Beware of Perverts - Unfortunately, even at the happiest place on earth

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It's astonishing to me that parents turn their backs on kids anywhere, including WDW.
I saw a situation at the AKL last year that worried me sick. We had bought our breakfasts at the Mara, (which is the pool area counter service restaurant at the AKL) and went outside to eat at a table near the pool. After a minute or so, I realized that there was a tiny girl, maybe 3, sitting alone at a nearby table. We decided to say hi to her to see if she had an adult close by. She started to cry. OMG, I gently went to her and asked where her mom was. This caused a stir of people in the area who also noticed that she was alone and we all set about finding who she belonged to. It turned out that she was on vacation with Grandma, who had left this baby ALONE, NEAR THE POOL, to save a table so she could buy breakfast. Words were spoken when grandma returned, but she seemed to think we were all over reacting. That haunted me all day, to think that someone could have scooped that little girl up or that she could have ended up in the pool. What the #^@% was grandma thinking?
Gosh, I had forgotten about that until I read this.:sad2:
I am so flad to see another perv off the streets...............I feel horrible for that little girl though:mad:

I just have to say, that's why you don't leave your kids out of your sight!!!
This is perhaps a good opportunity to point out that, as magical as it is, WDW is still in the real world. Don't leave your common sense at home while on vacation. This goes for watching children, taking precautions against theft and following traffic laws.
Yeah there are wackos everywhere.

My mom was approached by a real weirdo on our last trip. She was out smoking and was approached by a very suspicious man.

Let's just leave it at that.

Needless to say my dad and I never let her alone at night after that :(
They can call me overprotective, they can make fun of me, but by God in the morning my kids will still be right there with me....I especially don't allow them to go to public bathrooms alone...
I'm amazed at all the kids I've seen left unattended by the pool, in the arcade, everywhere. I'm not surprised by this, just disgusted.
They can call me overprotective, they can make fun of me, but by God in the morning my kids will still be right there with me....I especially don't allow them to go to public bathrooms alone...

This is the one I worry about. My son is 12 and sometimes when I am out alone with the kids, he of course has to go to the mens room by himself. I certainly think at 12 he is too old to be in the Ladies Room. And I know when dh is out with the kids, dd is in the same scenario. I just always wait outside and sometimes yell in to say I'm right outside. Kind of funny that I'm five feet from who knows how many men doing their business while I yell in but I just want any weirdos to know I am right out there so don't even think about it.
i make my son (DS9( stay with me at all times while in WDW and anywhere else for that matter, he has never complained because it is commen practice for us, even more so becuase I am a single mom, I cannot let him go with someone else, cuasethere is no one else.

Now though he wants to go to the restroom by himself, but no I still bring him! i tell him he can go byhimself when he is 20! :rotfl:
If the place looks not to be too busy I MIGHT let him go in the mens if I am right there... otherwise, he comes into the ladies like it or not... so I'm right there with ya...
Maybe I'm too trusting, but I honestly believe that as a society today, we are smothering our children. I find it hard to believe that as adults we should never let our children (especially 12 year olds?!) "out of our eye sight". What kind of message are we sending to these children about the world and their ability to cope with it?

I teach my daughters about "stranger danger". More importantly, I teach my children about "not-stranger" danger...let's face is very rare for abuse to occur from a stranger - most is due to someone the child knows. I teach them to trust their instincts, and if something doesn't feel right or if they are nervous about a situation, then they should seek out help.

However, I refuse to let my children grow up afraid to play outside without me standing there watching them every minute. I want my children to become independent, strong-minded individuals who can look after themselves if a situation arises.

That being said, I would never leave a small child (say, under the age of 7) near open water, and don't let my 6 year old wander too far away from me. But, occasionally I let my 8 year old ride her bike around the block without me. I let her go to the washroom without me. When we are at wal-mart, sometimes I let the girls go to the toy section while I'm picking up groceries with the understanding that they must stay together while they are there (for short periods of 5 minutes).

I guess I just feel it is better to equip our children with the right defenses and then let them live their lives. No matter how much you try to keep an eye on them every minute, every mother becomes distracted by their cell phone, a conversation, a salesclerk, etc. I refuse to spend our lives agonizing over a greatly over-stated risk that they may be molested by a stranger.

Heather, Mom to Emily (8) and Sarah (6)
There seems to be a false air of security when folks are on vacation and especially at DW and such. I have seen people unload part of their car at the curb and leave the vehicle unlocked until they return.

I once was sitting outside the restroom area at the entrance to EPCOT and someone left their personal belongings, including what appeared to be a purse, in their stroller. I stood guard and warned them against this when they returned.

I taught my grandkids to scream "You are NOT my parent" if anyone suspicious approached them as otherwise someone might just think they are another kid just throwing a fit with their parent.

I love chocolate and tend to hang out in sweet shops so it figures that sicko's would hang out where they can find children.

The father who followed is a hero and thank God he was there.

Slightly Goofy
So sad that a place like Disney can be such a target for sick people like that. Hope this guy is in jail forever, but sadly know he will be on the streets in way too short a time.
It makes me sick, but I do feel like parents need to be alert to these jerks even when we're at Disney.....
It's sad to think that WDW (and, indeed any location where children are present in large quantities) is a target for creeps like this one. It's one reason why WDW has always had (and always will) a very aggressive policy regarding cooperating with local authorities to prosecute these predators. You may rest assured that the Cast takes an equally dim view of this sort of behavior (it's worth mentioning that WDW runs CBCs (Criminal Background Checks) on all prospecive CMs before hiring).

Oh yes... one more thing...

Parents, please tell your kids that if they ever get lost or need help, or it's an emergency, they should immediately look for a Cast Member wearing a white nametag like this one:

Remind them NOT to go to someone wearing a blue nametag, or a red nametag, or a black nametag -- only a white one.
Maybe I'm too trusting, but I honestly believe that as a society today, we are smothering our children. I find it hard to believe that as adults we should never let our children (especially 12 year olds?!) "out of our eye sight". What kind of message are we sending to these children about the world and their ability to cope with it?

I teach my daughters about "stranger danger". More importantly, I teach my children about "not-stranger" danger...let's face is very rare for abuse to occur from a stranger - most is due to someone the child knows. I teach them to trust their instincts, and if something doesn't feel right or if they are nervous about a situation, then they should seek out help.

However, I refuse to let my children grow up afraid to play outside without me standing there watching them every minute. I want my children to become independent, strong-minded individuals who can look after themselves if a situation arises.

That being said, I would never leave a small child (say, under the age of 7) near open water, and don't let my 6 year old wander too far away from me. But, occasionally I let my 8 year old ride her bike around the block without me. I let her go to the washroom without me. When we are at wal-mart, sometimes I let the girls go to the toy section while I'm picking up groceries with the understanding that they must stay together while they are there (for short periods of 5 minutes).

I guess I just feel it is better to equip our children with the right defenses and then let them live their lives. No matter how much you try to keep an eye on them every minute, every mother becomes distracted by their cell phone, a conversation, a salesclerk, etc. I refuse to spend our lives agonizing over a greatly over-stated risk that they may be molested by a stranger.

Heather, Mom to Emily (8) and Sarah (6)

SICK...another case where I believe this country should bring back the torture chamber and public stoning.
Just to clarify, although I am concerned about your basic pervert, I am more worried about the ones who kidnap and murder and THAT is why my kids don't ride their bikes around the block alone. It's ok, I'll go out there. Don't misunderstand, it's not their fear at all... it's MY caution
It is very sad to hear this. These people should never be let back out in public. There was a story recently about a boy I believe 12 went out to end of his property to get the mail and a car stopped a man got out pushed him in and drove off, the boy was screaming and putting up such a fight the man pulled over and pushed him out a couple blocks away.
Remember the 13 year old grabbed at his bus stop in Tampa area a few months ago? There were 15 kids there but the guy had a gun....
Sad to hear something like this. But then it's not surprising. As others have said the father that followed was a hero.
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