Riviera murphy bed fell off of the wall

You can tell by the photo this was poor installation plain and simple.
It’s sad. We had so many DVC vacations with our daughter starting when she was 5 years old. She’s now 30..so for many years and always felt very safe at Disney properties. I think this just shows how much their standards have changed thru the years. We just returned from an Aulani trip for my daughters wedding. We had several very scary incidents with their elevators losing lights and going into a free fall. Fortunately no one was injured. But we had to make several complaints. After the second time my daughter would not take the elevator and walked down 8 floors. We were not the only ones that experienced this. They only closed off one elevator and didn’t check them all....I chalked it up to being on Hawaiian time, but after hearing this I’m thinking they need to supervise their builders better. Sorry...got a little off subject with Aulani.
Disney advertises the studios and the One Bedrooms on their website as "sleeps up to 5 adults," so regardless of the actual size, clearly Disney intends these to be used by adults.

I recognize that any new hotel has kinks to work out, but such shoddy work is flat out dangerous. Disney was very lucky the injuries were minor. There will now be (justified) concerns from guests about other shoddy work.

I'm hoping they get this addressed by the time we stay there (soon) - we have five teenagers/adults as well, and it would be disappointing if they use an inflatable mattress as a solution at their deluxe brand new, expensive resort. That wouldn't be a very deluxe experience...
This fixture was definitely mounted in two places with drywall anchors. I don't even feel great about mounting my toilet paper holder with drywall anchors! Really incompetent install; hopefully it is not the case for every room.

Some DVC pull downs do have the bar underneath. I happen to prefer them without to prevent scratching the floors or as another poster above said, stubbing your toe.

I've slept on the Poly one after being booted out of bed by a toddler invasion, and at 6'4 230 lbs I can tell you I was perfectly comfortable. Of course, YMMV based on your body dimensions and tolerance for a bed that is not the nice comfy one in the same room!
Lol exactly this is how it looks I think everyone needs to breathe and wait for the facts to come out there usually is an investigation that follows

It looks exactly like the mother to two adult daughters woke up in the middle of the night, decided to have a bounce on the bed, then as it started to break, lay back down under the falling part? I guess we’ll never know if she had a midnight bounce or not, but the facts that we do know are that the bed does not appear to have been securely or properly fixed and the resort has now advised that none of these beds should be used.
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It doesn't matter what those people were doing. You can tell (easily) from the photo that the unit wasn't anchored to the wall properly ... and by properly I mean standard practice for anchoring any kind of furniture or heavy decorative item. Also, if the bed states it's for 'up to 200 lbs' that means it's rated for much higher than that.

Even if it was an honest mistake (meaning the installers didn't know how to properly anchor furniture), Disney should still check see what else those crews installed and inspect it. Maybe they only installed the pull-down beds, but maybe they installed the murphy beds too, or the kitchen cabinets, or the dressers, etc.

Whatever happened, this isn't a good look for Disney, especially after the Skyliner incident.
That’s not a weight limit problem, that’s terrible installation.
Those screws wouldn’t hold a flat screen TV on drywall, let alone a bed of any weight.

I agree. If you blow up the photo, you can see the screws that were used as well as the holes in the drywall.
They look like screws one would use to attach something to a stud, but that they missed the stud and just drilled them into the drywall alone, which isn't going to hold even the weight of the empty bed for very long.
When I read this story yesterday, I was relieved to know it fell on an adult and not a small child!

At first when I read this, I thought they meant the new murphy bed fell down (the big new ones with the shelving), which would’ve been very heavy. You’re right, in this case it was fortunate that an adult was sleeping on it.
I'm seeing on Twitter this morning that Disney has put an "out of order" sign on those beds at Riviera. Touring Plans reported it.
Wow, this brand new beautiful new DVC and the contractors took short cuts. I too looked at the photo and was amazed that the bed was attached by anchor bolts--this is what you use to hang a family picture in your living room, not a heavy piece of furniture that is going to have a grown person sleeping on it. As Ricky would say (in this case to the contractors) "you got some splaining to do".
I agree. If you blow up the photo, you can see the screws that were used as well as the holes in the drywall.
They look like screws one would use to attach something to a stud, but that they missed the stud and just drilled them into the drywall alone, which isn't going to hold even the weight of the empty bed for very long.
I keep wondering how the walls in Riviera were built? I don’t think wood studs would be used, so it would need to be steel studs or a concrete wall. I think they only use small screws for hanging drywall on steel studs. All of the larger steel stud anchors (for TV’s) I see have large anchors that spread out behind the stud, or there’s 1 steel stud screw with progressively larger threads.
I guess it’s possible a contractor thought that was a concrete wall and used tapcons when it was really was a steel stud wall?

Now, my contractor relative would go on a rant how we have lost a generation of carpenters. Newer carpenters are only trained in framing and hanging drywall and can’t competently trim or hang doors. Most skilled old guys aren’t willing to train new ones. (A developer flys him around the country to finish apartment complexes because the developer would rather pay to have a job done on correctly and on time than waste $ having average carpenters re-do a poor job)


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