Official WDW Marathon Weekend 2013 Thread-Part 2

McDuck said:
Am I the only one who is happy with the forecast as it is? I'm a Gulf Coast girl, 60's and 40's are COLD and I definitely don't want 2010 temps! LOL

As a Georgia runner, I say keep it warm! All this talk about cooler temps is making me want to go out and buy thicker tights and ear muffs!
cewait said:
Hard to say IT band or other issue.... either would be chronic over use injury. Adding to pp, make sure you stretch after each and every run. Twice a day roll the calf, ham, quads and IT areas.

Today and for the next day or two, RICE, Rest, Ice, Compression and elevation

Try to take it easy on the knee. Ice the knee 2-4 times a day for 30 minutes. If you have an Ace bandage, wrap the knee and kick back and enjoy some tv this afternoon. Consider taking an into-inflammatory for a day or two to help with the inflammation.

It's hard to say, but this has probably been a long season coming. If you did not notice anything happen on the run, it is more than likely an over use injury. Taper will help heal up the knee and by race day this may be a distant memory.

Good Luck

Thanks. I do have a foam roller and will use that a lot! I did notice some pain, very little sporadically - during my last 2-3 miles - but it wasn't constant & was just one of those ok my body is tired my knee is hurting kinda things. Or so I thought.

I do think its an overuse injury since I ramped up to 20 after being sick and not running for a week and prior bailing on the long run due to outer hip hurting.
Beast2Prince said:
Excitement for my first 1/2 marathon took a hit yesterday. I set out for my final long run, but had to stop after 5 miles due to tightness on the outside of my knee and discomfort on the backside. This is the first time all year I've had any discomfort while running. Took the foam roller to the IT band and iced both areas of the knee last night and this morning. Now my excitement has turned to concern that it'll go away and I'll be able to run the entire distance in just 3 weeks. I plan to stretch and foam roll all week and then try a short run next weekend. Wish me luck.

This is me. I have concern about it going away too. Good luck to you & the rest of those dealing with injury & worry this close to the game.
Non-running Update...

Looks like my effort to relocate to the Orlando area was caught up in the end of the year wrap up. With the merger of the companies the HR folks were pressed to complete a few policy revisions and that put a hold on non-urgent personnel activities. I know that the hiring manager is not back to work until the second week of the year.

I wanted to say thanks for all the pixie dust and well wishes. I will let all know if something develops.
Well, despite wearing my "big girl shirt" (Boston Marathon 2011) for motivation, my 20 miler took a hit today when out of nowhere, my left hip/IT Band decided to rear its ugly head about 13+ miles into my run. Bailed at just shy of 15. Was feeling okay otherwise. And I feel totally fine now, after lunch and stretching and foam rollering--like I didn't even run today.

I am ready for Goofy to come and go but am not looking forward to it.

I went 24 miles this morning at 14:40 pace! I just walked the 1st 15 miles then did run 5 sec/walk 1:55 sec until mile 20, and run 5 sec/walk 55 sec for the last 4 miles. The good news is that my foot doesn't hurt, even after 12 miles on Friday. Of course every single muscle in my body hurts instead...
Looking forward to taper. I feel as ready for Goofy as I can.

Quick question....

With the knee issue I mentioned in an earlier post, it was recommended that I ice it a few times a day. What does the ice do to help it? My knee isn't swollen unless it's not a visible swell.

I'm just curious.

When talking about elevation, is it knee above heart type thing, or will a recliner be sufficient? Or even prop my leg up on a pillow will sitting in recliner?

Thanks again!
I went 24 miles this morning at 14:40 pace! I just walked the 1st 15 miles then did run 5 sec/walk 1:55 sec until mile 20, and run 5 sec/walk 55 sec for the last 4 miles. The good news is that my foot doesn't hurt, even after 12 miles on Friday. Of course every single muscle in my body hurts instead...
Looking forward to taper. I feel as ready for Goofy as I can.


Very happy to read your report. Now stay healthy and safe.

Finished my 12 miler today in preparation for the WDW 1/2. The trail we usually run on was snow covered, so ran on country roads instead. Very hilly, windy, and 18 of the toughest runs I have ever done! I wound up walking some of the hils, and didn't think I would make it. Thank goodness for my running buddies!

That gingerbread latte sure tasted good afterwards! Can't wait to run in WDW!!!:)
Not the ideal final long run, we meant to do minimum ten, hopefully 12. We did eight.
My achilles was not in its happy place, and I haven't done a long run for the last month - not since my half marathon on November 11.
I wasn't thrilled, but I knew I had to wrap it up early today. My brain kept yelling "It's only 2 more miles to 10 - come ON", but my achilles' response was "Yeah, at this pace, that's another half an hour of unnecessary pounding, dummy!".

My body parts have great conversations.

Anyway - ice, ice, baby. That's my life right now.
Quick question....

With the knee issue I mentioned in an earlier post, it was recommended that I ice it a few times a day. What does the ice do to help it? My knee isn't swollen unless it's not a visible swell.

I'm just curious.

When talking about elevation, is it knee above heart type thing, or will a recliner be sufficient? Or even prop my leg up on a pillow will sitting in recliner?

Thanks again!

The ice slows the micro-bleeds in the joint that cause inflammation. I generally ice for 1-3 days then will change to heat for comfort once swelling is down. In your case, since there is no swelling and you are a day post run, you could either heat or ice.

I am a recliner guy on elevation. If the joint is really sore than I will prop a pillow under it. But again,since there is little swelling, then elevation really does not offer a lot of help - other than keeping the joint still.
The ice slows the micro-bleeds in the joint that cause inflammation. I generally ice for 1-3 days then will change to heat for comfort once swelling is down. In your case, since there is no swelling and you are a day post run, you could either heat or ice.

I am a recliner guy on elevation. If the joint is really sore than I will prop a pillow under it. But again,since there is little swelling, then elevation really does not offer a lot of help - other than keeping the joint still.

Thanks Coach! You have been a tremendous help!! :flower3::flower3:

I did ice for about 15 minutes today and followed it up with some rolling and stretching. I'll do that 1 or 2 more times today. I'm really hoping this will help. I plan on doing some seated leg work the next couple of weeks in order to strengthen some areas and hoping that will help too. I just don't want an issue in 3 weeks. :blush:
I have a question re: goofy...if you are registered for the goofy challenge, and dont finish the half, or not in time, are you allowed to run the full, just not qualify for the goofy medal?


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