VWL Groupies & Lovers Thread (Special Collectors Edition 2.0) updated 21 June 2023

Actually, I just called WL direct, and the CM told me the Family of the Day/Flag Family is offered now. I asked when it re-started, and she said she wasn't sure, but maybe a couple of months ago.

She also told me that you can sign up for the Magic Kingdom flag raising as well at guest services in MK. What all is involved with the MK flag raising?
Actually, I just called WL direct, and the CM told me the Family of the Day/Flag Family is offered now. I asked when it re-started, and she said she wasn't sure, but maybe a couple of months ago.

She also told me that you can sign up for the Magic Kingdom flag raising as well at guest services in MK. What all is involved with the MK flag raising?
Well I’d be super happy to be wrong! Glad to hear it might be back!
In regards to the flag raising ceremony at WL, part of my memory of that day being so special was because Ranger Stan made it that way. The way he displayed his patriotism for our country to my kids was something I will never forget. Standing on the rooftop of WL reciting the Pledge of Allegiance was unforgettable. He made our family feel so special that day. I still have our flag family certificate that we signed in “his office” framed on my bookshelf at home. I hope if WL is doing the flag family again, I hope that whoever is guiding it does the job in a way that makes it as special as it was for us. But, I’m not sure anyone could live up to Ranger Stan in my book.
Actually, I just called WL direct, and the CM told me the Family of the Day/Flag Family is offered now. I asked when it re-started, and she said she wasn't sure, but maybe a couple of months ago.

She also told me that you can sign up for the Magic Kingdom flag raising as well at guest services in MK. What all is involved with the MK flag raising?

Well I’d be super happy to be wrong! Glad to hear it might be back!

Erin...I'm tickled too! It is a cool experience that we'll have to look into for our next trip!

mvndvm....sorry if we led you astray, and I'm glad you checked on the Flag Family situation. Have a great time planning your trip!
mvndvm....sorry if we led you astray, and I'm glad you checked on the Flag Family situation. Have a great time planning your trip!

You didn't lead me astray, I was just being optimistic that they restarted it, and was very pleasantly surprised! Thanks for any and all information I get from everyone on this board!
But, I’m not sure anyone could live up to Ranger Stan in my book.
Couldn't agree more!!

Would love to give the other Rangers a chance, but Stan created that character, he embodied it. We got to do FF with him at least 5 times and I will never forget him looking at my kids with a very serious look on his face, after our 2nd time up there, as my parents looked on and Stan said to my kids, "you see these folks standing around you, your mom and dad, your grandparents, they are the best friends you will ever have"

After he said that, though I knew he was s special guy, that day, he and I became friends. How could a 40 something and a 80 something yr old, never really knowing each other, became fast friends like that? Those words he shared that day. From that point on, we wanted to be FF, not so much because we got to go up on the roof. Dont get me wrong, its cool!! But spending quality time with Stan, that was what I was really after. Up there, for that 45 minutes, he belonged to us.

There were many mornings I would go to the main Lobby and seek him out after I knew Wonders of the Lodge Tour was over(another of his ideas)to engage him in conversation. We talked about our faith, family, etc. He shared how he go the job, celebrities he met, previous jobs he had including one at WDW before he became a Ranger.

And after he retired, a few of us ol timer Groupies invited he and his DW Carolyn to come to our groupie meets in the Carolewood Pacific Room. I remember us making him an honorary groupie and he laughed and said he had never been a groupie of anything

Even when there weren't enough groupies around to have a meet, he and Carolyn would come over from Apopka and meet with my family for breakfast or dinner.

I love hearing others Stan stories. He was one cool fellow and I miss him dearly.
In regards to the flag raising ceremony at WL, part of my memory of that day being so special was because Ranger Stan made it that way. The way he displayed his patriotism for our country to my kids was something I will never forget. Standing on the rooftop of WL reciting the Pledge of Allegiance was unforgettable. He made our family feel so special that day. I still have our flag family certificate that we signed in “his office” framed on my bookshelf at home. I hope if WL is doing the flag family again, I hope that whoever is guiding it does the job in a way that makes it as special as it was for us. But, I’m not sure anyone could live up to Ranger Stan in my book.

I agree Ranger Stan was one of a kind and so very missed.
Couldn't agree more!!

Would love to give the other Rangers a chance, but Stan created that character, he embodied it. We got to do FF with him at least 5 times and I will never forget him looking at my kids with a very serious look on his face, after our 2nd time up there, as my parents looked on and Stan said to my kids, "you see these folks standing around you, your mom and dad, your grandparents, they are the best friends you will ever have"

After he said that, though I knew he was s special guy, that day, he and I became friends. How could a 40 something and a 80 something yr old, never really knowing each other, became fast friends like that? Those words he shared that day. From that point on, we wanted to be FF, not so much because we got to go up on the roof. Dont get me wrong, its cool!! But spending quality time with Stan, that was what I was really after. Up there, for that 45 minutes, he belonged to us.

There were many mornings I would go to the main Lobby and seek him out after I knew Wonders of the Lodge Tour was over(another of his ideas)to engage him in conversation. We talked about our faith, family, etc. He shared how he go the job, celebrities he met, previous jobs he had including one at WDW before he became a Ranger.

And after he retired, a few of us ol timer Groupies invited he and his DW Carolyn to come to our groupie meets in the Carolewood Pacific Room. I remember us making him an honorary groupie and he laughed and said he had never been a groupie of anything

Even when there weren't enough groupies around to have a meet, he and Carolyn would come over from Apopka and meet with my family for breakfast or dinner.

I love hearing others Stan stories. He was one cool fellow and I miss him dearly.

I think everyone who met him and or spent time with him had their lives forever enriched. I am smiling now at the first time we met him - June 2001. We took the lodge tour and we were by a set of stairs where there was some housekeeping items sitting. He got really serious for a moment, looked at me and asked if I had paid for the tour. I got confused and said I thought it was free. He picked up a vacuum and said - well I guess we will just have to put you to work then. I thought he was serious for a moment - until I saw that twinkle in his eye. He really had me for a moment. We were flag family with him 3 times I think and the last two were also just to spend some time with him. He said the same thing to my girls about us being the best friends they will ever have. He will forever hold a big chunk of my heart. Love him.
I need to find out how he got that job--that's my dream job, JT. pirate:
Stan told me he was working as a bus driver in the loops at FW(he and his 1st wife both had retired and moved from NJ to FL to be closer to their DD)and he wasn't looking to go back to work, but was getting bored being at home. So he went to work PT at WDW.

One day his former manager at FW asked if he wanted to see the construction of WL(she was going to be in management at WL)and he went over to see what was going on.
So he viewed the place and that was that for awhile. One day she approached him again asking if he wanted to change jobs and work at WL. He wasn't really interested but said he thought the place was beautiful and he might consider it. He asked what jobs he would fill and she said she didnt know yet, but she would make room for him. Well after some deliberation, he went back to her, and his answer to her was this(he shook his fist as he said it, and told me this was his same reply to her, not in a mean spirited way, but a determined fist)"I don't know what job you have for me, and I dont have any clue what I will be doing here, but I want that job"!!

So she and Stan began to develop the Ranger character and as time went he along with other folks began to come up with many ideas, the flag family, the Wonders of the Lodge Tour, etc. He was among the 1st of character greeters, along with Art the Greeter at Beach Club and his name slips my mind, but he was a greeter at Grand Floridian.

Stan told me several stories of folks he met in the job. Being they were celebrities, he wasn't allowed to approach them, but if they spoke to him 1st, he could converse with them. He told me once of meeting John Denver and what a genuinely nice guy he was. He mentioned meeting Arnold Schwarzenegger and had seen his wife walk in just before him into Whispering Canyon. So Arnold pulls up in a limo, and proceeds into the lobby. Stan says he is looking around like he is lost, so Stan asked if he could help him. Stan said Arnold in his Austrian accent, and Stan did a really good job of mimicking him, "Im looking for my wife" so Stan said I saw her head into the restaurant. But before they parted ways, Arnold says "I like your outfit"

He also met Peter Dominick on several occasions, the architect of WL and AKL. Stan was really sad at his untimely passing as they were supposed to have gone fishing on Dominicks return the following month. They had talked about fishing a lot so they always said next time. Well they had the trip planned but next time never came.

And another of Stans meetings that he talked of with pleasure was meeting Bob Hope. He said Hope talked with him for well over an hour asking Stan about his life, caring less about speaking of himself. Stan always felt a bit special the way Hope treated him.

All these chance meetings was because he worked at WL.

Stan lived in Nj and PA before moving South. His previous life he was a welder among a few other trades. He told me that next time we rode the original Soarin(his favorite ride BTW)to pay close attention as they fly over San Diego harbor scene. They fly over the USS Kitty Hawk, a carrier he helped weld when it was being built.

If y'all can't tell, he meant a lot to me. As I said before, I miss him dearly. A part of me went amiss when he passed, to the point returning to WL/VWL to stay lost a bit of its luster for me. But we are returning in Dec and able to share with our DSIL and DGS. So with that I hope that the feel will return. I know I am not the only one who misses him here among the groupies but I grew close to him, him to me, so it was like losing a grandfather. Funny how God puts folks together, just like I feel He has crossed all our paths here as groupies
Hi Groupies!

Hope everyone had a nice Easter. I’m enjoying all the wonderful Ranger Stan stories. He sure did have the gift of making you feel special. He was very sweet, as was his BC counterpart, Art. Boy did we have so many wonderful visits with him too!

Thirteen more sleeps!
Sweet stories, Jen and JT. I don't know that I could ever fill Stan's shoes, but I love the connection he had with people. Seriously, that would be my dream job. I'm good in short spurts. ;)
I would love that job too! I think you would make a great Ranger. You love the place, as Stan did, and I think that would make it all the more real, not just a character in clothing, but someone who is impassioned by the surroundings, and wants to share it with others.
I would love that job too! I think you would make a great Ranger. You love the place, as Stan did, and I think that would make it all the more real, not just a character in clothing, but someone who is impassioned by the surroundings, and wants to share it with others.
JT, you and I should move down to FL and become twin Rangers! I'm ready!


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