"I Wanna See My Castle!" October 2013 TR *COMPLETE* **NEW TR LINK!!** 7/3

Haha, I can't say I'm a huge fan of the Figment ride, but I'm glad you guys liked it! The skunk and the scary guy in the moon are what keep me away.

That is one cute Figment DS made, though!

That sky is so blue :cloud9:

BELLE!!! Obviously I'm psyched you guys had such a good meet with her. She's the best.

Oh my gosh, I LOVE his favorite part of Monsters Inc. That's too funny! And Belle's face is priceless.

I bet the Italy pavilion was awesome knowing that you're going to the real thing! It's always been one of my favorites but I'll love it even more now.
Figment looks like it was great, and I laughed at the triangle answer haha! Reminded me of Aria's apples and bananas she wants to take to disneyland.

The Belle meet was so cute!

SO nice you were able to change up the plans and fit something in you really wanted to do. I was actually thinking about fitting the LMA show into our next trip since Aria hasn't seen it (well, maybe she did at 8m? i don't remember) and she likes Cars, too.

Looking forward to hearing about lunch. I think after your Italy trip you will not think as highly of Via Napoli though...Italian pizza is just TOO good IN Italy! I so want to love Via Napoli but just don't. :sad2: Though I think some of that is because their veg options for pizza are limited, I bet if I ate meat then I'd love their pizzas...anywayyy can't wait for more!
Paxton had me cracking me up at his favorite part of Monsters Inc. Finding Nemo was pretty fun. :rotfl:

I don't understand why so many dislike Figment, either. :confused3 While it's no Pirates or Dumbo, it's still a cute ride.

Mmm, Via Napoli. My favorite Disney restaurant... Do you crave that white pizza at home? I remember you share in my adoration of that particular dish.
Did you consider, for a split second, eating there for lunch and your dinner ADR? :lmao:
It really does look like it was a beautiful day!

LOL at DS' response to Belle's Monsters Inc question! :lmao: Love all the pictures, she's a very pretty friend of Belle's!
Awesome pictures in the Seas!

I actually really like Figment too, especially the upside down part :rotfl2: I don't really remember much from the old version of the ride so the new version works for me!

Ahhh Via Napoli my favorite! So glad you guys were able to get right in!

And Belle! She's beautiful, great pictures!
I asked what he wanted to name his Figment, and what I typed in the space is exactly how he answered me! lol

Then she asked about his Mike Wazowski shirt and what his favorite part of Monsters Inc. is, and he replied with, "When we find Nemo." :lmao:

We were about ready for lunch, and well, when I'm in World Showcase and hungry, let's be real, I just want to eat at Via Napoli!!
::yes:: :thumbsup2

Since we had cancelled our dinner ADR, there was really no reason to come back to Epcot in the evening.
What???? Just because you're getting a walk in there at lunch doesn't mean you need to cancel your ADR!!!!! :rolleyes1 :lmao:
So glad you had the perfect MNSSHP experience. I left off after the parade and fireworks so had to get caught up. I thought for sure they would have talking Mickey doing the pirate adventure spiel with your DS.... I guess it really is random. I could see him doing that after the great interaction with Donald earlier. :) A spin on People Mover is a great remedy for tired feet. Sorry the sandals weren't more comfortable for the night. Sometimes fashion doesn't equal comfort. ;)

You were up and at 'em early that next morning at Epcot! I'm imagining a few mornings where I'll be the one annoyed that my DH isn't moving faster to get out of the hotel and into the parks next week. I need to practice deep sighs now! :lmao: You guys really did well getting there around park open.

Love the Nemo ride photos. That's a hard one for me since it's dark and moves. Then again, I'm not a pro like your DH!

Ahhh Figment! The one attraction that I say I don't care for but end up singing along and enjoying Dr. Channing! And the upside down room is the best part. :thumbsup2

Paxton's response to Belle regarding finding Nemo! :rotfl2: Adorable. :)

Enjoy the final countdown to your trip.
The pictures are great, and what a pretty day you had! The interaction with Belle was so sweet. :)
I won't go as far as to say I hate Journey into Imagination, but that whole area really needs work. Especially for such a cool looking building.

I swear I could look at World Showcase photos all day.

Ahhhh how nice to be asked how old you are and only require one hand to answer. :lmao:

Yeah, it could definitely be improved!! But it's one of those things I have just always enjoyed, so I can't hate on it too much. :goodvibes

I know, it's such a beautiful place to walk around and take in the scenery!


Beautiful pictures of the world showcase. I agree with Rob, count me in as someone who could look at them all day.

Paxton's PP are pretty cute, too.

"Triangle" :rotfl2: Now I am even more convinced that Paxton is Brian's much younger twin from another mother. That was seriously Brian's favorite word. He would always point at things and call it a "triangle". Too funny!

Absolutely! The scenery is just beautiful, especially on a day like that when we weren't worried about running from place to place.

Oh my goodness, that's TOO FUNNY! It was so random at the time that he just blurted out "Triangle." Kids are so silly.

Haha, I can't say I'm a huge fan of the Figment ride, but I'm glad you guys liked it! The skunk and the scary guy in the moon are what keep me away.

That is one cute Figment DS made, though!

That sky is so blue :cloud9:

BELLE!!! Obviously I'm psyched you guys had such a good meet with her. She's the best.

Oh my gosh, I LOVE his favorite part of Monsters Inc. That's too funny! And Belle's face is priceless.

I bet the Italy pavilion was awesome knowing that you're going to the real thing! It's always been one of my favorites but I'll love it even more now.

Yeah, the skunk is something I tolerate because I like the rest of the ride. :rotfl: It's pretty obnoxious though!!

Yay, I know how much you love Belle! I do too, she's in my Top 3. ;) She was really perfect, though.

YES! I have always loved the Italy pavilion and dreamed of the day I'd get to see it all in person. And now, in just a few short months, I will be!

Figment looks like it was great, and I laughed at the triangle answer haha! Reminded me of Aria's apples and bananas she wants to take to disneyland.

The Belle meet was so cute!

SO nice you were able to change up the plans and fit something in you really wanted to do. I was actually thinking about fitting the LMA show into our next trip since Aria hasn't seen it (well, maybe she did at 8m? i don't remember) and she likes Cars, too.

Looking forward to hearing about lunch. I think after your Italy trip you will not think as highly of Via Napoli though...Italian pizza is just TOO good IN Italy! I so want to love Via Napoli but just don't. :sad2: Though I think some of that is because their veg options for pizza are limited, I bet if I ate meat then I'd love their pizzas...anywayyy can't wait for more!

:rotfl: I remember you posting that, and YES, too funny! Reminds me too of the WDW family video I was watching when the dad asked the kids what Disney snacks they were excited to eat. I think the boy said something like a Mickey bar, and the little girl said Cheez Its! :rotfl:

LMA is okay, and Paxton enjoyed it. But I'm not killing myself to add it into our short trip. And I'm secretly hoping it will have been removed by our next big trip. Is that terrible?!? :lmao:

You are probably right. I have to say, the 4 cheese white pizza is really good for a meat-less option. :thumbsup2 But I am soooo looking forward to trying every kind of food I can get my hands on in Italy!!

Paxton had me cracking me up at his favorite part of Monsters Inc. Finding Nemo was pretty fun. :rotfl:

I don't understand why so many dislike Figment, either. :confused3 While it's no Pirates or Dumbo, it's still a cute ride.

Mmm, Via Napoli. My favorite Disney restaurant... Do you crave that white pizza at home? I remember you share in my adoration of that particular dish.
Did you consider, for a split second, eating there for lunch and your dinner ADR? :lmao:

Yeah, I'm really not sure what happened there. He must have been expecting her to ask what we had just done, hence his find Nemo response? I have no clue, but I can say I have totally taught him better than that!!! :rotfl2:

It is so cute! Figment himself is adorable. I never experienced it before they changed to this version, though, so maybe that's where all the hate comes from. :confused3

I DO. I DO CRAVE IT. Intensely!!! Yes, I definitely did, but DH was not going for it. :sad:
It really does look like it was a beautiful day!

LOL at DS' response to Belle's Monsters Inc question! :lmao: Love all the pictures, she's a very pretty friend of Belle's!

The weather was SO perfect last trip! I hope our upcoming trip brings us the same good luck.

She was beautiful! It was a great meet, even if DS did misunderstand the question. :rotfl:

Awesome pictures in the Seas!

I actually really like Figment too, especially the upside down part :rotfl2: I don't really remember much from the old version of the ride so the new version works for me!

Ahhh Via Napoli my favorite! So glad you guys were able to get right in!

And Belle! She's beautiful, great pictures!

The upside down part is great!! I'm with you, I never even saw the old version, so maybe that's why I like this version so much. It's all I have ever known!

Love the pizza there!! When faced with choosing only 2 parks to visit on our trip next weekend, Epcot was sorely tempting for a chance at a meal at Via Napoli!



::yes:: :thumbsup2

What???? Just because you're getting a walk in there at lunch doesn't mean you need to cancel your ADR!!!!! :rolleyes1 :lmao:

Unfortunately, Andy, DH does not share your sentiment about the glorious eatery that is Via Napoli. :sad2:

So glad you had the perfect MNSSHP experience. I left off after the parade and fireworks so had to get caught up. I thought for sure they would have talking Mickey doing the pirate adventure spiel with your DS.... I guess it really is random. I could see him doing that after the great interaction with Donald earlier. :) A spin on People Mover is a great remedy for tired feet. Sorry the sandals weren't more comfortable for the night. Sometimes fashion doesn't equal comfort. ;)

You were up and at 'em early that next morning at Epcot! I'm imagining a few mornings where I'll be the one annoyed that my DH isn't moving faster to get out of the hotel and into the parks next week. I need to practice deep sighs now! :lmao: You guys really did well getting there around park open.

Love the Nemo ride photos. That's a hard one for me since it's dark and moves. Then again, I'm not a pro like your DH!

Ahhh Figment! The one attraction that I say I don't care for but end up singing along and enjoying Dr. Channing! And the upside down room is the best part. :thumbsup2

Paxton's response to Belle regarding finding Nemo! :rotfl2: Adorable. :)

Enjoy the final countdown to your trip.

A pirate spiel would have been so perfect! I wonder if they choose or it's random? I didn't even know they had a pirate one. It's so fun seeing what everyone's different encounters bring. Yeah, the shoes made the night pretty rough. That's why I don't pay attention to fashion, it's so uncomfortable!! :lmao:

:rotfl: Yes, get to practicing!!

The upside down room on Figment is DEFINITELY the best part! :thumbsup2 And really, how can anyone resist singing along in there?!

Thanks, I am!!! I hope you are too!

The pictures are great, and what a pretty day you had! The interaction with Belle was so sweet. :)

Thanks! It was a really beautiful day, beautiful week for that matter!

Our Belle was fantastic. She had the voice and the mannerisms to a T!
Journey into Imagination. Or as our kids like to call it, the one with Figment and the Skunk. :rotfl: That's basically the only reason they want to go on that ride.

Great meet and greet with Belle!
Ahh, I'm reading too many Epcot updates today. I need to be there!

Would you believe I've never ridden Figment before? That will all change in 5 DAYS.

The meet with Belle sounds great, and the pictures are absolutely adorable!
Great update and you can't beat those pics with Paxton and Belle! :thumbsup2

Thanks! It was a great meet! We have found the princesses to be hit or miss, but Belle was spot on!

Journey into Imagination. Or as our kids like to call it, the one with Figment and the Skunk. :rotfl: That's basically the only reason they want to go on that ride.

Great meet and greet with Belle!

:lmao: Paxton has kind of just figured out the whole "skunks stink" concept, so I'm sure he would like it a lot more now. :thumbsup2

Ahh, I'm reading too many Epcot updates today. I need to be there!

Would you believe I've never ridden Figment before? That will all change in 5 DAYS.

The meet with Belle sounds great, and the pictures are absolutely adorable!

I have days like that too! Where suddenly all the updates I'm reading are about food, or MK, or whatever and I just want to be back there RIGHT THAT MINUTE!

I'm pretty shocked, actually, considering before FP+ you could have walked right on whenever you wanted!! I'm glad you will be rectifying this situation, though. It's such a cute ride.
Day 7 Continued: Monday October 28th

When I left off, we were killing time at the Italy pavilion until my favorite restaurant in all of WDW opened for lunch at 11:30. And finally the time had arrived, and I was ready to EAT!

07-081 by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

For the very first time ever, we were seated right next to the pizza ovens! I thought this was pretty cool, because in the past we have always been on the complete opposite side of the restaurant.

07-085 by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

Paulo was nice enough to start us off with glasses of water, and was nice looking to boot! I tried to get DH to take a picture of him, but no go. lol Then our server, Amelia from Sicily, came over to get our drink order, and she tempted DH with the beer flight. He debated getting, but like I told, he hardly ever indulges, so if it sounded like something he wanted, to get it! So he did.

07-085-1 by disneymom1024, on Flickr

07-086 by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

I forgot to write in my notes which one he got, but I think it was the Seasonal Selection. I'm not a beer drinker, so I didn't try any of them, but DH seemed to enjoy them. Maybe he will chime in with his thoughts. Anyway, I remembered reading in another TR that they had gotten bread with their meal here, and we never had, so I asked about it and Amelia brought us some right away with oil for dipping.

07-087 by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

I am a huge fan of most breads, so I thought this was pretty great! It was so warm and soft. But I instantly realized I had some competition for it...

07-090 by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

As I was taking this picture, with his mouth stuffed FULL of bread, he said, "I WANT MORE BREAD!" And then he thought the Parmesan cheese sounded good to put on top.

07-088 by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

DH and I ordered our usuals, a pepperoni for himself and quattro formaggi (4 cheese white) for myself. We didn't order anything special for DS, knowing he would share from our pizzas. Soon enough, our delicious meals arrived!

07-092 by disneymom1024, on Flickr

07-093 by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

We immediately dug in, and it was every good as I remembered! Seriously, I dream about this pizza, y'all. It's my favorite meal of our trips!!!

As we were finishing up eating, I was getting ready to take DS to the restroom, but I noticed Amelia over in the corner with some other servers lighting a candle on some kind of dessert, and something told me to stay put. I had noted DS's birthday on the reservation, just like I always do, but they have never done anything on our previous meals. Turns out, my instinct was right! They came over and sang what I can only imagine is Happy Birthday in Italian!

Our server Amelia is the one all the way on the left. She was great! I have no idea what the dessert was, but it was some kind of cookie covered in whipped cream with melted chocolate and strawberry drizzle. And apparently it was delicious, because DS didn't want to share with us! I did sneak a bite when he wasn't looking, and it was very good.

07-094-1 by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

When we were done and the bill was paid, we headed back out into World Showcase. We wanted to do one of the boat rides, but didn't think we'd have enough time to do both and meet Duffy before we had to head out for our break. Well, first of all, we weren't getting past Germany without checking out the trains, so we had some time to discuss our options while DS watched the trains.

07-097 by disneymom1024, on Flickr

07-098 by disneymom1024, on Flickr
He was more excited than he looks...

07-100 by disneymom1024, on Flickr

07-101 by disneymom1024, on Flickr

07-102 by disneymom1024, on Flickr

07-103 by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

We went over to Norway and saw a 15 minute wait posted for Maelstrom. I kind of wanted to skip it and go for the 3 Caballeros ride instead, which I figured would have a shorter wait, but DH really wanted to do Maelstrom. I think we had skipped it last trip, so it had been awhile.

07-104 by disneymom1024, on Flickr

07-105 by disneymom1024, on Flickr

07-106 by disneymom1024, on Flickr

07-107 by disneymom1024, on Flickr

07-108 by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

The wait time was pretty accurate, and soon enough we were going backwards over the falls and running into some Norwegian trolls.

07-109 by disneymom1024, on Flickr

07-110 by disneymom1024, on Flickr

07-111 by disneymom1024, on Flickr

07-112 by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

Continued in next post...
Day 7 Continued: Monday October 28th

07-113 by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

We came out of Maelstrom and bypassed the rest of World Showcase since we were now pushing it for getting out of the park for nap time. And I still had one more character meet I wanted to do! I know some people hate him, but sorry, Duffy has grown on me. And anyway, around Halloween he is dressed as an adorable pumpkin, for crying out loud! How can you not love it?

We had a short wait before DS was able to go up and give him a big hug! There wasn't any PhotoPass photographer available, which bummed me out because last year he had such cute borders that could be added.

07-114 by disneymom1024, on Flickr

07-116 by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

We handed Duffy the autograph book, and he went nuts when he saw his picture in there with his own place to sign! It was always fun for me to see the characters appreciate the personalized book so much.

07-117 by disneymom1024, on Flickr

07-118 by disneymom1024, on Flickr

07-119 by disneymom1024, on Flickr

07-120 by disneymom1024, on Flickr

Then it was time for these Autobots to roll out because you know how long it takes to hike back through Future World to get out of the park.

07-121 by disneymom1024, on Flickr
I like this one because you can see my Sully bow from Magical Ribbons!

PP-099 by disneymom1024, on Flickr
A PhotoPass photo before leaving!

07-122 by disneymom1024, on Flickr​

We got back to Bonnet Creek and put DS right down for his nap. I may have been harping on this nap time thing this update, but it's because we needed to be up and moving that afternoon for some very special dinner plans in the evening!

UP NEXT: Be Our Guest, Be Our Guest!

So trying to finish this TR before our next trip just wasn't meant to be...heck, DH is still not finished editing the pictures! But he's almost done and I have a ton uploaded to work on some updates when we get back. Yes, it's finally here, we are leaving for Disney World THIS WEEK!!! We leave Thursday and are staying the night in Destin, then getting up and driving the rest of the way Friday morning. Oh, yeah, to THE WILDERNESS LODGE!!! :banana: Seriously, I'm just as excited about the resort as I am about the parks!! And I'm also really excited for all of the DIS meets I have in the works for our weekend! If you don't already, you can follow me on Instagram (disneymom1024) where I'll be posting as many live pictures as I can manage! If we're friends on Facebook, I'll be cross-posting them there too for those who don't have Instagram. See ya real soon!!!
I so want to east at Via Napoli. This is definitely on my to do list. PLUS I do love some Happy Birthday in Italian. :)

I love Maelstrom, despite it's level of wetness, and that is one of the best over the falls pictures I've seen. Love it!!

I LOVE DUFFY!!!!! Haters be hatin'. Seriously, how can you not love Mickey's bear? He's full of hidden Mickeys!!!!

Have a wonderful and magical trip especially with all those DIS meets!!!
Oooh we're eating at Via Napoli for the first time in a couple of weeks so I'm looking forward to it even more. Marie and I are just splitting a small pizza though and seeing your pictures makes me more sure that it's a good idea. Those things look big XD

Also yay for the Maelstorm because you know, it's fab ;)

And it's okay that you're not finishing. I'm trying to pack my updates in to get finished too but I have a sneaking suspicion that I might not make it. Oh well, we'll all be waiting here when you get back to hear the rest for the October tale.
I totally forgot you were going to be at Disney the week before me! Have a wonderful time! I hope you love the WL. It's a really cool resort and, if they still have it, you should do the lodge tour at 9am with the ranger. It is SO interesting and its only about 45 minutes long.

I LOVE VIA and I'm so happy that I will be eating there in another couple weeks!

Too cute that Paxton got his very own Happy Birthday. I actually think I got that same dessert on my birthday a few years ago. Of course, the best birthday present was a bunch of really cute Italian guys singing to me! :laughing:

More adorable pictures of Paxton. He and Duffy really hit it off.

Did you start your new job yet? If so, how is it going so far?

Those pizzas look delicious! As does the beer sampler. And so nice of them to sing DS happy Birthday!!

Duffy is so adorable dressed as a pumpkin, great pics!


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