OMG - That Duggar woman is pregnant again

I am basing my thoughts/opinions on real-life personal interactions that have occurred over the years. I do not consider myself a "friend" but I do know them and have spent time with them.
What? They get to have friends and people who support them? I thought it would just be people who get to say mean things anonymously on boards. Next you are going to tell me that they have feelings and probably would be insulted to hear people wagering on when their "abused" kids are going to flip out, or to hear it detailed exactly how bad their parenting is by dozens of people. I am not sure why people get their internet courage strapped on and post mean-spirited things about people we don't know. As for her age, there are plenty of unmarried celebrities who are having children when they are older than she is, I don't see an outcry about that. I think if we all want to start crusades to root out people who really abuse their children and abuse the system, and find teenagers who are ticking time bombs every one of us can look in our neighborhoods and find plenty of examples closer to home.
But why shouldn´t she tell? Even if something goes wrong, she might want people to know. Many women like the fact that they would probably recieve a lot more support in case of a miscarriage if people know about it, than if the whole pregnancy had still been a secret.

She might want 50 million people to know?! Eh, to each their own...
Why does she have to go on the news the second she is pg? It's just odd to me, that's all.
She might want 50 million people to know?! Eh, to each their own...
Why does she have to go on the news the second she is pg? It's just odd to me, that's all.

I can´t say what her personal reasons are but I know plenty of women who want to shout from the rooftops that they´re pregnant. I honestly just don´t get why anyone else would care.
I've only lived here 10 months, but I've never seen the family anywhere in town. I may have to go online and see if my friend was right. thought is that as long as they aren't collecting welfare, adc, WIC, etc, it is their right to keep on reproducing as often as they want. However, if they are collecting public money to support their lifestyle I would have strong reservations about the situation.
What? They get to have friends and people who support them? I thought it would just be people who get to say mean things anonymously on boards. Next you are going to tell me that they have feelings and probably would be insulted to hear people wagering on when their "abused" kids are going to flip out, or to hear it detailed exactly how bad their parenting is by dozens of people. I am not sure why people get their internet courage strapped on and post mean-spirited things about people we don't know. As for her age, there are plenty of unmarried celebrities who are having children when they are older than she is, I don't see an outcry about that. I think if we all want to start crusades to root out people who really abuse their children and abuse the system, and find teenagers who are ticking time bombs every one of us can look in our neighborhoods and find plenty of examples closer to home.

Let me say that I'm not hiding behind my anonymity on a web board. Whatever I have to say on a board, is exactly what I'd say to your face, or anyone else, including the Duggars, for that matter. Secondly, I don't prostitute myself or my family for freebees (and supposedly, at least according to you, unwanted attention and opinions). I also didn't go on national television to tell the world I'm pregnant. Whenever you choose to be in the spotlight, you will become fodder for public discussion, both good and bad. I didn't mention her age, but someone else did and the reason being most women who are older moms like to keep a low profile because the older you get, the more likelihood something will go wrong. And the outcry you speak of is the fact that (1) she's NOT taking care of the children she has already and (2) she's willing to die and leave her children motherless because of some insane sense that "God" want her have two dozen children. As far as I'm concerned, her continued pregnancies are just playing Russian roulette and that if NOT a good mother, which also means Jim Bob's not a good father either, because he encourages this dangerous pregnancies.
Exactly, so why go on national TV to announce it to the world?

Why do you care whether she does it or not?
I can imagine her being extremely happy and excited about the newest addition and wanting to share that joy with anyone willing to hear about it.
Well, I didn't realize she was prostituting herself and sleeping with the sponsers to get stuff, that is horrible. I did realize that not everyone has internet courage, that some people would walk up to a total stranger and tell them they are bad parents based on their perception of a show. As for not taking care of the children, I have never seen that, I assume you mean when she has the older ones help out, but I send my children to public school, so in essence I don't take care of mine either for part of the day. I don't think any of us are guaranteed life, I am playing russian roulette every time I go for a drive or get on a plane. I can guarantee all of us drive more than once every nine months. What if she gets cancer or dies of something else not related to childbirth? Is that okay with everyone? Women bleed out with one birth and anyone can have a child with birth defects. As for her husband he does seem very stiff and uncomfortable, but I cant say that makes him a bad parent. There are plenty of women that would love to have a husband that let them stay home. I am not one of those women, lol, but women post all the time on these boards looking for stay at home info and trying to make it work and wishing to be stay at home moms. I don't presume to know anyones husband, there is a lot that goes on behind closed doors. I certainly don't want to be judged by anyone. Maybe what really bugs people is that she is doing exactly what she wants to do, living in exactly the house she wants and getting a bunch of free stuff for doing nothing more than having children and allowing the world to watch. If thats the issue, say it, don't accuse them of abuse or a prostitute or whatever. Just say it stinks and move on.
Well, I didn't realize she was prostituting herself and sleeping with the sponsers to get stuff, that is horrible. I did realize that not everyone has internet courage, that some people would walk up to a total stranger and tell them they are bad parents based on their perception of a show. As for not taking care of the children, I have never seen that, I assume you mean when she has the older ones help out, but I send my children to public school, so in essence I don't take care of mine either for part of the day. I don't think any of us are guaranteed life, I am playing russian roulette every time I go for a drive or get on a plane. I can guarantee all of us drive more than once every nine months. What if she gets cancer or dies of something else not related to childbirth? Is that okay with everyone? Women bleed out with one birth and anyone can have a child with birth defects. As for her husband he does seem very stiff and uncomfortable, but I cant say that makes him a bad parent. There are plenty of women that would love to have a husband that let them stay home. I am not one of those women, lol, but women post all the time on these boards looking for stay at home info and trying to make it work and wishing to be stay at home moms. I don't presume to know anyones husband, there is a lot that goes on behind closed doors. I certainly don't want to be judged by anyone. Maybe what really bugs people is that she is doing exactly what she wants to do, living in exactly the house she wants and getting a bunch of free stuff for doing nothing more than having children and allowing the world to watch. If thats the issue, say it, don't accuse them of abuse or a prostitute or whatever. Just say it stinks and move on.

Well, I didn't realize she was prostituting herself and sleeping with the sponsers to get stuff, that is horrible.
I didn't mean literally ... and I meant not only her, but her husband. They're selling their souls (and that of their children) for a few bucks and some publicity.

As for not taking care of the children, I have never seen that, I assume you mean when she has the older ones help out, but I send my children to public school, so in essence I don't take care of mine either for part of the day.
Older ones helping out? No, the older ones do the parenting, they're not helping. They are not allowed to have a life because mom and dad have decided that their life is taking care of the children God sends to mom and dad
I don't think any of us are guaranteed life, I am playing russian roulette every time I go for a drive or get on a plane. I can guarantee all of us drive more than once every nine months. What if she gets cancer or dies of something else not related to childbirth? Is that okay with everyone? Women bleed out with one birth and anyone can have a child with birth defects.
I believe your analogy would be relevant if you were to get drunk before you got behind the wheel every time you drove, or if you went running through your local airport screaming "I have a bomb!". She has been told specifically by more than one doctor that she can and will die if she keeps this up. They have even refused to treat her. If she gets cancer and dies that's something else entirely. I wonder though if, God forbid (and I"m being serious) the next 2 or 3 children had something physically or mentally wrong with them, if she would continue to pop them out like rabbits.

As for her husband he does seem very stiff and uncomfortable, but I cant say that makes him a bad parent. There are plenty of women that would love to have a husband that let them stay home. I don't presume to know anyones husband, there is a lot that goes on behind closed doors. I certainly don't want to be judged by anyone.

What does make him a bad parent is his continued treatment of his daughters as slaves, and his wife as a vessel for child bearing and his overlooking the fact that he's basically killing her, in the name of the Lord. And you're right, no one knows what goes on behind closed doors. Just watch the news. Happens every day.

Maybe what really bugs people is that she is doing exactly what she wants to do, living in exactly the house she wants and getting a bunch of free stuff for doing nothing more than having children and allowing the world to watch.

If I truly believed that she doing what she wants and hasn't been emotionally coerced, then I'd be happy for her. And if you believe she's getting stuff for free consciously and letting the world be a peeping tom for her and her family, you've proven my point. She has prostituted herself and her family for free stuff and is only popping those kids out for attention and handouts. Which also proves my point that they are not living debt free -- they're living off the rest of us, who pay higher prices, so all those companies can afford to comp her and her family with appliances, building supplies etc./COLOR]
WOW! There is alot of anger over a grown woman having more than the "accepted" number of kids. I think that it is their business to have more and you (generally) can either accept it or not. If you don't want to know more, then don't watch tv when they are on. To be so vehemently opposed to her and accusing them of prostitution and slavery is really over the top.
WOW! There is alot of anger over a grown woman having more than the "accepted" number of kids. I think that it is their business to have more and you (generally) can either accept it or not. If you don't want to know more, then don't watch tv when they are on. To be so vehemently opposed to her and accusing them of prostitution and slavery is really over the top.

Geez Louise!!!! Nobody cares if they have a billion kids! The point is that they don't do any of the child care! They pop out a kid and in 6 months the child is assigned to an older child. The older child takes care of the baby. The older child bathes, feed, schools and even gets up in the middle of the night with the baby. That is called parenting. The "mother" gives birth but the babies are raising babies.
If I truly believed that she doing what she wants and hasn't been emotionally coerced, then I'd be happy for her. And if you believe she's getting stuff for free consciously and letting the world be a peeping tom for her and her family, you've proven my point. She has prostituted herself and her family for free stuff and is only popping those kids out for attention and handouts. Which also proves my point that they are not living debt free -- they're living off the rest of us, who pay higher prices, so all those companies can afford to comp her and her family with appliances, building supplies etc./COLOR]

I'm not sure how you have come to so many conclusions based on a television show. How do you know her motives? Is every reality show on tv about a family pimping themselves for publicity? For example, do you watch Jon and Kate plus 8? Do you feel they are also prostituting themselves for publicity and free things? I don't. I feel that both families got some publicity, the public is interested in their lifestyle, so much so that a tv show was created and is successful. Both of these families were living their lifestyle way before any tv show was created.

Also, how do you know that the women in the family are so oppressed? The boys have responsibilities also! In fact, I thought (and I could be wrong here) that the boys helped with the laundry even. :laundy: I know I've seen them go grocery shopping together. It is ok to have ideas that boys and girls can do different chores and it not be oppressive towards women. I don't think any of those girls appear unhappy in any way..I guess there's no way to tell, true. But that goes both ways- you can't assume the girls are unhappy either.

I guess that I just don't see what some see when I watch this show. I see a family that is religious, living a different lifestyle than me (I choose to have 2 children and am quite happy), and seem to have a genuinely happy home life.
There are women who have children and go right back to work and leave the kids in daycare or have nannies. We can't say that automatically makes you a bad parent. As for TV editing, I donated to a certain makeover show and the new homeowner was rude and demanding and not happy with anything. We were called and asked for more and more. I was very unhappy and skipped most of the festivities. That was the worst decision ever, that family will call me until the day I die asking for more and more. They will honestly be calling me in 15 years if something breaks and want everything replaced. I'm not going to give out details, because I could see the family suing to get even more, but when it was edited you did not see all of the venders mad because we were extorted to give more. You just see smiles and think Mother Theresa got a house.
I'm not sure how you have come to so many conclusions based on a television show. How do you know her motives? Is every reality show on tv about a family pimping themselves for publicity? For example, do you watch Jon and Kate plus 8? Do you feel they are also prostituting themselves for publicity and free things? I don't. I feel that both families got some publicity, the public is interested in their lifestyle, so much so that a tv show was created and is successful. Both of these families were living their lifestyle way before any tv show was created.

Also, how do you know that the women in the family are so oppressed? The boys have responsibilities also! In fact, I thought (and I could be wrong here) that the boys helped with the laundry even. :laundy: I know I've seen them go grocery shopping together. It is ok to have ideas that boys and girls can do different chores and it not be oppressive towards women. I don't think any of those girls appear unhappy in any way..I guess there's no way to tell, true. But that goes both ways- you can't assume the girls are unhappy either.

I guess that I just don't see what some see when I watch this show. I see a family that is religious, living a different lifestyle than me (I choose to have 2 children and am quite happy), and seem to have a genuinely happy home life.

Geez Louise!!!! Nobody cares if they have a billion kids! The point is that they don't do any of the child care! They pop out a kid and in 6 months the child is assigned to an older child. The older child takes care of the baby. The older child bathes, feed, schools and even gets up in the middle of the night with the baby. That is called parenting. The "mother" gives birth but the babies are raising babies.

I think it is a bit much to say they don't do any of the child care. Yes, they do use buddies in their family. I don't know if they do or don't get up in the middle of the night with the kids. I do know they love the kids and provide a safe, secure home.
I think it is a bit much to say they don't do any of the child care. Yes, they do use buddies in their family. I don't know if they do or don't get up in the middle of the night with the kids. I do know they love the kids and provide a safe, secure home.

It is not a bit much. They have told the world all about their buddy system. I'm sure they love their children but it still does not change the fact that the children are raising the children.
But why shouldn´t she tell? Even if something goes wrong, she might want people to know. Many women like the fact that they would probably recieve a lot more support in case of a miscarriage if people know about it, than if the whole pregnancy had still been a secret.

That is fine to tell your close friends and family, but why televise it? Seems weird to me that is how they told their children and the rest of the world. To each their own.
Geez Louise!!!! Nobody cares if they have a billion kids! The point is that they don't do any of the child care! They pop out a kid and in 6 months the child is assigned to an older child. The older child takes care of the baby. The older child bathes, feed, schools and even gets up in the middle of the night with the baby. That is called parenting. The "mother" gives birth but the babies are raising babies.


That is what you see on a very edited TV show. You do not know if that is the case. And if it is, what does the number of kids have anything to do with anything? On one hand you have people complaining she doesn't parent properly and then those same people are complaining she might die and live those kids without a mother. OK, make up your mind--If she is not "an approved" mother, why do you want her mothering?

And who is the person that gets to decide exactly what the "right" parenting is and who is wrong in their parenting style?


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