Disney dangled the visual weinee & Mickeystoontown gobbled it up! 10/26

Woohooo!! So glad he was able to go back!

(and PS- I'm who you just added on Facebook. Natalie C S. Just thought I would give you a heads up. I stalked you over on facebook too lol.)
Awesome news about John!! I love Napoleon busting a few moves there!!

Still sitting here in the living room but reading your trip report is letting me stayed hyped about our trip!!
OH MY GOODNESS SUCH GREAT NEWS!!!! Let me Dance with you!!!!!


Now it's a party!!! Hope he is feeling better now that he is back?!?

even better the boss goes AWAY!!
As soon as I had heard the announcement of the official opening date for the Seven Dwarves’ Mine Train and my Fastpass window opened, I was on the Disney World website trying to snag one for opening day. And, my swiftness paid off! We had Fastpasses for 7:10 to 8:10 on May 28th, the first official day that the Mine Train was open.

Nice work! You are obviously a trained professional.

Judging from the expression on my face in this picture that Hunter took of me, I’m still a bit confused.

Either that, or somebody is following you! :rotfl2:

What did we think of the newest addition to Fantasyland? It was freakin’ awesome! Loved every single second of it!

Very cool! Can't wait to try it someday.

Just as we were approaching the Toontown Train Station, crap, the Storybook Circus Train Station, crap again, what did that sign say a few pictures above this? Whatever that said, that’s the train station that we got off at. The one that used to be called the Mickeys Toontown Train Station is where we got off the train. :idea:

Just call it The Train Station That Was Formerly Named After You.:thumbsup2

I told the guys that I really really didn’t want them spinning the tea cup like mad men but they weren’t listenin’ to a single word that came out of my mouth and as soon as the ride started, they started turning the spinner arounder wheel. Wow! They really respect my authority as the matriarch of this family. NOT! :p

You're stronger than me. I don't even want to get on that death trap.

We were joking that the spinning was going to make us all hurl and I laughed and said “If you’re gonna hurl, hurl before the party! Which spurred us on to take fake hurling and silly pictures:


I'm just glad it was fake!
Oh yes! It was hysterical! We were so dizzy that we fell, then we started laughing so hard we couldn't get up. I think even the CM was laughing at us! Thankfully it subsided after a few minutes!:rotfl:

Fantastic News!!! I'm sure no one is happier than John is. :thumbsup2

He was really happy to get back to work and back to a routine.


We are so happy that he is back!

So glad to hear that Lisa!!!! What a relief!

It was a relief! It's nice to know that we'll have money coming in again.
We were at MNSSHP Sunday, the 14th and Mine Train was a walk on for most of the night! So, I would say you should have good luck riding it multiple times during the party. And it IS a great ride!

Lisa, yay for John being back to work! That's got to be a huge relief for everyone.

It IS a huge relief. Not only knowing that we'll have money flowing back in but that John's routine will be re-established.

So sorry to hear about his dad, but I hope he continues to do well.

He's getting better but is getting restless.

Love your Mine Train photos. Having just been there, it was even more exciting to see them.

Love your hurling photos. I can't ride the Tea Cups anymore because I probably really would hurl! I let DH ride that one with my girls.

They were spinning that darn tea cup like nobody's business. I'm surprised that I didn't really hurl.

I'll be starting a TR soon! I need to start uploading pics, but I have a title picked out and everything!

Please let me know when you start!

Not quite... but it was close. He turned very, very green. :crazy2:

Woohooo!! So glad he was able to go back!

(and PS- I'm who you just added on Facebook. Natalie C S. Just thought I would give you a heads up. I stalked you over on facebook too lol.)

We are glad too! I am sorry that it took me a while to add you. I'm pretty oblivious to stuff like that and it takes me some time to look at my notifications.

So excited that John went back to work!!! :cool1: :cool1::cool1:

I know! I was so happy that he was called back.

OH MY GOODNESS SUCH GREAT NEWS!!!! Let me Dance with you!!!!!


Now it's a party!!! Hope he is feeling better now that he is back?!?

even better the boss goes AWAY!!

Thanks for dancing with us! John was happy to get back to work and not stress about money.
Nice work! You are obviously a trained professional.

I'd like to think so even if nobody else does.

Either that, or somebody is following you! :rotfl2:


Very cool! Can't wait to try it someday.

I am bettin' that your kiddos would love it as well.

Just call it The Train Station That Was Formerly Named After You.:thumbsup2


You're stronger than me. I don't even want to get on that death trap.

There was no way that we were going to sling outta the teacup with the way we were all crammed in there. It was the first time that we had been on them in quite some time and now I remember why.


I'm just glad it was fake!

Had we been on it any longer, it may have become very very real.
So glad to hear John is back at work - wonderful! :thumbsup2

So happy you were able to ride Mine Train. I intended to a few weeks ago, and then just didn't get to it. The line wasn't that bad, but it was SO HOT those days in MK, I did not feel like standing outside in a line and roasting. But next time, for sure!

Glad to hear your father in law's health is OK after that scare. Yes, health issues does NOT always bring out the best in people. My grandpa passed away a few years ago, after battling dementia for about 5 years before that. We had some "interesting" :rolleyes2 family issues during those years. Shortly after he passed away, my parents did the same thing as your mom - got their affairs in order, and told us all (and documented) what THEY want, so there is no room to argue "this is what Mom/Dad would have wanted." Not fun discussions to have, but it's a good thing.

Loving your TR! You are too funny! :rotfl2:
Hi Lisa, I caught back up! I am SO thrilled that John went back to work. That is wonderful news!!

I loved your last update. The Grand Floridian Cafe looks nice, I think I'll have to add that to the list of places to eat eventually! You all looked so nice in all of your pictures too! :goodvibes

We just got back from CBR a little over a week ago and we LOVED it. Your posts on the CBR thread were also really helpful!
So glad to hear John is back at work - wonderful! :thumbsup2

We definitely signed a big breath of relief when they told him to come back to work yesterday.

So happy you were able to ride Mine Train. I intended to a few weeks ago, and then just didn't get to it. The line wasn't that bad, but it was SO HOT those days in MK, I did not feel like standing outside in a line and roasting. But next time, for sure!

I didn't get to see where the stand by went but it looked like a lot of it was outside which isn't a good thing when it's hot out.

Glad to hear your father in law's health is OK after that scare. Yes, health issues does NOT always bring out the best in people. My grandpa passed away a few years ago, after battling dementia for about 5 years before that. We had some "interesting" :rolleyes2 family issues during those years. Shortly after he passed away, my parents did the same thing as your mom - got their affairs in order, and told us all (and documented) what THEY want, so there is no room to argue "this is what Mom/Dad would have wanted." Not fun discussions to have, but it's a good thing.

I've worked in a law office enough to know that death and money brings out the bad side of people. I'm with your parents, get everything done and put it in writing. If it's in writing, I'm not fussing about a darn thing 'cause it's their wishes.

Loving your TR! You are too funny! :rotfl2:

Thank you!
Hi Lisa, I caught back up! I am SO thrilled that John went back to work. That is wonderful news!!

Yay for being caught up again! I get behind a lot lately. We were so happy that they called John back.

I loved your last update. The Grand Floridian Cafe looks nice, I think I'll have to add that to the list of places to eat eventually! You all looked so nice in all of your pictures too! :goodvibes

Awww, thanks! We do clean up well. :rotfl: The Grand Floridian Cafe was fantastic! Everything about it was great.

We just got back from CBR a little over a week ago and we LOVED it. Your posts on the CBR thread were also really helpful!

I'm so happy to hear that you loved the CBR as much as we do. I'm already counting down the days until we are back there again.

You think we’ll see Tinkerbell’s beard?

It was finally time to check in for the Wishes Dessert Party! :woohoo: I know that I told the story of how it came to be that I snagged the reservation on my pre-trip report but there may have been some of you who weren’t a part of the ptr so I’ll tell a shortened version here.

Over on the Disney restaurant forums, there are threads for ADR cancellations. The rules of the Disboards state that you aren’t supposed to out-and-out ask for or state that you are looking for a cancellation at so-and-so time. But, somebody can say that they are about to cancel a reservation and you can private message them to coordinate a time.

Because I was changing up my ADRs up until about a week before we were to arrive at WDW, I was subscribed to a May ADR cancellation thread and a June ADR cancellation thread (and had posted lots of cancellations). :rolleyes1 I also found one for dessert party cancellations. Or was it just the Wishes Dessert Party information thread? On one of those threads, I saw a Diser, stacy, was thinking of cancelling her May 28th dessert party ADR. Stacy, if I am remembering this wrong, feel free to chime in. Anyway, she decided to cancel it and I sent her a private message just as soon as she posted. A few messages were exchanged and she was kind enough to coordinate the cancellation of her ADR with me. She told me what time she would be cancelling and I had the Disney Dining reservations pulled up and snagged it just as she let it go. Yay Stacy! Yay me! Thank you again Stacy! :flower3:

Back to the report......

We left the tea cups and walked through the section of the park that goes by “the stinky cars” and Cosmic Rays. As we neared Cosmic Ray’s, Hunter asked if we had ever eaten there and I told him that we had but many years ago. I told him about Sonny Eclipse and he wanted to go in and see him. He took the camera with him and took these two pictures:

He came back and said that he didn’t remember a thing about the restaurant, Sonny was kinda cool and the place was chaotic. That’s why we haven’t been back in quite some time. Well, that coupled with the fact that the food wasn’t that great.

We continued on towards the Tomorrowland Noodle Station and we could see that a long line had already formed. Crapadelic! :eek: I thought that we couldn’t check in earlier than “whatever time it was that I thought it was”. We went around to the end of the line and waited in the unmoving line. While standing, I heard someone call my name and it was another Diser! Annnnnnnd, this is where I have to apologize again. I have totally forgotten her name. (Major palm to the head on my part.) She introduced us to her family. They were on their way out of the park but when she saw us, she wanted to stop and say hey. I wish that I could remember who it was. Please please forgive me and remind me who you are if you are reading. :wave2: I hope that you are!

The line began to inch forward and we could hear music playing meaning the castle show would begin soon. Come on...check us in already! We saw a CM looking around for something and realized that they must have run out of wristbands. He found them and the line moved again. We were checked in, the wristbands were put on us and we were shown to our table. Score! We were just one table back from the railing! Yeah baby! I took the following picture a little later but I’m posting it now so that you can see how close we were.

I looked to my left and someone said my name again and it was Bob! Yep, another Diser! :cool1: This was turning out to be a great day for Dis Meets. We exchanged introductions...well, everybody but John who was already headed to the dessert buffet. Wait, I take that back, he may have been in on the introductions. Heck, I can’t remember anything right now. What’s my name again? Bob, his wife and lovely children were so nice and are fellow Southerners. It was great meeting them.

I turned around and the family had desserted me. I mean deserted me. They were already in line at the buffet. What the heck was I waiting on? I started towards the buffet line and ran into another Diser! It was Farrah!:dance3: Can you believe it? Three Disers in less than a half hours’ time. Farrah had a plate full of goodies and was heading back to her table so we only talked a minute or two. I believe that I asked if they had a good table location and I believe that they were pleased too.

The buffet tables are set up at the end of the sitting area and it was a little bit of a tight squeeze but not too terribly crowded. I am sure that this is done so that it’s out of the way and doesn’t block anyone’s view of the castle, castle show and fireworks. Not only am I a bad Diser for not remembering everybody’s names (and not documenting the fact that we met up with one another with pictures), I also didn’t take my camera to the buffet tables. In all honesty, even if I had, I would have felt a little funny taking pictures because, as I said, it was crowded and I wouldn’t have wanted to hold up the line by taking pictures.

Prior to making our reservations, I had read reviews and looked a pictures. While I don’t recall every single item was on the buffet the night we booked, I can say that there were fresh fruits, chocolate dipped strawberries, cookies, brownies, small cupcakes, Mickey ear oreo bon bon things, desserts in little cups, ice cream and toppings and several other items. For the drinks, I know that there was ice water, milk, lemonade and coffee. There may have been others but that’s what we got so that’s all that I remember. Pictures of our samplings:

Oh and a picture of the placecard on our table:

John and I did go back to the buffet to get a taste of a few other items but I don’t believe that Hunter did. He’s not a big sweet eater to begin with unless it’s Little Debbie Fudge Rounds or a cupcake every now and then. I went into the party knowing this and didn’t push him to eat more “to get our money’s worth”. Instead, I had John noshin’ on everything. Just kiddin’!

The castle show began and John and I stayed at the table while Hunter and a lot of the other guests went to stand along the railing. Even with the people standing there, we still had a good view of the castle.

Zoomed in some:

**Continued in next post


As you all know, there’s a bit of time between the castle show and Wishes. During that time, we refilled our drinks and waited for Wishes to begin. And, I took a bathroom break at the bathroom located in the corner (that doesn’t sound right, sounds like I’m tinkling in the corner.)....the corner of the noodle station (that sounds even wronger which is a word)....the bathrooms that are to the right when you exit the dessert party (sounds better). It was at this time that I noticed a lot of people standing around the party area watching the fireworks. I had to “excuse me” my way through them in order to get out. When I came back, the castmembers checked for my wristband and allowed me back inside without any problems.

The castle was lit up when I sat down:

Turned blue soon thereafter:

And then Jiminy Cricket was starting the show:

Aiming the camera at the top of the castle in preparation of Tinkerbell’s entrance:

I don’t know if it’s an urban legend or if it’s true but I’ve read and seen pictures of what appears to be a man dressed as Tinkerbell. I’d never personally seen Mr. Tinkerbell but pictures have appeared from time to time that made me wonder (***Shoot! I can't get the pictures to post below but you should be able to click on the links and see them:


http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c265/RoboWDW/WDW Pictures/TinkinWishes_X3.jpg

I told John and Hunter that Tinkerbell should be flying pretty close to us and maybe we’d learn if it was true. John and Hunter looked at each other and laughed and said “You think we’ll see Tinkerbell’s beard?” Hey, you never know!

Next thing we knew, here came Tinkerbell!

And, for those of you who were wondering, there was no sign of a beard or mustache or any other masculine “qualities”.

I am going to limit the number of pictures that I took of the Wishes fireworks because, quite honestly, I can never ever get quality firework shots so very few are worthy of posting and I may or may not have accidentally deleted a ton of them from Photobucket while cleaning up earlier today. The ones that I am posting aren’t spectacular. You may be able to see a little bit of the roof/ceiling or it’s shadow just to the right of some of the pictures. I took these pictures while still sitting down at our table. Even that bit of the roof did not really block our views.

**Continued in next post



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