Bone to pick with Dis

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Earning My Ears
Jan 11, 2010
Seriously? I would think I would be able to listen to your podcast without having to answer a six year old's question about what "sex change" means. I have listened for a few years now and download the show religiously to my iphone. My wife listened with me for the first time today and just happened to be there when the six year old and three year old heard the comment. Now, I am not accusing anyone of being a bad person and i love your show but i ahould be able to listen to your disney related show in front of my kids shouldnt I? I am no saint but i try not about such subjects or use my sailor language in front of children. I will still be listening to your show but i guess i will have to make sure my kids are not around when doing it. My unsolicited suggestion for your suggestion box would be to keep such things off air though. Thanks. I do enjoy the show and the boards. AC
I'm not accusing you of being a bad person, but if you've listened religiously for a few years, you probably already know that the podcast is not always safe for little ears.
Wow. What episode was that in? I seem to have missed it.
I guess maybe i just didnt pay that much attention because normally i listen on my way to and from work and the little ones are not present. Lesson learned.
Hi acirish,

Thank you for your feedback. As a teacher, I recognize the importance of parents deciding what is right and not right for their children. Many books now-a-days have topics which some might be sensitive to; therefore, I encourage the parents of my students to read along with us in the event that questions come up. Similarly, I also suggest that they read the book ahead of time and provide talking points to help promote discussion.

While the overall focus of the podcast is Disney-related, I personally do not believe that the show is designed for preschoolers and kindergarten children; there are some Disney apps and videos out there for this purpose. Instead, the podcast is geared primarily towards families (of all kinds) looking for information about Florida trip planning. Like I suggest to my students' parents, it may be a good idea to "preview" an episode of the show (or book, movie, etc.) before allowing your children to listen if you have reservations about certain topics being discussed. This reminds me of some You Tube videos I saw once with the Muppets that were geared towards adults; just because the Muppets were there didn't mean the episodes were for children.

Feedback on the show is welcome and may be directly sent to the team by visiting the Show Notes page or emailing
Hi acirish,

Thank you for your feedback. As a teacher, I recognize the importance of parents deciding what is right and not right for their children. Many books now-a-days have topics which some might be sensitive to; therefore, I encourage the parents of my students to read along with us in the event that questions come up. Similarly, I also suggest that they read the book ahead of time and provide talking points to help promote discussion.

While the overall focus of the podcast is Disney-related, I personally do not believe that the show is designed for preschoolers and kindergarten children; there are some Disney apps and videos out there for this purpose. Instead, the podcast is geared primarily towards families (of all kinds) looking for information about Florida trip planning. Like I suggest to my students' parents, it may be a good idea to "preview" an episode of the show (or book, movie, etc.) before allowing your children to listen if you have reservations about certain topics being discussed. This reminds me of some You Tube videos I saw once with the Muppets that were geared towards adults; just because the Muppets were there didn't mean the episodes were for children.

Feedback on the show is welcome and may be directly sent to the team by visiting the Show Notes page or emailing

(bolding is mine) and I totally agree! If you listen often, then you should know that there are times the show isn't kid friendly. I've actually have seen the show get an explicit rating on itunes for this reason. :rolleyes: Personally, it doesn't bother me at all! If they have to start watching everything they say and / or edit out certain things than that changes the integrity of the show and I would NOT want that to happen because of some really very benign remark the grand scheme of things.

But, in all honestly, the kids probably wouldn't have even thought twice about what was said if the parents didn't make a big deal about it. :rolleyes1
A sex change is when a grown up man wants to become a woman, or vice versa. What's wrong with telling the kids the truth?
As a frequent listener I know better than to let a six year old listen to the show. Not because of the occasional off color comment but because I know sometimes there is some exposing of the magic and the comments about Disney aren't always the most positive. I have no problem with that, but wouldn't want little ears that are still lucky enough to think Disney is perfect in every way to hear it.
Honestly, I have more problems watching the news when my kids are around than I would with the podcast.
When confronted by my six year old about things that I'd rather wait a few years to get into, I just say "I dunno, sounds like some kind of crazy thing to me......Hey! I just read that BTMRR is gonna be in refurb when we get down there". Then its on to something else. Try that.
I don't listen to the podcast with my kids-because they aren't interested and because I don't want to ruin the magic (princesses are real, right?), but I think this is a topic kids could hear in lots of places and, like a previous poster said, could be given a simple, one sentence answer.
I've always felt the podcast was geared towards adults (mainly) and that makes it more interesting. Love it, please don't G rate it!
I love Law and Order, but definitely would not watch it with a 7 year old.
You don't have to explain it.

I worked with kids. Then I raised kids.

The best way to deal with stuff you don't want to explain is to say, "I don't know."

Whatever it is, "I don't know." Say it in an offhand manner. If Mommy doesn't know, it can't be that important.

They forget about it.

The best way to deal with tattletales who say, "Jimmy said $&!%" is to say, "What does that mean? Is that a bad word?" Their little faces are so funny to watch as they realize that not only is Jimmy not in trouble, but you don't even know what the word means.

Other tattletales, just say - while turning them around and giving a nudge in the right directeion - "Don't rat out your friends - go play."

Following this will save you many, many headaches. Promise. ::yes::
You don't have to explain it.

I worked with kids. Then I raised kids.

The best way to deal with stuff you don't want to explain is to say, "I don't know."

Whatever it is, "I don't know." Say it in an offhand manner. If Mommy doesn't know, it can't be that important.

They forget about it.

The best way to deal with tattletales who say, "Jimmy said $&!%" is to say, "What does that mean? Is that a bad word?" Their little faces are so funny to watch as they realize that not only is Jimmy not in trouble, but you don't even know what the word means.

Other tattletales, just say - while turning them around and giving a nudge in the right directeion - "Don't rat out your friends - go play."

Following this will save you many, many headaches. Promise. ::yes::
This! :thumbsup2
I appreciate the response from Nikki.

I also really appreciate the parenting advice from the rest of you. I dont know what I would do without your help!:rotfl2:

I already said I would not listen to it in front of the kids anymore after I saw the first response; which I had no reason to doubt. I was not trolling for people to argue with. I was unaware of it being adult-only before....I am aware now. I admit my mistake bc I "assumed" it was okay bc it was DIS, and realize that I just epitomized the saying about assuming anything. I made a mistake. It will happen again.
I'm not sure if you listen to other Disney podcasts, but if you're looking for one to listen to with young children I'd recommend the WDW Radio Show. The host is very positive, doesn't use bad language or make jokes that are inappropriate for young ears. The show does come across as seeing Disney through 'rose colored glasses', so just keep that in mind. The DIS is definitely more real when it comes to opinions but with that you're getting a show that probably isn't a good choice for young kids.
I'm not sure if you listen to other Disney podcasts, but if you're looking for one to listen to with young children I'd recommend the WDW Radio Show. The host is very positive, doesn't use bad language or make jokes that are inappropriate for young ears. The show does come across as seeing Disney through 'rose colored glasses', so just keep that in mind. The DIS is definitely more real when it comes to opinions but with that you're getting a show that probably isn't a good choice for young kids.

Ya, not a bad podcast, if you don't mind hearing the words "experience" and "plus" every 60 seconds.;)
A sex change is when a grown up man wants to become a woman, or vice versa. What's wrong with telling the kids the truth?

I respectfully disagree. I see your point, but I say let kids be kids. They are only kids for a few years and adults for the majority of their life. Let kids believe in magic and Santa Claus or whatever. But I know that some adults want their kids to know everything when they are five. I have worked with kids myself and those that are told the truth at a young age grow up angry and want to be mean to everyone.

Believe me, I would love to tell young kids the truth but I personal believe that kids should live in fantasy for just a little while because once they are adults reality doesn't always look pretty.

My mom is a probation officer and most of the kids she has on her caseload are kids that were forced to deal with reality at a young age. They had no chance to just play and be a kid. Their life was full of prostitution and drugs. These kids grow up angry because they just couldn't have fun and believe in magic. Now I understand that some kids have same sex parents, but you know, I bet those parents still want their kids to play and believe in something.

:hug: Please note I am not going after you or anything. :hug: Each person has their own opinion. I just believe talking about an adult subject with a 6 year old may not be the best. I could be wrong, but.......
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