J & T's Wishes Wedding 5/5/12 SB/SBP/BW *Wedding & Aulani HM TR Complete!*

Just a small update!!

I have been emailing with Vita, after talking with Ashley through her PJ, I decided to email Vita and make sure there were conference rooms still available for us- to my dismay, she said the YC convention center is booked- ah!! I did ask her about Ariel's, since that was originally listed on our BEO when we were going to have lunch catered. We'll see what she says on that! No worries on a BW conference room for before reception introductions, she said Park Place looks like it will be good for us!

Also after hearing about someone else's DP though our FB group, I asked her if we could have a funnel cake station by itself. I am waiting to hear back. But I think would be so much fun! :goodvibes

I also asked about a possible signature drink- something fruity and pink! We'll see what she says on this too!

I am still waiting to hear back from Laura with our floral updates and the discrepancy of the canopy/draping for the beach. :rolleyes1

Hmmm what else, 90 days is on Sunday- eeek! I can't believe 90 days from NOW we will be in Disney getting our last minute things together- yikes!! I am going to sit down and do everything I can that doesnt require buying stuff right now, that way when taxes and my bonus come in I can have everything set to buy and be done. :woohoo: that is the plan anyway!

Getting so excited for my bachelorette now this weekend! There are 9 of us, and we are all hanging out with DF and his groomsmen Friday night before we take off Saturday, really looking forward to this too! :goodvibes

I got an email last night from our photographer that they were contacted about featuring our e-pics on their blog! I don't want to spoil it or foil myself so I'll post again when I know when it'll be up, but I'm excited!!
Hope everyone is having a good Wednesday!
Almost 90 days! Can you believe it?? For me it really snuck up on me :D

I am supremely jealous of your bachelorette party plans, you are going to have SO much fun! Any "male parts" cakes in the mix? I have to say, they still crack me up :rotfl2: Be sure to take lots of pictures for us ;)

Crossing fingers and toes for the blog feature!! I have no doubt that they will want to feature you two!

Just wanted to wish you a fabulous bachelorette weekend! Have fun! Can't wait to hear all about it.
Tricia! We're at 89 days! :cool1:

I hope you had a fantastic weekend! When we drove through Boston, I was thinking of you!
Almost 90 days! Can you believe it?? For me it really snuck up on me :D

I am supremely jealous of your bachelorette party plans, you are going to have SO much fun! Any "male parts" cakes in the mix? I have to say, they still crack me up :rotfl2: Be sure to take lots of pictures for us ;)

Crossing fingers and toes for the blog feature!! I have no doubt that they will want to feature you two!

I cannot believe we are so close, it's crazy how fast it sneaks up!! No "male parts" cakes, we played pin the macho on the man in our room before we headed out but that was the only extent we went to... took me a few drinks to agree to play... haha I am about to post a bunch of pictures! :)


Just wanted to wish you a fabulous bachelorette weekend! Have fun! Can't wait to hear all about it.

Thanks so much!! It was such a perfect weekend!!

Have an awesome bachelorette weekend, can't wait to hear about it!!!!

Thanks!!! I'm going to start telling about it now :)

Tricia! We're at 89 days! :cool1:

I hope you had a fantastic weekend! When we drove through Boston, I was thinking of you!

Aw too fun, thanks so much! It was a blast!! :)


On a side note, We made our min. expenditure payment today-- :scared1:
We also paid off our invites so should be getting them soon to send out! :dance3:

I also talked to Vita and decided we are going to have 2 signature drinks- one is going to be a chocolate martini we're going to call "Goonie" and another pink drink still up for discussion- We're thinking possibly vodka and sprite with a splash of grenadine to get it pink! :cutie:

Also heard back on our Dessert Party- we switched to a Funnel Cake Action Station and I'm really looking forward to this!!

Still haven't heard a word back from Laura but hoping I hear from her soon!:rolleyes1

Next, my bachelorette extravaganza!!
Bachelorette Fun!!
So, this might get slightly picture heavy, but I always like scrolling through some pics! :rotfl:

My college roomies came into town on Thursday night, from CA and DC, so we got to spend Friday hanging out and catching up!
I took them for breakfast to an orchard nearby our house and it was delish!
Here we are outside the orchard trying to take a picture with the timer on my camera!
Erin, me & Gretchen

I then took them down the street to check out some pretty waterfalls where we take Goonie swimming in the warm weather!
Erin was having some fun ;)

Friday night I taught them how to make pierogies and we had them for dinner! My sister offered to have everyone from the wedding party over her house to hang out while mytwo out-of-state-ers were in town, we had a blast!

Totally random fact, but my brother-in-law is a woodworker. He has his own business making cabinets, designing kitchens, closets, whatever you can think of. He does everything by hand and his work is amazing. When we showed up on Friday, he had built my nephew a huge slide and set it up in their basement. We all took turns sliding down it!
my nephew sliding down


Gretchen getting wild:

We all decided to go home and rest up- we were leaving at 11 to head to Boston! :)
Saturday morning we drove back to my sister's, packed up her car, and were on our way!

Gretch got a little comfy.... lol

We made some good time after a few stops for gas, Shamrock Shakes and the bathroom, then we arrived in Boston! We stopped at our hotel and checked in!

We then headed over to meet up with our guide for our chocolate tour!

They whipped out this sash and made me put it on...

Our tour guide, Victoria, handing out our first sample, a homemade oreo from "Flour"




Sorry I haven't stopped in and commented in forever! First, I am so sorry to hear about your cousin. :hug: That's so awful.

Anyway, congratulations on being.... less than 90 days away! So exciting! And that chocolate tour looks FABULOUS!!!
Sorry I haven't stopped in and commented in forever! First, I am so sorry to hear about your cousin. :hug: That's so awful.

Anyway, congratulations on being.... less than 90 days away! So exciting! And that chocolate tour looks FABULOUS!!!

No worries! Thank you :hug: She was laid to rest on Friday :littleangel:
more to come on the chocolate tour! ;)
For our next stop on the chocolate tour, we headed to try some chocolate shots and chocolate bread pudding- yum!


Here we are enjoying:

At this point, we were already getting full- that oreo really did us in! Next we stopped at the cutest little shop for truffles and beignets. The owner of the shop wakes up every morning at 2:30AM to start making this chocolate... yikes!

Here she is making the beignets for us:

A close up!

While we walked to our next stop, we passed this dog in a stroller...

too funny!!

Next stop: The Appleton Cafe for brownies!


At this point we were on chocolate overload... I am a chocoholic but I couldn't even handle all the chocolate. They gave us a ziploc bag to take extras since the motto was "no chocolate left behind"... but after about the 4th stop, I couldn't even sample bite. I just put everything right into my bag!

Except of course ice cream, can't save ice cream so we had to eat it! ;)


Our last stop was a crazy store...

Check out the inside!




Actually we stopped at one more little shop for cupcakes but I was in such a chocolate coma, I couldn't even lift my camera by that time. haha

It was so fun and yummo and we came home with so many treats!
Since our bellies were all filled to the brim, we decided to head back to the hotel. Two more girls were meeting us that drove up later and we had to get ready for our night on the town! :goodvibes
We got back to the hotel and our other girls had made it! We got rooms on the same floor but not adjoining, and started to get ready! They decorated the room while I was in the shower and once everyone had their clothes on, they came to our room to do hair and makeup and pregame. We were all having a little too much fun by the time we needed to head to dinner!

The pretty view from our room:

My sister also had the wine charms made for everyone and added them to martini glasses! They were hard to take a picture of but I tried!

A good example we were getting out of control... what the heck is this duck lips thing I am doing? Honestly, I have never taken a picture with this face before.... we were wasted for sure. lol

And down the elevator we go! (We were on the 17th flr)

We had a short walk up the street to dinner at the Capital Grille... which was delish!!

My only BM that couldn't come with us sent us a bottle of wine to the table, what a nice surprise! It came with this nice little card :)

All the ladies at dinner

The food here was amazing -- I got a filet and a few girls got sides of potatoes. I also got a tomato and mozz salad but didn't take a picture of it. My mouth is still watering thinking about that steak. mmmm



potatoes... mmmmm

some sort of salad

soup & salad

more steak and potatoes...

YUM! :worship:
After dinner, we jumped in a cab and headed towards Fenway to dance!
First we headed to a bar called Tequila Rain and tore it up!




My veil kept falling out and random women kept offering to help me put it back. It wasn't really important to me to be wearing anything to set me out as a Bride so I wanted to just take it off, but I was trying to be a good sport!

It started getting really crowded and more club-like, some of the girls were really wasted at this point and sat down in a booth... I decided we needed a change of scenery and told everyone to get their coats so we could roll out!

We headed just up the street to another bar, Cask & Flagon (i think thats the right name, correct me Bethie if I have them reversed or spelt them wrong) :)

We stopped and tried to get a picture with Fenway in the background on the way, but it didn't work in the dark. I am a pro at self portraits with large groups. haha


It looked like a sports bar at first, then we went around the back and found a carpeted VIP area with couches and chairs, tables etc and no one to be found. We took our coats off, kicked our shoots off and started our own dance party in our own VIP spot! It was great!!


We stayed about an hour or so and around 1:30AM, everyone was pretty waste. I had stopped myself back at Tequila Rain because I could sense my drunkenness and did not want to be vomitting the next day! haha I decided it was time for us to go! We hit up the hotdog stand before flagging a cab and headed home!

We all made it back safely without any drama, everyone intact, etc. We passed out quickly after chowing on some food left from our pre-game!
The next morning, we were definitely strug. 9 of us turned into 4 of us for breakfast. :laughing:
I was pretty proud of myself for knowing my limits and not being totally vomitting hung-over! I did enjoy a nice little Mimosa at breakfast!

and my brioche french toast was to-die-for!

After breakfast we dropped off my out-of-state girls at the airport and started our drive back to CT. It's so rough in a car in the bright sunlight for 2 hrs when all you want to do is fall asleep in a nice cuddly down comforter. haha But we made it!!
I had such an awesome weekend and was so happy everyone got along and got along well. It made me so happy and even more excited for the wedding!! You never know what will happen when you mix girls that don't know each other. Luckily, my girls are all awesome!!

I got home about 2pm, fell asleep around 3:30PM and woke up at 8! I woke up to Madonna singing at 1/2 time- missed the entire first half! Good thing I'm not really into football! ;) We still went to bed at 10PM and I was tired when I woke up again Monday.... I always thought if you were that strug, you MUST have had a good time!! :goodvibes

What a fabulous bachelorette party! Everything looks awesome. The meal at Capital Grille is making my mouth water. You got it right, it is the Cask n Flagon!

Can't wait to see your invites. I love seeing Shelley's work!
You look like you had a great time! There are definitely a few places I want to visit next time Doug and I are up in Boston! And I seriously want to reach into the screen and munch on that french toast :rotfl:
That looks like so much fun. I grew up in Boston and have been to most of the places you went to, nice choices! Glad you had fun. Huge bonus points for not throwing up too!
U girls were TWISTED :rotfl: that food! OMG!! yummy :lovestruc Im glad there was no drama bcuz when girls get 2gether drama tends 2 follow ;)

What a fabulous bachelorette party! Everything looks awesome. The meal at Capital Grille is making my mouth water. You got it right, it is the Cask n Flagon!

Can't wait to see your invites. I love seeing Shelley's work!

Thanks Bethie!! mmm my mouth is still watering from it! It was so heavenly :goodvibes I just emailed Amanda to confirm they got the payment and contract yesterday so I can see my proof and get them mailed. The anticipation is killing me!! :banana:

You look like you had a great time! There are definitely a few places I want to visit next time Doug and I are up in Boston! And I seriously want to reach into the screen and munch on that french toast :rotfl:

We did! I loved exploring Southie, it was so cute and fun! We typically always hang around in the Back Bay but even hit up a few places we hadn't been before, I was so glad we did! The french toast we got at "Clink" inside the Liberty Hotel.... mmmm sooo goooood. :lovestruc

That looks like so much fun. I grew up in Boston and have been to most of the places you went to, nice choices! Glad you had fun. Huge bonus points for not throwing up too!

Awesome! Being there really makes me want to live in a city, but then I remember how close I already think my neighbors live and complain about it- haha! I grew up in the slight country- tree farm behind our house and definitely couldn't see into the houses across from or next to us- now, not so much. Next house- we're going more country, I've already told Josh! But I love all the cute and little shops and fun places to explore in cities!

U girls were TWISTED :rotfl: that food! OMG!! yummy :lovestruc Im glad there was no drama bcuz when girls get 2gether drama tends 2 follow ;)

bahahaha just trying to make you girls here proud! ;) RIGHT! I was soo happy everyone got along well and had fun- leading up to this weekend you knew there was some drama so I was so happy it got squashed before hand, phew! :woohoo:
Your bachelorette party looks like so much fun! Now I have to go buy some chocolate :rotfl: I think DH will finally get that trip to Boston he's been begging for, if we can go on a chocolate crawl.

I am still catching up on all of your plans, but I love your theme and just about everything I have seen. Congratulations, you're date is so soon.
Your bachelorette party looks like so much fun! Now I have to go buy some chocolate :rotfl: I think DH will finally get that trip to Boston he's been begging for, if we can go on a chocolate crawl.

I am still catching up on all of your plans, but I love your theme and just about everything I have seen. Congratulations, you're date is so soon.

Thanks! It was a blast! They have tours all throughout the different sections! This was was of the South End. Next I want to try the Back Bay tour! :goodvibes I am a serious chocoholic. I went to Jamaica one time and brought chocolate with me becasue I wasn't sure if they'd have chocolate for me to buy. I am a freak! :laughing:

Boston is honestly my most favorite city!

87 days and counting, eee!! :yay:


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