WISH Away The Pounds ~ Achieving in April ~ All are WELCOME!

QOTD for Tuesday, April 23, 2013:

Paper or plastic or reusable?? Paper

Salty or sweet?? Sweet :love:

Homebody or Adventure-seeker?? Adventure Seeker! :dance3:

Navy or black?? Black

Neat or sloppy?? Neat (usually)

Planner or spontaneous?? Spontaneous :thumbsup2

Eat less or exercise more?? exercise more :yay:

Optimist or pessimist? optimist :cheer2:

Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla

Cats or dogs?? Dogs :dogdance:

Street smarts or book smarts?? Street

Apple or orange?? Apple

Introvert or extrovert?? Introvert

Reality TV or Dramas?? Dramas

Daffodils or tulips?? Tulips

QOtD: Optimist!"No sense in being pessimistic. It wouldn't work anyway.”
It's funny how when you get a head cold, everything goes down the drain.

Awww.... sorry you are sick! It is hard to keep up with life with a head cold! Feel better soon!

I hope you enjoyed your morning without any rushing around. I can't wait until summer so I can do the same!

It was nice to just get up when I wanted and not hit the TM or shower or car immediately!


I had a quick minute to check in before I plug along on my IEPs. I needed a mental break for now. The weather is beautiful today and supposed to be 70 degrees! I am going to do my 30ds after work and then a friend and I plan on walking while our kids are at soccer. The fields are in a recreation area by our lake, so I can't wait to get extra exercise, have some girl talk, and enjoy nature :thumbsup2 We'll probably walk for 30 minutes so we can watch the other half our our littlest one's practice.

Okay, I am off to get some of this dreaded work done. Enjoy your day!


Sounds like a lovely day! We are at mid-40's and rainy.... cold and raw and more than just a bit BLAH!

We watch Brain Games as well. We dvr'd last night's new episode and can't wait to watch it. DS9 really likes the show, too. I wonder if they have last season on dvd yet. It would be fun to show my students on those days when I need something to fill in for 45-50 minutes (like when we give state tests or something). It is a pretty cool show.

It was really neat and something FUN to watch with DS instead of having to always compromise in HIS shows or MY shows! Even after I left the room I could still hear him chuckling at the TV!


Okay.... I made it upstairs to my scrapping table but needed to make my bed first. So I made my bed, but realized it was nearly LUNCH TIME and wanted to get something warm cooking for the kids. So pasta is boiling, sauce is warming, and I still haven't pulled out my scrapping stuff yet!

Timer for pasta is beeping so I will run! TTYL....................P
QOTD for Tuesday, April 23, 2013:

Paper or plastic or reusable?? Reusable

Salty or sweet?? BOTH !!

Homebody or Adventure-seeker?? Homebody

Navy or black?? Black

Neat or sloppy?? Sloppy

Planner or spontaneous?? Planner

Eat less or exercise more?? Eat Less

Optimist or pessimist? Optimist

Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla

Cats or dogs?? BOTH!!

Street smarts or book smarts?? Book Smarts

Apple or orange?? Orange

Introvert or extrovert?? Extrovert

Reality TV or Dramas?? Dramas

Daffodils or tulips?? Tulips

what a fun question today.. for yesterday we recycle our bottles/cans and paper and use resuable bags and containers.
QOTD for Tuesday, April 23, 2013:

Paper or plastic or reusable?? All 3 lol. We use the plastic bags for cleaning the litter boxes. I take one of those and line a square bucket with it and it works really well, good to knock off the excess stuff. We use paper for our trash bags and I have a huge one for my bike basket I use if I remember to bring it in.

Salty or sweet?? Salty

Homebody or Adventure-seeker?? A little of both.

Navy or black?? Black

Neat or sloppy?? At work super neat-- at home kinds messy.

Planner or spontaneous?? Spontaneous unless it's a Disney trip.

Eat less or exercise more?? Exercise more

Optimist or pessimist? Optimist I try anyway--seems you get knocked down a lot.

Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla

Cats or dogs?? Both! I have many cats but we love dogs.

Street smarts or book smarts?? Book. I think I'm surgically attached to the internet any more. I have to have 50 opinions of the right way to do anything.

Apple or orange?? Apple. but a big juicy orange does not offend

Introvert or extrovert?? Introvert I guess. Sometimes I get really social though if I'm in a pretty good mood.

Reality TV or Dramas?? Reality. Right now I've been into 'World's worst tenants', lol, all the storage unit auction shows, I like pretty much any show on animal planet right now especially My cat from Hell. I am eagerly awaiting the new season of True Blood a the moment though, we love Walking Dead, and I've been watching Girls. We mostly watch comedies though.

Daffodils or tulips??
I love tulips! I saw some of those really dark purple ones on my bike ride yesterday, the kind that look black when they are closed-those are my favorite.

Supposed to be really nice here today--think I'll let the kittens explore the back yard grass a little later lol.
QOTD for Tuesday, April 23, 2013:

Paper or plastic or reusable?? reusable or plastic if not available. The walmart by us has a recycling center to drop off your plastic bags (the bags do not have to be from walmart.)

Salty or sweet?? Sweet

Homebody or Adventure-seeker?? Homebody

Navy or black?? Black

Neat or sloppy?? Sloppy

Planner or spontaneous?? Planner

Eat less or exercise more?? Eat less

Optimist or pessimist? Pessimist

Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate

Cats or dogs?? Dogs

Street smarts or book smarts?? Sometimes neither and sometimes both.

Apple or orange?? Orange

Introvert or extrovert?? Introvert

Reality TV or Dramas?? Both. I love those true crime shows.

Daffodils or tulips?? Daffodils

I have had a tough week and am really trying to regain my focus.
Well, the unplanned walking continues!!! I forgot my lunch today (prepped it all, then left it on the counter in the kitchen!!) so at lunchtime I had to walk to the nearest store to buy some lunch (baked beans and bananas....not together!!). My Garmin Fit app said I did 1.32km in 13mins and 32 seconds, and used 92 calories in the process!!

lmhall2000........The scotch egg recipe is really simple....boil (soft boil) and shell 4 eggs. Take a pound of lean pork sausage, skin and divide into 4. Coat each egg in a fourth of the sausage. (You can dip in egg and roll in breadcrumbs at this stage if you want, but I don't bother) spray with a little low cal spray, then bake in the oven for around 30-40 minutes at 200C.

QOTD for Tuesday, April 23, 2013:

Paper or plastic or reusable?? Mostly reusable, but occasional paper when we go camping

Salty or sweet?? sweet, except for popcorn!

Homebody or Adventure-seeker?? Homebody mostly, with occasional thrill seeking madness thrown in when we managed to save enough!!

Navy or black?? Black

Neat or sloppy?? Neat at work, lived-in at home!

Planner or spontaneous?? Plan is my middle name!

Eat less or exercise more?? A bit of both, but mostly eat less

Optimist or pessimist? Optimist with caution

Chocolate or vanilla? chocolate (the cause of most of my problems!!!)

Cats or dogs?? Cats definitely

Street smarts or book smarts?? Street

Apple or orange?? Orange

Introvert or extrovert?? Extrovert once I know you!!

Reality TV or Dramas?? Drama, no-one makes a drama like the BBC

Daffodils or tulips??
Daffodils..so bright and cheerful.

Made the most delicious chicken and potato bake for tea, all healthy and wholesome and no syns at all on my diet plan!!!
Well, the unplanned walking continues!!! I forgot my lunch today (prepped it all, then left it on the counter in the kitchen!!) so at lunchtime I had to walk to the nearest store to buy some lunch (baked beans and bananas....not together!!). My Garmin Fit app said I did 1.32km in 13mins and 32 seconds, and used 92 calories in the process!!

lmhall2000........The scotch egg recipe is really simple....boil (soft boil) and shell 4 eggs. Take a pound of lean pork sausage, skin and divide into 4. Coat each egg in a fourth of the sausage. (You can dip in egg and roll in breadcrumbs at this stage if you want, but I don't bother) spray with a little low cal spray, then bake in the oven for around 30-40 minutes at 200C.

Made the most delicious chicken and potato bake for tea, all healthy and wholesome and no syns at all on my diet plan!!!

Super! Now I need the chicken and potato bake recipe! Can I just come visit your kitchen or awhile? I do not think our sausage tastes like yours, so you just bake, no deep frying? I can do that!

Way to go all you walkers/runners!! Great job! I got my 30 DS in but am feeling a light headed slump, trying to figure out foods I can eat that will up my energy, but usually get anemic at TOM...
Evening all! Just a quick pop on to say g'night! Just waiting for my veggie burgers to finish cooking so I can have my late dinner....already ate my roasted cabbage.....YUM!

See you in the a.m.! .....................P
I survived the 3 day campout! Had smores offered to me, NOPE..not a bite, had a 2 pound bag of M&M's...NOPE not one single solitary one..I even saw two stragglers laying around, I promise you in the old days (just 3 weeks ago) I would have not thought twice about picking those up and eating them or having about 4 handfuls of those things!! NOT ONE!! I succumbed to a serving of Ruffles potato chips yesterday and again today when I got home, I had about 8 potato chips yesterday (but they were big) and today I stuck to 6, but also the big ones..but honestly in the old days I could have had half the bag and still wanted more...I should be starting today or tomorrow (PMS) and I usually have horrific hunger/junk food cravings the day before so I let myself have those potato chips.

The exciting news was that I was able to stream Jillian's 30DS yesterday off the mountain, no cell service so I was worried and even better talke 2 other moms into doing it with me and their 3 daughters....they really enjoyed it but I had to give myself a pat on the back...I am roughly 40-50 pounds overweight,these moms were in normal weight zone to me...and they had to stop quite a bit during the workout..I really am amazed how much strength I have built up in just the 14 days I've been doing it! I assured them that if they start it and do it daily they would not have to stop at all...We all said how much better we felt after doing it!!

At the campsite, we were 1/4 mile from the bathroom so each trip was a half mile, I thinked I easily walked 5 miles each day just with bathroom trips and hiking to our skills field!

I just took my first shower in 3 days and am going to nap before tackling today's 30DS! I am just so amazed that I'm holding steady on this losing frame of mind and not the reward with food frame of mind!! It is tough but feels so much better!!

Sounds like a great camping trip!! I miss camping, we used to go camping in the CA Redwoods every summer, haven't been in several years now... really wanting to go back!

Thought I'd share some pics with you from my lovely day out yesterday.........

Really lovely pictures!

Happy MONDAY everyone!! Here is your QOTD for today!!

QOTD for Monday, April 22, 2013:

In honor of Earth Day....

How aware are you of your carbon footprint? Have you made changes at any point in your life to try to reduce that carbon footprint? Do you think leading a healthier lifestyle helps or hinders efforts to lead a more "green" life??


I try... recycle more than I think our city is even capable of recycling, also try to conserve water seeing as how we live in the desert, and I try to get our office staff to cut down on the paper we use, though I know this doesn't even make a dent! Government jobs (much like teaching) are FULL of paperwork, a lot of which is unnecessary IMO! I do drive A LOT, but this is because our city is so spread out and my job consists of a ton of field work, so really unavoidable to drive so much :(

QOTD for Tuesday, April 23, 2013:

Paper or plastic or reusable?? Reusable when I can (Disney or Trader Joes), or plastic which we reuse for trash and animal doody duty :)

Salty or sweet?? Hmm, both... mixed :upsidedow

Homebody or Adventure-seeker?? Homebody, really figured this out last week when I went out with a friend for her bday and I was simply waiting ntil a polite time I could excuse myself to go home!

Navy or black?? Black!

Neat or sloppy?? Neat! which really puts me at odds with sloppy DF :headache:

Planner or spontaneous?? Planner!

Eat less or exercise more?? Definitely both :yay:

Optimist or pessimist? I think I am a pessimist, but wishing I were more of an optimist :thumbsup2

Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla, I do not like chocolate (shocking I know)

Cats or dogs?? cats even though DF is allergic

Street smarts or book smarts?? Book, my strong suit, plus DF and I balance each other out as he has the steet smarts :)

Apple or orange?? Neither, berries please :thumbsup2

Introvert or extrovert?? Introvert

Reality TV or Dramas?? Both! Love me some Teen Mom, BL, Storage Wars, Cupcake Wars, but also LOVE Walking Dead (Daryl Dixon :love:), Criminal Minds, Psych (well I guess that counts as comedy huh...)

Daffodils or tulips?? Tulips :flower3:


OK, off to get us updated (sorry I didn't get it done yesterday, was working on a court report)!!

Be back tomorrow to chat!
Good Wed morning everyone.

I may not be posting but I am still reading everything.

QOTD for Tuesday, April 23, 2013:

Paper or plastic or reusable?? plastic but recylce

Salty or sweet?? both

Homebody or Adventure-seeker?? homebody

Navy or black??navy

Neat or sloppy??sloppy trying to learn how to neat

Planner or spontaneous??planner

Eat less or exercise more??eat less

Optimist or pessimist?pessimist

Chocolate or vanilla?chocolate

Cats or dogs??both

Street smarts or book smarts??book smart

Apple or orange??apple

Introvert or extrovert??introvert

Reality TV or Dramas??not a lot of either

Daffodils or tulips??

I will be seeing a lot of everyone once the AP exam is over in two weeks. I will also be hosting the May thread so maybe I can back on track.

Have a happy and healthy day.
well just weighed in and lost my goal and a pd........... a zillion left to go.....but what a lift to the old spirits.............been working sooooo much havent been able to get any exercise in.......ugh........... but at least all the work hours has kept me from snacking all day...........
I have had a tough week and am really trying to regain my focus.

Glad you are aware of it and working on the focus. Hopefully it will all click back into place quickly.

Well, the unplanned walking continues!!! I forgot my lunch today (prepped it all, then left it on the counter in the kitchen!!) so at lunchtime I had to walk to the nearest store to buy some lunch (baked beans and bananas....not together!!). My Garmin Fit app said I did 1.32km in 13mins and 32 seconds, and used 92 calories in the process!!

Hate it when I forget something like that.... but good for you for finding a decent substitute AND getting in some extra steps!!:thumbsup2

lmhall2000........The scotch egg recipe is really simple....boil (soft boil) and shell 4 eggs. Take a pound of lean pork sausage, skin and divide into 4. Coat each egg in a fourth of the sausage. (You can dip in egg and roll in breadcrumbs at this stage if you want, but I don't bother) spray with a little low cal spray, then bake in the oven for around 30-40 minutes at 200C.

Sounds yummy!

Made the most delicious chicken and potato bake for tea, all healthy and wholesome and no syns at all on my diet plan!!!

Sounds delish!

Super! Now I need the chicken and potato bake recipe! Can I just come visit your kitchen or awhile? I do not think our sausage tastes like yours, so you just bake, no deep frying? I can do that!

I'm not sure our sausage would be like theirs either.

Way to go all you walkers/runners!! Great job! I got my 30 DS in but am feeling a light headed slump, trying to figure out foods I can eat that will up my energy, but usually get anemic at TOM...

Don't do the exercise when you are light-headed! No need to end up in a heap on the floor!

Good Wed morning everyone.

I may not be posting but I am still reading everything.


I will be seeing a lot of everyone once the AP exam is over in two weeks. I will also be hosting the May thread so maybe I can back on track.

Have a happy and healthy day.

WOOHOO on hosting!! And as the Mom of an AP student....THANK YOU for all you do to help the students succeed on the exams!! DD is in the kitchen RIGHT NOW working on a study project for her Biology AP test.

well just weighed in and lost my goal and a pd........... a zillion left to go.....but what a lift to the old spirits.............been working sooooo much havent been able to get any exercise in.......ugh........... but at least all the work hours has kept me from snacking all day...........

Great job on losing your goal!! Don't get too distracted by how much you have left.... just celebrate TODAY'S victory!!


Morning all! Lost track of time and haven't posted the QOTD yet! So sorry! No excuses, since I've been up since 4am! :rotfl: Morning just got away from me!

I'm doing well, keeping busy during this school vacation week! Off to get that QOTD posted, hang a load of towels on the line, and get moving!..........P
QOTD for Wednesday, April 24, 2013:

How have things in your kitchen changed since you started on this weight-loss/healthy lifestyle journey? Have you....

cleaned out the snack cupboard to make room for healthier choices?

added a steamer basket to your saucepan drawer??

made room in a drawer for a new food scale?

bought new knives to help you prep more fruits and veggies?

dug out your favorite lunch sack to make it easier to bring your healthy lunch to work?

tossed out the processed junk (cereal, crackers, cookies) in lieu of healthier foods (apples, oranges, Lara bars)??

invested in a special appliance like a Vitamix??

Take a minute to share the changes you have made!!
QOTD for Wednesday, April 24, 2013:

How have things in your kitchen changed since you started on this weight-loss/healthy lifestyle journey? Have you....

cleaned out the snack cupboard to make room for healthier choices? Try to but it's a constant battle with the DH. For the most part though, I stay away from the junk he brings home!:thumbsup2

added a steamer basket to your saucepan drawer?? a what to my what??:lmao:

made room in a drawer for a new food scale? Yes!:cool1:

bought new knives to help you prep more fruits and veggies? Received some from a friend.:love:

dug out your favorite lunch sack to make it easier to bring your healthy lunch to work? Yup!

tossed out the processed junk (cereal, crackers, cookies) in lieu of healthier foods (apples, oranges, Lara bars)??Just added the good stuff to the existing junk.

invested in a special appliance like a Vitamix??
Does a new blender count?:confused3

Take a minute to share the changes you have made!!
I hope there's some magic way to change the DH's habits without him even knowing...:love:
I hope there's some magic way to change the DH's habits without him even knowing...:love:

Well..... if you are the meal planner, you could start by just offering different healthier meals and smaller portions of carbohydrates and offering multiple veggies with each meal. We used to be a standard "protein, starch, one {usually green} veggie" family.... but we have definitely EVOLVED into a much healthier family! Dinner is usually a smaller portion of lean protein, a small portion of a healthy carb such as brown rice or quinoa, and two or three veggies. The kids have gotten very used to it (although I won't say that DS is always on board with the veggies). You would have to make the changes gradual and be SURE that there is something there that he loves, so he remembers the meal fondly!

If you are having trouble with DH bringing home junk food, be sure to dedicate a spot for HIS junk and then STAY AWAY FROM IT! I have a special basket for the kids school snacks (not terrible stuff, just treats I shouldn't eat like Nature Valley granola bars, Clif bars) and I rarely go into it unless I am packing lunches. I have my treats in a different spot and I try to keep the Point values written on them, loud and clear so I know what I am choosing. Most of the time though, I try to think of the fruit bowl as my treat spot.


Okay.... day is screaming along at breakneck pace, as usual! One load on the line drying and another to go out, but it is getting a bit late for that. Lunch is being consumed as we speak, chicken is marinating for dinner. I got in some yard work exercise today and it felt good to FINALLY be outside! Yesterday was so cold and damp and dark and bitter.... but today is nice! Nearly 60 degrees and bright sun! I got three flower beds in the back raked out and dragged the leaves to the woods. I need to do some paperwork inside for a bit, but I am hoping to get back outside for another hour of raking before I have to hit the shower.

Dinner tonight..... grilled chicken salads. Sounds pretty basic, but it is a bit unusual for us, as DS can't eat chicken so we rarely have it unless he is away. But DD was craving it, so I planned it for this week. I bought some new meatless "chicken" strips for DS to try on his salad. Salads will be organic mixed greens and baby spinach topped with those lovely yellow cherry tomatoes, cucumber, carrots, celery, jicama, mushrooms, and sauteed onions and peppers.

Off to have my apple and get my paperwork done so I can get back outside!...........P
QOTD for Wednesday, April 24, 2013:

How have things in your kitchen changed since you started on this weight-loss/healthy lifestyle journey? Have you....

cleaned out the snack cupboard to make room for healthier choices?

added a steamer basket to your saucepan drawer??

made room in a drawer for a new food scale?

bought new knives to help you prep more fruits and veggies?

dug out your favorite lunch sack to make it easier to bring your healthy lunch to work?

tossed out the processed junk (cereal, crackers, cookies) in lieu of healthier foods (apples, oranges, Lara bars)??

invested in a special appliance like a Vitamix??

Take a minute to share the changes you have made!!

Well at our house there is def less snacks.. stuff like crackers, popcorn, cheese its, cookies, mixes for brownies and cakes are all gone.. we do have some chips but I am Ok at staying away from those.. I do buy a few things when DS is home so he can have them in his lunch box (he need not watch his what he eat at 6 foot and 150lbs) I do have WAY more veggies with dinners most night we have 2 veggies lean meat and the boys have a starch altho sometimes it's just the veggies and I make my Hubs eat them instead of a starch.. haaa - he is not a big veggie guy.. He isn't ready to really change but I've noticed lately he's not snacking as much (maybe cause they are missing :rotfl2:)
QOTD for Wednesday, April 24, 2013:

How have things in your kitchen changed since you started on this weight-loss/healthy lifestyle journey? Have you....

cleaned out the snack cupboard to make room for healthier choices?

added a steamer basket to your saucepan drawer??

made room in a drawer for a new food scale?

bought new knives to help you prep more fruits and veggies?

dug out your favorite lunch sack to make it easier to bring your healthy lunch to work?

tossed out the processed junk (cereal, crackers, cookies) in lieu of healthier foods (apples, oranges, Lara bars)??

invested in a special appliance like a Vitamix??

Take a minute to share the changes you have made!!

honestly no changes............ my family are snackers and love their chips and junk food........but they are active and all skinny........ ex my 17 years old son 6'1" and 150 lbs.............. i think what helped me is getting a job back in jan and i am not home to eat all day.............. i think i will need to think on some of these suggestions........and see what i come up with............
Well..... if you are the meal planner, you could start by just offering different healthier meals and smaller portions of carbohydrates and offering multiple veggies with each meal. We used to be a standard "protein, starch, one {usually green} veggie" family.... but we have definitely EVOLVED into a much healthier family! Dinner is usually a smaller portion of lean protein, a small portion of a healthy carb such as brown rice or quinoa, and two or three veggies. The kids have gotten very used to it (although I won't say that DS is always on board with the veggies). You would have to make the changes gradual and be SURE that there is something there that he loves, so he remembers the meal fondly!

If you are having trouble with DH bringing home junk food, be sure to dedicate a spot for HIS junk and then STAY AWAY FROM IT! I have a special basket for the kids school snacks (not terrible stuff, just treats I shouldn't eat like Nature Valley granola bars, Clif bars) and I rarely go into it unless I am packing lunches. I have my treats in a different spot and I try to keep the Point values written on them, loud and clear so I know what I am choosing. Most of the time though, I try to think of the fruit bowl as my treat spot.

The problem is I almost NEVER cook dinner. He's always home before me and knows that I usually work out as soon as I get home. He eats lunch around noon and I don't usually go until 2, so by 5 he's starving. He's not one for trying ANYTHING new, he just wants something quick and easy. I can honestly says he eats one of 4-5 meals every night: pasta (white) with ground beef, chicken parm that he makes with Tyson fillets, homemade pizza, or breaded chicken strips with hot sauce or take out Chinese. That's it. I mean that's REALLY it. And he pretty much refuses to eat left overs, not that there really ever is any. He also does all the grocery shopping, which may seem like a great thing (especially since I hate it!), but he goes for inexpensive as opposed to quality. (Heavy sigh...:sad2:). He knows if I did it, there would be NO Oreos, cheese doodles, chips or soda. I think there would be an all out revolt if I brought home only veggies, vegetarian meals, no snacks or soda. I know, kill me now:faint:!! The good thing is I'm rarely tempted to eat any of the junk. Usually my only treat is a small piece of chocolate, WW ice cream, or a little bit of popcorn.
QOTD for Wednesday, April 24, 2013:

How have things in your kitchen changed since you started on this weight-loss/healthy lifestyle journey? Have you....

cleaned out the snack cupboard to make room for healthier choices? Nope, can't get DF to stop buying the snacks... I just keep mine in a seperate spot!

added a steamer basket to your saucepan drawer?? Was just thinking yesterday how much I need one of these!

made room in a drawer for a new food scale? I have one, an older one, which I use all the time (keep it out on the counter even!), but I am working my way up to order a new one!

bought new knives to help you prep more fruits and veggies? We have pretty good knives!

dug out your favorite lunch sack to make it easier to bring your healthy lunch to work? Yep! :thumbsup2 (just need to make myself use it more!)

tossed out the processed junk (cereal, crackers, cookies) in lieu of healthier foods (apples, oranges, Lara bars)?? Hmm, still working on this... I do keep Atkins bars for quick snacks/meals...

invested in a special appliance like a Vitamix?? No, haven't found one I NEED yet (I don't usually buy things I don't NEED since we are on a tight budget. IN fact my Bodymedia armband was my one splurge for the year...

Take a minute to share the changes you have made!!

P.S. Our progress post was updated last night, please let me know if I missed you!
QOTD for Wednesday, April 24, 2013:

How have things in your kitchen changed since you started on this weight-loss/healthy lifestyle journey? Have you....

cleaned out the snack cupboard to make room for healthier choices? Never had a snack cupboard...we used to buy it and eat it, no need for storage!!!!

added a steamer basket to your saucepan drawer?? Already had a steamer, but definitely using it more for vegetables and they taste so much better

made room in a drawer for a new food scale? Nope, mine lives on the worktop at all times!!

bought new knives to help you prep more fruits and veggies? Yes. my santuko knife is my best friend

dug out your favorite lunch sack to make it easier to bring your healthy lunch to work? Nope, I use ziplock bags.......always forget to bring the container home if I take something reuseable to work!

tossed out the processed junk (cereal, crackers, cookies) in lieu of healthier foods (apples, oranges, Lara bars)?? This has probably been our biggest change - I cook everything from scratch now.

invested in a special appliance like a Vitamix??
My rice cooker has really been a great help

Take a minute to share the changes you have made!!

Success again today...just come home from class weigh-in and another pound gone...I won slimmer of the month for the second time!!! GO ME!!!

And seriously, if anyone does want my Chicken and potato bake recipe, you can PM me from tomorrow (yes, I get them baack tomorrow!) with your email address and I will gladly share....I also have a healthy butternut squash risotto recipe if anyone wants it!


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