Heat, Humidity, and Our Favorite Disney Dog Was a Thug! LINK TO NEW PTR!!

A Change of Plans​

Thursday, August 22, 2013
Sunrise: 7:18AM
Sunset: 7:49PM
Port: None - Day at Sea
Evening Attire: Semi Formal
Thursday: Overcast, High of 84
Friday: Partly Sunny, High of 82

We headed back to the stateroom a little before 1:30. I wanted to do some packing because I didn’t want it all hanging over my head while we were trying to enjoy Castaway Cay the next day. I figured I could pack up two out of the three huge suitcases and then put all that was left in the third case the night before disembarkation.

I also found time to enjoy my favorite spot on the Fantasy - my verandah!

Sure wish I was there now!

I was dining at Remy tonight at 7, so I ordered some dinner for Willow from room service. I don’t even remember what it was because Willow ate none of it and said she wasn’t feeling good. And then, at about 6:30, she fell asleep! :scared1:

I called Remy to let them know what was going on, and the hostess (who knew me pretty well at this point :laughing:) was so nice about it - totally understanding. And she went ahead and rescheduled me for the next night. :thumbsup2

So I ended up having to order room service for a second time, because I needed some dinner. I also had them bring me the last bottle of wine from my wine package. (I had ordered a small wine package, but our assistant server was terrible about refilling glasses, so I usually only ended up with a single glass of wine at each dinner - needless to say, I still had quite a bit of wine left at this point!) I had a caesar salad and salmon for dinner. It was good - not at all what I was expecting to be eating tonight, but good nonetheless. I enjoyed it out on MY verandah. ;)

I sat out there, reading, enjoying my wine, and basking in the beautiful view.

Look who joined me at about 8:00 feeling much better.

We enjoyed the view together for a bit.

And then Willow decided she was hungry, so I had to order from room service a third time!! :rotfl2: I was a teeny bit embarrassed, but whatever! :laughing: She did eat her dinner this time - sorry, again, I failed to get a pic. Unfortunately, after her long nap, she wasn’t too keen on going to sleep. That wasn’t the best thing since we had Castaway Cay tomorrow, but there wasn’t much we could do about it!

Up Next: Breakfast and Preparing to Get Off the Ship!
Oh wow! I can't even begin to imagine how scared you must've been with Willow lost on the pool deck. On Reid's 1st trip to Disney, he was 2 1/2 & got separated from us for about 1 minute @ Mickey's Backyard BBQ. That was the longest minute of my life. :scared1: So glad she was ok and did a smart thing by finding a CM.

And I'm so sorry that she wasn't feeling well. That always stinks on vacation. But, it sounds like dinner worked out well. And thankfully, she was feeling better after her nap. :thumbsup2
Yikes, how scary to not find Willow! Yes, it's a closed environment, but none the less you never know what could happen. But great to know she had listened and found a CM to help her out.

So sorry to hear that she did not feel well and you had to reschedule your Remy dinner. But at least they were understanding about it.

Love to see your RS dinner. That salmon doesn't look bad and I just love their Caesar salad. :thumbsup2

CC ....... how fun! Can't wait to find out what you did. And I guess you are now a day ahead of me. :rotfl2:
First off...I really like the way you've done each post with the sunrise, sunset, port, etc. :thumbsup2 Ya know I'm gonna have to copy that for my 2015 TR ;)

Anywho....the pool seems so small, but the kids love it. Me, not so much. Not sure I ever stepped foot in the pool on the Dream :laughing: That Mickey Slide is a huge hit. Glad to know it's on the Fantasy, too. Did y'all do the Aqua Duck?

Veranda....LOVE them!!! Can you imagine not having one? They're perfect for exactly what you did...reading, getting away from sleeping kids ;), enjoying room service! If we ever do a really short cruise we might consider a room without one to save some money. Who knows?!

Willow's a smart girl to find a CM!:thumbsup2 Heart failure is what you had, I'm sure! :faint: Trust me, I know! I'm raising a "Jesse" :laughing: Unfortunately he never thinks he's lost....he says he knows exactly where he is....whatever! Glad Willow is a bit more responsible!

Sure hope you made it to Remy the next night:confused3 Guess I'll find out later :laughing:
I had a small anxiety attack reading about willow being lost and remembering how I felt when we lost Hannah after turtle talk on her first trip. That is the absolute WORST feeling ever! You know, Hannah did the exact right thing and found a cm with a name tag too. It is nice to know that they actually listen to some of the things we say, isn't it?

I hope willow isn't getting sick on your CC day! She looks pretty happy and cute in her footy pjs though!

Love the pics from your veranda! That seems like it would be my favorite place on the ship too!
I can't get over how blue that ocean water is. It's so beautiful.

Oh no!! Willow getting lost must have been so scary. When I was little I got lost at MK and it was terrifying :( I'm glad Willow found a CM right away, though!

Eating dinner on the verandah sounds so nice! I'm glad Willow was feeling better, and if I haven't said it before I LOVE her pajamas. Penguins are my favorite!
Man that veranda view is just so beautiful.

Awww, poor Willow not feeling very good. Poor thing. At least she was feeling much better after sleeping for a little while.

Hey listen, no need to get embarrassed. That's what room service is there for on the cruise!
How scary when you were separated from Willow! Glad she knew what to do and you were soon reunited!

Glad you were able to reschedule Remy....dinner on your veranda looks nice too. ;) Glad Willow woke up feeling better.

Jill in CO
Oh wow! I can't even begin to imagine how scared you must've been with Willow lost on the pool deck. On Reid's 1st trip to Disney, he was 2 1/2 & got separated from us for about 1 minute @ Mickey's Backyard BBQ. That was the longest minute of my life. :scared1: So glad she was ok and did a smart thing by finding a CM.
I was feeling pretty panicky, but I also knew that I had to remain calm. I knew that she knew what to do - I mostly just couldn't fathom how it had happened. I certainly felt a LOT of relief when I saw her walking towards me. :scared:

And I'm so sorry that she wasn't feeling well. That always stinks on vacation. But, it sounds like dinner worked out well. And thankfully, she was feeling better after her nap. :thumbsup2
She definitely seemed a lot better after sleeping - I was hopeful for our CC day!

Yikes, how scary to not find Willow! Yes, it's a closed environment, but none the less you never know what could happen. But great to know she had listened and found a CM to help her out.
Exactly - better than losing her in New York City or something, but still not good at all! I was so happy to have confirmed that she had been listening to me all these years when I went over what to do in this situation. PHEW!!!!! :scared:

So sorry to hear that she did not feel well and you had to reschedule your Remy dinner. But at least they were understanding about it.
Oh, they were so nice and accommodating - I'm sure it helped that I had already been up there twice on this trip. :rotfl2:

Love to see your RS dinner. That salmon doesn't look bad and I just love their Caesar salad. :thumbsup2
I actually quite enjoyed dining on MY verandah. The food was tasty, and the atmosphere could NOT be beat. I would totally consider doing it again by choice. :laughing:

CC ....... how fun! Can't wait to find out what you did. And I guess you are now a day ahead of me. :rotfl2:
:laughing: I finally got ahead! I really need to wrap this thing up, and finish the DLR one too since we are leaving in 28 days for our next big adventure! :woohoo:

First off...I really like the way you've done each post with the sunrise, sunset, port, etc. :thumbsup2 Ya know I'm gonna have to copy that for my 2015 TR ;)
Oh, I totally stole that from Karin (dizneeat) - she's a genius! :thumbsup2

Anywho....the pool seems so small, but the kids love it. Me, not so much. Not sure I ever stepped foot in the pool on the Dream :laughing: That Mickey Slide is a huge hit. Glad to know it's on the Fantasy, too. Did y'all do the Aqua Duck?
Oh, yes, we enjoyed the AquaDuck many times. :laughing:

Veranda....LOVE them!!! Can you imagine not having one? They're perfect for exactly what you did...reading, getting away from sleeping kids ;), enjoying room service! If we ever do a really short cruise we might consider a room without one to save some money. Who knows?!
Nope - I can't imagine it at all. I would rather wait a year and have the money for a verandah stateroom than go on a cruise. I would be very claustrophobic in an inside stateroom, and I (as you have noticed) use the verandah a lot - I LOVE it. It's a huge part of the cruise for me. That said, I could see considering it for a short cruise, but I can't really imagine doing a short cruise either. :rotfl2:

Willow's a smart girl to find a CM!:thumbsup2 Heart failure is what you had, I'm sure! :faint: Trust me, I know! I'm raising a "Jesse" :laughing: Unfortunately he never thinks he's lost....he says he knows exactly where he is....whatever! Glad Willow is a bit more responsible!
Oh geez - I forgot about the Jesse Factor - at least you are used to it, I guess? :confused3 I have never experienced that before anywhere - it was almost surreal - I didn't know what to do except just keep scouring the people around for a sight of her. Ugh - it was awful. I am so glad that she had listened and knew just what to do. Because of that, she wasn't even scared. Phew!!!

Sure hope you made it to Remy the next night:confused3 Guess I'll find out later :laughing:
Yes, you will find out later. :rotfl2:
I had a small anxiety attack reading about willow being lost and remembering how I felt when we lost Hannah after turtle talk on her first trip. That is the absolute WORST feeling ever! You know, Hannah did the exact right thing and found a cm with a name tag too. It is nice to know that they actually listen to some of the things we say, isn't it?
It is terrifying, isn't it? But it is also reassuring to find out that they have actually paid attention and absorbed what we have told them and are able to apply that knowledge even in the scary moment. PHEW!!!!!

I hope willow isn't getting sick on your CC day! She looks pretty happy and cute in her footy pjs though!
I was really worried - I mean, CC was the only place we had planned to get off the ship! :rotfl2:

Love the pics from your veranda! That seems like it would be my favorite place on the ship too!
Oh, I love it so much!!! A verandah on a Disney cruise ship is probably my favorite place to be. HEAVENLY!!!!

I can't get over how blue that ocean water is. It's so beautiful.
It really is - it's almost disturbing how much time you can spend just standing out there staring at the beauty all around.

Oh no!! Willow getting lost must have been so scary. When I was little I got lost at MK and it was terrifying :( I'm glad Willow found a CM right away, though!
It was awful - a very panic-inducing few minutes. It was such a relief to see that she had done exactly the right thing. Thank goodness!!!!

Eating dinner on the verandah sounds so nice! I'm glad Willow was feeling better, and if I haven't said it before I LOVE her pajamas. Penguins are my favorite!
You know, just ordering room service and enjoying a meal on the verandah was pretty darn nice - I can actually imagine choosing to do it on another cruise.

Oh, Willow and her feety PJs - that child is a PJ fiend. If we are at home, she is wearing feety PJs. ALL.THE.TIME. :rotfl2:

Man that veranda view is just so beautiful.
Gah - I know!!! The verandah is definitely right up there as my favorite thing about a DCL cruise. :cloud9:

Awww, poor Willow not feeling very good. Poor thing. At least she was feeling much better after sleeping for a little while.
Yep - the late-day nap really seemed to help a lot. I was feeling pretty optimistic for the next day. :thumbsup2

Hey listen, no need to get embarrassed. That's what room service is there for on the cruise!
:rotfl2: I guess! But still - 3 room service orders in the space of a couple of hours???? I couldn't help it - I was embarrassed! :rotfl2:

How scary when you were separated from Willow! Glad she knew what to do and you were soon reunited!
It was very frightening. I have never felt a bigger rush of relief when I saw her holding a CM hand and coming towards me. PHEW!!!

Glad you were able to reschedule Remy....dinner on your veranda looks nice too. ;) Glad Willow woke up feeling better.
The gal upstairs at the Remy/Palo check-in were so nice about it. She didn't miss a beat in offering to reschedule. I love it up there! :laughing:

But eating out on that verandah while enjoying the view, my book and a glass of wine? Um, not bad!!!! :laughing:
Breakfast and Preparing to Get Off the Ship!​

Friday, August 23, 2013
Sunrise: 6:43AM
Sunset: 7:36PM
Port: Castaway Cay
All Ashore: 9:30AM
All Aboard: 4:45PM
Evening Attire: Cruise Casual
Friday: Partly Sunny, High of 82
Saturday: Overcast, High of 81

Today, we were up before 8:00 and could see Castaway Cay in the distance! :woohoo: And Willow said she was feeling fine. I was pretty sure that the prior evening was just due to late nights and a long vacation and some extra rest had done the trick. :thumbsup2

In case anyone is unfamiliar, Castaway Cay is Disney’s island - only the DCL ships visit it. We were really excited to visit this little paradise, and we even had an excursion booked here! This would be our first time on land the whole week! :laughing:

First, however, we needed some breakfast! So we headed up to Cabanas at about 8:15 because from here, not only could we eat, but we could watch as the ship got closer to CC.

As usual, Willow picked out quite an assortment. I don’t think she ate much this morning.

I went with an omelet, bacon, and pineapple again. Don’t think I ate much of it either. :laughing:

We were back in our stateroom before 9:00 to watch the Fantasy dock and get ready for our fun day!

It was a beautiful day!

We got ready and headed out of our stateroom at about 9 to go to Deck 3 to wait with everyone else to get off.

We wandered around a bit.

Willow studied the CC map.

We thought the little Bon Voyage bar just off the lobby looked really cute.

Finally it was time to disembark, and we started down the stairs with everyone else. And then we realized that we had forgotten DD’s KTTW! :scared1: So we went back to the stateroom and started over. :laughing:

Up Next: Some Fun in the Sun
Some Fun in the Sun​

Friday, August 23, 2013
Sunrise: 6:43AM
Sunset: 7:36PM
Port: Castaway Cay
All Ashore: 9:30AM
All Aboard: 4:45PM
Evening Attire: Cruise Casual
Friday: Partly Sunny, High of 82
Saturday: Overcast, High of 81

At about 9:35, we were off the ship! For the first time all week! :laughing:

We had run out of sunscreen, but I was able to purchase some just steps away from the ship, and soon we were walking off to catch the tram to the second family beach stop. It was so beautiful - we enjoyed the little walk.

There were great views from the tram as well.

We were off the tram before 10:00 and immediately went to pick up the floats that I had reserved.

And then we dragged them off to find a spot on the beach.

We definitely didn’t get off the ship quite as early as we had intended, but we were still able to find loungers (not that we used them - DD isn’t much for sitting around).

We had quite a view!

We headed into the water immediately. It was warm and relaxing. After about an hour of swimming, we took a little break and wandered around a bit just to figure out the lay of the land.

This is Pelican Plunge - water slides:

A little bar area right near our loungers.

We stopped off at Cookie’s Too to get some lemonade. They were getting things set up for lunch already.

Ice cream machines - of course!!

Up Next: Pelican Plunge and Lunch
I would like to be on CC today. How beautiful! Willow looks so cute in her BBB suit, I love it!

I hope that she was feeling better.
Oh geez! Those pictures are really making me homesick for a Disney Cruise :upsidedow The weather looked absolutely beautiful, too. And Cabanas...one of my favorite places to eat on the ship! Now I'm hungry for some real breakfast :laughing: Can't believe it's your last day :sad1: Don't ya hate those. At least you always have another trip in the works. Or in your case, two or three in the works ;)

Have a Happy Saturday!
Castaway Cay looks GORGEOUS and so much fun! I want to go!

I had no idea they had waterslides just casually in the ocean, haha.
Roni, I'm so sorry to have fallen so far behind on your amazing TR! I just wanted you to know I'm still reading and still thoroughly enjoying it. :thumbsup2
Oh, I shouldn't look @ these pics of CC....it'll make me want to rebook our cruise for next year. :lmao:

Looks like y'all were off to a nice start on the beach! :thumbsup2
your start sounds like how we always do it. no matter how many times I look around the room and pack up stuff the night before, somebody always forgets something....

CC looks awesome! I can't wait until it's our turn to go and I can't wait to see what else you both do!
Catching up on a few updates!!

Yeah, that is most definitely NOT an overcast sky!! Haha!

So scary about your missing Willow -- so glad it was short-lived, and she was ok. I need to start working with DD on that rule...thanks for sharing.

Your room service verandah dinner looks really nice...and relaxing! I could SO be there right now too :goodvibes

Good start to your Castaway Cay day!!


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