Sorry Gaston, They are MUCH More Interesting Than You!*6/8* NEW Trip Report Link p154

hey there

All caught up and so sad its all over. I have loved tagging along on the girls trip. The pictures were all fantastic. Thanks so much.

Wow - two weeks till I am off to Disney as well now - but the other side of your lovely country. It is so exciting - its been 3 years since being to Disney and I never know when I will be back so always makes it special and somewhat sad :confused3

Looking forward to more of your reports and back to reading Cynthia's and still havent finished Pat's last report either - so have heaps to keep going in the meantime

Take care
Lol! No, not aiming for anyone to bop me one. Seriously I was going to post a pic on my thread but then photobucket mobile wasn't uploading my pic, neither was FB and I gave up.

The girls seemed to like the toe picture better than the coffee on the lanai.

I will wait to post wine on the lanai till later...Kathy might bop me!

Aloha to all, I have at least 2 updates to catch up on so the tr can't close out until then. Like after I get back from paradise.

Just sayin!


And yes. LOVE being a member right now!

If you didn't already know, Cynthia is off lounging it up at Aulani! I bet she is really loving being a DVC member right about now.

Lucky, lucky girl!!!

So dear DIS friends, my last day has finally arrived. Sniff Sniff. But I think I was just about ready to leave the magic and head on home. I had already missed two of Nick's soccer games and he had another this evening. Originally I had booked an early evening flight, but once I got his game schedule I changed it so I could be home by 4:30 for a 7pm game.

Well, at least looking forward to a son's soccer game helped take a little of the sting out of leaving. :goodvibes

Ok NOW it was getting hard to say goodbye to the Boardwalk.

I can picture myself right there right now. ::yes::

I'm pretty darn sure this is Norfolk, VA with the underwater tunnel that dips down something like 1 mile.

All this clasutrophobic has to say about an underwater tunnel is -
:eek: :crazy2: :faint: :scared1:

Thanks to everyone for reading!

Oh yeah - and I almost forgot - 2 weeks to Disney! :woohoo::yay::cool1::cheer2:

Thanks for sharing. I loved all the pictures! Jill wants to stay at Boardwalk someday, and I hope I can make that happen for her.

And hooray for more Disney time soon to come!
Hi everyone! Happy Memorial Day! I have a busy weekend ahead. I'm visiting my mom/dad right now so no Internet last night. Ill get to replies sometime this weekend.
Oh Cynthia. Why would you tease us all so? Aulani! Wow. Hope you're having a great trip!

Mary Ellen, very awesome pics from all around the resorts from your run. I love the little swan boats! The whole boardwalk area is so amazing. 2015 it shall be mine! :rotfl:

That is one FULL suitcase! Wow. Lucky it didn't go over!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your lack of Todd and Paul pictures. :worship: :rotfl2:

I had to chuckle at the pic of the Disney bag on the stroller. I love watching the Disney people trickle down each airport I get closer to home. For me, I usually sit at the gate in Orlando with all Disney goers. In Toronto, there's a few left. Once we had a family come all the way to Sydney with us, all the same flights from Disney! AHhh prolonging the magic.

I love all your pictures from the plane! I am very much not a geography buff, even within my own country so I can't help. :lmao: But I still enjoyed seeing it all!

I can't wait for the wrap up, but even more than that I can't wait for the next one to begin! Two weeks!!
I haven't ever really looked at photos of the Swan and Dolphin, so it was nice to see some of the shots you took of the place on your run. Love the little swan boats at the dock.:goodvibes

It had to be so difficult to say goodbye to that room view...:(

Thanks for the pics from the plane. I've never been north of IL, so it was interesting to see some new sights. Those trees look gorgeous from up high. I suppose there are places that actually have a fall season. :rotfl2: (In the southern states that's not really the case.:rolleyes2)
Hi everyone! Happy Memorial Day! I have a busy weekend ahead. I'm visiting my mom/dad right now so no Internet last night. Ill get to replies sometime this weekend.

Happy Memorial Day weekend to you too. We've got loads going on too. Soccer tournaments, a farewell for some friends at the Synagogue, a Salt Lake Real game tonight, and Gabby has MORP (girls' choice informal dance or prom backwards). We'll have more soccer Monday if Gabby's team advances. Joshua's team is in the finals today. Chloe goes for the Slurpees. Lol!
I think that was probably the most well-documented Disney departure ever! Hahah I enjoyed all the pictures! The airplane pictures were especially cool... although I do admit, they made me a little nervous for my flight on Tuesday! :scared: :laughing:
Oh that Cynthia! I'm so jealous.

You were cutting it close with that suitcase! I've started bringing a bag weigher on trips since I'm usually so close as well.

I'm absolutely no help on the geography. My house is super close to the airport and I can never find it. Bonus that you had a whole row to yourself!

A little stand versus the bakery. Oh Mary Ellen :sad2:

Great TR ladies! Thanks so much for sharing your adventure :)
Well once again, I have been away for far too long! Geographically challenged- yes, that's it! I got lost!

Lone Traveler-

The pictures of the sky at sunset are gorgeous!!! I love the way the EPCOT fountain looks like it is on fire!


I never weighed in on the T-shirt contest and it is a good thing. The only one I was positive you got was the Beers around the World for Jeff, and you didn't get that one at all!

I love your purchases, especially the very cute shirt from Yak & Yeti, the Hook pin, and the cookbook. I know you can find a lot of recipes here on the DIS and I may just look up the meatloaf and the coconut curry chicken stew. Thanks for the tip about the chicken. BTW- I did make a shephards pie based on the recipe you posted. Yum!


:rotfl2: at the Michael Jackson profile comment! Too funny!

WOW on the last picture of Madame Leota you posted. Absolutely amazing!!!

I enjoyed your bonus fireworks pictures- the colors are stunning!

My husband and I just realized that we have never been on the Peoplemover at night! We hope to rectify this mistake in July.

49 1/2 Pounds-

Love seeing the pictures of your incredible view from the room.

Nice pictures from your run. The colors in the picture of the Dolphin are so pretty. I didn't know there are swan boats at the Swan!

:rotfl::lmao::rotfl2: at the picture of your suitcase! So glad you were under the weight limit.

I enjoyed hearing about your CBR memory.

Finally, I didn't even know you could see the welcome sign from the Magical Depress. How cruel! In July we are only taking the ME back to the airport from Disney since the first part of our trip is to Universal.

Loved the pictures from the plane. So detailed! The amusement park photo was great. I'm so sorry I can't help you identify any of the landmarks.

I look forward to your wrap up (loved the one from your last report). As others have said, it is sad that this one is over, but I'm so happy that you have trip literally around the corner!

I really wanted this to be the bridge on Rt 301 way south of DC before 301 links up with 95, and who knows, maybe it is?

I'm pretty darn sure this is Norfolk, VA with the underwater tunnel that dips down something like 1 mile.

How long was between the 1st bridge picture and the underwater tunnel photo? I used to live in eastern NC and we would drive up Rt. 32 to Norfolk/Virginia Beach quite a bit and we would cross a bridge similar to that. If it isn't the bridge you were thinking, it might be the bridge on Rt. 32 crossing over the Albermarle Sound near Edenton, NC.
As shocking as I know it is... I was behind again. :rolleyes1 I guess coming back to find you have finished serves me right for being away so long. ;)

I love all the pictures you got Mary Ellen! Especially the one of Madame!!!

The walk down memory lane was great!!! Some of my best memories of Disney trips were those early ones... at the height of good deals and low crowds. Plus... it was neat to read that you have enjoyed CBR. Planning to stay there in 4 months...

I had to laugh at all the chair discussion... they are the creepiest things ever!! DD came in as I was viewing one of the pictures and I could tell it really bothered her too. Soooo creepy!!

You definitely made the most of the weight in your suitcase didn't you!!! 49.5 pounds. WOW!!!

Your seat on the plane sure was awesome!!! You got great pictures AND didn't have to share space. :banana:

How exciting you go back in just a couple weeks. :cool1:
The picture of the tunnel is actually the Monitor-Merrimack bridge tunnel that runs between Suffolk and Newport News, VA. The Tunnel to Norfolk is slightly east of there. The big dark spot on the upper left side of the pic is a coal yard!!
2 weeks till you go again, so jealous, at least 2 years for me.

Yup - less than two weeks now. I do have the East Coast advantage considering its only a 2 hour flight. I am really looking forward to this trip since its couples only! :thumbsup2

Hi there Mary Ellen! I'm caught up!

:thumbsup2 You were just traveling, correct?

I love all the travel home photos. You had some really great shots like that theme park. I have no clue where any of those were taken but it is interesting to me. I like to know where I am flying over as well...

I think its fun to try to figure out where you are. Sometimes I hit it exactly, most times I have no clue! :laughing:

when we get close to our house and see the familiar highways and landmarks I get giddy! Such a different perspective that high up. :)

I love that too. We live right near the C&D *(Chesapeake and Delaware Canal) so I always get excited if I see that as a landmark.

The mom in me loved you sharing about your son's nervous stomach on the flight home in 2005. That was a kind gesture from the flight attendant.

It really was and it is something I will always remember. She really went out of her way to make him feel at ease and it helped immensely. He used to hate to travel, especially car rides. I guess knowing that he had to start school the next morning just completely put him over the edge.

Your MK photos from your last night - especially Madame Leota - were spectacular! You may soak up Wendy's photo tips but my friend you do great on your own!

Thank you! But - you know there is a difference between Wendy and I - she KNOWS what she is doing. I, on the other hand, get lucky from time to time!

49.5 lbs!!! What a relief! :laughing: Perfectly planned!

That's right - I planned it exactly that way. :rotfl: I am packing lighter this time. I actually DO want to bring home soaves! :laughing:

How exciting for only a couple weeks before your return! :banana:

I am really looking forward to returning to my favorite vacation spot. :yay:

Happy Friday!

Thanks, considering its Monday now. :rolleyes1 Busy weekend!

Hi! I am usually just a lurker, but I thought I might help you out. I think the amusement park in your pics is Clementon Park in NJ.

:welcome: HulaHoopy! Thanks for coming out of lurking to identify that as Clementon Amusement Park. That makes perfect sense because Clementon should be a little south of Fort Mott. :thumbsup2

Woah...holy updates MEK! I missed a bunch I guess...

Hey Ashley! :flower3: I think you did miss a couple updates. Welcome back!

Sad face :sad2: for your farewell to Disney. Whats fun about it though, was as you were writing it you were in the two week window to go back!! I know you planned that, of course, ;) so way to go on the timing!!

Well, I didn't exactly plan it but I figured it might work out that way. I see your trip is only 6 days away. Promise to let me know if you write a TR because I definitely want to hear all about your trip. :thumbsup2

Your suitcase looks like mine always do...overflowing with all the clothes I don't wear while I'm there...:rotfl::rotfl: My DBF always asks why I pack so much and I explain EVERY TIME he asks that "I like to have options.." He doesn't buy it :confused3

I always overpack. I have no idea why. It's weird. I always think I need two complete changes of clothes for everyday I'm there and I definitely don't . I am going to do better this next trip. Maybe. :rolleyes1

Neat "from the plane" photos. I play the "OMG...theres our house" prank all the time...never fails. HAHA :lmao::lmao:

:rotfl: That's too funny!

Keep me posted on your plans!! We need to see if we can catch one another on your way in and my way out on the 8th!!

Unfortunately, even though we are flying, we are not arriving until 4:30ish. I missed booking the 8am flight and then the price jumped. Just as well because I have to board Max. At least I have time in the morning to take him to the vet and do a couple things around the house before we have to leave for the airport. Still wish we had a better flight time but there was nothing between 8am and 2:15pm. :headache:

Happy Friday! :cheer2:

Hope you had a great weekend!
Trying to make us jealous? I think she's succeeding. :laughing: I was going to post her toes on her report. :rotfl2:

Yeah - I think she did a darn good job making us both jealous. But I'm happy she is having a great time!

Great update. You had unused FPs? Isn't that some sort of Disney blasphemy? ;)

:rotfl2: I think it's only blasphemy if I had actually needed them. Well, actually I gave up the Soarin FP to go to the pool with Cynthia before she departed. But it is blasphemous that I did give the FP away.

That is a great view from your villa.

The best. I loved that villa!

You're so good for running on vacation. I seem to turn into a sloth. I'm going to follow you're lead.

I actually really like running and I would run more if I didn't work. Sometimes when I come home I am just too tired. So I always try to run on vacation.

The BW looks great and it's on my must try during our next trip to WDW when ever that will be. We don't have a family trip planned on the books. :sad2:

I really recommend it. It's such a great resort. I think its my fav right now.

Those Swan boats are so cute. Are they paddle boats?

I think so, although I never got close enough to really check them out.

Bye bye bubble. I love the bubble.

Me too. I hope I can survive outside of it this June.

Huge score on the window and your own row. :cool1: There's some major pixie dust.

I guess traveling on Tuesday really does have its advantages! :thumbsup2

The fall colors are fabulous.

It was fun to come home and find that the trees had really changed.

Ummm, yes, definitely jealous of Cynthia. Great photo and hope you're having a great time!!

I think the general consensus is we are all jealous of Cynthia! :rotfl: I'm sure she is having a fantastic time.

So admire you for going on your runs while on vacation, Mary Ellen. I start out with good intentions but seem to abandon exercise fairly quickly. :rotfl:

I like starting my day off with a run and its a heck of a lot easier in October because the weather is so perfect.

Hate the last day but always good to know you have another trip planned. 2 weeks! I'm jealous of you too!!!!

The last day is always a bummer no matter how well prepared you are. I am excited to be going again and breaking in that premium AP.

Love that story about the flight attendant wishing Nick good luck in 3rd grade. So super sweet. We forget how much of an impact a simple act of kindness can have. We need more of that!!! :goodvibes

It really was so sweet of her and she made a big impact with her kindness. She really made him feel so much a better. We definitely need more of that!


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