because he has to. :(
(fortunately he has off tomorrow... maybe 2 days off in a row will give it a bit of a rest. He is the type that he will NOT try to take it easy at work either. I mean I understand now why he doesn't want to mention that it's hurting, to anyone at work, but he's also not the type to just try to take it easy as much as possible like most of his coworkers would.. he's the gungho hard worker type, KWIM?)

:grouphug: Hoping DH feels better soon! Have you tried an orthopedist? DH has problems with both rotator cuffs and our Dr recommended one since that is their specialty and just a regular Dr isn't as up to date on treatments. Keeping all of you in our prayers.:grouphug:
Exactly how bad do you have to be to be WORSE than NTWINE? Just trying to determine where we've set the bar for band quality.

Well, HIGH FREQUENCY was on our first cruise, so I didn't really know what to expect.

When we heard NTWINE, I distinctly remember thinking, "What happened to the other band? They were MUCH better than this." It was one of those cut-and-dried observations, even mentally knocking HIGH FREQUENCY down a few notches in my recollections in case they were influenced by first-cruise sentimentality.
Well, HIGH FREQUENCY was on our first cruise, so I didn't really know what to expect.

When we heard NTWINE, I distinctly remember thinking, "What happened to the other band? They were MUCH better than this." It was one of those cut-and-dried observations, even mentally knocking HIGH FREQUENCY down a few notches in my recollections in case they were influenced by first-cruise sentimentality.

The funny thing for me, I don't recall any of the bands from our first two cruises. I assume that means, to me, they were unremarkable. NTWINE was remarkable, in a bad way. The best my wife could say was 'well, they are enthusiastic'.

If we hadn't been in RbD waiting for the caberet show, we probably wouldn't have listened to their whole set.
Good Morning Karen, Chrissy, Crash, Andy and anyone else who happens to be online at the moment! :)
Good Morning. I read the summaries. It is the only way I can stay up and I know I miss most of what is going on. Not to worry as the time draws nearer I will have more time to visit and plan. In the mean time I will try to drop in at least daily and say hello. Got to get ready for the day. Lois
The funny thing for me, I don't recall any of the bands from our first two cruises. I assume that means, to me, they were unremarkable. NTWINE was remarkable, in a bad way. The best my wife could say was 'well, they are enthusiastic'.

If we hadn't been in RbD waiting for the caberet show, we probably wouldn't have listened to their whole set.

Funny you should say that. I just asked DH what he remembered about the bands. All he could recall of High Frequency is what he can hear in our sail-away video. However, he clearly recalled NTWINE messing up "Celebration".
Funny you should say that. I just asked DH what he remembered about the bands. All he could recall of High Frequency is what he can hear in our sail-away video. However, he clearly recalled NTWINE messing up "Celebration".

Anyone familiar with XOP? I have nightmares of 15 days with XOP!:scared:

Good morning everyone! I need to ketchup! I'm with you Enna, drowning in ketchup!

About 10,000 posts back we were talking about fancy McDonalds. We went ot breakfast yesterday and I had my camera with me, so here is one of our local McD's, it's a jazz theme. They will soon have specialitiy coffees. Cappicinos (sp?) $1.79.


That is my little sweetie Kaitlin!
Good morning!!!!

:woohoo: HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHN!!!!:woohoo:

our story: years of infertility, tests, 2 miscarriages...after a minor surgery and clomid.....finally lucky enough to have DD!!! She is our gift and we know how lucky we are. We might have been able to have another, but I wasn't really feeling up to going through all that again, she came along when we had "planned" to be having our second and last, and at the time other circumstances came up - DH got let go from work (and the financial hit), we were living apart due to the job change, then the move(7 months at my mom's house while we house hunted). So, I don't know if we made that decision or fate did really.....

DD and DH are home today - going to see "Bridge to Terabithia" and then Chinese Buffett...hoping to hit Christmas tree shops to scope out those fish extenders....could send some out too, if anyone is interested......and a stop at Target to check out the POC goodies!!!!

everyone have a great day!!!!!:wizard:
Dumb question, but is there an equivalent to "WebMD" on line for animals? We were having an issue with one of our fish a while back and I did a lot of web searches before finding someone who had similar symptoms but by that time it was too late to save "Draco".

I am a human pharmacist. :rotfl2: But I did find a farily good resource for pet medicine. Hope that it help.
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