Disboutiquers Part 20 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)




Let me say i have been missing for the past few days to get this dress finished It was a challenge. I was trying to rush it out for my niece. Oh well the next one for my DD3 will be better.

I love Love Love everyones designs ..... You ladies are working hard. Such an inspiration to do more.
One of Taylor's friends had a wear your favorite super hero birthday party this weekend, so I finally found a use for some of the couple pink incredibles fabrics I had, and made her this dress:


Oh and I've been meaning to share pictures of my new work space, so here are a few pictures, it feels nice to have a place for everything, now I just need to decorate a little more since I plan to spend lots and lots of time in there.

And I have 1 last thing to share..... as I've mentioned before I have searched and searched and searched for more of the fabric I used to make Taylor this dress with 8 princesses on it last year....

I've been wanting to make Tay a dress with all 9 (it now bugs me pocahauntas is missing, and she is outgrowing it) plus I've had several requests to remake the dress. Well I gave up on finding the fabric, and have spent wayyyyy too many hours looking for a suitable replacement with no luck. So I finally decided to design my own fabric for it, and I love what I came up with.... even more so than the original fabric. It is being printed now and I should have the sample yard in another week or so.
Here is the design I came up with and spent the past few days tweaking to get what I wanted, I am already working on a couple more designs for other fabrics I want, but I want to see how this one prints and turns out first. Anyhow this is what is looks like on my computer, I'm super excited to see it on fabric! This image will be on the fabric as 8 in by 8 in, and the pattern repeats.

I love the dress! And your sewing room looks fantastic. I bet that fabric will look great. I can't wait to see pictures when you get it.

FYI - I am posting a lot of pictures but it took me about 60+ hours to do these so I have to have my 10 seconds of fame...LOL.
My boss gave me this quilt that has been used and abused for many years by generations of kiddos in his family. He wanted me to do "something" with it.
So (with his permission) cut it up and made 3 baby quilts for him to give to his 3 grown children.
This is the original quilt...you can see the huge tear on the right middle but you can't really see all the tiny tears all over it. It was a chore just to find good sections to salvage.

The only difference in the 3 are the pieces of original quilt (the middle 4 sections/blocks) and a couple of the borders. I used vintage 1940-50 replicated fabric.
Quilt #1


These aren't the best pictures. I waited until too late to take them but I have to deliver the quilts tomorrow and I wanted to show these to you.
That is the sweetest thing they will love and cherish always. You did a wonderful job.

I will be suspiciously away from my computer until sometime tomorrow. I will be taking some dreaded tests at the hospital today. I have been dreading it since December and tried to convince my doctor they weren't needed...

Please don't move without me, but if you do I'll hunt you down and find you when I get back! LOL

I just downloaded the Stitch Era....hopefully I will remember to go in and try and figure out a bit of it in a day or so.

Sweet dreams......zzzzzzzz


Nini, I hope everything goes ok, my thoughts are with you!




Let me say i have been missing for the past few days to get this dress finished It was a challenge. I was trying to rush it out for my niece. Oh well the next one for my DD3 will be better.

I love Love Love everyones designs ..... You ladies are working hard. Such an inspiration to do more.

How adorable is she! Like a mini Cindy!!



Let me say i have been missing for the past few days to get this dress finished It was a challenge. I was trying to rush it out for my niece. Oh well the next one for my DD3 will be better.

I love Love Love everyones designs ..... You ladies are working hard. Such an inspiration to do more.

This is so precious, Great job. I can't wait to get to sewing more, but right now we are saving up for our trip in Oct and I don;t have a collection of fabrics like most of you ladies have. Can't wait til Christmas and birthday I have asked everyone for gift cards to Joanne's and Hancocks LOL. I will stock up then and sew till my heart's content.

I am in :love: LOVE :love: with that Cindy Dress! I am going to have to make one for my daughter when we go in November and have been researching how to do it! Did you use the Precious Dress pattern? I love the fabric that you chose as well...do you mind sharing what kind of fabric it was? I don't have much experience with "special" fabrics like the satin and organza type fabrics, so I am worried about it being too hard towork with! Any advice?
Ok I know I have posted these on FB but not here yet. Here is the upcycle I made for Peach's dress like a famous person day at school. She was Taylor Swift.

Here is the before.

Here is the after

Here is the Full Taylor makeover


The whole outfit only cost $5 with bangles, necklace, sunglasses and all! She totally dug it.
Yes! That is the one I use!!!!

Oh my! Don't let the dog eat your pins! Thanks Jennie and tell him thank you, too!

Thanks! He really was!

Thanks Jessica. It should be in our 2007 TR??? That was very nice of Rebecca wasn't it?

Your Son smile is so beautiful Alicia Thank you for sharing that with us.
Ok I know I have posted these on FB but not here yet. Here is the upcycle I made for Peach's dress like a famous person day at school. She was Taylor Swift.

Here is the before.

Here is the after

Here is the Full Taylor makeover


The whole outfit only cost $5 with bangles, necklace, sunglasses and all! She totally dug it.

Way to go, I love when i can get away with a deal for somthing school related
I am in :love: LOVE :love: with that Cindy Dress! I am going to have to make one for my daughter when we go in November and have been researching how to do it! Did you use the Precious Dress pattern? I love the fabric that you chose as well...do you mind sharing what kind of fabric it was? I don't have much experience with "special" fabrics like the satin and organza type fabrics, so I am worried about it being too hard towork with! Any advice?

Oh thank you so much. I am glad you liked it. I used the simplicity pattern for cinderella in sizes 2t - 4t for the costumes. I wanted to use the Carla pattern but my niece wanted it to be exact like cinderella so i chose the simplicity pattern. I agree the satins are hard to work with . I am not sure the exact fabric but it looks like a satin but is not as slippery. I mostly go by the feel. I also got a ball point needle for thin and sheer fabric and loosened my tension if that helps.
I bought the carla dress pattern today and plan to make the belle dress next. we will see.
This is so precious, Great job. I can't wait to get to sewing more, but right now we are saving up for our trip in Oct and I don;t have a collection of fabrics like most of you ladies have. Can't wait til Christmas and birthday I have asked everyone for gift cards to Joanne's and Hancocks LOL. I will stock up then and sew till my heart's content.

I always ask for gift cards for those places but never get them. I got my fabric at joanns on sale i think i paid 4 a yard so not to bad
FYI - I am posting a lot of pictures but it took me about 60+ hours to do these so I have to have my 10 seconds of fame...LOL.
My boss gave me this quilt that has been used and abused for many years by generations of kiddos in his family. He wanted me to do "something" with it.
So (with his permission) cut it up and made 3 baby quilts for him to give to his 3 grown children.
This is the original quilt...you can see the huge tear on the right middle but you can't really see all the tiny tears all over it. It was a chore just to find good sections to salvage.

The only difference in the 3 are the pieces of original quilt (the middle 4 sections/blocks) and a couple of the borders. I used vintage 1940-50 replicated fabric.
Quilt #1


Quilt #2


Quilt #3

A close up of the side border (called piano keys) and the fabrics I used

and last but not least (I promise)...a picture of the label I made for each one.
I am not thrilled with the line up of the letters but the kids called the original quilt "Old Pink" so I had to incorporate it someway.

These aren't the best pictures. I waited until too late to take them but I have to deliver the quilts tomorrow and I wanted to show these to you.

This quilt is so precious How sweet. I can see the love that was made into that quilt. Only sweet dreams can come from that blanket
I purchased several fonts via internet. I really like them but can't for the life of me figure out how you line them up to make a word on the embroidery machine. Do you just have to do a letter at a time and re-adjust each time and hope it comes out close to wear it is suppose to be? I did that for 2 words last night and it took me forever (and messed up several times). Am I just being crazy or is there a way to tell the machine which letters you want together? Gosh...I don't even think I am making sense. I hope someone understands...

For example, I want to write "I love you" and I have all the letters in the machine but it only lets me pick one letter at a time. Any advise?:confused:

I had that problem and come to find out with my machine the futura you needed hyperfont to be able to type out the words or just ask a digitizer to digitize what you want to spell ... sometimes you can get one who you can work with all the time. I would say Heathersue or you can invest in the software for your machine.
I had to share our recent pictures :) I haven't uploaded my pictures yet but here are some from our photopass. I took the semi lazy route and got someone off etsy to make all our shirts and the girls BBB princess outfits. :) I even went much simpler on the skirts than I planned since I put it off for too long :lmao:.













Adorable! You guys all look so cute! I love how the kids have a stuffed animal too! I would have loved to get a stuffed animal to carry around when i was a kid! Great job on the skirts! The daisy zebra one is my favorite!! But I also love the AH with all the kids! Sooo cute! And of course I :love: the shirts!

I am the complete opposite, I never do anything with my photopass pictures!
Hi Girls. Just checking in. It's been a stressful day. I wanted to make a Carly bubble for Hannah, for the Sis Boom sale.... but between yesterday and today I have had no time and now Im too stressed and tired.

Yesterday Megan couldnt nap and complained her head hurt.
She went back to the pediatrician who said the hematoma had spread, but was still ambivalent about it. She said they don't usually do CT scans unless odd behavior presents itself- but I'd say crying in her sleep and not being able to nap is off for her, and I said I think we need to do it anyway.
SO...of course the radiologists computers crashed and they couldnt get her in yesterday, so she went to today. DH went with me.

She was very scared, even though I prepped her, Daddy tried first, but he couldnt get her to stop crying and came out to get me and swap kids.. i promised a surprise toy (sunglasses and Tinkerbell doll Wendy brought back from WDW for me) and ice cream if she could just do this (it's a big open machine) I asked her to practice her slow breathing, but she was having a really hard time- finally a tech thought to put sticker up on the machine and asked her to look at the sticker and she could have it when she finished. Then she held my hand and I sang to her and she did a good job.

Our pedi called us at the radiologist to tell us the results- a small area of subdural bleeding and another area about the size of a pin, this means bleeding on the brain. DH did NOT understand thats what it meant- but we learned this later.. My husband kept saying to her "so, no fracture, so she's fine, right?" and the Pediatrician said yes, but suggested we go to see a neurologist to "get any questions we might have answered" My husband said- Nah, I dont have any questions- I said "I DO! and yes, I would like to go"
We waited an hour in the neurologist's office...and he looked at her and showed us the "pictures"
He said the concussion was minor, but the hematoma "bumps up the grade"
Prognosis- monitor her, no running, limit her hopping off things as best we can, no preschool for at least another 10 days until we return with her to have him examine her again.
I'm seriously considering getting a new pediatrician, but it's hard, we have been there since Megan was born. I also don't like that they haven't paid much attention to Hannah's delays- but clearly she is.

I am so sorry my posts lately seem to be all about me and I feel selfish about that. I really do read everything and love seeing everyone's new creations.
To show how stressed I am I made my husband agree to go to the Sis Boom sale today- I promised I would be there only 45 minutes. So we drove all the way to Wilton, only to get to Jennifer's house (Thank you LORD that she wasn't there-she passed us on our way out) Because it doesnt start til TOMORROW!
The only people there were the guys doing the landscaping- I was off by a day.
DH was actually very patient about this wasted trip.

Im so tired I feel like crying. I'm really concerned about Megan, even though the bleeding on the brain is small, I pray it stops and heals and we can keep her safe for the next 2 weeks. She can do NOTHING for the next 2 weeks and it's to be expected she will be uncomfortable for another 2 weeks. This is a 4 year old. My sweet little girl.
Tonight she asked if she could go outside and just stand.
So she did. She stood in front of our front door and was singing (I think to the flowers)

Thanks for letting me write this. I know this is a supportive group.
Please keep her in your prayers.
Hi Girls. Just checking in. It's been a stressful day. I wanted to make a Carly bubble for Hannah, for the Sis Boom sale.... but between yesterday and today I have had no time and now Im too stressed and tired.

Yesterday Megan couldnt nap and complained her head hurt.
She went back to the pediatrician who said the hematoma had spread, but was still ambivalent about it. She said they don't usually do CT scans unless odd behavior presents itself- but I'd say crying in her sleep and not being able to nap is off for her, and I said I think we need to do it anyway.
SO...of course the radiologists computers crashed and they couldnt get her in yesterday, so she went to today. DH went with me.

She was very scared, even though I prepped her, Daddy tried first, but he couldnt get her to stop crying and came out to get me and swap kids.. i promised a surprise toy (sunglasses and Tinkerbell doll Wendy brought back from WDW for me) and ice cream if she could just do this (it's a big open machine) I asked her to practice her slow breathing, but she was having a really hard time- finally a tech thought to put sticker up on the machine and asked her to look at the sticker and she could have it when she finished. Then she held my hand and I sang to her and she did a good job.

Our pedi called us at the radiologist to tell us the results- a small area of subdural bleeding and another area about the size of a pin, this means bleeding on the brain. DH did NOT understand thats what it meant- but we learned this later.. My husband kept saying to her "so, no fracture, so she's fine, right?" and the Pediatrician said yes, but suggested we go to see a neurologist to "get any questions we might have answered" My husband said- Nah, I dont have any questions- I said "I DO! and yes, I would like to go"
We waited an hour in the neurologist's office...and he looked at her and showed us the "pictures"
He said the concussion was minor, but the hematoma "bumps up the grade"
Prognosis- monitor her, no running, limit her hopping off things as best we can, no preschool for at least another 10 days until we return with her to have him examine her again.
I'm seriously considering getting a new pediatrician, but it's hard, we have been there since Megan was born. I also don't like that they haven't paid much attention to Hannah's delays- but clearly she is.

I am so sorry my posts lately seem to be all about me and I feel selfish about that. I really do read everything and love seeing everyone's new creations.
To show how stressed I am I made my husband agree to go to the Sis Boom sale today- I promised I would be there only 45 minutes. So we drove all the way to Wilton, only to get to Jennifer's house (Thank you LORD that she wasn't there-she passed us on our way out) Because it doesnt start til TOMORROW!
The only people there were the guys doing the landscaping- I was off by a day.
DH was actually very patient about this wasted trip.

Im so tired I feel like crying. I'm really concerned about Megan, even though the bleeding on the brain is small, I pray it stops and heals and we can keep her safe for the next 2 weeks. She can do NOTHING for the next 2 weeks and it's to be expected she will be uncomfortable for another 2 weeks. This is a 4 year old. My sweet little girl.
Tonight she asked if she could go outside and just stand.
So she did. She stood in front of our front door and was singing (I think to the flowers)

Thanks for letting me write this. I know this is a supportive group.
Please keep her in your prayers.

Nicole, I always feel better after a good cry. Of course I am sure it is best done not in front of the kids. I'll be praying for all of you. You have had a rough time lately. I kept thinking the sale started today and wondered how it went, was thinking it was Thursday, until you just said this!
Hi Girls. Just checking in. It's been a stressful day. I wanted to make a Carly bubble for Hannah, for the Sis Boom sale.... but between yesterday and today I have had no time and now Im too stressed and tired.

Yesterday Megan couldnt nap and complained her head hurt.
She went back to the pediatrician who said the hematoma had spread, but was still ambivalent about it. She said they don't usually do CT scans unless odd behavior presents itself- but I'd say crying in her sleep and not being able to nap is off for her, and I said I think we need to do it anyway.
SO...of course the radiologists computers crashed and they couldnt get her in yesterday, so she went to today. DH went with me.

She was very scared, even though I prepped her, Daddy tried first, but he couldnt get her to stop crying and came out to get me and swap kids.. i promised a surprise toy (sunglasses and Tinkerbell doll Wendy brought back from WDW for me) and ice cream if she could just do this (it's a big open machine) I asked her to practice her slow breathing, but she was having a really hard time- finally a tech thought to put sticker up on the machine and asked her to look at the sticker and she could have it when she finished. Then she held my hand and I sang to her and she did a good job.

Our pedi called us at the radiologist to tell us the results- a small area of subdural bleeding and another area about the size of a pin, this means bleeding on the brain. DH did NOT understand thats what it meant- but we learned this later.. My husband kept saying to her "so, no fracture, so she's fine, right?" and the Pediatrician said yes, but suggested we go to see a neurologist to "get any questions we might have answered" My husband said- Nah, I dont have any questions- I said "I DO! and yes, I would like to go"
We waited an hour in the neurologist's office...and he looked at her and showed us the "pictures"
He said the concussion was minor, but the hematoma "bumps up the grade"
Prognosis- monitor her, no running, limit her hopping off things as best we can, no preschool for at least another 10 days until we return with her to have him examine her again.
I'm seriously considering getting a new pediatrician, but it's hard, we have been there since Megan was born. I also don't like that they haven't paid much attention to Hannah's delays- but clearly she is.

I am so sorry my posts lately seem to be all about me and I feel selfish about that. I really do read everything and love seeing everyone's new creations.
To show how stressed I am I made my husband agree to go to the Sis Boom sale today- I promised I would be there only 45 minutes. So we drove all the way to Wilton, only to get to Jennifer's house (Thank you LORD that she wasn't there-she passed us on our way out) Because it doesnt start til TOMORROW!
The only people there were the guys doing the landscaping- I was off by a day.
DH was actually very patient about this wasted trip.

Im so tired I feel like crying. I'm really concerned about Megan, even though the bleeding on the brain is small, I pray it stops and heals and we can keep her safe for the next 2 weeks. She can do NOTHING for the next 2 weeks and it's to be expected she will be uncomfortable for another 2 weeks. This is a 4 year old. My sweet little girl.
Tonight she asked if she could go outside and just stand.
So she did. She stood in front of our front door and was singing (I think to the flowers)

Thanks for letting me write this. I know this is a supportive group.
Please keep her in your prayers.

So sorry you are going through all of this. It is so difficult to see your child in pain. Hopefully she will heal quickly! :hug:
My nephew and his wife had their baby, Henry, on Friday. I couldn't resist making a couple of more gifts.

I made 2 hooded towels and a teeny tiny little pair of in the hoop booties! So cute! Not sure they will be good for anything but a decoration, but that's ok.

Here's a pic:


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