? Regarding leaving child alone in room

According to the Department of Children and Families, Abuse Hotline, there is no specific age defined in Florida law regarding when a child can be left home alone. However, they have indicated that a child aged 8 or older who is mature and knows whom to contact in an emergency and is not disabled or mentally challenged can be left at home alone. For further information and clarification of this rule, contact the DCF Abuse Hotline at (1-800)-962-2873.
I couldn't do it... my kids would do something that required security to come...:rolleyes:

I had to laugh at this, we were all in the room ASMusic and my 18 month old pulled the phone off the hook. We don't have any phones with cords at home so we didn't even think about it's draw to DS#2. It never made any noise so no one noticed next thing we know Barney Fife was huffing and puffing at our door as if he'd run 5 miles at a 4:30 pace to get there asking if we needed 911 services.

We were totally shocked we told him no (kind of freaked wondering why they would think that, first thing you think is what's going on that we don't know about, fire, etc), he told us that if a phone is left off the hook in the WDW resorts it automatically dials security and then 911 after so long. We apologized profusley and put the phone out of reach. The manager came by a short time later to confirm. We were so embarassed, we figure if he's got security running to us at 1 what'll happen at 13 ;).

I would judge how far you're comfortable with by what you do at home. I think once I was able walk to the neighbors a few doors down for a few moments with him home alone knowing he wouldn't leave or open doors to anyone I'd be good with it. Some kids can totally handle that at 8 some not till 12.
According to the Department of Children and Families, Abuse Hotline, there is no specific age defined in Florida law regarding when a child can be left home alone. However, they have indicated that a child aged 8 or older who is mature and knows whom to contact in an emergency and is not disabled or mentally challenged can be left at home alone. For further information and clarification of this rule, contact the DCF Abuse Hotline at (1-800)-962-2873.

I figured that was the case. In KY there is no age specific age either. Like I said, I would not leave my DD 8 alone for any length of time because she is oblivious to danger and still thinks the world is all butterflies and that the man at the door with a chain saw really just wants her to help find his lost puppy:scared1: My DD 11 is very mature and has been her entire life, just born with an old soul and can be trusted to be left alone. DD 8 may have babysitters until she is 18 and I may send one with her to college.:laughing:
As I said above, that came DIRECTLY from a BREVARD county Sherriff Deputy, so it could be OUR county here that has the law, he stated FLORIDA law, I stated above I couldn't find anything either...so please, don't flame me for quoting a sheriff's deputy, who knew they could be wrong?? :confused3
It's not a flame just because I disagree with you. Believe me when I say, being flamed is much, much worse :cutie:.
I couldn't do it, I worry about everything. I would relax and enjoy the down time- it's such a busy vacation.
I was in the shower and my DH left our 8 year old daughter in the room while he went to get ice. I got out of the shower and assumed she was with DH. he came in the room without her. She had left the room and got on a Disney bus. I was running around hollering for her, and as I approached the guest services area, a lady had DD by her hand and was walking her to the guest services area. The lady said that DD got on to the bus and the lady noticed no one was with her and took her off the bus to bring to guest services. This could have turned out very bad, and I would have never expected that my daughter would leave our room.

:hug: OMG I would have been so upset. I bet you nearly had a heart attack. You just never know what is going to happen.
The Mcann family was on vacation in Portugal and little Maddie was taken a week before her 4th b-day...right out of her hotel room. I wouldn't leave any child under the age of 12 or 13 alone in a hotel room.

Wasn't that situation a little iffy, though, in that it didn't seem to quite add up about the story?

I certainly wouldn't leave a toddler alone anywhere (heck, when mine were 3 I didn't even *shower* unless DH was home :rotfl: ), but I would be comfortable leaving a responsible 8 or 9yo for a few minutes at a time. My oldest is 11 now and I've been okay with leaving him for a few minutes to get ice or something like that for a couple-few years. Now that he's got a cell of his own, it is even more comfortable because if he needs me I'm just a ring away, but he's a very practical, level-headed kid by nature. My DD is 7 and though she is a good/responsible child, she's easily frightened. There's no way I will be leaving her in a year or two the way I did DS. Different kids, different personalities, different comfort zones, and different boundaries.

To the OP - there is a small coffee pot in the room at WL and the rooms have balconies. If you just want coffee and some quiet time before your son gets up, you can get that without leaving the room at all! Bring a book and just enjoy the peace & quiet and the beautiful views at the Lodge.
I'm sorry i hope i don't offend anyone, but i think the amount of judgment our society places on mothers is nuts. Why are we scaring this woman to death because she wants a cup of coffee. It should be up to the parents as to when they leave thr kids alone. Clearly no child should be in danger, but its just a simple reality that you can't sit 24 hours a day glued to your child. I might be speaking out of place, i only have a 4 year old, so i have not been in a position to leave him alone yet, but come on, when i was 8 I used to walk to school by myself... alone... ask your child what they think they should do if they wake up and your not thr, she what they say, decide if they are ready.
Thank you everyone for your responses... but

1. I dont want to end up in jail...for leaving him to get coffee at 5am for 5 minutes...if roaring forks is open that early!!)

2. I dont want him getting on a bus.. if he happens to wake up:scared1:

3. The McCann Family (was it in spain or portugal..?) always comes to mind which made me second guess all this..

so with all this being said... i will force myself back to sleep!!

1. There seems to be no actual law saying you can't leave him alone, a couple people have quoted things that said specifically there is no legal minimum age and that it depends on the child's maturity (which only you know), how safe the location is (about the safest place in the US I would guess), how long you are gone (long enough to get coffee ... 5 or 10 minutes), and whether he can reach you (you do have 2 cell phones between you, right?).

2. If you really think he's likely to get on a bus, then you definitely should not leave him alone. :rotfl: If you think he can take your instructions seriously and follow them (if I am not here, do not leave, do not open the door for any reason, you can call me on my cell phone but do not open the door for any reason), then I don't see why not.

3. It was Portugal. Besides the fact that the stories never quite added up, I am 100% sure your DS8 is way more mature and able to follow directions than a not-quite-four-year-old ... which might or might not make him mature and able to follow directions enough to be left alone.

4. No child has ever, and I mean EVER, been kidnapped on WDW property. Ever. So frankly the dangers of a stranger kidnapping him are approximately zero. The real danger is whether he's likely to do anything that would cause injury or property damage, and that's something that only someone who knows him personally (e.g. you) would know.
No way. I would never leave a child that young anywhere alone. I don't care if Walt came back from the grave to stand guard outside the door. I believe in age appropriate freedom. I don't think that leaving a 2nd grader in a hotel room and then going to do laundry is age appropriate. Even the most mature 8 year olds might be swayed by a convincing "staff" member or might panic when they wake up and find no adult there.
Of course each parent has to make their own decisions. The OP asked for opinions and that is mine.

OP- I too am an early riser on vacation. I usually make sure I have a book in the room and I make coffee. The WL has a coffee pot in the room with supplies. It is nice to have a little down time in the morning. Have a cup of coffee and sit on the balcony. You could also shower and organize your room. Another thing I would do is at night I would make sure to bring up some snacks to the room so you can maybe have coffee and a donut etc. Otherwise you will be starving by the time your late sleeping child wakes up. Trust me on that.:laughing:
I'm sorry i hope i don't offend anyone, but i think the amount of judgment our society places on mothers is nuts. Why are we scaring this woman to death because she wants a cup of coffee. It should be up to the parents as to when they leave thr kids alone. Clearly no child should be in danger, but its just a simple reality that you can't sit 24 hours a day glued to your child. I might be speaking out of place, i only have a 4 year old, so i have not been in a position to leave him alone yet, but come on, when i was 8 I used to walk to school by myself... alone... ask your child what they think they should do if they wake up and your not thr, she what they say, decide if they are ready.

Yes we can not stand gaurd 24/7 BUT we can do our best to prevent things from happening. Like the little girl in Portugal if she really was taken then it could have been prevented by not leaving her in the hotel to go and eat with friends plain and simple. To me a cup of cofee isn't worth leaving my child PERIOD
I would totally leave my 8 year old son. I would brief him the night before that if he wakes and it's after 5 a.m., and you're not there, that you have just gone to get a cup of coffee and that you will be right back. That he shouldn't worry.

My 8 year old is very mature and responsible. He has a 6 year old sister who is, ummm, not so much. She's the one who would be swinging from the balcony, so I know what you all mean - that it depends on the particular child.

I feel so sorry for the McCanns in Portugal. I believe that Europeans have different standards when it comes to leaving children alone than we do. The unimaginable happened to them.
Just FYI, on the bus thing: at 5 am that isn't an issue. There are no guest busses at 5 am except the airport/cruise port busses, and they won't let you on those without a reservation.

I agree that *most* healthy 8 yo's should be able to handle waking up alone in a hotel room and spending up to 30 minutes alone if Mom has briefed them the night before and also left a note and a phone number. I know for a fact that mine would just reach for the remote and turn on some cartoons -- the only issue that might happen would be if he had the volume too loud and someone complained.

DH goes out in the early morning to take photos at resorts all the time, has done for years, and yes, he does it when he travels alone with DS, who is now 12. I do NOT worry about this. I sometimes go out myself to swim in the morning. (I'm not normally an early riser, but the lure of an empty pool in the sunshine is irresistable.)

DS knows that if he needs the details of where we are, when we'll be back, etc., he should look on the bathroom mirror -- we write the note there with soap. I picked up this trick when I was in college and needed to leave a note for a roommate -- it was the one place I knew she was guaranteed not to miss it. Since the bathroom is the only other place where someone can be out of sight in a hotel room, it is also the best place for a note. Big letters written with a bar of soap are very eye-catching, especially if you need to see around them to brush your teeth or shave. :)
Yes we can not stand gaurd 24/7 BUT we can do our best to prevent things from happening. Like the little girl in Portugal if she really was taken then it could have been prevented by not leaving her in the hotel to go and eat with friends plain and simple. To me a cup of cofee isn't worth leaving my child PERIOD

We all feel our children are to be protected at all costs. But i could make your argument about anything. I'm willing to bet, it is much more likely that a person will get killed in an auto accident, then someones child getting kidnapped in a 10 min window. Do you not drive? of course you do,, but your as safe as can be about it,, do the speed limit, wear your seat belt, have your car inspected. I think that if she feels her 8 year old is mature enough to take instruction, she should just use caution, explain what to do if you wake and mommy's not thr, make sure the child understands how to use the phone.. etc...
Also, State of Florida LAW states that it is ILLEGAL to leave any child under the age of 12 alone, either in a car, or a house, or apartment, not sure if that includes hotels but it probably does. I have a co-worker who's husband works for our County Sherriff's office, and I asked her. Does it happen younger then that, sure, but if you get caught, you CAN go to jail!!! Keep that in mind...I have an 11 yr old, and am scared to death to leave him home alone, even after getting off the bus, and I work 2 miles from home!! My DH is a Chief in the Coast Guard, it wouldn't look good if his wife went to Jail for child endangerment, or neglect, or anything else!!

This is NOT true...they go by how mature the child is.My dh is a cop and has had to deal with this issue many times.I was babysitting by the time I was 13.There are kids around here that are latchkey kids by the time they are 10 yrs old.I had one girl in my area stop me down the rd because she knows my dh is a cop because she got home from school and thought someone had come in her house,I called the police and they came and searched the home and made sure no one had been there and called her mom to tell her she was safe.


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