A Very Lurkyloo Christmas is FINISHED! New 3/16: Last Day of the Trip!

Carrie, I LOVE your DL pics! I've always wanted to go, but your pics just push me over the edge! And how cool is that Blue Sky Cellar?!?!?!? WDW SO needs one of those, especially with the major Fantasyland expansion coming up. It would be so cool to see what's on the horizon at Disney World.

In honor of Halloween (and Disney), I thought I would share a pic of my two cuties in their costumes. Hope you don't mind, Carrie! I just love to show them off!

Aww!! Thats adorable!! :goodvibes
Back from our trip & catching up on your plans.
Still lovin' the DL Halloween decorations......how is the weather in Cali in Oct because it was so stinkin' hot in Florida last week that I thought I was going to melt.:lmao:
amazing just amazing pics. Why does DL look so much better than WDW?

Well, online pundits say it's because the Disneyland resort is smaller and currently has better management, which means the parks are cleaner, better-kept, and have more new and interesting things going on. WDW is so big, it seems to take forever for changes to be implemented, and they don't even seem to be able to keep up with basic maintenance.

Great pics from DL!! I love all the Halloween decorations.

I'll pass that along to DH! He just loooves his camera! :goodvibes

Great pictures of DL. Makes me want to be there! I'll make it back one day.

Yes! I hope you do - everyone needs to see it at least once!

Love the DL pics...makes me really excited about our trip out there in June :cool1:

Fun! I think you'll have a good time - the weather is still pleasant then, and lots of the annual passholders are blocked out, so crowds are manageable.

Hmmm....that certainly is interesting about the bench! If they did in fact ship it from Griffith Park, it sure looks like they did a paint job on it! Perhaps they were trying to restore it more to an "original" look as the lacquered and shiny green paint job on the one we saw was clearly not the original!

I would say a DSI (Disney Scene Investigation in Mongello-speak) is clearly in order next time you & Patrick are in the GP neighbourhood. Be sure to update us!;)

Definitely! I'm glad you made it back home OK. It was lots of fun showing you around LA! :)

Carrie love all those pics of DL decorated for Halloween especially the NBC ones! That is DF's favorite movie and is dying to get to DL to see it at Halloween. Hoepfully some day soon.

Hmm that is interesting about the bench. It will be interesting to find out if it is the real one of not.

Yeah, I gotta make Patrick go up to the park and find out....

I have a few questions about Disneyland. How many days do you recommend for seeing it for the first time? I know that we will never be able to see it all, but would like to see a good bit.

My inlaws were just here and spent four nights and 3 1/2 days. They thought they'd stayed one day too long, but I would recommend at least 2 1/2 days. You'll definitely want more than one whole day for Disneyland, but you don't need a full day for DCA yet. In 2011 or 2012 when Carsland opens, it'll probably hold interest longer....

Also, what is the weather like in June and July? Is it as hot as it is in Florida? We just got back from WDW 5 days ago and decided as a family that we would like to go some place different next time( I think it is the Disney Depression talking because I'm starting to regret that decision). So DH and the kids want to do Disneyland. Thanks for helping me out.

The weather is MUCH nicer here in June and July. We have this thing called the marine layer that keeps temperatures down through June and (this year) into July. It didn't start getting hot here until late August this year, and then it was miserable for a few weeks over the next two months. It's still pretty warm now - stoopid Global Warming screwing up our weather!

I hope you can come out to Disneyland!

I wonder if they have any D23 special event in July at WDW. If so, I'm signing up now lol

Nothing has been announced so far, but they keep saying they have lots more events planned. :thumbsup2

I agree, DF and I LOVE those light boxes!! We own the NBC one and we are adding the Lady & the Tramp to our collection on our honeymoon! :cool1:

Awww.... that's a great tradition to start! You could do one for each anniversary! :lovestruc

I love the "I would almost eat an apple to taste this" comment! Too funny.

What can I say... not a fruit lover.... Plus, I think my dentist would back me up on that one! :rotfl:

Hey Carrie,
I love all the pictures! Since I spent most of my childhood in S Ca it made me just a tiny bit homesick. But I live in FL now so not too homesick:rotfl:
I do miss the Matterhorn, Mr. Toad's Wildride, and the Alice in Wonderland ride. The BB is my fav resturant and I always loved how the POTC ride went through it. One time we had a group of kids throw us bread rolls, it was too funny.

That's hilarious! We always wave at the boats as they go by... never thought to chuck anything at them!

I had to tell you this, I thought you would apperciate it. We had dinner at the Hoop D Doo Revue last Friday and went over the the CR afterwards to watch Hallowishes. My 2 younger girls watched a bride walk into the bathroom by the Wave. They looked at eachother, then at me and said "we have to go to the bathroom." They ran into the bathroom and came back out, "oh mom! you have to go in there! She is so pretty, her dress is beautiful."
Well I didn't go in, but it did bring tears to my eyes thinking how they get to be Disney Bride stalkers at such a young age.:rotfl2: I tried to go into Lurkyloo stealth mode and take a pic with my iPhone, but I didn't get a very good one. It's so hard to be sneaky and take a pic. Next time, if I am brave, I should just ask if we can take a pic with the girls and the bride(is that disrepectful to the bride?) Oooh maybe we can start a little album of Disney Brides, ok maybe that's going too far :rotfl:
Hope you are doing well.

That is SO sweet! I think I speak for many brides when I say that it definitely makes your day when little girls run up to you on your wedding day. I totally would have posed for a picture! So I say, if you see another one and she's not obviously in the middle of a wedding-day activity, go for it! :goodvibes

In honor of Halloween (and Disney), I thought I would share a pic of my two cuties in their costumes. Hope you don't mind, Carrie! I just love to show them off!

SOOOOOO cute! :love: Thanks for sharing that picture!

Carrie, hope you're doing ok! :hug:

Thank you! :cloud9: I am great! I've been immersed in PassPorter books. We just released one for British travelers that I've been working on for 2 years, so that was huge.

Back from our trip & catching up on your plans.
Still lovin' the DL Halloween decorations......how is the weather in Cali in Oct because it was so stinkin' hot in Florida last week that I thought I was going to melt.:lmao:

Oh my gosh, it has been hot here too! This week is OK, but the beginning of last week was riDICulous! I'm sorry you had crummy weather on your trip, but in your pix it still looked like a lot of fun! :teeth:
OK, here are some more pictures from that Disneyland trip! We have a few from subsequent trips, but I gotta get them off DH's camera.















While we were in the park, they announced the addition of an 11:30pm Fantasmic! which is the best one to go to because it has the fewest crowds. And instead of camping out for 2 hours to get a spot, you just waltz right up about 15 minutes before. When we got there, everyone was clustered in the front but way off to the side for some reason, so we just kept going til we got dead center, front section. It was great!





New Flotsam & Jetsam, on jetskis!



The new dragon was dubbed Murphy because, according to Murphy's Law, everything that could go wrong with her did and she wasn't ready until after the Summer NightTastic promotion bearing her image on billboards all over SoCal was OVER!

She is really cool, but DH was disappointed she's only onstage for like 3 minutes.








"Yes, but do you have any Jack Skellington merchandise?"








It was 12:30am by the time we staggered out - good times!


OK, I'll be back in a few days to freak out about how our trip is only a month away! :thumbsup2
Ooo great pics! Its nice to be able to live vicariously through someone else since our next trip is so far away... I hope we get a chance to get out to Disneyland in the next few years!
Wow, awesome pics! I've never been to Disneyland, but my baby sis just moved to L.A., so I'm bound to get there sooner or later. Can't wait! :cool1:
Did you catch a ghostly orb on the pirate skeleton's face? Where are the ghost hunters when you need them?:rotfl2:

I visited DL many, many moons ago. It is so different now. Has it changed all that much or is it because I'm ol........ an adult? The shot of the carousel horse is wonderful!
Carrie, thanks for sharing all the DL pics! I've been so behind on the DIS lately. It was fun to come back and see all your pics.

Andrea - What beautiful babies!:cutie:
Love the pictures! I am still surprised at all the different things are between DL and WDW even though the rides have the same name. I really need to get out there soon.
I love the pics :goodvibes How's the job hunting going? Or are you just waiting to see what comes along? I hope the right company finds you :hug:
When I make it to DL with my family it will be a requirement that Carrie goes as tour guide and Patrick the official photgrapher. Excellent new pics.

Wouldn't that be a great graduation gift???? We go to WDW every yr...we can take DS to DL for graduation....or the Disney Cruise. Heck he'd never wnat to go on a Sr trip with friends, right?

1.5 more yrs
Back from our trip & catching up on your plans.
Still lovin' the DL Halloween decorations......how is the weather in Cali in Oct because it was so stinkin' hot in Florida last week that I thought I was going to melt.:lmao:
Hey, Melanie! :wave2: Let me know how you like the Hilton Head resort. We will take our first trip "home" to SSR next year, but we hope to make it to HHI at some point, too.

OK, I'll be back in a few days to freak out about how our trip is only a month away! :thumbsup2

There is something about a well designed retail display that just warms my shopaholic little heart!

Yay for being a month away!!! How exciting!!!! :yay:

Andrea - What beautiful babies!:cutie:

Thank you!!! :lovestruc
I love that you can take so many Disneyland trips.

I might be able to take a few week end trips to WDW if my plans to move to FL materialize.


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