gossip/name calling about you

I was never been called names before until this year (atleast that I know of) and this girl in my nursing program called me a stupid *insert word here*.

I then locked the girl out of our home school that day as my payback. But I am not a mean person. If someone starts stuff with me I will back.
in high school I was called a number of very creative names by a small group of people because:
I liked to play sports
I liked to participate in physical activities like hiking, kayaking, etc.
My orientation.

apparently I wasn't behaving appropriately for being a girl.

I usually laughed it off ... I don't really care what people think of me. Maybe I'm a little different than some people, but oh well!
I don't even know where to begin witht the names I've been called.
I don't let it get to me though, because they are all by people I hardley know.
I've probably been called a ton of mean things, but people are too scared to say any of it to my face because I'm "the girl in the walker". One kid did say "she can't even walk or talk" behind my back, and I found out. I'm nice to pretty much everyone unless they start a problem with me. I hate that people are scared to be honest with me. If you have a problem with me, tell me. My handicap shouldn't (and doesn't) matter.
I probably get called a lot of things behind my back. I can't really remember the last time I was called anything to my face, besides when my friend joke around with me. I have a bad memory sometimes
Oh boy.

I'm nice to everyone, mostly because I haven't been physically in school for 2 years. I don't know, it just seems like I'm a target now. Even my friends (or should I say "friends") call me names, and most of the time not in good humor. Let's see, I've been called a crybaby, a nerd, a prude, a I****, a germaphobe, antisocial, a killjoy, and lots more.

In short, teenagers suck.
Oh boy.

I'm nice to everyone, mostly because I haven't been physically in school for 2 years. I don't know, it just seems like I'm a target now. Even my friends (or should I say "friends") call me names, and most of the time not in good humor. Let's see, I've been called a crybaby, a nerd, a prude, a b****, a germaphobe, antisocial, a killjoy, and lots more.

In short, teenagers suck.

If you're not in school physically, then how are kids who call you names getting access to you?
I get called depressed a lot.
Most of the people who call me that, I have never even spoken to before.
I just brush it off.

I also got told that "I care too much about music."
I didn't really understand that one..
Pretty much this.
i can't really remember being called anything..?
but i'm sure it's said behind my back.
oh one time this chav asked my best friends if i was a lesbian because i never talk about lads.
they were like well, number one - you're not friends so you wouldn't talk to each other about that stuff really. number two - you should hear her go on about certain lads all the time. and number three - just because you tell the world about your sex life, it doesn't mean everyone else does.
I've never really been made fun of, at least not that I know of. I'm a nice person, and while I do have my sour moments, I'm generally sweet to everyone who gets to know me.

That said, I have a wall. A really, really strong wall that rarely comes down. So for that, people who don't know me or don't make the effort to know me or don't respond to my effots like to call me a cold hard ***** and a stuck-up. Which is really, really not who I am. I'm quiet, shy, and I have a guard. I try to let it down but it's a 50/50 chance and I'm working on making it better.
A couple of years ago everyone started a rumor that i was anorexic. I used to get random text messages telling me to eat. That rumor went away though.
I used to get called:
Now i get called:
Suck up
beautiful! haha
I left school (for online school) before high school...so this is middle school/people I live with: Devil's daughter, The Grudge/girl from The Ring, witch, autistic, Devil worshipper, failure, stupid, weird, freak, mute, gay (by my sister who is gay lol), idiot, mental...some people thought I was deaf and would say stuff about me right infront of me lol.
ive been called
pothead, [edited] , gay, ***, and a bunch of other stuff. I think its funny! and slut O:
If you're not in school physically, then how are kids who call you names getting access to you?

I'm homeschooled also (if thats what he/she means) and I still find out when people say something about me.

I still have friends from my old school and my boyfriend and best friend always tell me when my name is mentioned in a negative way.
I've been called, lesbian, slut, lazy, *****, all that...but mostly the ppl who say those things to me dont no the real me ..
in middle school, people called me penguin girl, but in 8th they didn't do it anymore. it didn't quite bother me since i knew the people who called me that were idiots and actually would need my help with class work. And there was this one guy in 8th grade who made fun of my drawing abilities(i'm a very good drawer) and my liking of manga/anime(that's the style i draw in), but he was just an idiot so it didn't bug me :D
my friends tease me for liking the beatles.

its a little annoying. but we have this little 'popular' clique in our year, and they actually think they are better than everyone else?

there is this girl, and everytime she talks it sounds like she is trying to take the pee out of everyone xD

its very patronizing.

im getting a little bullied on my train, but hey, its all building towards a stronger character. the girl who does it is a whacko anyway xD
my friends tease me for liking the beatles.

its a little annoying. but we have this little 'popular' clique in our year, and they actually think they are better than everyone else?

there is this girl, and everytime she talks it sounds like she is trying to take the pee out of everyone xD

its very patronizing.

im getting a little bullied on my train, but hey, its all building towards a stronger character. the girl who does it is a whacko anyway xD
tell them it's better than the crap they listen to, which is probably like clubland dance crap? [no offence to anyone who actually likes clubland..]


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