I love credit cards so much! v2.0 (see first page for add'l details)

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You hit the nail on the head. Right now, I have a few hotel cards and their respective points that give me the additional rooms I presently need outside of Disney. (I like the beaches in summer.) For Disney I have DVC. And although everyone can use a little extra cash, I had no consuming need for cash out strategies. I had purchased enough Disney tickets to do me for the next 15-20 years. So a Disney trip for me is gas and groceries mostly and a few nice meals when I feel like it. All well within my budget.

The big change is that come next January, my youngest grandchild will be 3. Tickets will then be needed for 4 people in that family and if I have a UR stash, I can help without much impact to my budget. So my future needs will hopefully be met with UR's or any other method that presents itself. For me there is no pressure to do anything, but by careful plodding away, I can make it easier for my own family to enjoy trips.

This morning my son (through text) shared that he may be attending a wedding this summer on the west coast - a friend of his girlfriend who is from the west coast. I offered him some southwest gift cards and some points. He wasn't expecting this as he didn't know I had them. It made it much easier for him to plan his getaway with his girlfriend.

So, this is just one way of saying I didn't feel the need for big rewards either and I'm happy with my plan as it stands. I may loosely follow my plan or not. I think I'm fairly conservative about churning, but like you open to a certain limit of it, but I don't have to have every Barclay, citi, chase, amex that is out there. And I may continue the UR journey and get a few of those cards later this year or in 2020, or not. It's all a loosely laid out opportunity that doesn't consume me or make me crazy.

I do like this community and I like to know what's going on. Many subjects pop up here that keep it interesting and the human element is attractive to me. I hope it continues for a long while in the same spirit it is now. At the end of the day we all make our own decisions and are responsible for them but it's always nice to know the options and have people that will give the pros and cons as well as celebrate successes.

Disney tix for the next 15-20 years is awesome! :worship:

I love this community and sometimes struggle to keep up with the thread, but do enjoy many of the OT discussions. It makes it feel like a group of friends.

I think as a group our greatest strength is our diversity in how we choose to churn. I think that the collective experience we share here is invaluable when it comes to the pros and cons of any strategy. The only way to see a different perspective is when someone is doing something different and shares the how and why of it.

Thank you for this. I was a tiny bit worried about my post - thinking it would be misconstrued as I DON"T NEED TO DO WHAT YOU ALL DO. Lol. I don't need to do what you all do - but totally understand why and how you are doing it. In a few years, DH and I will hopefully have more time to travel (retirement - ahhh) and my strategy may change. But right now I am content slowly building my little nest egg of points.

Oh no that's the beauty of this community. No matter how different we are in our strategies we all seem to have a "you do you" outlook towards one another and celebrate whatever that may mean to each of us. I know some here consider what I do to be somewhat extreme whether that be in points accumulation or points redemption and perhaps they are right. If I were posting on r/churning or Flyer Talk (which I'm not), I would likely not be viewed as extreme at all on my points accumulation and point redemption and perhaps they would be right too. The point is, the perception of what I do, doesn't change what I'm doing. It works for me right now and I'm good with that. I only post about it here because we don't have anyone who is Judgey McNasty to anyone and I trust it will stay that way.
@Haley R, We lived in Windermere a few years ago. My DD use to take classes at MyGym in the Dr. Phillips area. Both are really nice areas. Dr. Phillips is closer to the area you mentioned. It’s best to minimize the travel time as much as possible. It can be pretty challenging. When we relocated (briefly) DH company set us up with a reloc. specialist in the area. Because it wasn’t our first reloc. we knew it would be wise to go in renting until we became familiar with the lay of the land. Thankfully, we went that route for a couple of reasons. First, there are a few nice areas to choose from and second, we were only there for a year ( by choice). Our DD (6yo at the time)had a blast. I'm sure you can imagine how much time we spent at WDW.
Thanks for the info! They did tell Dh they would help with the relocation. I’m not sure how far that goes like if they would give us a specialist but it would definitely help. We’ve started looking at houses on Zillow just in case. They are definitely more than we paid for our house but that’s expected. There are options we would be willing to go for.
I love this community and sometimes struggle to keep up with the thread, but do enjoy many of the OT discussions. It makes it feel like a group of friends.
Sometimes...I try to have fun and enjoy OT discussions on other threads...hoping that we can get a little sense of that community going...

And then people are rude, nobody laughs, and the mods remove my posts. It's saddens me...

Sometimes...I try to have fun and enjoy OT discussions on other threads...hoping that we can get a little sense of that community going...

And then people are rude, nobody laughs, and the mods remove my posts. It's saddens me...


It all depends on the thread. Drives me nuts on the news & rumor one. All the star wars stuff is going to drive me nuts until the stupid thing is opened.
Added - https://www.reddit.com/r/DISchurners/comments/ai6lq0/dischurners_walt_disney_world_tips/ei3p02y/ I did a brief intro but figured you could put the meat of this comment there so people know where it came from :)

Thanks for asking first :) I like how the index is there and all the Top Level comments are distinguished in green as a mod comment. Yes, things being organized like that make me happy.
Done :) And now I'm thoroughly disturbed at the comment from DoC's page on this card yesterday that a person who double dipped the travel credit before cancelling had the af refund reversed....
Kingsville and Ingelside are the pits. Corpus Christi (which is where my father was stationed when I was in school) is only slightly less yuk (to me). That's why I spent most of my summers in Temple, College Station and Virginia. My good friend was a pilot training others in the mid-late 90s there-he was not thrilled with that assignment either.

It was the pits back then. The towns I mean. Sort of desolate and so far from anything. I can't imagine how bad it probably is now with the base decimated and Exxon pulled out.

But the community of military people were the best! I still have a lot of friends whose husbands were pilots back then but most are retired with other airline jobs and some have even retired a second time. I saw a lot of wingings in those days and I'm looking forward to hearing about that when Haley's brother gets his.

The one thing I remember in a positive way about Corpus was this barbecue place - don't ask me the name, that had the best chopped barbecue. All told, I had many great experiences in Texas - visiting San Antone, the Alamo, the Riverwalk, Austin, New Braunfels, Tubing on the Frio river and losing my glasses and getting a sunburn on my legs that I could barely walk, driving into Mexico, the beaches on Padre Island, visiting the King Ranch and going to the big barbecue there, plus all the military activities and the social aspect attached to that.
I love this community and sometimes struggle to keep up with the thread, but do enjoy many of the OT discussions. It makes it feel like a group of friends.

I'm not someone who typically likes forums at all. They always seem to be full of the same people - those without a sense of humor, those perpetually in a bad mood, those who need to feel more important online than they are in real life, those who take that to the next level & just outright lie about who they are, those who can't deal when people live differently than they do, etc. They're almost never fun.

But, I really enjoy this thread :)
I'm not someone who typically likes forums at all. They always seem to be full of the same people - those without a sense of humor, those perpetually in a bad mood, those who need to feel more important online than they are in real life, those who take that to the next level & just outright lie about who they are, those who can't deal when people live differently than they do, etc. They're almost never fun.

But, I really enjoy this thread :)
You summed up r/churning nicely!
You refer DH to CIP#2.

(DH should keep his CIP#1 open, and then close it when the next AF posts.)

What about the other Chase business cards...CIC and CIU...both have 50k UR sign up bonus with a 3k MSR
Or refer DH for another CIP

You don't even need an EIN to get a CIP#2 within 24 months of your last CIP. Just sayin'.

So, if I referred DH for another CIP, I would just apply without his middle initial. Right now, his is first name, middle initial, last name, Jr. I guess I could leave the Jr part off too. Since it's his SSN, it shouldn't do anything with his dad's info.

Or, I might go the less risky way and do the CIC or CIU although with the referral credit the CIP would be an extra 50,000 URs!

I'll decide this weekend and apply for him on Monday.
OMG. How did the marketing people not see this coming?

I mean, what was wrong with "Marriott Rewards"? "Oh, I got 'Rewarded'" doesn't have the same ring as "I got 'Bonvoyed'."

Or bonboy, bonbon, Bon Jovi!
I got ‘bonvoyed’ is too good. I’m gonna start using that term lol. My teens will pick it up. Start using to their friends and on SM. May go viral lol!
Dh actually mentioned renting first. I would hate to do that since we would be essentially throwing that money out instead of putting it in a mortgage but I also see how it makes sense to get a feel for the area. He said he’ll ask them about where most people live who work there
I can see your DH's point because we felt the same & were considering buying where we live now, but we never pulled the trigger & I have to say that buying would not have been the best decision. We loved the neighborhood, we were 20 minutes from Disney... but my fiance had a LONG commute to work every day & it was really not at all fun for him. The long commute initially seemed like a good idea because we didn't want to live in the craziness mid-city & we liked having our own space - but it turned out that we just went too far out of the way. So, we ended up buying into one of the "garden suburbs" which, while not cheap :scared1:, is really the best of both worlds - but we didn't initially realize that.

Additionally, the only properties available to buy in our old neighborhood were apartments & we didn't want to raise a family in an apartment, no matter how big or nice it was.
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