DDA Chapter 11

Deb great job on the costume:thumbsup2

Becky :wizard: for your grandfather

Jennifer cute pictures!
Question for you elementary school moms.....

What instruments are offered in your schools? I remember when I was in elem. school violin/viola was offered for 5th and 6th graders.

Today I get a note from school saying that 3rd, 4th and 5th graders are going to be playing the recorder. I am requested to buy one (thank goodness they are only $4 and change) or he can share in the school's supply and they will be washed after every use in the dishwasher.

Our kids play the recorder during general music class (once every 6 school days) in third grade. In fourth grade, they can choose a stringed instrument, and that is in addition to the general music classes. In 5th grade they can continue with the stringed instrument and/or choose a band instrument. Through 9th grade Matthew played viola and trumpet. He had to drop band by 10th grade to fit everything else in, but others still do play two instruments. Laura played viola and flute through 7th grade when a witch of a band teacher embarrassed the heck out of her in front of the entire band. She does still play viola. The orchestra teacher teases them that they are going to have a quartet with another set of brother/sister vilola players. Miles says that he is going to choose viola this year, too, but they haven't done that yet. The recorders were $2 each to own or you could use the schools. You can rent string and band instruments through the school through 8th grade. After that, strings are free from the school if you don't have your own, and you need to purchase or rent a band instrument from an outside source. All of our music teachers (except the one band teacher) have been excellent.

Is anyone up for assisting Nicholas with his Flat Stanley project. We have to send FS off for a month or so, and you are requested to keep a journal, attach pictures and send postcards. We would really appreciate it. After everyone jumps at the chance ;), if you don't mind, I'll let him choose where he wants FS to 'vacation.' TIA!

We'd be willing, but we're really boring unless Flat Stanley loves cross country meets, swim practices, etc.

Is he supposed to go do stuff, or can it be:
Journal Entry 1 - Today we did 8 loads of laundry! (See attached pic!)
Journal Entry 2 - Today the cat threw up on the rug. Elizabeth told DH not to feed her so much chicken, but that man doesn't listen. (See attached pic.)
Journal Entry 3 - Today we went to Target, the post office, and the grocery store. (See attached pic.)

If that's the content you are after then I am your girl! :thumbsup2

Yeah...what she said!

Has anyone ever read any books by Robin McKinley? She re-writes fairy tales. I'm reading "Spindle's End" right now, and loving it!!! It's a re-telling of Sleeping Beauty, and it's so well written!!! I'm highly recommending it to anyone with teenage daughters, or if you just like to read fairy tales with a new twist.

Very good!

I have to write this down. I love Gail Carson Levine, and these sound similar.

Gail Carson Levine does the same thing....I love them. Guess I've got to check her out!!

Yeah...what she said!

Boy, all these boxes! CO, VA, TX, IL, NJ...I should have saved all the shipping labels for my scrapbook!

Tammi - if that VA box isn't sealed yet, feel free to include Flat Stanley!

I heard a rumor that a box left central NY yesterday afternoon.


Here's a sneak peek at Tater

I still need to make noses, ears and do something about arms. Nick can stick his arms out, but it really weighs down on the costume which is attached to a helmet on his head. I may have him use one of his own arms and make a fake arm for the other side :confused3



I had to put a little window in for Nick to have some vision, it is right above his eyes :confused3 Does it look okay?

also does the visor look horrible? The greens don't match. Maybe I should cover the visor with fabric or something?

That's amazing!!!

Sorry I didn't get to everyone, but I really need to get going here! I'll try to be back this afternooon.

Have a great day, DDA!
Does anyone on here know what the hours for the IPO staff is?

ETA: I just answered my own question! 9:00 a.m.
Eric just called from the dentist. Both of the girls had appointments today with a new dentist (actually it's Eric's dentist from when he was a kid). Mo has no cavities!! A big step up from the 5 she had last time. But Emma needs to see an orthodontist. That is not what I wanted to hear at all. It seems her mouth is crowded. So not looking forward to that at all.

That is terrific news on Mo. Andrew has the same overcrowding issues I had. That's seems easier to correct than under or overbites but everything in regards to dental is expensive.

I need to go play the lottery...

1st my DVC wait list comes through...now I find out I have been upgraded on the cruise from a Category 10...to Category 7! :woohoo:

Yahoo! You guys will have so much fun!

Question for you elementary school moms.....

What instruments are offered in your schools? I remember when I was in elem. school violin/viola was offered for 5th and 6th graders.

Today I get a note from school saying that 3rd, 4th and 5th graders are going to be playing the recorder. I am requested to buy one (thank goodness they are only $4 and change) or he can share in the school's supply and they will be washed after every use in the dishwasher.

Our kids play the recorder in 3rd grade and in the 4th. Regular band starts in the 5th grade, though they do six week rotations with "specials" such as music, so it's only a short period out of the year. Starting in 5th they can join afterschool band, which of course costs almost $400 for the year.

Yikes! Are they evacuating? The news just said it depends on the path of the storm as to how much wind and rain we will get. They said gusts of 60-70 mph, and around 4 inches of rain, but that will probably change.

Here's a sneak peek at Tater

I still need to make noses, ears and do something about arms. Nick can stick his arms out, but it really weighs down on the costume which is attached to a helmet on his head. I may have him use one of his own arms and make a fake arm for the other side :confused3



I had to put a little window in for Nick to have some vision, it is right above his eyes :confused3 Does it look okay?

also does the visor look horrible? The greens don't match. Maybe I should cover the visor with fabric or something?

Deb -- I think it's terrific! It might be the favorite one you've done, but I have a soft spot for Mr. Potato. I have a Disney one on my desk and my boys change the parts and re-dress him from time to time.

I hope you are all having a good week.

My Grandpa is in the hospital.

I am off to bed, night all.

Sending prayers for your Grandpa. :hug:

Nick went to bed an hour before his bedtime complaining that he was tired and his ear hurt. I gave him a sudafed and ibuprophen so hopefully he'll wake up all better.

I hope he's not getting sick and feels well today.

I got my gray washed out last night! :yay: We are supposed to have soccer tonight but we might get more rain today. I'm changing around the rest of the week/weekend plans as they're saying major wind (70-90 mph gusts) a possibility, with tornadoes and a possibility of 4 - 10 inches of rain, depending on where Ike hits and then curves to.

Jennifer -- take care -- I think you guys fly out Saturday so it sounds like you will be gone by the time it gets to DS.

Karen -- are you guys having to evacuate or are you far enough North?
we are doing all 4 of those as well.....we will also be at Narcoossee's on the 29th...our adr is at 6:15

I didn't sign up for any F&W events this trip either. :sad2: There is almost nothing there!

We will eat and drink around the kiosks a couple of afternoons and we have a bunch of dinners planned too. Wonder if we are anywhere near the same places on the same nights??

27th - CA Grill
28th - Citricos
29th - Narcoossee's
30th - Yachtsman
Deb- I love the costume.

I am also loving the gorgeous and breezy evening.

Also don't forget


September 11, 2001

May we never forget!

There's no chance that any of us will ever forget :sad1:

Most children and their parents don't remember music teachers... :sad1:

However, tonight at rehearsal, the director of the BLS program at UMW came up to me to ask if I had been his music teacher in elementary school. That is second young man this month who remembered me from 30 or more years ago! I have to say, that made my decade! :goodvibes

I remember all of my music/band teachers.

The kids here have a lot of specials. They are all 40 minute periods. They have PE and Spanish twice per week, and Library, Health, Art and Music once per week. That starts in Kindergarten. I get a kick out of the work sheets that Colby brings home with Spanish words on it as he doesn't know his English letters thoroughly, certainly not well enough to read :rotfl:
If anyone has any residual frivolous PD floating around in the next 15 minutes, send it winging my way, please. I am going to call AKL IPO and see about adding the Wanyama Safari to our December trip as a surprise for Bob. Of course, that means we would have to add on a day to our trip. The sacrifices....
music is big in this school district...both instrumentally and daily classes. and if you can believe it...in the elementary school one of the teachers is a man... Mr. G. The kids love him...he's a young man who's about 6'5!! He teaches k-2...so I get a kick out of watching this large man having fun with these teeny kids.. same with middle school...2 music teachers

I think that is wonderful! Most adults who do remember their music teachers are women. For two grown men to come to me with stories of what we did decades ago was a delight!

When I ask my students and their parents if they have music in school or who their teacher is, I would guess that fully 10% don't even know they are having music instruction and another 60% cannot begin to tell me the name of their teacher! And these are not just the little ones I teach. I am also talking about middle school students who chose to take band or chorus or orchestra. :confused3

I don't begin to think that this is just about music teachers. I think that our kids see so many adults in their schools these days that there is an overload of faces and job functions.
music is big in this school district...both instrumentally and daily classes. and if you can believe it...in the elementary school one of the teachers is a man... Mr. G. The kids love him...he's a young man who's about 6'5!! He teaches k-2...so I get a kick out of watching this large man having fun with these teeny kids.. same with middle school...2 music teachers

That is spectacular! Sounds like a lot of you have school systems who believe that not all education needs to be academic and taught to a test! You and your children are very fortunate and I LOVE IT! :thumbsup2
Kristine, it sounds like we need to find a bar on the 29th. And maybe another night or two. ;)
Leighanna has school today, and is off tomorrow. She has a couple of tests today, hopefully she is prepared for them.

Leighanna is doing really well in school. Except for her behavior. She is such a clown, and she is getting in trouble for it.

Yesterday she had her card turned to yellow, so she had to sit in another classroom during a birthday party.

I am trying to let her know that I don't think that that behavior is acceptable. She told Angie last night that she only does it because Daddy is so funny, and she can't help it!

I guess it is all my fault!:rotfl:

Shame on you! ;) (I can see though, how it would be hard to 'reprimand' her for wanting to be like Daddy! :lovestruc )

This is what a recorder looks like, Heidi! It is the perfect beginning instrument for a child.


I COMPLETELY agree! It's not a huge investment (time or money), you can begin to learn to read very simple sheet music, it's easy to play, but really rewarding for the child. I remember LOVING all I could accomplish on the recorder - I thought I was practically a prodigy, and now I realize it is just so easy to pick up! What a wonderful confidence builder, and I can honestly say it sparked my interest in playing any instruments!

That is terrific news on Mo. Andrew has the same overcrowding issues I had. That's seems easier to correct than under or overbites but everything in regards to dental is expensive.

I think this is true as well! My cousin had "normal" looking teeth except for a slight overjet and my mouth was a disaster ("fangs", sideways teeth, etc). We got our braces put on on the same day, had every appointment together, and - to all of our surprise - I got mine off about 7 months earlier than him!

Back to music in schools... I have a nagging question. Do you all buy a stringed instrument, then a woodwind/brass, AND a recorder?! ;) I can't understand that. Or do they share the stringed instruments (which makes sense) and you buy your own instrument that gets mouthed.... or just buy a mouthpiece maybe? It seems absurd if you would have to purchase instruments your child wasn't interested in, for one year! How do the schools handle this? :confused3

That being said, depending on the burden on the parents, I love that they get the basics of a couple different instruments while they're young, and can still have plenty of time to decide if one is right for them! When we got to middle school, you chose either choir or band. There weren't enough periods for both (which obviously continues worse into high school!), so you made a decision then. If my parents wouldn't have "made me" take piano for so long, the only instrument I might have ever played would be the recorder! Of course, since then I have dabbled with the flute and the guitar.... but only because I love music. Had I not, I personally feel like I would really be missing out on an important set of skills that come from playing an instrument other than the recorder! ;)

Even if kids don't grow up interested at all, it's neat that they have some experience playing and, I presume, reading music! :love:
I love it! Especially Nick's hairy legs.... :rolleyes1

:rotfl2: :rotfl: Tell Chris he has great legs!!

Nick was sound asleep by the time Tater got to the point that I could take a photo :rotfl: :rotfl:

Thankfully Nick is feeling better this morning. I suspect that I am coming down with a cold though :mad: These wide temperature changes are so hard on all of us :sad2:

If anyone has any residual frivolous PD floating around in the next 15 minutes, send it winging my way, please. I am going to call AKL IPO and see about adding the Wanyama Safari to our December trip as a surprise for Bob. Of course, that means we would have to add on a day to our trip. The sacrifices....

:wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :simba: :dumbo: :fish: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

For all of those DDAers that are in the path of Ike you have our prayers. Please stay safe :hug:
What do you think our chances of connecting a CL room only reservation to an existing CL Dining Package reservation would be? If we are lucky enough to get the Safari then we certainly wouldn't need the additional meal credits! And I would hate to have to move rooms after one night if not absolutely necessary.

Those ought to help, Deb! Thanks!

I am glad Nick is feeling somewhat better. Sorry the temps are affecting you all too. Bob and I both had minor sore throats this morning, but they seem to have cleared up now that the sun is up and it is a little warmer. I have had that nagging sinus headache thing off and on for a couple of days and I know it is weather related too.

I hope everyone soon gets to feeling a lot better!


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