Milliepie ~ DISign thread part 2 ~ *Please read 1st post updated 2/28/2011*

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Hello! :wave2:

So after a short time away and a move halfway across the country, I'm ready to start DISigning again.

Hello milliepie,

I just found your designs - wow, truly great work! There is one I would be really happy if you could redo it for me, if you have time:

That is the lime green Mickey head where Tinkerbell is just "building" the right ear out of a swirl of pixie dust, and it say in the upper left and lower right corner "I Dis" / "Do you?". Apparently the file is called distinkmh.jpg. Could you please do that with my user name annichan inside the Mickey Head?

Thank you so much in advance, and have a great day!
Hi all! Sorry I've been slow on filling requests. Hopefully this week I will be able to catch up a bit! Thanks for waiting. :goodvibes
Hi. Love your designs!!!
Could I get the following Toy story design with the names:

Also, do you have anything similar with Jesse on it?
My little girls LOVE Jesse! Their names are Emma and Olivia :)

Here you go. :goodvibes

Let me just say I just spent pretty much all day looking at your designs and trying to pick the least possible for my kids! I have been to Disney MANY times, my husband once before, but this will be my childrens first visit... (I think I am more excited than them right now...:cheer2:) I did have a few requests, which I am in no hurry for right now.... we don't go until the end of October!!!!

Halloweenmickeyhead.png 2010 in one ear, and WDW in the other ear with Natalie and 2010

Alyssapinktiaramh.png Natalie

Clementinedisgreentinkmh.jpg 2010 in the ear My First Trip wherever!!!


TS3mh.png Trent and 2010

1st trip buzz

Thank you sooooo much once again.... like I said no rush, and I really do appreciate this soooo much..... I wish I had some talent and could do this on my own...... Maybe I am going a little overboard, but like I said it's my kids first trip!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!

Oh, I know what you mean. I was so excited when we took our kids for the first time. It's like seeing it through a whole new set of eyes. Have fun! :goodvibes

Love your designs! When you have time, I would love to get the jedimickeyhead with the name David. I believe it says jedimickeyheadMH1 on the 4share site, I hope that's the correct info to give. Thanks so much for your time and sharing your talents with us!

Let me know if this isn't the right one and I can change it. :)

Hi! I was looking through your posts and everything is so cool!
I was wondering if you can help me with a door hanger for my wedding?
Our names are Kristen & Bryan September 14, 2010!
thank you so much!

Here are a couple for you. :)

I LOVE your designs! My mom turns 80 in June and when we asked her what she wanted to do for her birthday she said, " I want to go to Disney World with all my kids and grandkids!" Gotta love that! Most of her grandkids are older ( the youngest is 12- all the way up to 28), but most of us love Disney- and we all love Nana! Anyway, I thought it would be great to wear matching shirts for her birthday ( the teenage boys aren't thrilled, but they will do anything for Nana!). We want Nana/mom to get the maximum attention as possible on her birthday. Can you design something for us? I really don't have much of an idea of what would look best- but would love something along the lines of " Celebrating Nana's 80th birthday at Disney World"- but then we would also need a design that substituted Nana with mom ( my mom has this thing about wanting her kids to still call her " mom" and not "nana" because she still likes to be called mom and " I'm not your nana"). Also something for my dad to wear ( since she isn't his mom or nana-lol) and something for he birthday girl! Is all of this possible? It isn't a rush since it won't be until June.

Ok, so here is what I came up with. I wanted to keep it so the boys would want to wear it too. I did one with and one without characters. If you like this let me know and I can fix up the rest. If you wanted to go a whole different direction, I can do that too. :)

I know I say this every time I post on your thread, but your DISigns are awesome. They have always added an extra bit of magic to our wonderful vacations. Thank you! :hug:

I would like to request another name fill, please.

Ashlyn with an Ariel fill. Thank you so much! Ariel is my DD's favorite princess right now and I know she is going to :love: it!!!

Here you go. :)

I was just looking at your photobucket account and love the disney families!!! We have those on the back of our van!

Could you please make me a disney family in color?

My DH is Drew -he has dark brown hair, black shorts, blue shirt
My name is Rochelle - blonde hair, red shirt, black skirt
My DD6 is Makenna - lt. brown hair, red shirt, black skirt
My other DD3 is Addyson - lt. brown hair, red shirt, black skirt

We are the Groeneveld family are we are going in 2010

Do you do invitations to any of the following restaurants?
Whispering Canyon
50's Prime Time
Cape May Cafe
I didn't see them in your shared file so I was just wondering.

Thanks so much!:thumbsup2

Not sure if you found invites yet. If you still need them let me know and I can probably throw something together for you. Oh, Did you want generic invites or info on them?


I love this disign! Could I get a couple please?

Lil Man

Do you have a Mom and Dad of this already made? I don't know if my DH would want his name or Dad. :confused3 (if he went with Dad, I guess I'd go with Mom)


I don't have a Mom and Dad already made, but I'll make it for you. :)
Hi Millie Pie! You have done designs for me in the past, so you were the first one I thought of! :goodvibes I am doing part of the Big Give and would love to do a shirt for their teenage daughter and she is a Harry Potter fan. I have looked through your files and haven't seen any, but could you do Harry Potter? If not do you know someone to recommend? Thanks for any help you can offer! :thumbsup2

I have a couple of Harry potter. I can always make something new too. :)
Let me know if you would like any of them personalized. :goodvibes
I also know that Dolly has some if you want to check her out. :)

I have a couple of Harry potter. I can always make something new too. :)
Let me know if you would like any of them personalized. :goodvibes
I also know that Dolly has some if you want to check her out. :)

Either of these would be great!!! Her name is Katelynn. She would love anything. If you wanna go all out and do something new for her, I amsure she would freak out! This family has had a rough go of it for the last couple months and this wish trip is going to be their first family vacation to Disney ever!! Thanks so much! (Hope her mom isn't looking here too....)
Millie I was looking through your designs and found one I've been looking for :-), it is a Mickey pattern design: mhstarsmh -but I was wondering if you could please make it in baby pink? If so thank you in advance. Nanny 3

Any time. :)

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