Anyone else counting the days until they send their kid to college?

Yes, but its a long countdown since he's only going to be a sophomore next year.
I think I hear from them more now that they are in college or on their own than I did when they were living in the same house with us. It's kinda nice though because it feels good to know that we are still important to them as they continue to learn and grow as adults.

I didn't have this problem fortunately.
The harder part of us was when they came home after first semester. They'd been setting their own schedules and they didn't really jibe with ours.
Warning!! Rant!! So, is anyone else counting the days until your child/adult goes off to college?? I am about to post a big countdown calendar on the fridge. My DD18 is driving me crazy. If I could send her earlier, I would. I'm thinking she should have gone ahead and gone to summer school. I wish I knew as much at 52 as she does at 18!! Only 67 more days!! Thanks for listening! End of rant!

Sigh. Yes. August 30th. She's going to be a Sophomore this fall. I'm actually really enjoying having her at home, she's fun to be around, she's helping around the house and acting like a responsible adult so it's kind of nice having her here. BUT having her here ha caused such a HUGE disruption in our regular schedule (mostly because she has a 5 day a week job that she needs a ride to/from every day) that I can't wait for her to go back to school so DH, DS and I can get back to our 'normal' routine.
Depends on the day! Honestly, I'm more worried about my 4 and 12-year-old than anything else. My 12-year-old doesn't even want to talk about sis leaving, and the little one doesn't understand what's going to happen yet. :(

My daughter's dorm move-in date is nine weeks from today exactly, and I alternate between thinking that day can't get here soon enough and thinking about how much I'll miss her when she's gone. She's an only child and the house will seem empty and quiet when she's gone-it does when she spends the night with a friend or goes on vacation with one. I will miss our daily conversations and laughs, I will miss the fact that we can look at each other most of the time and know that we're thinking the same thing about a person or situation, but I can't say that I'll miss her quick temper (which has gotten worse over the past few months) and the fact that she clearly thinks that I am a complete idiot and live my life for the sole purpose of getting on her nerves most days (trust me, I have better things to do with my time.) I also won't miss the fact that she's the world's pickiest eater and I will no longer have to plan the household meals around what she won't eat, which is a lot of things. She is a good kid for the most part and has not given us nearly as much trouble as most of the kids we know have given their parents, but there are definitely things about her personality that I won't miss. I hope that her being away will make her appreciate her home life and realize how much her father and I do for her, and I hope that she'll miss us and want to communicate with us still. Time will tell, I guess.
OMG, I feel your pain! I love my kid with every fiber of my being, but he is driving me bonkers and August 25, at 5 am, when we pull out of the driveway and start the 1200 mile journey, I will be howling for joy. He's working evenings this summer, bussing tables, so he is home with me ALL DAY LONG. And he wants to talk and chat, ALL DAY LONG. All of his friends are either gone for the summer or working days, so I have become his buddy-by-default. Of course, on August 28th, when my husband and I are flying home, I will probably be a basket case!
Did this 8 years ago. Someone told me this (the child's behavior) was God's way of preparing me for DS' departure. I could not wait for him to go! As a single mom who had poured everything into my kid, my friends were gravely concerned about how I would react. I had no clue why they would be worried - because I was thrilled!
Not me. My DD (only child) will turn 18 in October and is entering her senior year of high school this fall. I wish she could stay a little girl forever. Just last month she got her first car, last week she got her first job, and now she is planning her college choices. I'm not ready to see her go. It seems like it was only yesterday that we took her to Disney for the first time as a 10 year old girl with wide open eyes and a pen in her hand wanting to get an autograph from every princess she could catch.
I have finally found my people!!!

DD went away to college last year and I remember feeling like I was from another planet on the college thread here on the DIS. Everyone was so sad that their kids were going away and DH and I really couldn't wait for our DD to go. She was such an impossible beast for her last year of high school and in the time leading up to leaving for college, that we were so relieved to see her go. She's matured some during that time, but she still has a LONG way to go.

She's presently doing DCP Fall Advantage and I hear from her more now that when she lived at home. And she's even managed to say that she loves me a few times too.

Hang in there!
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Our family isn't quite there yet. We still have a year until takeoff. However, I remember the summer before I went to college quite well. I was the baby of 4 and I thought my parents would die when I left. Hahahaha. I was so mouthy and such a know-it-all all summer that they dropped me off at campus and went on an awesome vacation. My parents joked about the heck my kids would put me through the summer before college and I bet it's going to happen.
No, I am so excited for her but part of me really wishes she was living at home and commuting versus moving 9 hours away. If you had asked me when she was ages 13-17 I would have said get her out of here. It's kind of sad that she's grown out of that awful teenage phase and now she's leaving.
My DS16 has two more years of high school. He would love to get into a musical theater program at a college that's about 7 hours away. I am not looking forward to him leaving at all. He's amazingly sweet and helpful. He calmed me down when we thought one of our bunnies had a broken leg last month. He dropped everything and came to the vet with me. (Her leg wasn't broken and she is currently hopping around!) He cracks me up. I share his love of theater and he frequently tells me about new shows, casting, or fun things he's read about. I thoroughly enjoy helping him learn his lines and seeing every single show that he does. I'm very involved in carpooling and volunteering for his theater groups. He'll be getting his license at the end of the summer and driving himself to school and rehearsals. That will be the beginning for me of being a little less involved. The good news is that if he gets accepted to the program he wants, it's very close to Disneyland. We may have to become pass holders and visit often!
My daughter's dorm move-in date is nine weeks from today exactly, and I alternate between thinking that day can't get here soon enough and thinking about how much I'll miss her when she's gone. She's an only child and the house will seem empty and quiet when she's gone-it does when she spends the night with a friend or goes on vacation with one. I will miss our daily conversations and laughs, I will miss the fact that we can look at each other most of the time and know that we're thinking the same thing about a person or situation, but I can't say that I'll miss her quick temper (which has gotten worse over the past few months) and the fact that she clearly thinks that I am a complete idiot and live my life for the sole purpose of getting on her nerves most days (trust me, I have better things to do with my time.) I also won't miss the fact that she's the world's pickiest eater and I will no longer have to plan the household meals around what she won't eat, which is a lot of things. She is a good kid for the most part and has not given us nearly as much trouble as most of the kids we know have given their parents, but there are definitely things about her personality that I won't miss. I hope that her being away will make her appreciate her home life and realize how much her father and I do for her, and I hope that she'll miss us and want to communicate with us still. Time will tell, I guess.

Wow, I could have written this myself! Mine is also an only child too.
DD went away to boarding school for her junior year of high school last August. It was haaaaard letting my 15 year old at the time go 150 miles away to live in a dorm. She has had a great experience so far, and will spend the summer living at school doing a summer lab research project with a biochemistry professor at UNC. We will only get her back for 2 weeks, then she is back at school for her senior year.

Our only issue right now is trying to get her to commit to applying to more schools than the few she has already decided on. We want her to have choices, and we also want to be able to see what different schools offer in the way of scholarship $$ and financial aid. Right now, her SAT scores have assured her free tuition at one school here in the Southeast, but it definitely would not be her first choice to attend. She is not interested in discussing her options right now, and I think it is out of fear of the future. We are telling her she needs to make some decisions now, since we have a very small window of time in which to go to campus visits.


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