Drone show at Disney Springs!

The LEDs could be seen from DHS and Epcot. Not faint.

Yes, faint. Just because you can see something does not mean it is bright. The human eye can see a candle from 30 miles, but I don't think anyone would argue that a candle is "bright". The LEDs on these drones are in no way comparable to the brightness of a firework.

No they don't go boom and rock your chest. However, a large enough portion of Disney's audience (i.e. your peanut analogy) don't like the boom and begin crying. Not the end of a Disney day they want to project.

That's highly debatable. All the times I've been there for the fireworks, I never saw hordes of screaming children. In fact, the number seemed to be right in line with the number that were screaming throughout the rest of the day for whatever reason.

And... as I've always said: Fireworks are not cheap. Sure... parties, New Years, etc.. as a special event. But, due to cost, environmental concerns, and cost - they will be gone from daily rotation to be replaced by projection and drones. Maybe not today, but within single digit years.

I guess we'll just have to disagree on this one. Sure, there is a cost involved. However, it is peanuts compared to the daily income of a park. Proof (at least to me) that Disney isn't worried about fireworks cost is that in less than five years DHS went from zero fireworks shows to one, and two during the Christmas season. If they were as worried about fireworks costs as you seem to think, I don't think that would have happened.

It will not be popular, people will complain. It won't be the same. However, it will happen. And yes, I know I am in the minority. So save it and throw it back at me in 8 years when it looks like it will fail. But it won't. FAR FAR FAR too much money on the table. And no one, despite how popular and impressive they are, pays a full price ticket BECAUSE there are fireworks. They are a bonus, capable of being replaced by a less visceral show for a fraction of the spend.

See above.
I thought it was a good introduction at the proper venue when it rolled out. I'd like to see it return to Disney Springs and possible be incorporated into other shows, but under no circumstances did I feel it was good enough to replace fireworks
Disney's first fireworks was 1 guy running around in a parking lot. And then they improved them.

The drones at Springs were a V.05 Beta 1 preview. Intel's already improved them over what Disney had. Disney's already patented other ideas. 500 drones isn't sufficient to supplant fireworks. 5000 drones? With "puppets" and projections, and interactivity? 10,000 drones? 100,000 drones? At some point in time - the answer becomes yes.

20 years ago, projections weren't a thing. Now they are a large portion of the fireworks shows particularly at DHS. Fireworks shows at MK have gotten shorter, and the projection show fills part of that gap. Between projections and drones and SFx fireworks will be less and less. They are 0 at AK for obvious reasons. Epcot's new show will likely be major projection/drone/SFx with key moments highlighted by fireworks. Soon (single digit years), fireworks will be less than 1/3 of the show, down from 100% of the show 20 years ago. 8-10 years? Maybe the finale at MK, reserved for parties as an upsell. And possibly, gone completely from DHS and possibly Epcot.

All theory one way or another... so agree to disagree. But I highly recommend we monitor the patents, Intel's advancements, and Epcot's redo. Those items will tell us a lot.
SuperBowl halftime to include hundreds of drones as the assimilation continues...

And they were Intel Drones and were miles above the ones at Disney Springs. Clearly Intel has done a LOT of improving in the past four months.
And they were Intel Drones and were miles above the ones at Disney Springs. Clearly Intel has done a LOT of improving in the past four months.
Well Disney tried to do more 3D objects while this was just a flag and flat things. It was still very cool but was a one time thing not a nightly running show. The drones are the exact same ones used at Disney Springs so the technology hasn't improved much since then.
Well Disney tried to do more 3D objects while this was just a flag and flat things. It was still very cool but was a one time thing not a nightly running show. The drones are the exact same ones used at Disney Springs so the technology hasn't improved much since then.

Agreed. 2D is easier. Plus they were positioned for the cameras. Same drones. Same technology. In fact fairly decent chance these were literally the same drones. I'll see if I can confirm.
Agreed. 2D is easier. Plus they were positioned for the cameras. Same drones. Same technology. In fact fairly decent chance these were literally the same drones. I'll see if I can confirm.
Very well could've been the same drones. I wonder how many intel has in their inventory.
Same drones. On a dissappointing note, 'twas not live. Recorded earlier this week up until the "drop". So there were no drones flying during the superbowl.
Same drones. On a dissappointing note, 'twas not live. Recorded earlier this week up until the "drop". So there were no drones flying during the superbowl.

Seriously? I figured the drones that did the Pepsi icon, "Pepsi," and "intel," as it was going to commercial, were prerecorded. But I thought for sure the parts during the show were live. That is disappointing.
Same drones. On a dissappointing note, 'twas not live. Recorded earlier this week up until the "drop". So there were no drones flying during the superbowl.

And given what I saw during the TV coverage, the "drone show" was lackluster to say the least.
I think the drone approval/disapproval is rooted in 1 thing - vision vs present.

If you watch it, and appreciate it as the first widespread demonstration of a technology that has an infinite growth potential - it was awe inspiring and amazing.

If you watch it, expecting to see a final product that is a giant flying HD billboard that makes you question reality - it was mediocre at best.

Again, this was 300 drones with basic 2D representation. If you read the articles, press releases, and watch the Intel engineering team who is responsible for this discuss it - you realize this is their Proof of Concept. Their real vision is drones that are 1/2 to 1/4 the size, twice the battery, twice as bright, and 1000s of them. They are likely 3-5 years away from the first engineering proofs of those drones. Very close, but not imminent.

So yes - the show was "lackluster" from a blew my mind perspective. It was amazing from the fact it was the first time ever done on a stage this large and for what the future holds. V1 of the drones. Usually V3 of a new technology/product is the deal breaker.
I think the drone approval/disapproval is rooted in 1 thing - vision vs present.

If you watch it, and appreciate it as the first widespread demonstration of a technology that has an infinite growth potential - it was awe inspiring and amazing.

If you watch it, expecting to see a final product that is a giant flying HD billboard that makes you question reality - it was mediocre at best.

Again, this was 300 drones with basic 2D representation. If you read the articles, press releases, and watch the Intel engineering team who is responsible for this discuss it - you realize this is their Proof of Concept. Their real vision is drones that are 1/2 to 1/4 the size, twice the battery, twice as bright, and 1000s of them. They are likely 3-5 years away from the first engineering proofs of those drones. Very close, but not imminent.

So yes - the show was "lackluster" from a blew my mind perspective. It was amazing from the fact it was the first time ever done on a stage this large and for what the future holds. V1 of the drones. Usually V3 of a new technology/product is the deal breaker.
I agree with all of what you said. From a Disney fan stand point we've seen the technology in use already so this was nothing new but from the party I was at the people who haven't seen it were quite impressed. I can't wait to see what the future holds.
I think the drone approval/disapproval is rooted in 1 thing - vision vs present.

If you watch it, and appreciate it as the first widespread demonstration of a technology that has an infinite growth potential - it was awe inspiring and amazing.

If you watch it, expecting to see a final product that is a giant flying HD billboard that makes you question reality - it was mediocre at best.

Again, this was 300 drones with basic 2D representation. If you read the articles, press releases, and watch the Intel engineering team who is responsible for this discuss it - you realize this is their Proof of Concept. Their real vision is drones that are 1/2 to 1/4 the size, twice the battery, twice as bright, and 1000s of them. They are likely 3-5 years away from the first engineering proofs of those drones. Very close, but not imminent.

So yes - the show was "lackluster" from a blew my mind perspective. It was amazing from the fact it was the first time ever done on a stage this large and for what the future holds. V1 of the drones. Usually V3 of a new technology/product is the deal breaker.
I agree with all of what you said. From a Disney fan stand point we've seen the technology in use already so this was nothing new but from the party I was at the people who haven't seen it were quite impressed. I can't wait to see what the future holds.
Same drones. On a dissappointing note, 'twas not live. Recorded earlier this week up until the "drop". So there were no drones flying during the superbowl.
I wonder if they recorded them when the stadium lights were off so they stood out more

I agree with all of what you said. From a Disney fan stand point we've seen the technology in use already so this was nothing new but from the party I was at the people who haven't seen it were quite impressed. I can't wait to see what the future holds.
Same. We were at a gathering of people who had never seen anything like that and they were very impressed and amazed.


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