YIKES. It’s (3/12) So busy! Planning and FP are so important.

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Earning My Ears
Oct 5, 2008
so we had a spur of the minute trip come up a few weeks ago and are here now. Thank goodness for FP and that we have lots of disney knowledge and experience. The parks are crazy this week and I guesss it only gets busier ! We are usually here end of January/early February (perfect ) Small world wait was 75 minutes.... Winnie the Pooh wait was 75 minutes for a 2.5 minute ride. CRAZY!! If this was my first trip I would be so disappointed ....... so all I can say is make sure you plan and absolutely plan FP.
We were at MK today. Thanks to FP and planning we never waited more than 15 minutes for rides. Even then, it was so crowded that I felt like nobody really had fun. I love Disney but I just don't know if it's worth it anymore.
I totally get that.... we love Disney but really are concerned that the huge crowds are too much. Even with FP and able to do the rides the crowds are oppressive
It was pretty crowded last week as well. We had a great time but wow, it was a lot to deal with. Thankfully we had great luck with same day FPs and didn't wait in any standby line longer than ~20 minutes.
We are here now too and it’s as busy as I’ve seen it. But it’s our first trip this time of year. This is busier than when we come in summer or Thanksgiving.

We made all our FPs and know what we’re doing so we have gotten to do everything we want without a problem but without planning and experience, I could imagine this trip having gone downhill quickly.

Yesterday we saw a lady leaving MK right before the parade with her kids- she was crying and telling a cm it was the worst day ever, her kids hadn’t been able to ride anything, she just wanted to get out.

We have had a great trip though, and are sad we are leaving tomorrow.
We are here now too and it’s as busy as I’ve seen it. But it’s our first trip this time of year. This is busier than when we come in summer or Thanksgiving.

We made all our FPs and know what we’re doing so we have gotten to do everything we want without a problem but without planning and experience, I could imagine this trip having gone downhill quickly.

Yesterday we saw a lady leaving MK right before the parade with her kids- she was crying and telling a cm it was the worst day ever, her kids hadn’t been able to ride anything, she just wanted to get out.

We have had a great trip though, and are sad we are leaving tomorrow.
It’s so sad that it has come to this, and unfortunately I’m sure that she is not alone. It really shouldn’t be so hard to have a good time at this price point, but it is. It takes preparation and planning and a whole lot of patience.
My 22 year old son and his friend there now- he said it’s crowded but we’ve been enough he knows how to get the additional FPs and cut down wait time.

Tomorrow they have EMM at Toy Storyland.
Yesterday we saw a lady leaving MK right before the parade with her kids- she was crying and telling a cm it was the worst day ever, her kids hadn’t been able to ride anything, she just wanted to get out.

:sad2: :sad1:

Sounds like one of the ones who knew nothing about FP. It usually irritates me as I go how can you NOT know. But to read she was crying and saying her kids didn't get to ride anything makes my heart hurt. :worried: The planning involved in going to Disney is no joke. I LOVE doing it, but there are others who wing it and just pay for the tickets and hotel room and nothing else. Those are the ones who aren't quite as lucky as we DISers are or others who visit Disney forums out there and know what's involved. Because of who I am, I would have had to stop the mom and talk to her and give her the break down. There is no way I could have let her leave that miserable when I know she could have done something to fix it. She may not have been open to my advice being as upset as she was....but it wouldn't hurt me to try. :upsidedow
It is spring break after all, the spring break crowds will continue for the next month and a half or so and then a couple weeks later other schools start getting out so you will be seeing summer crowds. The fact that schools are staggering their breaks like this is actually a very large factor as to why the parks always seem more crowded now, add that to date based pricing and you are ensured that crowds will be there at times that used to have lighter crowds.
We are Disney veterans and went mid February and were greeted with crowds that matched or exceeded anything we have ever seen before. It also was a spur of the moment trip so most FP were gone. The refresh system everyone is talking about did not work for us as I got tired of looking at my phone constantly with no success. I believe at most, we rode less than 10 major rides for the week. We have done it all so it was not that big of a deal, but I believe the reason for all this is a big deal, to us anyway. Remember the days when there where EMH or evening hours every day sometimes of up to three hours, Remember when parks normal close hours were 10 or 11 at night (this trip most parks closed at 8 or 9). Now, everyone has to shove a full day at the parks in a 11 or 12 hour day, which I think concentrates the crowds. Remember when, if you tried just a little you could get FP from morning till close (except for maybe TS, Soarin, TT or Rockin coaster would be out for the day). Now you can get up early and be at the park, but someone still in bed, technically is in line in front of you because he has a FP that you had no chance at if you chose a spur of the moment trip. I know I am just dreaming of the good old days, We also used to use $3000 as a cutoff/no go number for four of us, this trip for two of us was $3100. So the moral of the story is - it is not your younger self's WDW,
:sad2: :sad1:

Sounds like one of the ones who knew nothing about FP. It usually irritates me as I go how can you NOT know. But to read she was crying and saying her kids didn't get to ride anything makes my heart hurt. :worried: The planning involved in going to Disney is no joke. I LOVE doing it, but there are others who wing it and just pay for the tickets and hotel room and nothing else. Those are the ones who aren't quite as lucky as we DISers are or others who visit Disney forums out there and know what's involved. Because of who I am, I would have had to stop the mom and talk to her and give her the break down. There is no way I could have let her leave that miserable when I know she could have done something to fix it. She may not have been open to my advice being as upset as she was....but it wouldn't hurt me to try. :upsidedow

I know what you mean about wanting to help non planners.
A CM was actually trying to help her at the time I heard this so I kept moving. Also unfortunately I think she was past the point of being able to think at that point. She was done.

No more fast passes were available for today in any parks when I checked around 7. I can’t remember ever not being able to add extra FPs into the evening before.
:sad2: :sad1:

Sounds like one of the ones who knew nothing about FP. It usually irritates me as I go how can you NOT know. But to read she was crying and saying her kids didn't get to ride anything makes my heart hurt. :worried: The planning involved in going to Disney is no joke. I LOVE doing it, but there are others who wing it and just pay for the tickets and hotel room and nothing else. Those are the ones who aren't quite as lucky as we DISers are or others who visit Disney forums out there and know what's involved. Because of who I am, I would have had to stop the mom and talk to her and give her the break down. There is no way I could have let her leave that miserable when I know she could have done something to fix it. She may not have been open to my advice being as upset as she was....but it wouldn't hurt me to try. :upsidedow

This reminded me of our experience over President's Day weekend. My DS11 and I went down for 3 nights and went to AK on our first day (Friday before President's Day). We got there at RD with our FP+ ready to go. Rode everything we wanted by mid-day and the crowds were just pouring in. We left around 1 pm and, no joke, the biggest line we saw that day (besides FOP) was the line OUTSIDE of AK to get TICKETS to get into the park! All I could think was these poor people had no idea what they were in for when they entered. It was midday on a super crowded day and they were just getting tickets to get in - no pre-reserved FP+ and, only heaven knows what was even available to book at that point. I cannot imagine simply showing up at a WDW park, spending multiple $100's and not having anything reserved. I can't imagine many of them had a very good day.
This reminded me of our experience over President's Day weekend. My DS11 and I went down for 3 nights and went to AK on our first day (Friday before President's Day). We got there at RD with our FP+ ready to go. Rode everything we wanted by mid-day and the crowds were just pouring in. We left around 1 pm and, no joke, the biggest line we saw that day (besides FOP) was the line OUTSIDE of AK to get TICKETS to get into the park! All I could think was these poor people had no idea what they were in for when they entered. It was midday on a super crowded day and they were just getting tickets to get in - no pre-reserved FP+ and, only heaven knows what was even available to book at that point. I cannot imagine simply showing up at a WDW park, spending multiple $100's and not having anything reserved. I can't imagine many of them had a very good day.

THIS!! :sad2:

I just don't get it. I'm trying to figure out were they locals....probably not. Most locals know better. People passing through who all of a sudden decided that they wanted to spend the day in AK? I'm going to AK midday....but will have all my FPs booked and ready to go. That is NOT the park you want to walk into without a FP in hand. I cannot imagine what I day would be like without one. :guilty:
I know what you mean about wanting to help non planners.
A CM was actually trying to help her at the time I heard this so I kept moving. Also unfortunately I think she was past the point of being able to think at that point. She was done.

No more fast passes were available for today in any parks when I checked around 7. I can’t remember ever not being able to add extra FPs into the evening before.

I get her being done. If she's anything like me, when your child is upset, you are upset. So basically no one or nothing is going to help at that moment.

And wow! FPs gone already at 7?! :eek: :faint: This is a sure sign of what next week is going to look like. That is spring break for most schools up here where we are in Northwest FL. One of my colleagues is going to be there so I'll be curious to hear from her what crowds are like. She's leaving Saturday morning to get to Disney that afternoon.
It’s so sad that it has come to this, and unfortunately I’m sure that she is not alone. It really shouldn’t be so hard to have a good time at this price point, but it is. It takes preparation and planning and a whole lot of patience.

I’ve been amazed all week to not see more families having meltdowns. The lines are crazy, FP availability is really limited even with good knowledge of how to work the system, and most days have been pretty hot...and yet most people we’ve passed have ranged from bored to cheerful, not sad and angry. I can’t imagine waiting in most of those lines and not being grumpy, though! Walking by the small world line today late morning...wow. (Meanwhile I had grabbed a FP for it about half an hour ahead, and then very slowly moved it up to about 15 minutes. It took way more refreshing than I’m used to, though!)
THIS!! :sad2:

I just don't get it. I'm trying to figure out were they locals....probably not. Most locals know better. People passing through who all of a sudden decided that they wanted to spend the day in AK? I'm going to AK midday....but will have all my FPs booked and ready to go. That is NOT the park you want to walk into without a FP in hand. I cannot imagine what I day would be like without one. :guilty:

My mom did this. She talked about going when she had a week long trip for months. I told her to plan. They ended up buying a ticket the night before they wanted to go and only because I told her that she had to at least get some fastpasses. If she hadn’t known me she would be in line during food and wine at the gate buying tickets.

Now I’m taking her on a proper Disney trip in May and I arranged everything so she can see how the pros do it.
It’s so sad that it has come to this, and unfortunately I’m sure that she is not alone. It really shouldn’t be so hard to have a good time at this price point, but it is. It takes preparation and planning and a whole lot of patience.
And this is exactly why I keep saying moving to a FP structure like Disneylands (without the paying for Maxpass part) would work much better. All FPs would be day of only, you don't get to pick a time slot, you get what ever return window is available for the attraction you want to go on at that time and you can only book a FP after entering one of the parks for the day. You could through the app book a FP for another park, but only if your tickets have park hopping entitlements.

This would actually make everything far more fair and since there would still be no paper FPs, they could even stop distributing for say an hour for a particular attraction, then distribute again to ensure that people who arrive later in the day have a fair shot at FPs.
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