Travel Warning

Just to inform everyone, it is a travel alert, not a travel warning. There is a difference in the two...currently it is just an advisement to take into consideration your surroundings. In the back of our minds the thought is there....especially since we will be there the week after Christmas for NYE. However, we talked it over and Disney does a really good job with their security measures, as far as I'm concerned. I told my mom this morning when she told me about the alert...we are going, you will ride It's A Small World, and you will like it! She got a good laugh out of it. Just be cautious, don't let the unknown overtake you and enjoy life!
The terrorists have been around for a long time whether domestic or not. In reality, the recent attacks make everyone more on alert. I live in the woods and for nearly 20 years avoided hitting a deer with my car. Last winter that came to an end. Since the accident, I more carefully scan for deer - although as more time passes from the accident - I seem to not be as intense. We leave in less than a month. Will we be more cautious like I was watching for deer right after the accident - sure. However, we are very much looking forward to our trip! (I also now have a teen driver and am much more concerned about him hitting a deer and plowing into the ditch, skidding on the ice and careening into the lake, or misjudging on coming traffic and hitting a semi head on than I am about being in the middle of a terror attack at WDW - but I still let him drive himself to school this morning. That is life.)

"In other words, you are over 16x more likely to experience a fatal car accident than you are to experience a fatal terrorist attack. You’re even slightly more likely to drown in your lifetime before you die due to terroristic violence. Is that going to keep you from swimming this summer?"
Thanksgiving has always been one of the busiest travel time if not the busiest. Add that to security checks and it will be hectic!
Here's how worried I am. I'm heading to Israel for a Holy Land trip in January.

My mother isn't happy, but the travel company that we're going with has ben doing year round trips to Israel for fifty years and never had an incident. I'll take that track record.
I didn't even know there was a travel warning until I saw this post...

How funny. It was a major headline on my local radio news programme when I woke at 7am here in the UK (so 2am Florida time and beyond) that the US government had changed their travel advice. What a strange world that I could hear that half way around the world before you did

Visiting WDW doesn't worry me (I always a little wary in the USA because people have guns, which is not the case here) but I'm not going to let it stop me traveling. Sadly, the school I work at might have to cancel their trip to the German Christmas Market in a few weeks, but I don't think they have much choice. If it were me as an individual, I would go but I can understand not taking a group of teens at this time.
I am not worried in the least about travel anywhere. I'm not living in fear, and a statistically improbable fear at that, because some animals want to kill people for no reason. That is exactly what those people want.

Live you life and don't worry about it.
I am a worrier by nature. So I am going to quit watching TV and just focus on this magical trip we have been planning & anticipating for quite some time now.
Thank you for the wonderful response. Sometimes it's just nice to see what others in the same boat think.
Its scary for sure. You should always be on alert but I tend to focus more on the horrifying domestic issues. Police brutality, the fear for my friends of color and members of the LGBT community's safety, drunk drivers, lack of gun control etc. There's a lot to be scared off of course in light of all the recent issues but there is danger everywhere around you. The best thing you can do is to live your live to the fullest but be alert.
I'm just thinking what a PITA it's going to be going through security at the airport more than anything. We're leaving an extra hour earlier just because I think the TSA lines will be horrendous.
I think it is a good thing to have awareness of things that could happen. But I wouldn't let any being afraid stop you from enjoying your life. I have always felt safe at WDW, they have very good security everywhere. Yes, WDW could be a target, as well as sporting events, malls, churches anywhere where a lot of people are. The World today is different, and everyone should have an awareness around them.
It crosses my mind but I am not dwelling on it. My DD came home from college in Providence on Fri-we live in CT. This morning, she drove to NYC to see her boyfriend. I just told her to stay out of the subway and Times Square. She is nervous about flying for our Disney trip in Feb. I feel that being on a plane is probably safer than being in a NYC subway. What else can we do? Never leaving the house is not an option.

On a side note, we were in DC when the Boston bombing happened. We were staying a few blocks from the White House. We were in the Smithsonian when it happened and walked out to see armed Homeland Security everywhere, Pennsylvania Avenue blockaded, and wall to wall police. We had to show ID to enter our hotel. Our DS became unnerved by all of this and DH told him we were probably safer then than we were the day before. Three days after, we stopped in NYC to stay overnight and go to a Yankee game. Times Square was packed with security, we had to show ID at our hotel and everyone entering Yankee Stadium was thoroughly searched. In reality, you are probably safer in the months following an attack than at other times.
We're flying into Orlando on Dec 4th, and I am planning to go to Europe in mid-Jan. I'm not going to cancel or alter any plans.
A few years ago, my children and I were almost run down by a drunk/elderly driver while crossing the street at a light. He missed the front end of my son's stroller by about an inch. A few years before that, I came within two inches of being killed by a tree, and several years before that I came within about five inches of getting crushed under some lumber a bunch of workmen were tossing out a window... so it kind of puts things in perspective. You can be walking along, minding your own business, leading your ordinary little life, and get hit by catastrophe in an instant.

I'll be flying out on Saturday and while I'll certainly contemplate the tragedy of us plummeting out of the sky to our doom, same as I contemplate cracking up the car every time we drive anywhere, and contemplate gunmen in church, and massacres in movie theatres, heart attacks, home invasions, atom bombs, getting struck by lightning, winning the lottery, etc... I won't be especially concerned about it.

After all, it's only by the luckiest of chances I'm here at all. And anticipating a trip to Disney!!! :cool1:

(Really, really hoping none of us die in the next few days.)
I'm just thinking what a PITA it's going to be going through security at the airport more than anything. We're leaving an extra hour earlier just because I think the TSA lines will be horrendous.

Yep. I'm worrying more about how much time I need to plan to get through security than the risk of an actual terror attack.
Thanksgiving has always been one of the busiest travel time if not the busiest. Add that to security checks and it will be hectic!

Yep. Flying to NYC tomorrow evening. Even here in Buffalo I expect the security to be extra tight.
Unfortunately I believe targeting a place like WDW would have a significant effect as far as spreading fear...kind of like targeting the Statue of Liberty or the Golden Gate Bridge....iconic places that people hold dear in their hearts. I don't really think about it while I'm there, but it does cross my mind every now then. I know they say it's not the security you do see but the security you don't see at WDW, but sometimes I wonder :worried:

Have you seen this man?
not worried at all. if something does go down, i wont cower under a table either.


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