Something About Nothing ... #12

Pooh, Jaxon is so precious. What a cutie. Nice you will get to see him soon, as well as his whole family. Nice picture of your DS too. Yeah, little one has 2 days of school left in her last year of high school. Where did my baby go? I hear yeah, time flies and the kids grow up.

Oh he is so very precious. We FaceTime with them as often as we all can and he's trying so very hard to say Mimi...but it comes out sounding more like Moomoo. LOL! Alex will be 25 in a few weeks and it seems like he should still be in school! So very proud of him and our daughter-in-law, they're doing so well. They'll always be our babies, won't they?
Happy Monday all!!

Monyk- Nice pics at UO!! Bon Voyage!! Can't wait to hear about the cruise!:)

Schumi- You're a pro packer with all your travels- you can pack in no time I'm sure!:thumbsup2

Lynne- Glad today your weather has calmed down! Bonus for an easy commute!!:)

Charade- Happy packing for California! Looks like you'll need some layers! It will be so fun!!:cheer2:

Sue- Yep- Joe is in charge of spider removal at our house, too!:laughing: One time, when he was working nights, there was a spider on the wall. I knew I couldn't sleep with it crawling all around; I wouldn't touch it to kill it so I used hair spray!:thumbsup2

Pooh- Yep bittersweet indeed when the kids grow up, but your grandson is adorable!! :love:Can't wait to have grands of my own to spoil!!

Sending well wishes to Mac!:flower3:

:wave:to everyone else here just getting started today!

Have a great Monday!!

Brr chllly start here today, tossed on a track suit & out to brave SAMs I go, hut-hut

FTWD really started out strong, yea!

Any boxing fans? Ruiz is my new hero lol. Rocky lives :)

Keisha, it was the Hyatt. What started as a reasonable price, 80 plus in taxes and fees, and it became a solid no. No military rate available either, or that is what was offered

How did u snag that rate? Wow. I’ve tried to priceline, hotwire, AAA, hyatt rate u name it lol. Was it early on or last minute?
We did A LOT of yardwork because today the rain has returned! I think we're going to skip planting annuals and veggies this yea

It’s been rough trying to catch the soil dry enough to get the veggies in...i’ve Given up the ship on annuals

Ps hairspray works good on flies too lol

Speaking of ship - Monyk-safe travels & enjo
Good Monday morning...….

Woke up around 5.30 and just got up...….leaving early before the mess starts today...….will drive an hour or so away and spend at least all morning and lunch out...….will make the gang a large brew of tea before I leave, then leave them a couple of flasks of tea......

Then get myself sorted with what I need to leave Wednesday...….still have a few things I need to get, and tomorrow afternoon will pack......

Getting the train from local station then get another up to Manchester Airport where I check into the Radisson and then wander back down to meet her train that comes in later...….fly Thursday morning around 10.30.....hopefully...…..

Have a great Monday......almost breakfast time...……...

Wow that came soon, why was i thinking trip was in July? Duh

Say hi to the president for us If you happen to run into him
Keisha, have only gotten the Hyatt with military rate decent price in the past. This time, way, way too high a price. So I passed. With the SMSM rate at Loews hotels, better rate. I could probably get a cheaper airport area hotel, but at that point, I figure I would rather just sleep in one hotel. For a pricer time of year, I probably would book the Hyatt or somewhere that has an airport shuttle.
Ps hairspray works good on flies too lol


Yikes! This cold weather is crazy!! I have my space heater on under my desk!! Ugh! Looks like warmer weather will come later in the week - but we've heard that before! Time for more coffee- maybe that'll warm me up! At least the sun is out today!:sunny: Time for some Ibuprofen too! A little too much yard work has my back aching!!
Adorable pictures of son and grandson pooh.......they are adorable at any age.......yes, they’ll always be our babies.......I’m always saying that to Kyle......especially when a girl is knows me well!!! So does he, he just laughs and has to agree, as it’s true!

Janet.....confession time.......I hate, no I loathe boxing!!! Never even seen a Rocky film.......I know.....everyone is haven’t seen Rocky?? Yep......not my thing at aunt who passed away after reaching 100 was an avid boxing fan and could be seen trying to tell them how to box when it was on tv.....she was so funny, but incredibly violent with

Well, driveway is taking shape.......we can see some of the drive done but not complete yet.......rain due tomorrow so they may not come, so next three days will see it laid.....then next week final glaze or shine or whatever they call it will go maybe Tuesday next week will see it finished......looks better already though. But the dust around from the bits not touched yet is’s wild and woolie out there today so it’s churning up everything........

Had nice day out though.......nice lunch and didn’t buy a thing! Well, did buy those antibacterial hand wipes to use on plane trays.......just in case.......

No need to make dinner as we have had lunch out, but will make something for Kyle.....he’s due in soon........

Not sure what we’re doing tonight........
Sitting around waiting to give kiddo a ride. Sun is out but windy, not sure it’s broke 60 degrees yet.

Time for some Ibuprofen too! A little too much yard work has my back aching!!
Yes, nothing like feeling like you were hit by a truck the day after physical exertion. Let’s just say I buy icy hot in bulk
Janet.....confession time.......I hate, no I loathe boxing!!! Never even seen a Rocky film.......I know.....everyone is haven’t seen Rocky?? Yep......not my thing at aunt who passed away after reaching 100 was an avid boxing fan and could be seen trying to tell them how to box when it was on tv.....she was so funny, but incredibly violent with

Really? Going to guess studio wresting is off your card too :). Did you ever sit thru one of those tapings @ US, haha a riot. Interesting how they manage to make the crowd seem huge on TV broadcast when there are just a few hundred tops in the building. Boxing is a brutal sport but was raised watching it. Not an MMA fan, the feet throw me. Family had a few boxers, one golden gloves as young man. Probably why he’s rather, ahem punchy, now.
Sitting around waiting to give kiddo a ride. Sun is out but windy, not sure it’s broke 60 degrees yet.

Yes, nothing like feeling like you were hit by a truck the day after physical exertion. Let’s just say I buy icy hot in bulk

Really? Going to guess studio wresting is off your card too :). Did you ever sit thru one of those tapings @ US, haha a riot. Interesting how they manage to make the crowd seem huge on TV broadcast when there are just a few hundred tops in the building. Boxing is a brutal sport but was raised watching it. Not an MMA fan, the feet throw me. Family had a few boxers, one golden gloves as young man. Probably why he’s rather, ahem punchy, now.

We did used to love WWF.…..guess that's not the same...….lol...…

Even went to see the show in 1993 when they came to the UK......The Undertaker and Pall Bearer were our favourites…….loved those two nights, it was so much fun.…….

There`s a nasty rumour going around I almost knocked a few kids to the side to get to The Undertaker...…..:rolleyes1

I will neither confirm nor deny this rumour…….but there may have been an oops moment...….:rotfl:

Also didn't know I was in the very early stages of being pregnant with Kyle...…lol......
:wave: everyone... It is cooler here today but it is nice. It is suppose to be nice the rest of the week, thank goodness!! Graduation should be able to be outside:woohoo:this way anybody can go, otherwise they only give 3 tickets for indoors. I have a bunch of family and friends coming.

Really didn't do much this weekend, and feel guilty. I like to feel busy but just wasn't motivated. Today I squared up some of the vacation plans and ran errands. I have only gotten two responses for Liv's party so hoping by Saturday I get more. I am going to have her party on the 15th this way it gives me a week to put it together.

I still can't believe my baby is graduating. It is really starting to hit me:guilty:...I know it is just a new chapter in life, I just have to get on board!!

Brian invited two friends from work, who are brothers. They are not from this country and never have gone to a graduation party before. They were asking Brian about etiquette for a gift. He said "whatever". They decided that she could use a new type of laptop it is a HP EnvyX360 with a drawing pen. These are computer geeks like Brian and recommended it. They offered half the money for a refurbished one but that still left a couple hundred dollars. Brian and I really didn't have the extra money with the party and trip so it was a hard decision. However, my computer is so old and we needed a new one so we figured this would be a good opportunity. Liv will get this new one and I will take Liv's laptop which is about 4 years old. It is better than mine. It is hard to bite the bullet but when I thought about it I knew it was a good opportunity. We never expected anyone to offer a gift like that. We were so appreciative😀

Thank you everyone for the kind words and congrats for Liv on the top 10 dinner.!!! It is much appreicated!

Monykalyn Glad you enjoyed Uni and Cabana Bay I hope your cruise is going great and enjoy!!

Charade Woot!! leaving tomorrow, I hope packing is going well. I understand how you feel about B's recitals. It is hard adjusting. Congrats on her scholarship win!!!

Lynne The trips sound great! It is always fun to plan. I am like you if you can add the extra night on where you are for a better price that is better. I love Portofino so great choice by your son. I hope you have a nice trip to New York this week. It will be nice I am about an hour from NY city.

Patty Sorry you are getting cooler weather. I hope your space heater helped. I didn't expect the cool weather here too. I have such a bad shoulder and can't do much, if I do a migraine sets in for sure. I hope the ibuprofen helped and you are feeling better.

Keisha I used to like WWE wrestling boxing not so much. However, I did like watching Oscar DeLahoya when he was in the Olympics. My mother was enthralled with it and watched it faithfully. Oh I am like you grew up on Godzilla movies and loved them. I am looking forward to seeing this one. I need some more nostalgia. Wow! a golden gloves in the family that is awesome!

Pooh Nice pics of your son and grandson. It is so exciting to see them when they live away. I totally understand how you feel about your son going into senior year. Your dinner on the deck sounded good!

Schumi Glad to hear the driveway is coming along. I hope you and your mum have a great flight and great time in New York. I hear you on the WWE matches I would have gone over a few people for Hulk Hogan. LOL!!

Sue Glad you checked in I hope you had a nice weekend too. I remember when I started going to disney in the 90's oh it was so much nicer without reservations for everything. I really don't like to go there anymore cause I don't like planning that far in advance. However, we will check out the parks in 2020.

I hope everyone who hasn't checked in for awhile is doing good. I hope everyone has a great day!
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Lol nice to see some wresting fans here. We’d take the 2 oldest boys to the matches when the show would come to town. Youngest not a fan, haven’t been there for some time. hard to believe Rick Flair, woooooo, is still hanging in there.
Lol nice to see some wresting fans here. We’d take the 2 oldest boys to the matches when the show would come to town. Youngest not a fan, haven’t been there for some time. hard to believe Rick Flair, woooooo, is still hanging in there.
Remember Paul Lee (Nature Boy)?
He had Rick Flair come to his venue in 2016
for a weekend

Went to see it
Interesting night
Oh my goodness, my older one bought the WWE network, loves the Sunday night matches. Me, oh very familiar with the names, but have no desire to watch in person or online.

Quiet night, and that is a good one in my book. Little one asked which shoes I am bringing. Sneakers. I don’t care if anyone does not like them. I have a pair, that no matter how much I walk, they are comfy. And those city blocks are hard on feet. Am I packed yet? Nope. May do it tomorrow night. Otherwise, will be up early anyway, will finish that morning. Train tickets bought, and already checked into hotel. Seems when my room is ready, can open the door with its app on my phone. Neat, and I hope it works.
Good evening everyone. Work today was very busy as expected. It seemed like everytime I would fill a cancellation another client would call to cancel an appointment. I also had several new clients who wanted to make appointments. Therapist 3 is out of town until tomorrow and kept texting me with questions and schedule changes. I finally came to a good stopping point at 4:00. At 5:30 I got a text from therapist 3 telling me that her flight for tomorrow had been cancelled. I’m thinking to myself. “So, what do you want me to do about it?” Then she texted me and said she got a new flight that gets her into town just before 4:00 tomorrow and wanted to know how that affected her schedule. Um....I’m not at the office and I emailed you your weekly schedule before I left. I asked her to check her email for the schedule I sent and she told me she already got it. Once again, what do you want me to do??? I finally just suggested that she call and reschedule everyone that she had scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.

I think I like DL planning with Max Pass better.
I’m still a little confused on how that works, but I’ve been checking the app and it looks like regular wait times aren’t that bad.

Looked at weather yesterday, said, 83, 83 and 73, for Wednesday through Friday. While all 3 days say partly cloudy, no rain seems to be in the forecast. That will be perfect weather to stroll the streets. Will pack a jacket though, just a light one. I assume the nights and early mornings will be in the low 70's.
Sounds wonderful. It was so hot the one time I went to NYC.

Charade.....happy packing! You're so so very close to leaving! Looks like you're going to have ideal weather! I'd pack easy to shed layers.
Charade- Happy packing for California! Looks like you'll need some layers! It will be so fun!!
Would you believe I haven’t started packing yet? Our flight doesn’t leave until 4:00 tomorrow afternoon, so I will pack in the morning.

Any boxing fans? Ruiz is my new hero lol. Rocky lives
Not a fan here. Dh will watch it sometimes. I usually leave the room.

I have my space heater on under my desk!!
I had a space heater on today. It can get really cold in my receptionist booth.

confession time.......I hate, no I loathe boxing!!! Never even seen a Rocky film.......I know.....everyone is haven’t seen Rocky?? Yep......not my thing at all......
I have never seen Rocky either. No interest in it at all.

Going to guess studio wresting is off your card too :). Did you ever sit thru one of those tapings @ US, haha a riot.
Dh talked me into going to a WCW event back when we lived in Atlanta. Possibly one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever attended.

It is suppose to be nice the rest of the week, thank goodness!! Graduation should be able to be outside:woohoo:this way anybody can go, otherwise they only give 3 tickets for indoors. I have a bunch of family and friends coming.
Hope you get nice weather for graduation. We were lucky and got the basketball arena of the local university. We had more room then we needed.

hard to believe Rick Flair, woooooo, is still hanging in there.
Dh is a huge Rick Flair fan. Somewhere he has a picture of the two of them together.

Little one asked which shoes I am bringing. Sneakers. I don’t care if anyone does not like them. I have a pair, that no matter how much I walk, they are comfy. And those city blocks are hard on feet.
Comfort always wins.

I’m going to drag my suitcase upstairs and maybe start packing a few things. I will probably check in at least once tomorrow before we leave.
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Charade, Max Pass is great. Example: I get into park for rope drop and head to an attraction that typically gets high waits. I’ll go to Guardians of the Galaxy first thing. While I’m waiting (which isn’t long at rope drop) I’ll make my first FP with Max Pass. If still no line for Guardians I will ride again. Then head to first FP, while in line I’ll make second FP and so on. You can make FP for different park. We may go back & forth a couple of times a day. Very easy to do as you don’t have to go thru security. The Racers in Carsland also generates long wait times so you’ll have to pull a FP for that mid morning if you want to ride it that day. I may get FP for cars then ride some of the attractions in Fantasy land before my FP time. Love the DL version of Small World. And any of the other rides with low waits.
If you are heading back to hotel for a break, you can make FP from your hotel for later in the day. Once you’ve gone thru the gate you can continue making FP for that day no matter if your in the park or not.
If you have any questions I’ll be happy to help.
Sounds like both Schumi & Lynne will have good weather Wednesday in NYC! It’s so nice now before it gets stinky hot in the summer. Great walking city. Last time I was there with my daughter we got off the subway by the beginning of Central Park and started walking down 5th Ave. Stopping at all the iconic places, Plaza Hotel, all the great stores, Tiffany’s, Rockefeller Plaza, St. Patrick’s Cathedral. While we were on the steps U 2 came down 5th Ave on a flat deck truck playing their hit song! Apparently they were headed to Brooklyn Bridge where they gave a free concert!

Pooh lovely family pics! What grade is Junior year? Here we just go by numerical grade.

Pattyw finding new uses for hairspray lol!

Keishashadow what did you think of the first episode? I watched Talking afterwards!

Bobbie what a great deal on a new computer! Win win for everyone! Yes, Wfw takes so much planning now with having to book fast pass 2 months ahead. I still go, but not as frequently as I used to. Prices are the biggest deterrent!

Lynne seems like many hotels are switching over to that system of texting when room is ready, then tap and your in! I’m always worried there will be a mistake and I’ll open the door but room hasn’t been vacated! Now I’m especially careful of throwing the door latch when I’m in the room.

Not a Wrestling fan so much! But DH & the girls always watched!

All this talk about heaters at the desks, yup. When I was working in the school office I always had a portable heater at my desk in winter, and in hot weather a fan! I had found a great desk fan that plugs into the USB port.

Had a quiet weekend, with nice weather. I enjoyed my patio! Aside from a little housework and laundry I enjoyed catching up on reading. Church on Sunday and after a quick trip to Walmart for cleaner. Oh, and went to a shop in the mall, saw one of those loose flowy sleepless one size fits all type dresses with uneven hem that I picked up. Thought it would be great for when I’m hanging around the house and patio in the hot weather, or also as bathing suit cover-up.

Friday had sparkles taken care of! Today I went to the morning aqua fit class then went to matinee with girlfriend. Saw Rocketman. What an incredibly talented man he is. I got to see him in concert once 35ish years ago.

Tomorrow I think I’ll head into the US with oldest dd, the border is only a 40 min drive, then Bellingham 20 min more down I-5. Cheap gas at Costco, then go into Costco to pick up a box of Keurig cups. The US Costco has different brands than us. I like the Hawaiian one and Tully’s. Maybe look at clothes, lol. Then a trip to Trader Joe’s to get a few things and also the Mexican market. We’ll have lunch there before heading back across the border home.

Mac hang in there. Is tomorrow your next appt?
Love the picture pooh.........cute!!

We adored WWF as it was then.......think we stopped when it became WWE......but it was hilarious and such a good show.......and seeing it live was fun!!! So yes Janet.....I’d love to watch that type of show recorded..........we like a good laugh!!!

Lynne.....sneakers are perfect for those Manhattan one will give a rats patootie what anyone is wearing comfort first.......

I wore sandals a few days on previous trips, but only when we were lunching at the Plaza or somewhere else as nice.......I like to feel dressed up in some places.......

Sue, we did NY last July and it wasn’t nearly as bad as we expected......we walked everywhere and although it was hot, we loved every second.....when we went for a week in September before Orlando previous year we had some days that felt worse......but still had a great that City........although I would have walked ten miles to avoid detest them!

Love Elton though........only time I ever saw him live was at Live Aid in 1985.....he was as always favourite act that day I think was Queen.......amazing performance.

Hey mac.........:wave2:

Up early again.......slept great last night! Got hairdresser again this morning, still trying to decide if I need a little bit of blonde on the roots or just a cut and blow dry.......will see what she’s only about 5 weeks since I had it done for our May trip......

Then into town for a few bits and pieces I still need (so unorganised) not like me at all........but will get there.......will pack this afternoon. Or tonight.

Breakfast soon.........

Have a great Tuesday everyone.......
406137 oh yeah, 406138 - me, me! Yes, ladies and gents, it's a Tuesday.

Nice, you had a good night's sleep, Schumi, hope you hairdo is perfect, and yep, still plenty of time to pack, though we have much less days than your trip.

Bobbie, new IT stuff for all, sounds good to me.

Sue, nice your trips were good when you visited NYC. We will definitely stroll down 5th ave. First time I've ever got a key to hotel room on my phone. I'll see how it goes. I've checked in via text more than once, so far. I'm with you, visiting the Mouse less and less, due to cost.

With that, Mac's Taco Bell run is today, get your tacos homies.

Hehe, last night, DH asked to turn down the AC, he was cold. Yeah, I have no sympathy, usually I am the one that is cold, and he does not like it when I turn on the heat. Well, last night, the AC was not on, and if anything, we'd turn it up, not down. And, I actually thought the house was not that cold. Well, it did feel cold in the morning, (hello 51 degree commute) but we did not turn on the heat. More seasonable warmer weather is coming, and you know what that means? Yep, warmer weather gives us lots of chances of rain. And so far, our luck is not that good.

So, time for tea, almost cool inside, so sweater weather inside may be the routine today. That, and making sure all is done before my nice, short work week. Sweet.

Oh, and hairdo day for me too. Oddly, booked that before trip was planned. How perfect is that?


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