Biggest Loser Alumni Holiday Edition: past, present and future participants welcome!

Hi there, where do you live in Mass? Hope you do well with the next challenge. Sometimes it's hard to keep up with all the posts, but it's worth it :goodvibes
I'm just north of Boston about 9 miles up 93 and you? I just noticed that there are a few of us from the great State of Massachusetts ;)

First I have to say is WOW this is a fast moving thread. how in the world do you guys keep up, let alone post responses! My hats off to you guys!:thumbsup2
I Know .... that's why keeping up is one of my New Years Resoultions

Just I quick pop in to say hi and that unofficially I PASSED ALL 3 TESTS!!!!

Congrats :yay::yay:

Just played a marathon game of Disney Apples to Apples TTFN :tigger:

Thanks I didn't know that there was a Disney Edition will need to check it out

Still enjoying our Christmas Vacation with my girls.
Lots of snow and sunshine so we just might build a snow man today .

Have a Magical Day :wizard:

Happy Anniversary to ME! Called at 9 this morning on the off chance that someone had cancelled a night at HHI, I've been trying to add tomorrow since we found out DH would be off this week, calling at least 1 time a day. AT 9 this am, they had 1 studio open! :dance3: So we'll be leaving in the am! Now, everything I thought I had 2 days to do, I only have one. Was doing great, until the funeral, now I'm having a hard time getting re-motivated. Thought a quick jump on here would help.

BTW, I weighed Sophie this am, and she has lost a pound, even with all the holiday foods, so I am feeling better. I talked to mom again, DH is going to talk to his parents again. Hopefully, it will stick this time. FIL was diagnosed w/ pre-diabetes and he is really eating a strict diet, so we told him not to give Sophie anything he wouldn't eat. Mom wants to lose some weight now, which I am glad that she cares again, so maybe that will help, too!

See you guys later! Hope I can get back on later.:hug:
Hi all!

Haven't been home all day. I went to work this morning and when I got home we headed out to see Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Really good movie. After the movie we went to Outback for supper. I had only had a few small pieces of ham for lunch so I was hungry. I had grabbed some Christmas cookies and candy to eat during the movie. I had a salad, bread and steak and fries.

I did the first 2 miles of the BL Power Walk DVD this morning. I will try and do up to 3 or 4 miles tomorrow. Maybe I will also try and start the EASA2. I need to bring the Wii back downstairs.

Not sure what we'll do tonight. I'm going to fix myself a Midori Sour and just relax. Getting together with DD1s BFF and her mom and brother tomorrow. DD1 is still broken out so I will call the dr in the morning and see what they say. I've been hearing about a lot of kids with hives the past several days. I also need to pick up gift cards for our friends we're getting together with on NYE.

TTFN :tigger:
Hi Everyone!

Not much to say except...

Congrats CC!!!! That's great news to get over the holidays!!!!

Yahoo great job :cool1:

CC: congrats on your unofficial results!!! All your hard work really paid off!

:yay::woohoo::dance3::woohoo::yay::dance3: WAY TO GO LADY!!! ALL THAT STUDYING PAID OFF!!!!!

Thank you! Thank you! And...I OFFICIALLY PASSED! I got three envelopes in the mail today. Each had 1 sheet of paper in them with the most amazing words: Met the Qualifying Score! :banana:

For Christmas I got the 2 new BL DVD's. I LOVE the power walk one. I just did mile 1 tonight and I LOVE it. it is more intense than WOTP DVD's, and it feels like a good exercise so far for me

Thanks for sharing! :) I will be on the lookout for that one.

I was doing some of the moves(dd did too she was excited to watch these as much as me since she loves watching BL) and it was work but sure moved along fast. I always do that before I embark on a new workout dvd.

I do the same thing. It is so much more reassuring. :thumbsup2

5. The episode w/ Sophie has me worried about her again. She just doesn't seem to get full.

:hug: Sophie may outgrow this, but I'm guess you've been thinking that for a while and that that is not what you want to hear. I have one idea and I wouldn't call it stellar. What if you used some of your amazing teaching strategies? Maybe pictures of healthy food choices and she creates a menu for what she will eat at grandma's that day. I know she can "use her words," but this could get her more arts/crafts. You KWIM. How much does she know about "how much?" Like does she know that 10 is more than 3? Could you say 5 peanut M&Ms with lunch and 5 more before she leaves grandma's? IDK. I'm just throwing things out there. :hug:

I really love to park hop. It's a lot of fun to go to one park in the morning and another in the evening.

Me too! We definitely think it is worth the cost! :cool1:

I am excited because when I weighed this morning, I am only up 2.5 pounds. Much better than the 4 pounds I was up on Christmas Day morning:thumbsup2

Nice loss! :woohoo:

Happy Anniversary to ME! Called at 9 this morning on the off chance that someone had cancelled a night at HHI, I've been trying to add tomorrow since we found out DH would be off this week, calling at least 1 time a day. AT 9 this am, they had 1 studio open! :dance3: So we'll be leaving in the am! Now, everything I thought I had 2 days to do, I only have one. Was doing great, until the funeral, now I'm having a hard time getting re-motivated. Thought a quick jump on here would help.

BTW, I weighed Sophie this am, and she has lost a pound, even with all the holiday foods, so I am feeling better. I talked to mom again, DH is going to talk to his parents again. Hopefully, it will stick this time. FIL was diagnosed w/ pre-diabetes and he is really eating a strict diet, so we told him not to give Sophie anything he wouldn't eat. Mom wants to lose some weight now, which I am glad that she cares again, so maybe that will help, too!

See you guys later! Hope I can get back on later.:hug:

:woohoo: on an extra day!

:yay: for Sophie!

:hug: on your loss.

Enjoy your trip!
He is doing very well. He got the external hardware removed from his arm last week and now is in a regular cast (he still has pins in the arm though). He is seeing the Otolaryngologist/ENT on Monday and the Orthopedist on Tuesday. We are hoping that his jaw will be unwired and he will be down to a splint instead of a cast on the arm. But those are "best case" scenarios. Right now they are still thinking that both the jaw and the wrist might need more surgery. But we will take it as it comes.

Hopefully he won't need anymore surgery and that he gets to eat more regular stuff soon :hug:

QOTD, Sunday, December 26: Did you receive a "gift" for the holidays this year that will make your "getting fit" journey easier? Maybe it was a new-found motivation or an actual tangible item. Please share! All I asked for were gifts related to fitness - and I got good stuff! DH really took list to heart and then some. He got me 2 new Skirt Sports running skirts (one in this print)
. A matching shirt and 2 other skirt sports shirts!
I asked for

Very nice. Can't say that I've ever heard of a running skirt, but then again I'm not a good runner. Never could get into it. :headache:

Sue- Thanks for coaching yesterday. Hope you have a good day at work.

You're welcome, hope you had a nice day too :goodvibes

I'm just north of Boston about 9 miles up 93 and you? I just noticed that there are a few of us from the great State of Massachusetts ;)

I'm in Danvers, not too far from you I'm guessing :goodvibes
Have a blast Taryn!

Just played Mahjongg for the last hour while we watched Santa Buddies. Watching Mrs. Miracle now. Kids are going to bed in a half hour. I may follow shortly after that. Not much on tv tonight. Hallmark is still showing Christmas movies so I may watch those for awhile. Sorry I'm rambling! I'm just tired! Gotta kick start my exercise big time tomorrow! I really want to do 4 miles in the morning. I think I'll take out some chicken to defrost for supper tomorrow night. DD1 wants Jerk Chicken again. I have some sub rolls so we'll make them into subs.

DD1 wants to play Apples to Apples before they go to bed. DD2 is playing her DSi. Going to watch Santa Clause 3 tomorrow.

TTFN :tigger:
Posting from the plane. :) We will probably be running through the Atlanta airport in order to make our connector. I missed you all and I wanted to pop in and say hi.:goodvibes Hoping to catch up tomorrow. I'm dreading the scale, but that's ok, we had a great time!
Welcome back, Rose!!!!! We're going to be busy with this challenge!!! SO EXCITED!!!!! Lots of new people!!!

Happy Anniversary to ME! Called at 9 this morning on the off chance that someone had cancelled a night at HHI, I've been trying to add tomorrow since we found out DH would be off this week, calling at least 1 time a day. AT 9 this am, they had 1 studio open! :dance3: So we'll be leaving in the am! Now, everything I thought I had 2 days to do, I only have one. Was doing great, until the funeral, now I'm having a hard time getting re-motivated. Thought a quick jump on here would help.

Here's to getting motivated :thumbsup2 Yay about HHI! We went last May and had a wonderfully relaxing time down there. Enjoy it:cool1:

I did the first 2 miles of the BL Power Walk DVD this morning. I will try and do up to 3 or 4 miles tomorrow.

DD1 is still broken out so I will call the dr in the morning and see what they say. I've been hearing about a lot of kids with hives the past several days.

How did you like the BL DVD?

Sorry to hear about your DD1 still being broken out. Hopefully they have some good news tomorrow when you call :hug:
I loved the workout and look forward to doing the other 2 miles tomorrow!!!! I was sweating like crazy!!!!

TTFN :tigger:
CC Congrats!!!!That is a huge accomplishment

Pam I'm glad DH is doing okay. Hopefully the doctor's visits will go well.:wizard:

I'm reading along, but Mondays and Tuesdays keep me too busy to post. I'm off to bed now. Planning to join weight watchers tomorrow.
Okay. I'm either losing my mind or having computer difficulties because when I posted last I did not see about 5 posts. Strange. I will go back tonight and thank all of you individually for your compliments. You rock! :cool1:

Today looks to be a busy day. My dad is home today and my sister, BIL, and uncle are coming over for a mini-Christmas dinner. AKA, we are having ham and lots of other food. After work, I am getting a massage. I definitely feel like I need one. :scared1: Then, I have to run to CVS and Walgreens. I have to pick up a few things for my sister and BIL. I have the coupons, so...

I will be your coach for today and tomorrow. I thought I'd go with a fun question today. You can call it a trip down memory lane. Hope that this one makes us laugh!

QOTD for Wed., 12/29: Have you ever received a gift that made you wonder something like what is it? or what am I going to do with it? Tell us about it!

I have some good ones. Here's a few that come to mind.

My mom got a singing birdhouse that doesn't have any room for birdseed. :confused3

Last Christmas, we each received a gift certificate for Wal-Mart Gas. I don't know of a single Wal-Mart gas station in CT and there isn't one where they were bought. :confused: Luckily, they could be used at Wal-Mart stores.

There was the year my grandmother bought me a bra...I was maybe 8? I'll just leave it at that.

Have a great day everyone! :goodvibes

Bye everybody! I am taking my itouch, so I'll try to check in, but won't be able to do my multi-qotes!!!! Have a great one! Be safe, be healthy, be happy! love to you all!:grouphug:

Good morning everyone.

I dropped the ball yesterday. I was supposed to post the QOTD. All this snow has really made me lose my brain. We finally saw another snow plow last night at 6. Before that we only had one lane wide on our street. They did plow our side street so then dh could get his truck out. We all went to get our ds's car from his gf's house so that he could go to work today. I am concerned because I have heard that even the main roads are terrible. I can't believe the mess. We same many roads not plowed or just one small strip plowed.

The killer of this mess is that they declared a state of emergency on Sunday and by tuesday they cancelled it. Didn't anyone look at the streets in this county. I love the fact that both the gov and lt gov are both out of state on vacation. This is our first year with a li gov. We have never had one before. I thought one of them was supposed to be in the state at all times. Why do we have a lt gov if one of them is not going to be in the state at all times? If the lt gov was in the state our county might have gotten better service since she lives a couple of towns over.

cc congrats on passing your tests.

taryn congrats on the anniv. Have fun on your vacation

pam glad you had a nice Christmas. Glad your dh is doing well.

tigger813 I hope your daughter feels better soon.

Rose welcome back

Hi Kathy, dvccruiser76 my3princes

Spent some time yesterday cleanin my sewing room table. I found it :banana: Threw out 2 bags of stuff and a box full of paper recycling. I have a lot more to do but it is a start. I can actually work on a project.

Off to get somethings done. Have a great day.
Good morning everybody.

I'm going back to work today and just don't wanna. Maybe I'll have a temper tantrum and just not go.:rotfl: I had 6 days off and loved it. We ended up not going out at all again yesterday. I did get up and exercise then goofed around for a while, and when I asked ds what he wanted to do, movie, bowling, stay home, he chose stay home and so I got back in my pjs too and we had a total pj day. It was pretty cold out, so I don't feel bad not playing in the snow since we got plenty to last us til the weekend. Michael's going to my sisters for the day and we'll stay and watch her kids for supper so she and bil can go out for dinner. Eating was better yesterday, and going to work is always easier since i bring my food, so the next 2 days should be good, as long as I get to the grocery store tonight.

Taryn- Congrats on getting another day, Happy Anniversary, and have an absolutely marvelous, magical, relaxing trip.

Dona- No worries about yesterday. We all have those moments, and it's always nice to know we are not alone.;) Sorry your streets are still such a mess. We are pretty lucky here since we're used to snow most years, so I'm sure it' hard where you are. It's still amazing to see some people try to drive in the snow.

Rose- Welcome home. Hope your travels were smooth without any cancellations. Love to hear all about your trip.

CC- Yay, you!! You're official!!:banana::banana::banana:

QOTD- I can't think of anything right now, but I'm sure I will. We just buy for the kids now and it's been a while since we exchanged gifts with the adults. Though, my mom loved to buy us all a big bag of Lindt chocolate truffles every christmas, even though most of us were always in the process of trying to eat healthier, or lose weight, so a few christmases ago, I started priming her to get us something healthier, and my sister also made suggestions, and she did end up changing and got the girls all something from bath and body works, but the boys got hickory farms cheese sets. She did get a little aggravated with me, though, but not my sister, so that was funny.

I was going to do some wii fit but I don't feel like it now. I'll plan to do just dance tonight.

Have a great day everyone.
A quick HELLO! I'll post more later.

Come on everybody, get up and get going! Weigh in is in 3 days!!!!!! Off to try and do all 4 miles of the BL Power Walk! Wish me luck!!!!

TTFN :tigger:
Good morning all! :goodvibes

All of the Christmas goodies (well, the few we had) are finally gone. I did nibble a bit more than planned over the last few days, but I threw away the last of the walnut cookies and chocolate almond cake that were sent home with me from Friday's party, so GOOD RIDDANCE! The few remaining cookies don't tempt me at all. I got on the scale this morning and it always STUNS me how much weight I can gain in just a few days! Maybe it will look better by my real weigh-in on Friday.... if not, at least it is an incentive to stay in control over New Years eve/day.

Isn't that the truth? :lmao: Pounds that take weeks to go away reappear like magic! :rotfl:

Hi to everyone else and Happy Tuesday!

Hope that you have a happy day today, too, Cam! :flower3: Busy week will soon be over and thankfully another long week-end! :thumbsup2

He got me 2 new Skirt Sports running skirts (one in this print)[/QUOTE]

:woohoo: for new running clothes! And in a size 2! :cheer2: That is worth celebrating for sure!

Don't know what to say about your scale change -- have you tried to adjust all your weights by the 2 pounds? WW may just make you take the gain. I'd be tempted to wait and deal with it at the end instead of in the middle since it's just 2 pounds.

[quote="mikamah, post: 39326460"]Good morning everyone. I've done ww officially for 2 days and am up 2 pounds today.:rotfl: We had friends over and they brought cookies, and I lost control. I had done well getting all our cookies out of the house except for some gingerbread men I saved for these friends. But on a positive note, I wrote everything down, and used up the rest of my 49 weekly allowance points, so as a ww-er, that is what the plan is all about. I also hadn't exercised in 4 days, but today I did an hour of wii fit, and I did shovel yesterday, so I consider that my arm workout. I am going to stick with it, and earn activity points to keep myself within the points for the week. I need to go grocery shopping too, and will make something for dinner with leftovers for the next 2 days I'm working.[/QUOTE]

Call it an educational week! :goodvibes It will be a lot easier to stay on track when we get back into our regular routines next week. :cheer2:

[quote="tea pot, post: 39326547"]I'm just north of Boston about 9 miles up 93 and you? I just noticed that there are a few of us from the great State of Massachusetts ;)[/QUOTE]

I think you are close to mikamah and dvcruiser76 -- I wonder if you and mikamah work at the same hospital, too? There are quite a few other Baw-stahn folks on our thread, like tigger813 and worfiedoodles.

[quote="flipflopmom, post: 39329602"]:cool1::banana::dance3::yay::woohoo:

Happy Anniversary to ME! Called at 9 this morning on the off chance that someone had cancelled a night at HHI, I've been trying to add tomorrow since we found out DH would be off this week, calling at least 1 time a day. AT 9 this am, they had 1 studio open! :dance3: So we'll be leaving in the am! Now, everything I thought I had 2 days to do, I only have one. Was doing great, until the funeral, now I'm having a hard time getting re-motivated. Thought a quick jump on here would help.[/QUOTE]

Taryn, have a safe and wonderful trip -- [B][U]relax[/U][/B] and enjoy your family! :flower3:

BRB the smilie police are after me. ;)
Not sure what we'll do tonight. I'm going to fix myself a Midori Sour and just relax. Getting together with DD1s BFF and her mom and brother tomorrow. DD1 is still broken out so I will call the dr in the morning and see what they say. I've been hearing about a lot of kids with hives the past several days. I also need to pick up gift cards for our friends we're getting together with on NYE.

Poor DD! Hope that she feels better soon! :flower3:

Posting from the plane. :) We will probably be running through the Atlanta airport in order to make our connector. I missed you all and I wanted to pop in and say hi.:goodvibes Hoping to catch up tomorrow. I'm dreading the scale, but that's ok, we had a great time!

:welcome: back, Rose! Don't worry too much about the scale -- that airplane water weight seems to go quickly! :flower3:

Welcome back, Rose!!!!! We're going to be busy with this challenge!!! SO EXCITED!!!!! Lots of new people!!!

Yes, it is going to be a busy new challenge soon! ::yes::

CC Congrats!!!!That is a huge accomplishment

Pam I'm glad DH is doing okay. Hopefully the doctor's visits will go well.:wizard:

I'm reading along, but Mondays and Tuesdays keep me too busy to post. I'm off to bed now. Planning to join weight watchers tomorrow.

I'll be interested to hear what you think about the new WW, Deb.

QOTD for Wed., 12/29: Have you ever received a gift that made you wonder something like what is it? or what am I going to do with it? Tell us about it!

DH's dad used to give him a squirrel feeder every year for Christmas -- we used to wonder how many squirrel feeders a person really needs! :lmao:

The killer of this mess is that they declared a state of emergency on Sunday and by tuesday they cancelled it. Didn't anyone look at the streets in this county. I love the fact that both the gov and lt gov are both out of state on vacation. This is our first year with a li gov. We have never had one before. I thought one of them was supposed to be in the state at all times. Why do we have a lt gov if one of them is not going to be in the state at all times? If the lt gov was in the state our county might have gotten better service since she lives a couple of towns over.

I've heard a lot of stories about the New Jersey snow mess, dona. :hug:

I'm going back to work today and just don't wanna. Maybe I'll have a temper tantrum and just not go.:rotfl:


A quick HELLO! I'll post more later.

Come on everybody, get up and get going! Weigh in is in 3 days!!!!!! Off to try and do all 4 miles of the BL Power Walk! Wish me luck!!!!

Good luck! Thanks, Tracey, we need some enthusiasm here! :cheer2:

I had a bad day at work yesterday that made me really, really angry all day long. :mad: Today is going to be more of the same. :sad2: And not a thing to do about it except get through it. I am trying to do lots of deep breathing and planning to run off this negative energy this afternoon. But still . . . :headache: Send some pixiedust my way, please! Thanks for being here to listen to me vent! :flower3:
All I have to say is WOW!!!!!! I just finished miles 1-3 of the BL Power Walk!!!! I'm sweating like I've never sweated before!!!! What a workout! I'll do the 4th miles later today. The 3rd mile is a killer. Bob gets you working. Tara and Sione do the 2nd mile with hand weights. I think the 4th mile involves a basketball or that's what they show on the menu screens. Maybe DD1 can do that with me later. Maybe it will help her with her ball handling skills! LOL!

Gotta call the doctor as she is breaking out again. Just got off the phone. She said there is a virus going around and a lot of kids are breaking out in hives. We've been doing the right thing but try to keep her as cool as possible and bathe in cool water. It can last for several days. Good! One thing to not worry about. She's rubbing her skin with an ice pack right now.

Time to shower and run down to the wellness center for breakfast!

TTFN :tigger:


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