With Every Passing Hour, I'm So Glad I Left My Tower! My Solo Birthday Adventure *NEW 3/5

Love your solo TR PippiDancer! :D Your writing and photos make me feel like I am back enjoying the magic and I am always glad to read another solo travelers TR, especially after my January 2014 trip. I'm definitely subscribing and I can't wait to read more! :D
Loving this report! I think I got pretty behind there for a bit -

I love all your Photopass pictures :D This report is really making me want to do a solo trip one of these days! And I'm glad you got to meet Duffy, especially since he's now gone :/ Seems like you guys had a really good meet :)

And I totally hate it when the Photopass photographers aren't interested. We had a really terse person when we went in MK early for a breakfast reservation on our last trip. I wanted to get more castle pictures, but I really didn't enjoy the photographer. It seemed like she didn't want to be there and was annoyed by us, too. Thankfully, it seems like the rest of your pictures turned out fabulously :) :)

Can't wait to read more of your adventures!
Sorry about your not so great dinner in China...and I sort of felt I think similar when I was at F&W...there were so many things I wanted try, but I was never in the right place at the right time to get them...sigh. You got some good pics anyway!!
I love that you had such a great interaction with Duffy! Character interactions like that can totally change the mood your day sometimes!

(Although that photopass photographer at the exit ... I hate when they act like doing their job is a huge inconvenience!)
Love your solo TR PippiDancer! :D Your writing and photos make me feel like I am back enjoying the magic and I am always glad to read another solo travelers TR, especially after my January 2014 trip. I'm definitely subscribing and I can't wait to read more! :D

Thank you so much! I'm so glad that my TR helps to keep the magic alive! I read a bunch of solo TRs when I was planning my trip, and afterward, they really helped me decide to go solo. Welcome and thanks for joining in!

Loving this report! I think I got pretty behind there for a bit -

I love all your Photopass pictures :D This report is really making me want to do a solo trip one of these days! And I'm glad you got to meet Duffy, especially since he's now gone :/ Seems like you guys had a really good meet :)

And I totally hate it when the Photopass photographers aren't interested. We had a really terse person when we went in MK early for a breakfast reservation on our last trip. I wanted to get more castle pictures, but I really didn't enjoy the photographer. It seemed like she didn't want to be there and was annoyed by us, too. Thankfully, it seems like the rest of your pictures turned out fabulously :) :)

Can't wait to read more of your adventures!

It's ok, I got pretty behind too. Haha. I'm so glad I got to meet Duffy before he left. It was one of my favorite meets. I will miss his bear hugs :( Most of the time I came across so great photopass photographers but unfortunately there were a few that made me feel like an inconvenience.

Sorry about your not so great dinner in China...and I sort of felt I think similar when I was at F&W...there were so many things I wanted try, but I was never in the right place at the right time to get them...sigh. You got some good pics anyway!!

There are so many amazing food options in World Showcase, even without the F&G booths, it's so heard to hit everything you want. I was only able to try a few things off my must-do list

I love that you had such a great interaction with Duffy! Character interactions like that can totally change the mood your day sometimes!

(Although that photopass photographer at the exit ... I hate when they act like doing their job is a huge inconvenience!)

I loved Duffy!! He is so cuddly and sweet and gives the best hugs! I'm so sad that he is gone now.
Joining in...
I'm really enjoying your TR. Especially since I'm planning my own solo trip in May.
Love all your photos.
The tour sounds incredible. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I would love to do a tour, but unfortunately doesn't fit in with my plans. Of course that's just another reason to go back (hopefully for the 50th).
Also love your name for MCO.

Looking forward to reading more of your adventures. And hopefully the rest wasn't as rainy, although you seem to be making the best of it.
Joining in...
I'm really enjoying your TR. Especially since I'm planning my own solo trip in May.
Love all your photos.
The tour sounds incredible. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I would love to do a tour, but unfortunately doesn't fit in with my plans. Of course that's just another reason to go back (hopefully for the 50th).
Also love your name for MCO.

Looking forward to reading more of your adventures. And hopefully the rest wasn't as rainy, although you seem to be making the best of it.

Welcome! You will have so much fun on your trip! I'm jealous, I wish I was going on another trip. The tour was a lot of fun, but it can be kind of difficult to squeeze a three hour tour into your plans.
By the time I made it back to AoA, the rain had stopped, which made the long trek to my room a little better. The Little Mermaid section didn’t seem very far away on my first day, but now that my feet hurt so much, the distance seemed much worse.

I got back to my room and started filling the tub with some hot water. While I waited I inspected my achy feet and discovered 3 more blisters. One in the same spot as the first on the other foot and one on the edge of each of my heels. I soaked my feet in the tub for a little while, it helped a little but not much. Then I just laid on my bed, watched some tv, and relaxed for a while.

At about 7:30 I decided to head out again. But I was getting hungry so I decided to stop at Landscape of Flavors first. I wasn’t hungry enough for a meal and wanted some pesto breadsticks. I got in line but since they are at the same station as make-your-own-pasta, the line was really long and moved very slow. I really wanted to get to the park and decided it would take too long for my breadsticks, so I got out of line. They have pizza at the same station, but it has a separate line and there were only a few people so I decided to get that instead. They put a few pizzas out on the warming station but the people in front of me were waiting for cheese and they let me grab one of the pepperoni pizzas that were ready.


It was ok, nothing special, I thought it needed more cheese. I meant the get a kids pizza but accidently grabbed an adult size. I think I only ate about half of it.

And then I headed to my third park of the day! Hollywood Studios for extra magic hours!

I didn’t wait very long for a bus. And I was the only person on the bus! It was pretty cool, but also kinda creepy in the dark since I was sitting behind the driver and couldn’t see him.


I arrived at the park in my own private bus and got my first glimpse of Hollywood Studios without the hat.


It was pretty underwhelming. It was hard to see the theatre in the dark and I miss the wow factor of seeing the hat.

I did stop for a photopass pic

I didn’t really have any plans for the night. I decided to check the wait time for Toy Story Mania, although I wasn’t that optimistic.

There was barely any one in the park. There were a few people here and there, but it was mostly deserted. The first showing of Fantasmic was about to start and I swear that everyone in the park was there.


I made it to TSMM and was shocked by what I saw! The wait time was posted at 25 minutes! Yes, 25 MINUTES. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I should have taken a picture to prove it, but I didn’t even think of it. I had never been through the standby queue, so it was a great chance to see all of the details.

Have you ever seen it empty?





When I got to the part in line right after you get your glasses (I think it is where the standby and fastpass line combine) they sent me and a few other people down the handicap ramp for some reason. It goes to a separate loading section, and I got on the next car. So, I ended up skipping a good chunk of the line and I think I only had to wait about 10 minutes total.

I love that ride, it is so much fun. And I think I did pretty well considering it was only my second time on it.

I did remember to take a picture of the entrance after I got off.

The wait time was still only 30 minutes.

Next I went to check the wait time for Rock n’ Rollarcoaster.


The wait time was posted at 20 minutes, I got in the single rider line and I think I waited about that. There were only a few other people in the single rider line, including a father and adult son. During the pre show, I purposefully stood near the door so I could get at the front of the line. After the pre show the father ended up in front of me and the son was a few people back. The father kept yelling to the boy, they were speaking a different language so I’m not sure what they were saying, but I think the father was trying to get him to move up with him and the son didn’t want to cut people. It wouldn’t have been that bad, but the father kept turning around and yelling very loudly right in my ear. It got annoying very quickly.

Finally it was my turn.

I LOVE this ride photo! I think it’s so funny.

It was about 9:30 when I got off RnR. I considered going on Tower of Terror, but I had never been on it before and riding it for the first time in the dark seemed a little too terrifying. So, I decided to find a spot for Fantasmic instead.

It wasn’t very hard to find a seat.

I got a perfect spot right in the middle, about half way up.

I thought it would fill up more as it got closer to the show, but it didn’t.

This picture was taken right before the show started.










I love Fantasmic! It is such a creative and very cute show.

Extra magic hours was still going on when the show ended, but I had already done everything I wanted to so I decided it was time to head out. But I did take my time leaving.

First, I stopped for a photopass picture in front of the Hollywood Tower Hotel.


And then I stopped in Villians in Vogue to look around a little. I pin traded with a CM for a Mickey pin and she told me that I had to look at another CMs pins, so she brought me over to her and I traded for a very adorable baby Tinkerbell pin that turned out to be one of my favorites.


And then I moseyed my way out. I did stop for another CM who was holding a pin board on the sidewalk, but there wasn’t anything I wanted. There was a bus waiting for me when I got the bus stop and I was back in my room at 11:30. It was a very long, but fun, day.

I am really glad that I took that break. I was so tired and kinda miserable when I left Epcot. But taking those few hours to relax and recharge allowed me to have a really great night!
Great update!!! And amazing that you got to go on TSMM with little waiting...I think I would have spent the whole night there!!
I made it to TSMM and was shocked by what I saw! The wait time was posted at 25 minutes!

Wow!! I don't think I've seen it that short - except maybe once in May when crowds were relatively low. Such good luck!

So, I ended up skipping a good chunk of the line and I think I only had to wait about 10 minutes total.

Even more wow! I love this ride, but the normal wait times are just absurd. 10 minutes is awesome!

I LOVE this ride photo! I think it’s so funny.

I always love the RnRC ride photos - the kid in front really makes this one hilarious!

I love Fantasmic! It is such a creative and very cute show.

I think it's my second favorite after Wishes! So sad I probably won't see it again till May :/

Love the update, and glad that a break helped you enjoy the rest of your day more! Disney can definitely be tiring if you don't listen to yourself and actually rest sometimes :)
Yay for empty buses! We've had that once or twice at the end of the night ... it's a little creepy sometimes, but it's also kinda cool, and you're guaranteed a seat!

25 minutes for Toy Story is amazing! I think that standby queue is my favorite ... I don't get to see it much, but I always love it when I do!
And then 20 minutes on Rock n Roller Coaster ... sounds like you had some awesome line luck!

Yay Fantasmic! That's probably my favorite night time show at WDW ... and you got some great pictures.

I'm glad your break re-energized you and it sounds like DHS was the perfect end to the night!
I'm all caught up! We just got back from a trip a few weeks ago and I feel so behind!

I'm sorry the rain dampened your Epcot day a little. And I totally support the fact that SSE feels very Epcot. It's a total classic and must do each trip!

Your break at the resort sounds like it recharged you! Glad TSMM was such a short wait! We rode ToT for the first time on this most recent trip but only during the day. I LOVED it and I'm so excited to try it at night next time.

Great Fantasmic pictures!
Great update!!! And amazing that you got to go on TSMM with little waiting...I think I would have spent the whole night there!!

I was shocked that the wait was so short! I was very tempted to ride again.

Wow!! I don't think I've seen it that short - except maybe once in May when crowds were relatively low. Such good luck!

Even more wow! I love this ride, but the normal wait times are just absurd. 10 minutes is awesome!

I always love the RnRC ride photos - the kid in front really makes this one hilarious!

I think it's my second favorite after Wishes! So sad I probably won't see it again till May :/

Love the update, and glad that a break helped you enjoy the rest of your day more! Disney can definitely be tiring if you don't listen to yourself and actually rest sometimes :)

It was shocking that the wait was so short for TSM, I swear everyone in the park was at Fantasmic. Something I definitely learned on this trip is that sometimes you just have to slow down and take a break.

Yay for empty buses! We've had that once or twice at the end of the night ... it's a little creepy sometimes, but it's also kinda cool, and you're guaranteed a seat!

25 minutes for Toy Story is amazing! I think that standby queue is my favorite ... I don't get to see it much, but I always love it when I do!
And then 20 minutes on Rock n Roller Coaster ... sounds like you had some awesome line luck!

Yay Fantasmic! That's probably my favorite night time show at WDW ... and you got some great pictures.

I'm glad your break re-energized you and it sounds like DHS was the perfect end to the night!

I did have really good luck with lines that night, I think it was because everyone was at Fantasmic. It was definitely a prefect night at Hollywood.

I'm all caught up! We just got back from a trip a few weeks ago and I feel so behind!

I'm sorry the rain dampened your Epcot day a little. And I totally support the fact that SSE feels very Epcot. It's a total classic and must do each trip!

Your break at the resort sounds like it recharged you! Glad TSMM was such a short wait! We rode ToT for the first time on this most recent trip but only during the day. I LOVED it and I'm so excited to try it at night next time.

Great Fantasmic pictures!

The rain was a mild annoyance, but didn't affect too much. I always chickened out with Tower of Terror on my other trips, but I did ride it later this trip and it was a lot of fun! Maybe next time I'll manage to do it at night.
I'm loving your TR!
Ugh I hear you about the blisters! I had one the size of a half dollar between my toes that I got on our first day. No fun!
After a long, busy day, I took my time getting ready this morning with Stacey on in the background. I made a quick stop to visit my prince.


And then I went straight to the bus stop and got on a bus too...any guesses? Surprise! Not Magic Kingdom


I got to Animal Kingdom not long after park opening.


I wanted some pictures in front of the Tree of Life, but I skipped the first few photographers because they had really long lines. I figured I would just stop later in the day, but then I spotted another photographer without anyone. There are photographers about every 10 feet in front of the park icons. Usually the first few photographers have a long line because everyone stops for the first one they see, but if you walk a little further you will probably come across a photographer without a line.



And then Timon, Pumba, and Simba crashed into my photo.


I was starving, so I made my way to Africa in search for breakfast.


I had plans for some Kusafari, which is very hard to find by the way. I had read about their egg, spinach, and goat cheese breakfast wrap on Disney Food Blog and was very excited to try it.


Verdict? It was the most disgusting thing I ate all week. It had very clearly been sitting around under a heat lamp for quite a while, which is kind of odd since the park just opened. The eggs were really dry and had a weird texture and the tortilla wrap was really gummy. Plus there wasn’t much spinach or cheese except in a big glob in the middle. I couldn’t finish it, I think I only ate about two thirds and I had to force myself to eat that much. I don’t know if I caught them on a bad day or if this is the norm, but I won’t be trying it again.

After a very disappointing breakfast it was time for my 9:35 fastpass for Kilimanjaro Safaris.

The fastpass line was huge, it went out the ropes quite a bit. But luckily it moved pretty fast. There was an older lady in front of me and once we got to the part of the queue where they tell you to fill in all available space I ended up kind of beside her. She kept giving me dirty looks like I was trying to cut her, but I just ignored it. When it was my turn to get to a vehicle, they put me in the row with that lady and another older couple, so I was sandwiched in between them. I figured I wouldn’t have a row to myself since it was busy and I was by myself, but it was pretty annoying to be in the middle of a row with people I didn’t know (especially someone who had been glaring at me for most of the wait) It was kind of hard to see some of the animals and I felt awkward taking pictures around them.






Can you spot the giraffe?





It wasn’t the best safari, we didn’t see many animals at all. Plus I was still a little grumpy from breakfast and having to sit in between people I didn't know. My morning wasn't off to a great start.
I love that you wore a Lion King shirt to Animal Kingdom!

I totally get what you're saying about being sandwiched between strangers on Kilimanjaro Safaris. It's so hard to take pictures (or even see the animals sometimes) if you're not on the end, and having strangers there giving you dirty looks when you're trying to take pictures is just not cool.

I hope the rest of the day went better than your morning!
I ordered my food, almost slipped on the wet floor while carrying my tray, and managed to find a table in the insanely busy restaurant.

Ok, maybe busy isn’t the right word.
:rotfl2: I think Dead is the right word you're looking for.

It was pretty underwhelming. It was hard to see the theatre in the dark and I miss the wow factor of seeing the hat.

Have you ever seen it empty?

I got on the next car. So, I ended up skipping a good chunk of the line and I think I only had to wait about 10 minutes total.

Verdict? It was the most disgusting thing I ate all week.
:rotfl: Tell me how you really feel!

I was by myself, but it was pretty annoying to be in the middle of a row with people I didn’t know (especially someone who had been glaring at me for most of the wait) It was kind of hard to see some of the animals and I felt awkward taking pictures around them.
That's unfortunate!


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