"IF I HEAR SLEIGH RIDE ONE MORE TIME" - A Nov 2012 Holiday Extravaganza UPDATED 10/18


DIS Veteran
Jul 23, 2007

Well, hello there! If you love seasonal festivities, gorilla soap operas, snoap, people who have Macarena dance parties on buses, lions with bad haircuts, ipads blocking your view, terrifying experiences in treehouses, and/or plenty of FREAKING OUT over New Fantasyland, then have I got a story for you!

All of those things (and more!) combined to make this one heck of a trip.

You might be saying to yourself, “Wow. It’s the end of May. That’s a little late to be starting a Christmas-themed trip report, isn’t it?” Maybe. But the Christmas lights are still up in my bedroom (I’m lazy) so I think I’m good.


I'm Kara.

That’s me. With Governor Ratcliffe and Meeko. I’m the not xenophobic, not raccoon one.

I’m pretty much the worst when it comes to describing myself, so here’s a list of some of my favorite WDW-related things: Mickey Rice Krispy Treats, Stacey, Bus Voice Guy, Illuminations, the Pre-Illuminations Techno Dance Party, the diseased dinosaurs in the Dinosaur queue, saying Jambo, the Innoventions area loop, Toy Story Mania, the lanterns that hang in and around the Mad Tea Party, fiber optic sidewalks, hammock time at the Polynesian, the pie scent in Mickey’s Philharmagic, when automatic doors slide open and you’re hit in the face with air conditioning, Jungle Cruise jokes, and the Maelstrom. Obviously.

During the trip, I added a few more favorites to the list, but sharing them now would ruin the surprise. We wouldn't want that, would we?

My wonderful parents joined me on this adventure. Joined, of course, means that they paid for it. :p Seriously though, I love traveling with my parents for reasons that aren't financial. Disney vacations have been my family’s thing for as long as I can remember and, as I'm 22, that's a long time. The place is filled with as many great family memories as it is sweaty tourists and I’m always up for heading down to Disney with them. I guess that’s not really saying much though considering I’m always up for heading to Disney with anyone. If some random person on the street asked if I wanted to go with them, I’d have a hard time saying no. This is probably a problem.

Some trip details: We were in the World from November 25th to December 1st. We stayed at Pop Century. Aside from Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party, we had no real plans. No schedule. No ADRs. Nothing set in stone. Just park hoppers and a hotel room.

Finally, in case you’re wondering, the title of this TR comes from the fact that “Sleigh Ride” is the only song we heard all trip.

OK that might be a bit hyperbolic, but it sure seemed like it. "Sleigh Ride" must be on every single one of WDW’s holiday area music loops. It was playing all the time.

Don’t get me wrong, I love all versions of that song. It just loses some of its charm when you’re listening to it for the 3843423th time in a week. Hence the angry “IF I HEAR SLEIGH RIDE ONE MORE TIME…” I shouted to the skies. Only I’m terrible at making threats, so it ended there. Ha. Someday I'll figure out what I would have done if I'd heard "Sleigh Ride" one more time.

Well, I think that’s it for the introduction.

Thanks for joining in! After all….


It's never too late for a Christmas themed trip report. I am finally going back this December for the holidays so maybe your report will hold me over until then. :)
Jambo! :wave2: I'm not sure I've ever delurked to comment on one of your trip reports before, but I've read all of them. You are hilarious and seriously a fantastic writer. I'm already looking forward to your take on the holidays at Disney.
I'm totally in! This seems like a lot of fun and I love TRs with people around my age. Can't wait to read more :)
I'm in! I've read a few of your other TRs and love your writing style. :) I might not comment constantly because I'm trying to keep up with everyone's TRs and write my own and then there's life and all that jazz.. but I am definitely reading along!

Your title cracked me up because we were in Disneyland the same week you were in Disney World and definitely noticed them playing certain songs... a LOT. It must be Disney's thing. :laughing:
My husband has a string of christmas lights that are up at all times in his hobby room. They are pretty no matter the season!
That’s me. With Governor Ratcliffe and Meeko. I’m the not xenophobic, not raccoon one.

Oh, Kara, I never tire of your trip reporting skills! Thank goodness for this one, the only thing worse than a TR ending is an actual trip ending!!! ;)
Ohhh yes. I am so in. Like chocolate dunking, pool jumping, puertas avoiding, lap bar down and tugged on IN. This is gonna be so freakin entertaining. There should be Oscars for trip report entertainment. I nominate you.
So glad you're doing this TR just so I can subscribe and make page one. That's why you're doing it... right?
Oh, and incidentally I still have my Christmas tree up (ok, it's a Christmas Palm Tree but it's still decorated), so we're all good.
OH HELLO, I'm here! I've been really REALLY bad at commenting on people's TRs lately so I will be making up for it with this one!

Ya know, Sleigh Ride is one of my favorite Christmas songs (just the instrumental version... I'm one of those people who have to crack the whip and pretend I'm galloping along with the beat. It's just fun.) BUT I agree that hearing it over and over and over is just ENOUGH! ENOUGH OF THAT. Also, as great as Christmas music is, you really miss the regular Disney loops! Anyways, I can't wait to read about this!
I'm in! I don't post often, but I love your trip reports! You always make me laugh and you really have a great voice for writing!

And then there are pictures, no offense to the non picture trip report writers, but they are not as much fun to read!
As a fellow Disney rice krispie treat lover, I'm in! (My fave is dark chocolate, oreo crumbles and a white chocolate drizzle, in case you were just dying to know:rotfl2:) I loved your last TR.
I'm in. You're funny.. and I like funny. That pretty much covers my criteria for trip report subscriptions. However, there is the added allure of this being a Holiday trip report which is of particular interest to moi because we are planning our first Disney holiday trip.
Christmas theme..check :thumbsup2
It's never too late to start a Christmas trip report!! I mean, I still have my Merry Christmas mat at my front door...:confused3
subbing! my middle son has your exact sense of humor, and we just spent the last few days laughing over "more like weekend at Bernie's". we've also begun quoting you at odd times - is that weird???


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