Hey Doopy! Dat's mine! UPDATE 6/13 DHS/EPCOT DAY!!

Great start! Can't wait to read more

I would freak and wouldnt let my feet touch the ground if I saw a sign like that... GEESH!

On another note, you are so beautiful! :))))
Nice start Heather! Boy would I freak if I saw the car rolling away!

I hope the 'back pain' isn't foreshadowing for something worse in the future!
I'm not getting notifications on this. :confused: It is definitely time for us to have another December gathering! My gosh that was so much fun and there were soooooooooooooo many of us.

Did you get a chance to meet Rosie? I see you down there Rosie! OMGosh that was also the Jonas Brother's trip! Ice cold, freezing, parade day that was ultimately postponed. Okay, memories and more memories.

I love you girls and I am so glad you're writing another trip report!!! :cheer2:
Heather, I'm so glad to see you have a TR going! Your girlies are getting big and more cute as time goes by.:goodvibes Looking forward to reading along. Oh, and I would not have stepped a toe nail out of the car with a sign that said THAT! No way, no how sister.
Okay, I last left you with only our arrival day. I know....I am horrible! Now let's get to our Universal day!!

We got up early the next morning. Well, MIL got up early and started to get ready. Then once she was finished in the bathroom I went to take my bath and started to get ready. I let Chad and the girls sleep in a little. Once I got ready, I woke Chad up so he could get ready. The girls started to wake up by this time. MIL was finished so she decided to take the girls down to the restaurant in the hotel and start them on breakfast. I finished with my makeup while Chad finished getting ready. I only brought in one bag for our stay at this hotel. Everything else was still in the car. I figured it would make for an easier departure. So I packed up what things we brought in and we headed downstairs to breakfast. We get to the table and I see this


then this..


I actually removed some of the bacon from Hannah's plate. She ended up getting some fruit on her plate! lol

We finished up with breakfast and it was time to go! We went and got our thing out of the room and headed straight to Universal.

The very first place we headed was towards E.T. But, a worker saw the girls dresses and stopped us and said Sponge Bob and friends would be coming out in about 30 minutes for their little song and dance. So we went to the Despicable Me ride. Here is sweet Hollie with her 3D glasses


We finished up and headed towards Mel's Diner so we could see Sponge Bob and friends come out. Not even 5 minutes later, here they come!!




Hollie got really tickled at Squidward. He pointed at her dress and gave her the thumbs down sign as he shook his head! Here she is telling us about it


The sweet lady who told us about it, came and got the girls and put them in the front of the line so the could meet everyone







Since they have about the same personality...Chad joined Squidward


They also had some other characters around


Hannah was NOT a fan lol


They also had EB from Hop as well as his dad, the Pink Berets and some grumpy chicks, including Carlos!





Continued in next post
Next we headed towards E.T. But first...we had to check out the new Sponge Bob store!





We made it to E.T. and here are my sweet girls in line!




Now, Hannah was not really a fan of this ride. She did NOT like the dark part...which we soon found out she didn't like about any ride!

Next we hit up Woody Woodpecker's roller coaster, which is a favorite of Hollie's!


Next we headed towards MIB, which is one of our favorites! We stopped along the way to take some photos



Now we get over to MIB and Hollie decides she does NOT want to ride it this time. She said it was boring and she wanted popcorn! lol So MIL took the girls to get some popcorn while Chad and I rode it. After that we headed towards Earthquake and The Mummy. We really missed the Jaws ride and I wanted to get the girls picture with Bruce the Shark outside of what used to be Jaws. But...they weren't having it this time!

So we headed towards The Mummy. We get all the way over there and Hollie decides she isn't gonna ride this one. What in the world happened to my little daredevil!! So Chad and I rode it without her while she and Hannah ran around the little Central Park area out in front of it.

We all went to do Twister after that and again, Hannah was not a fan!! lol By this time, we were all hungry for some lunch so we decided to leave the park and head to eat at Nascar Grill which is a favorite of ours.

Here is Hollie trying to take a picture of herself holding the Universal sphere



We were looking forward to being able to see The Grinchmas at Islands of Adventure. I took the girls to the bathroom and changed their dresses and off we went to IoA!


We went to the Cat in the Hat first and rode it. I hate to say it, but I did not take any pictures of this ride. But, I did hear someone saying that the Grinch was about to do pictures. I need to scan the pictures we bought of him because they are just too cute!

Let me tell you about him. H I L A R I O U S!!! He is just perfect! It is really like you are meeting "The Grinch" from the Jim Carrey movie. He loved the girls dresses and even said something about my shirt. He turned us around to everyone else waiting in line and said, "See people....represent...represent when you like something!! Its all about the Grinch love!" ha ha



Here are the girls with with some Whoville folks


Now by this time, MIL was not feeling good at all. The girls were tired from our drive up the day before so all they wanted was a Butter Beer from WWoHP. But, Chad and I wanted to ride the Forbidden Journey. So we left the girls with MIL in Suess landing and headed that way.


Here I am with the train conductor! Yay!


We ended up riding it twice and then got everyone a butter beer. yum!

This place is just amazing!


Here is Hollie with her yummy butter beer!


continued next
My sassy girl again


We went to one fish two fish red fish blue fish




We met these folks



We headed towards the Caro-Seuss-el

You can tell how tired Hannah was starting to get





After that we decided to call it a day. We didn't even venture on the other side of the park. Hollie was tired, Hannah was tired, MIL was hurting so we packed it up and left to go check in at DISNEY!! Yay!!!!
I just found this.
The videos were cute.
I would have been with Chad laughing about the car too.
That is the hotel we are staying at in December. I hope it is good, we are there or 2 nights.
Looks like you had low crowds there.
What does butter beer taste like?

After that we decided to call it a day. We didn't even venture on the other side of the park. Hollie was tired, Hannah was tired, MIL was hurting so we packed it up and left to go check in at DISNEY!! Yay!!!!

Now you're talking my language! :banana:
Hi Heather! I can't believe how big the girls are getting! :)

Hey sweet girl!!! Oh I know, it makes me so sad!! lol

Joining in! :)

Yay! So glad your here! :)

I just found this.
The videos were cute.
I would have been with Chad laughing about the car too.
That is the hotel we are staying at in December. I hope it is good, we are there or 2 nights.
Looks like you had low crowds there.

Hey Scott! He still cracks up laughing about that car! lol I don't think I will ever live that one down!
It was really neat! I have never stayed in a hotel like it the way it was set up. I bet you will like it as well :)

Oh we did, it was so nice!

What does butter beer taste like?

Oh it is soooo good! It's really sweet, but good. Almost like butterscotch mixed with a cream soda. I have only had it frozen, but we really like it. :)

Now you're talking my language! :banana:

We were more than ready to head that way! ;)
I love the pictures Heather!!! Especially the Grinch ones. Those are my favorites. Hollie is starting to look more and more like Chad every day. Hannah is a spitting image of you.

We have to plan better this year. We haven't seen you all since what...Halloween of '11, right? We need another trip like Dec '09. That was fun. The kids miss Hollie so much and Hannah was just a baby then. She's getting so big now. :cutie:

Butter beer sounds interesting...:scratchin Is it frozen like a drink made in our Margarita machines or more like an icee? I can't stand the texture of an icee.

We are long overdue for a Universal vaca. Caison was younger than Hannah last time we went. :faint:
I love the pictures Heather!!! Especially the Grinch ones. Those are my favorites. Hollie is starting to look more and more like Chad every day. Hannah is a spitting image of you.

We have to plan better this year. We haven't seen you all since what...Halloween of '11, right? We need another trip like Dec '09. That was fun. The kids miss Hollie so much and Hannah was just a baby then. She's getting so big now. :cutie:

Butter beer sounds interesting...:scratchin Is it frozen like a drink made in our Margarita machines or more like an icee? I can't stand the texture of an icee.

We are long overdue for a Universal vaca. Caison was younger than Hannah last time we went. :faint:

Aw, thanks love! The Grinch was one of my favorites too. He was so fun to be around!

We do need to plan better! I need to get my tail going down to Disney more!! lol Dec '09 was so much fun!!!!

It was more like a frozen margarita texture to me. They serve it frozen or on the rocks and I haven't had it on the rocks yet.

Looks like a great day at Universal! The girls' dresses are so cute! Squidward's reaction sounds hilarious! :rotfl:

It was a great day! We just love it there!
AW thank you! I was very proud of the girls matching dresses! ;)
We woke up early this morning for our Chef Mickeys breakfast. I snapped this shot of Hollie while I was waiting for her to get her wake up call.

I finally got the girls up and ready. We were out the door and on our way!

We got to the Contemporary and I headed inside so I could check us in because I think we were running a little behind to my standards. LOL I like to at least get to our reservations at least 15 minutes early. I think it was 5 minutes to our check in time so Chad dropped me off while they went to park. Plus I also had another task to take care of! I wanted to get the girls a little something from the gift shop. So I ran in, got them a little prize and was walking out of the gift shop when I see two excited girls coming up the escalators. We got in line to check in and then took the Chef Mickeys photo

Another view just because my girls look cute!! Lol

We were seated at our table and we immediately started on our GTGF run! What is that you say? Well its the Get the Girls food run. Which you all know by now, that is a fun thing to do at a Character buffet. I ran up to get Hannahs plate and Hollie went with me so she could make her own. We got back and the girls started eating. Then this guy shows up! You can tell Hannah was a little weary at first because she immediately jumped in my lap.

Here face in the corner was so sweet!

Up next was Donald!

Here is sweet Hollie! She just loves CMs!

Next I saw someone coming up around the corner and this was the reaction I got from Hannah

That's right.....it was.......

Up next, we met this sweet lady

Hannah was loving everything by this point! She would wave to them as they were walking to other tables.

Now this is where the title to the TR came about. Hannah was enjoying her slice of bacon when Goofy walked up behind her! We all said, Look its Goofy!! Well, Goofy had other plans. He was going to grab Hannahs hand to say hello but the bacon-loving child that I have, thought he was taking her bacon. Take note, never take someones bacon away from them! Lol
Hannah looks up and said, No Doopy....dats mine!!! The look on her face was priceless and I wish I had taken a picture of it! When she finally got over the fact he wasnt taking her bacon, she posed for photos!

We were finally done with our breakfast and headed towards the exit. But not before taking this!

Ok I can't see it. It is driving me crazy :lmao: Are you going back this year? It looks like Halloween and Christmas. Your kids say the funniest things to make great TR.
I thought I had already taken the time to comment on this, but I guess not. Loving your Chef Mickey photos !! We went there for the first time this last trip for dinner and we really liked it. I know that DH would lobe the breakfast buffet. We need to try that !!


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