Do you believe in an afterlife?

Very interesting thread.

I've read through and have to say overall, I was surprised by most answers ... and the appearance of some contradiction. Genuinely surprised at overall tone. Look forward to more responses.
nope & nope

I've hallucinated death on more than one occasion and it's been relatively peaceful, like falling asleep.

Being dead is simply like that moment we fall asleep. We can't identify that moment because we are not aware of that instant in time. It happens every time we fall asleep when there is nothing, no consciousness, no sensation, no self awareness. Try as one may, it overtakes us without us realizing it. Infinite peace, tranquility of NOTHING.

A "forever with loved ones" does not interest me since I've had my fill here while alive so why would I want the same forever??? If I were a golfer would my forever be all hole in one shots??? How boring.
How about a slightly different question:. Do you fear death? And if so, what do you fear? The unknown, the possible pain of dying, the finality of it, etc.
I fear no longer being here for DS & the pain it will bring him & DH. And since I don’t believe in the afterlife I fear the finality of never seeing them again.
nope & nope

Being dead is simply like that moment we fall asleep. We can't identify that moment because we are not aware of that instant in time. It happens every time we fall asleep when there is nothing, no consciousness, no sensation, no self awareness. Try as one may, it overtakes us without us realizing it. Infinite peace, tranquility of NOTHING.

A "forever with loved ones" does not interest me since I've had my fill here while alive so why would I want the same forever??? If I were a golfer would my forever be all hole in one shots??? How boring.
That’s kinda my take too. My dad loved my sister & I more than anything else in the world & was happy here on earth until he was slapped in the face with a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer & 3 weeks to live. So I have a hard time believing that he is in “a better place” b/c he would enjoy nothing else than to still be here with us.
I believe there is an afterlife. Energy is neither created nor destroyed, it can only be transformed or transferred. Science and faith, hand in hand. I don’t know where we go, but it’s somewhere.
I believe that if you lead a bad life, you are reincarnated as a Small World robotic child. Forever singing that song...

If you hear a doll not singing the chorus and instead singing things like If my dogs face looked like you, I'd shave it's butt a time or two, teach it to walk backwards whoo T whoo you've a face like a pig..... Then you'll know that was my fate.
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I do because I have had many "encounters" you could say. Especially after the deaths of my siblings. I'm not religious so I don't prescribe to any "God" theories, etc. We exist, and our energy doesn't disappear when our physical body dies.
That’s kinda my take too. My dad loved my sister & I more than anything else in the world & was happy here on earth until he was slapped in the face with a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer & 3 weeks to live. So I have a hard time believing that he is in “a better place” b/c he would enjoy nothing else than to still be here with us.

My parents were the same way about us and their grandkids. But I also believe that a better place is a place without the pain from illness or disease. A place with out worry and anxiety. And a place where we will see them again. I believe that they know that and that is why being or not being on this earth doesn’t keep where they are from being a better place.
If there is indeed an afterlife and those who have entered that realm (Heaven???) are watching over us as often mentioned at funeral/memorial services, JUST HOW WONDERFUL would their existance be in said afterlife when horrendous things can/do occur (cancer, abuse, crashes ......) for many still here on earth until death.
If there is indeed an afterlife and those who have entered that realm (Heaven???) are watching over us as often mentioned at funeral/memorial services, JUST HOW WONDERFUL would their existance be in said afterlife when horrendous things can/do occur (cancer, abuse, crashes ......) for many still here on earth until death.

I can only answer for my own experiences. My bil died in a car accident. 8 months later his son died from injuries in another accident. (Bil died at the scene, dnephew died several days later at the hospital but was unconscious the whole time) The first responders to dnephew’s accident said that he was talking to his father when they were trying to get him out. My belief is that his father was helping him through the pain that he was staying with him through the pain and fear.

And while I do see signs, it's probably just coincidence. I don't think those that have passed on communicate with us.
I can only answer for my own experiences. My bil died in a car accident. 8 months later his son died from injuries in another accident. (Bil died at the scene, dnephew died several days later at the hospital but was unconscious the whole time) The first responders to dnephew’s accident said that he was talking to his father when they were trying to get him out. My belief is that his father was helping him through the pain that he was staying with him through the pain and fear.

Our brains can do amazing things during times of extreme trauma and even when trauma does not exist. If one wants to believe that a conversation(s) actually happened and it brought peace to one or many, then that happens to be a good thing but it can not be proven to have actually happened. FAITH can be uplifting but can also be one's downfall.
Our brains can do amazing things during times of extreme trauma and even when trauma does not exist. If one wants to believe that a conversation(s) actually happened and it brought peace to one or many, then that happens to be a good thing but it can not be proven to have actually happened. FAITH can be uplifting but can also be one's downfall.

Well, for me and my loved ones, we don't need to prove anything. We know he was with his son. We know he was with his daughter on her wedding day. When she told us that she felt his arms around her, we knew it was real.

Needing hard proof of everything around you can be a downfall too.
Yes. For a number of reasons. Not the least of which that I find it very close minded not too. If we only exist here, now, in this "twinkle of an eye" so to speak, then what's the point? Why work yourself to death. Why worry about anything at all? Why well, why not just head out every day, eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.
Well, for me and my loved ones, we don't need to prove anything. We know he was with his son. We know he was with his daughter on her wedding day. When she told us that she felt his arms around her, we knew it was real.

Needing hard proof of everything around you can be a downfall too.
I don’t need hard proof, but I have also never felt any of those things after my dad died despite desperately wanting to. So for me it’s not possible b/c if there was anyway that my dad could reach out to us, he absolutely would.
Yes. For a number of reasons. Not the least of which that I find it very close minded not too. If we only exist here, now, in this "twinkle of an eye" so to speak, then what's the point? Why work yourself to death. Why worry about anything at all? Why well, why not just head out every day, eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.
Some ppl do believe this. What’s the point of dogs or cats or other animals existing then? Think most ppl agree there is not some deeper meaning to their lives. What about roaches? Trees? But, after my dad died unexpectedly & relatively young, I do live by a version of eat, drink, & be merry for tomorrow we’ll die. He denied himself many pleasures so that he could preserve finances and health for a future he never got to have. I try to balance it so that I’m not reckless with it. But, I absolutely try to live life like this is the only one & who knows when it will end.


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