I love credit cards so much! v2.0 (see first page for add'l details)

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My coworker is just all about being dramatic about it. Although I can’t imagine doing it at home. I just pull a Disney coffee cup out of the cabinet, pour, drink.

I’ve never gotten coffee stains on my teeth:confused3

Unfortunately, mine stain. Wish they didn't. I'll admit that drinking coffee out of a straw in public has gotten me the odd "look" but it doesn't bother me like it once did. When my face was still paralyzed with the BP, the only way I could drink anything without spilling was by using a straw and physically closing the right side of my mouth around the straw with my fingers. A couple of months of that left me immune to "looks" from people :laughing:

Nothing wrong with your parents helping you out! Ask @calypso726 - remember SPG points and all the relatives that kept moving in and out? Plus, daughter was very busy on the same premise as @calypso726 .

Finally told my brother he, his son and my mom lived with me as far as SPG/Bonblah was concerned. Nothing I say regarding earning/accumulating points and miles seems to phase anyone in my family anymore :rotfl2:
So, I just got my Serve card and tried to load it at Rite-Aid. The cashier said the screen told him to “advise customer that gift cards are not accepted for prepaid cards and that cash is the only acceptable payment”. Is this just a rite-aid thing? Should I try Walmart? I thought rite-aid would work since it was advertised on the serve website but maybe not?
@Haley R may be a good idea to buy a few jugs of water too if you have somewhere easy to keep them. As someone who grew up in a tornado area those are great for baths and refilling the toilet so you don’t have to use the tiny bottles!
It was cheaper to buy the bottles so that’s what we’re gonna use lol
It was cheaper to buy the bottles so that’s what we’re gonna use lol

In Texas many years ago we bought jugs, drank them and then refilled them with Texas water for toilet use. Then I learned that after a hurricane they would bring tankers in with water that you could go get with your own jugs.

They also used to tell us to fill the bathtub with water for flushing.

Then when a bad hurricane came through, we were evacuated to the base because my husband was on continuous duty. Came back home to no roof, no fence and flooded rooms.

What I remember as most unpleasant was the rain and then the mosquitos. And no electricity for a long time.
I think I might like BW better than yacht and beach. Who would’ve thought!?
My room is immaculate. Hands down the cleanest room I’ve stayed in. I thoughtstained carpet had become the norm at wdw, but this BW room is very well kept...not a stain in sight. I wish I had more resort time this trip. Should have skipped poly in may and stayed here.View attachment 417366View attachment 417365
Oh this makes me so excited. DH and I are booked here next month..After thinking for the past two weeks we were going to have to cancel, my mom called today and said she "thinks" she is back on to watch the kids. I can't really wait around so I'm booking flights tonight and praying she really will be able to.
In Texas many years ago we bought jugs, drank them and then refilled them with Texas water for toilet use. Then I learned that after a hurricane they would bring tankers in with water that you could go get with your own jugs.

They also used to tell us to fill the bathtub with water for flushing.

Then when a bad hurricane came through, we were evacuated to the base because my husband was on continuous duty. Came back home to no roof, no fence and flooded rooms.

What I remember as most unpleasant was the rain and then the mosquitos. And no electricity for a long time.
What part of Florida are you in? Supposedly where we live we shouldn’t have to worry about it too much. They said hardly any flooding in this area but mainly wind and power outages

We did get the roof tested before we moved in with the wind test so hopefully that stays okay
So, I just got my Serve card and tried to load it at Rite-Aid. The cashier said the screen told him to “advise customer that gift cards are not accepted for prepaid cards and that cash is the only acceptable payment”. Is this just a rite-aid thing? Should I try Walmart? I thought rite-aid would work since it was advertised on the serve website but maybe not?

I think rite aid is like cvs and is cash only, Walmart should work.
So, I just got my Serve card and tried to load it at Rite-Aid. The cashier said the screen told him to “advise customer that gift cards are not accepted for prepaid cards and that cash is the only acceptable payment”. Is this just a rite-aid thing? Should I try Walmart? I thought rite-aid would work since it was advertised on the serve website but maybe not?
Dollar general, family dollar and Walmart are you’re only options to load with debit.
Dh just doesn’t make sense sometimes. We were at Sam’s because I did a pickup order. We were walking around the store looking for anything else we might need and I mentioned getting Disney gcs. Sam’s club gives you close to 5% off and then dosh would give us another 5% back. I asked him why we don’t just pick up some since we know we’ll be going for food and wine. His response was “It’s hot outside and we were just there”. Then we get all the way home and he goes “yeah we probably should’ve gotten some of those”
Dh just doesn’t make sense sometimes. We were at Sam’s because I did a pickup order. We were walking around the store looking for anything else we might need and I mentioned getting Disney gcs. Sam’s club gives you close to 5% off and then dosh would give us another 5% back. I asked him why we don’t just pick up some since we know we’ll be going for food and wine. His response was “It’s hot outside and we were just there”. Then we get all the way home and he goes “yeah we probably should’ve gotten some of those”
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This is sooooo my DH. He’s very much an out of sight out of mind person, so he rarely understands why I’d do things like accumulate Disney GCs or bank AA miles. While on our WDW honeymoon, he was talking about where he wanted to stay when we came back again and planning to take the (now real) trip to bring our parents. A month after we got home, he was like “we’re not going back there for years, there’s no reason to.” We’ve gone three times since then :rolleyes: It makes me sound like such a mean/bossy wife, but I literally just plan things and tell him we’re going and then he gets on board and ends up loving it. Like Japan he’s just kind of been going along with me talking about it, but now that I’ve actually booked a flight there he’s all of a sudden like “did you know they have owl cafes there? We should go to the Pokémon museum. I want to stay at this Robot dinosaur hotel.”:rotfl: He‘s only ever mentioned a couple trips he wants to go on, one of which is Hawaii at New Years, so I’m going to make it happen.
Exactly! And the server said "You aren't paying for 2. We added for inventory and then comped it." And I'm going what about being told the meal would be comped. I'm still paying for something that I was told would be comped.
Hahaha! They certainly secured your future business :scared:
I was not able to get the crook's address but at least my Sam's account is secure & I have a new Plat on the way. It could have been worse.

That’s really awesome! If anyone is going to be there December 5th and wants to do one lmk. Idk if SO would be happy with it but this sounds amazing to me. Since we are just two people it’s a huge savings to split it up. I really am trying to convince him to get Club 33. Four VIP tours a year would be awesome. lol
If he ever agrees, tell us on DISchurners, because the number of rude & entitled PMs you will receive if other people on this board find out about it will blow your mind.
Mainly because we don’t want to pack up and leave every time a hurricane is predicted to come. Sometimes they turn and go a different way or die down before. It just makes sense to have these things in case we stay and it hits us harder than expected

Gas and ice are definitely the hottest commodities after a hurricane since with even a semi-direct hit, odds are you will lose power. My husband hates leaving the house so we stay and ride them through. Check to verify whether you are in a mandatory evacuation zone - we aren’t but my brother less than 2 miles away is in one (there are levels of evacuation so he only has to leave for big storms). Small LED flashlights were super useful and if you can clip them to your clothes or pocket even better.
FANS! I think you bought a generator? Without AC, fans make a huge difference and they can run off your generator. Here in S. Florida, people don’t really consider leaving until it’s a Cat 4 or 5. Cat 1-3 means stock up on beer and pull out the dominoes.
Oh! We drink coffee with milk every day so I keep a stash of the shelf stable milk.
I was not able to get the crook's address but at least my Sam's account is secure & I have a new Plat on the way. It could have been worse.

If he ever agrees, tell us on DISchurners, because the number of rude & entitled PMs you will receive if other people on this board find out about it will blow your mind.
Really? Why would anyone say something rude? Do people really care that much? Is it a secret cult that does sacrifices or something? Lol. What’s wrong with people?
Really? Why would anyone say something rude? Do people really care that much? Is it a secret cult that does sacrifices or something? Lol. What’s wrong with people?
People get very upset when other people have access to something that they don't.

If you can, but won't, give them access to it, you are a terrible person :) You have also ruined their trip & crushed their dreams.
People get very upset when other people have access to something that they don't.

If you can, but won't, give them access to it, you are a terrible person :) You have also ruined their trip & crushed their dreams.

@Haley R - You know how the Tokyo Disney parks ruins some of us for all Disney parks? Ok, the Outlander series ruined me for reading :laughing: I resisted reading it for 20 years because it didn't sound like anything I'd be interested in at all, despite how many people told me I should read it. It had every element I didn't like, romance, history and time travel 🤮 blech! I finally read it after a friend gave it to me as an FE gift on a Disney cruise. She swore I'd thank her and I gave in because we were very much alike in terms of tastes for movies, books, music etc. Over the years we've discovered we are likely sharing a brain. I've re-read the series 4 or 5 times since 2011 and it remains my favorite book series of all time. I'm an avid reader/book listener. The series has been made into a show on Starz and it is ok but no where near as good as the books. The character development, depth of the story etc, simply aren't there.

@amalone1013 is correct. DH and I both read/listened to the series and were inspired to go to Scotland. We felt like we'd already been there, the writing was so good and we had to see it. That was how I stumbled across travel hacking. ABD announced they were going to Scotland and I wanted to take our first ABD and had no idea how to pay for it because it wasn't in the budget. So basically, DVC led me to a DVC cruise, which led me to a group of lifelong friends, which led me to reading Outlander, which led me wanting to go to Scotland, which led me to travel hacking. Obviously, I fell in love with Scotland and our recent trip was 5th one there since 2013.

Wow. Cool story. I listened to the first book and just couldn't get into it, but now I'm wondering if I should give it another chance. Is book #2 better? I love Scotland and visited Clava Cairns and the Culloden Battlefield last summer, so I really did want to love these books. Maybe I need to give it another try. I was put off by the brutality and violence of the first one.

Just want to thank everyone who helped me with Citi AA Biz info and on how to book JAL flights over the last couple months. @SouthFayetteFan, @Lain, @calypso726, and @HaleyR come immediately to mind, but I know that there are many more who have provided advice! This will be my first international trip (okay, I once went to Canada overnight), and I think I should have about 80% of lodging/flights covered on points!

Wow! Awesome redemption! You're so lucky your first international flight will be in First! I don't think I got to try it until maybe my 6th long haul trip abroad (economy for all of those, and I'll add that each time it seemed like there was less and less leg room). I do think you'll create plane princesses, though. For our upcoming trip DH booked our seats based on AF's business awards charts - flying coach on these 12 hour flights isn't even something he will consider anymore. So excited to hear about your travel plans!
Just popping on after being without power since about 3:30 Saturday morning due to Hurricane Barry. Power was restored on my street around 4 pm today, but then went out again around 6. It finally came back on about an hour ago so I hope it's for good this time. Lots of downed trees and power lines in my area and many homes with damage. Very thankful we didnt sustain any damage. Many subdivisions nearby are flooded out and no one can go in or out until the water can be pumped out. At one point 100% of my city was without power along with several neighboring towns.

Props to @Haley R for prepping. It's always a good idea to be prepared in the event you decide to stay home for a storm. You just never know.
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