Storm Watch: Hurricane Sandy

mytripsandraces said:
I am finally home! I flew to SF last night and took the red-eye in to JFK this morning. My boss sent me work on Monday, but I was able to spend Tuesday and Wednesday in Disneyland and DCA. I had the most wonderful experience at Carnation Cafe yesterday. I had told the hostess about coming out for my birthday and being stranded by the storm in the best possible place. When I ordered dessert (chocolate cake, of course), the waitress asked if I wanted ice-cream. I said "no, thank you" and settled back to wait. When she came out of the kitchen, she had my cake, a mini-sundae with a candle in it, and a choir of cast members to sing a birthday song. When they'd finished singing, the hostess came over and I thought she was going to tell me that dessert was on them, but she told me they were taking care of the entire check, so I would have one less thing to worry about while I was stuck there. I burst into tears. It was so kind and I've been so stressed being so far away from my cat, who is 20 and who my neighbor hadn't seen since Sunday. It was a wonderful last meal at Disneyland and I can't wait to go back!

That's a great story thanks for sharing and I hope everything back home gets back to normal as soon as possible.
I heard that crews from states all over were heading our way yesterday. That makes me smile. It'd be a wonderful thing if we could all have power back in time for the Jovi/Springsteen telethon tomorrow night, but know that won't happen. Wishful thinking!
It was just on nbc news tonight that the military is bringing in more electric trucks from California to help restore power. They are also going to have three aircraft carriers parked off the coast to help with supplies.
Still no power here either. 5 of 7 schools in our district are without power so the kids lost a full week of school. Tomorrow we're going to a Hilton in Stamford, CT for the weekend. Hoping to make it fun for the kids - indoor pool, etc. We heard that there is only one crew from Con Ed working to restore power to more than 4000 homes in our area so I'm guessing at least another week of this.
My nanny's aunt has power and my kids love her kids so they've been hanging out there. Thank goodness for so many generous souls!

I just got word that the few people I knew still in Ortley Beach, NJ have lost their homes. And my Grandparents old house has been destroyed.

My Aunt and Uncle still haven't been able to get to their house to check it out but one of their neighbors got there and said other than some roof damage it looked good. They are being told power might be restored by Nov. 7th.
I'm so glad they have someplace safe and comfortable to stay.

My Aunt just said most of the town of Ortley Beach, NJ is gone. She said there's very little left. :(
What's really sickening is that during all of this devastation, there are people taking advantage of the situation or acting poorly...

- People pretending to be from the electric companies, knocking on doors, and then robbing homes

- People pretending to be from FEMA and doing the same

- People selling generators outside of Home Depots for outrageous prices

- Fights over gas and bread to the extent that police had to be called

- People stealing others' generators over night

These are all things that were reported on the radio today. It's unbelievable.
What's really sickening is that during all of this devastation, there are people taking advantage of the situation or acting poorly...

- People pretending to be from the electric companies, knocking on doors, and then robbing homes

- People pretending to be from FEMA and doing the same

- People selling generators outside of Home Depots for outrageous prices

- Fights over gas and bread to the extent that police had to be called

- People stealing others' generators over night

These are all things that were reported on the radio today. It's unbelievable.

It doesn't surprise me but it's very frustrating that people think this is ok.
What's really sickening is that during all of this devastation, there are people taking advantage of the situation or acting poorly...

- People pretending to be from the electric companies, knocking on doors, and then robbing homes

- People pretending to be from FEMA and doing the same

- People selling generators outside of Home Depots for outrageous prices

- Fights over gas and bread to the extent that police had to be called

- People stealing others' generators over night

These are all things that were reported on the radio today. It's unbelievable.

Just wait until all the Scam artists move in for repairs. They get money up front then do not do the work. Or the ones that do the work but do not pay their vendors or workers and then you get a lien filed against your house. The craziness will just keep going. Be very suspicious of anyone from out of state that is there to do work. They will descend upon the storm area in packs.

Are they letting people pump their own gas in NJ during this mess?
I wonder if they will extend voting? Watching the news tonight it looks like ALOT of people are not going to be able to get out to vote and even if they could, are they even going to be able to set up polling places? I know that is somewhat minor considering what I having been seeing today, but I wonder if they are working on anything.

On a side note....I knew it was very bad, but I was heartbroken today watching today as more and more devastation is being shown.
It's illegal to pump gas here so that would be a negative, Mike.

It's my understanding that unless Congress decides to change the date of the election for the entire country, voting day will be the same. The plan as of right now is to have military trucks in the worst hit areas and personnel organizing some form of secure paper ballot system.
Announced Yesterday:

Disney Announces $2 Million Commitment to Hurricane Sandy Relief and Rebuilding Efforts

One million dollars will be donated to the American Red Cross for immediate assistance, and another $1 million will be designated for organizations working on rebuilding efforts. Also, employee donations to nonprofits involved in disaster relief will be matched, dollar for dollar, by Disney Employee Matching Gifts: A Program of The Walt Disney Company Foundation.
I'm amazed they are still going to have the New York Marathon. Seems way too soon and couldn't all those resources be used in better ways helping people that are still stranded? I read the arguments for not cancelling, but it doesn't make sense to me.
I'm amazed they are still going to have the New York Marathon. Seems way too soon and couldn't all those resources be used in better ways helping people that are still stranded? I read the arguments for not cancelling, but it doesn't make sense to me.

I've read that they want to have it because it will boost morale and bring in lots of revenue. I'm not sure how I feel about it...I can see both sides of the argument. :confused3


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