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LOL-my I had to break DH of the "freeway." One, I had no idea what he meant..."ooooh the Interstate" and two, seriously roads are anything but free.
I feel like everyone around Denver at least calls Interstate 25 'the highway'

I always correct DH and tell him there is a difference between an interstate and a highway! That's a pet peeve of mine. I guess maybe the highway distinction feels more important in rural states/areas?
Yeah, people here in CO don't know how to drive in them either. They took out a 4-way stop down here by us and put in a roundabout and now it's constant wrecks :faint:

They just added a TON of roundabouts in our town. We used to have this road with a 45 mph speed limit and a ton of stop lights. It's actually better with the roundabouts so you don't have to slam on your brakes all the time. There are definitely people that still haven't learned how to use them, though. They'll be in the middle of the roundabout and stop for people to get in.....or they'll drive around the roundabout in both lanes. It's kind of ridiculous. You just really have to be cautious of other drivers

Eww no tea of any kind! Ick. Also agree with @Jaime4004 no coffee either of any kind, not even ice cream. Smells as bad as it tastes.

I think it depends on where in the south you are, it's not the case in NC or at least not around Charlotte. It was soda there if anything. And I drink actually coke so if someone asked me what I wanted to drink and I said coke I wasn't then asked what flavor. But I know Charlotte is the "new south" and there's a ton of transplants from the north and midwest. I think it's a deep south thing.

I also still used a cart at the store not a buggy and I didn't cut things on/off. Living in CA and NC I was able to adapt when necessary, which is mostly using soda instead of pop unless you want a confused face staring back at you. Though I will NEVER call it The 5 or the 405, it's I 5 or I 90 or just 405.
Coffee and tea are both disgusting to me. And I agree about the soda thing. No one in Georgia called them cokes
So true. You're also looked at quite suspiciously if you say "unsweet" tea. I prefer to eat my calories, not drink them (hence diet Dr P!).

@Haley R -I never really understood hot tea until the first time I went to Ireland and it is soo different than here. It's brewed and in a lovely teapot and it's just...good. Otherwise tea is sort of brown dirt tasting water which I drink (of course, it's a requirement) but enjoy only in the UK and Ireland.
Dh exclusively drinks hot tea. He’s never been abroad but it just makes sense to drink hot tea here because it gets cold. He has lots of tea bags that he uses
I think it depends on where in the south you are, it's not the case in NC or at least not around Charlotte. It was soda there if anything. And I drink actually coke so if someone asked me what I wanted to drink and I said coke I wasn't then asked what flavor. But I know Charlotte is the "new south" and there's a ton of transplants from the north and midwest. I think it's a deep south thing.

Some would say that the true South is only 7 states-Florida (but only north of Orlando), Georgia (not Atlanta though), South Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. Kind of runs along SEC football lines. LOL![/QUOTE]
I just need to clear something up. I drink Coke, and when I ask for a Coke, I don't really care what you bring me as long as it's dark and fizzy. But no Dr. Pepper, that's just disgusting and we live in a society.

Also no Pepsi, you'll be dead to me.

Usually also not root beer. If I want Barqs, I'll ask for Barqs.

Anything like Sprite/7-Up/orange soda are otherwise collectively soft drinks.

Huh, I guess I do care once I write it out...
I just need to clear something up. I drink Coke, and when I ask for a Coke, I don't really care what you bring me as long as it's dark and fizzy. But no Dr. Pepper, that's just disgusting and we live in a society.

Also no Pepsi, you'll be dead to me.

Usually also not root beer. If I want Barqs, I'll ask for Barqs.

Anything like Sprite/7-Up/orange soda are otherwise collectively soft drinks.

Huh, I guess I do care once I write it out...
Pepsi kicks cokes butt
I just need to clear something up. I drink Coke, and when I ask for a Coke, I don't really care what you bring me as long as it's dark and fizzy. But no Dr. Pepper, that's just disgusting and we live in a society.

Also no Pepsi, you'll be dead to me.

Usually also not root beer. If I want Barqs, I'll ask for Barqs.

Anything like Sprite/7-Up/orange soda are otherwise collectively soft drinks.

Huh, I guess I do care once I write it out...

So you don't care, but it should be coke! :rotfl2:
Does no one call it soda?
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