Have any ride cowards gone on Guardians?


DIS Veteran
Apr 7, 2014
So I am a WDW vet, have never been to DL. I am a COWARD and have never been on Tower of Terror, however I really enjoy the Guardians of the Galaxy movie and would like to be able to go on. For a frame of reference, I can usually handle things like Space Mountain, Splash, BTMRR, etc. I've gone on Everest but it's scary for me, I've never done Rockin'. I don't plan to do Incredicoaster on this trip.

Has anyone with a similar ride tolerance ever done Guardians? Does anyone have any tips for me to get on??
If you can handle feeling weightless with no warning, go for it, otherwise stay away. I can handle the weightless feeling on coasters because I can see when they are coming, but not for Guardians. Never again for me. lol and my hands were so sore from holding onto those tiny handholds they have next to your seat.
Hmmmm, I would say that Guardians isn't terribly scary in my opinion but it makes me barfy more than most rides. Can you handle Star Tours? That attraction also makes me barfy.
Hmmmm, I would say that Guardians isn't terribly scary in my opinion but it makes me barfy more than most rides. Can you handle Star Tours? That attraction also makes me barfy.

Yup, I like Star Tours and it doesn't make me sick. I'm not a big fan of huge drops though, which makes me think I just wouldn't be able to do Guardians. I mean I've never been able to do Tower lol.
Yup, I like Star Tours and it doesn't make me sick. I'm not a big fan of huge drops though, which makes me think I just wouldn't be able to do Guardians. I mean I've never been able to do Tower lol.
Guardians is much more fun than Tower was. ToT was meant to be scary pretty much the whole time - GoG has more of a fun story line. Especially if you really enjoyed the movies. I don't want you to think the drops wont startle you, they will, but the rest of the time it's very well themed and not creepy.

I kind of hope you try it just once since it sounds like you really want to do it but I totally understand not wanting to be a jitterbug the rest of the day.

Good luck!
My son went on it. He's 8, but he's terrified of anything fast or dropping. He ended up loving it despite being terrified. It's really fun to try to guess what song you'll get since each song has a different drop sequence. I've been on it tons of times and I've never seen anyone come off without a smile.
Hmm...I am a ride coward. I can handle Big Thunder, Indy, and Star Tours just fine. Sometimes Big Thunder will make me feel a little funny in the head as will Star Tours if I sit in the back row and get thrown about too much. I have ridden Space several times but don't enjoy it all that much and felt pretty bad the last time I rode it a year ago. It doesn't make me want to throw up, but it makes me feel off-balance and slightly dizzy afterwards, about the way I feel when I'm realizing that I'm starting to feel the early warning signs of a migraine, but fortunately I didn't get the migraine. I have ridden Splash Mountain only once. As I expected, I didn't like the drop sensations, especially the final one, at all. One and done for me. I have never ridden Screamin' and don't intend to ride Incredicoaster. I had never ridden Tower of Terror, but nerved myself up at last to try Guardians.

So here's how it went... I actually went through the queue a few times on different days before I nerved myself to stick it out. By the third time or so waiting in line, I could tell that my heart rate was more under control and I had kind of reconciled myself to trying it out. I knew to expect multiple ups and downs and crazy drops and suspected I would not like that free fall sensation, but I really wanted to not chicken out just once. The ride itself was what I expected. It didn't set off my stomach but once again it bothered my head. I definitely do not enjoy that weightless feeling and felt like I was bracing myself the whole time in anticipation of each drop. It does distract from taking in what else is going on. After the ride, I again had that feeling of not being quite able to focus my eyes, a hint of dizziness and light-headedness, and a general feeling of blah. I recovered much quicker than from Space Mountain though; I'd say I was feeling fairly normal again after about half an hour. Since the after-effects weren't long-lasting and never too overwhelming, I was glad that I had tried it out just the once, but I won't be doing it again.
I am a complete ride weenie and asked this question before I went in the fall and everyone told me not to try it. Have you looked up the ride videos? It might give you an idea what to expect.
I hate drop elevator rides and I went on it one time last summer. NEVER AGAIN! I almost barfed while ON the ride. Only way I didn't throw up was by screaming my head off so much that my throat hurt afterwards. It was horrible. I couldn't stop shaking for a good 10 min or so afterwards. My kids went on it, too, and they were pretty traumatized. ODD (then almost 11) cried for 15-20 min after.

If you don't like those sorts of rides, then don't do it. If you hated Tower of Terror because of the drops, then you will not like this one either.
I am a ride coward but I ride pretty much everything when my kids make me. Guardians is the one ride that I rode once and will never do again. Well, that and Expedition Everest. (I can't stand going backwards.) I can go on every other "thrill" ride but the drop in Guardians kills me. I hate it. I did it once just to see what it was like and because my kids really wanted me to go on it. I didn't like it any more than I did when it was ToT (which I also rode once and never returned to). I get the theming is awesome, but I hate that ride. Just my two cents.
I hated drops like ToT. Rode it once when it opened, never again. Then the Guardians conversion happened. Got the nerve up to try it again. Heart was pounding, held on for dear life. Said the one time was good enough for me. It was during Halloween and the Monsters After Dark overlay was turned on at night. Got up the nerve to try it one more time just to experience the different music. Glad I did! The second time I did not hang on, what a difference! Fighting the drops and trying to hold on made it so much worse for me for some strange reason. Its pretty much my favorite between both parks now. Go figure.
I *hated* Tower of Terror. DH loved it, so I would force myself to go on it once each trip but would dread it. My kids hated TOT, too. So I dreaded GoG but forced myself to go on with DH (and kids bit the bullet, too) when the conversion happened. And it converted ME! I love this ride so much, as does DD13. (DS10 still finds the drops disconcerting, so sometimes he opts out.) It is so playful with such great music, so that instead of feeling like I'm "falling" (as in, dropping to one's demise in an elevator shaft!) it's more like I'm "bouncing" (like a Tigger who wants to hang out with Baby Groot). Seriously, it is a lot of fun.

If the very idea of "drop rides" freaks you out (which the ToT theming definitely exacerbated for me), it might help to keep in mind that this ride is not, in any way, actually "dropping." You are being pulled downwards and upwards very quickly. That's all. (When I watched an Imagineering video about the science of this ride with my kids and learned this, I felt far better, too!
I rode all rides in Disneyland (except things like teacup and carousel), and Guardian of the Galaxy was the most intensive one. Just like roller coasters, other parts were OK, the most intensive part was the initial launch (a fast ascent followed by a quick descent, creating like 2 seconds' air time).
Preface...I love ToT...but my boys do not. Neither one will ride it. We just got back from our first trip to DLR and both rode GotG multiple times and loved it! Neither one was afraid of the ride. Yes, there are drops so if that is your big thing, I'd avoid it. But the theme is fun and not scary at all.
Thanks everyone! I think i'm gonna arrive at Disney with intentions to go and basically see if I can psyche myself into it. I've always been terrified of tower, once I almost went on and had a panic attack lol and did chicken exit, but something about guardians seems *slightly* less intimidating! Stay tuned!
I love it. My 16 y.o. does not like drops but loves the Marvel universe, so she really wanted to try it on the band trip last month, that I helped chaperone. She loved Space and BTMRR. However, as much as she wanted to love it, she really didn't react well to GotG. She had kind of a bad adrenaline reaction, left her very shaky and nauseated. It took her several hours to feel herself again. I kept telling her, 'You don't have to go on it, it's okay if you don't," but she didn't want to chicken out in front of her friends. Her dad feels the same way about it-- DH hates drops, and finds himself unable to do any of the big roller coasters any more, even Space Mountain, though he used to enjoy them when we were younger.
I hate drop rides (Splash is hard for me, but I can handle it). I'll do GOTG once a trip, but it is hard. I love coasters and have no problem at all with them. But drop rides are hard for me. That original Paradise Pier one that just went straight up was the worst! I did it ONCE.

To get myself ready, I remember that these rides are safe and I will be ok. Good luck! It'll be fine if you go and fine if you don't!
I might suck it up and do it. I haven't done TOT, because I hate forward facing drops. The backwards drop on Everest doesn't bother me:confused3 I can do RNRC, but it's not my favorite, and I always look like I am holding on for dear life in my pics. I also don't really like the drop on Splash, but I love the theming. That's why I think I might brave GOTG, because I really like the movies and love The Collector:scared1:
The second time I did not hang on, what a difference! Fighting the drops and trying to hold on made it so much worse for me for some strange reason.

Yes! Thank you for saying that. It’s the same for me. If I just go with the ride it’s better. Like horseback riding Western vs English. Just be loose. :)

Works on Indy for me, too. Plant my feet on the floor, sit up with good but not rigid posture, and just go along with the ride.

If the very idea of "drop rides" freaks you out (which the ToT theming definitely exacerbated for me), it might help to keep in mind that this ride is not, in any way, actually "dropping." You are being pulled downwards and upwards very quickly. That's all.


It’s not a drop, it’s a pull. If the “action” on the ride breaks, you just stop. There would be no scary braking.

I breathe out slowly but forcibly during the drops. You can do that with noise and call it a scream. Either way it helps with the stomach feeling.

Or you can reframe it like my son did *when he was little*; he said it made his, um, “area” tickle. (This is from conversations with him years ago, not current)


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