Coronavirus and Anxiety

Here is something to put things into perspective and set your mind at ease. There are 330,874,115 people in the U.S. As of right now there are 1339 confirmed cases in the U.S. with 38 Fatal and 15 recovered. Again, of the near 330 million people there have only been 1339 confirmed cases.

60 of those infected came from a nursing Home in Washington state. That nursing home became infected when a new resident was admitted who had just come from China. Unaware he was infected he already spread the virus thus infecting one third of its 180 staff members. Of the residents who had died from the virus all had underlying health conditions. Its quite possible that any sort of flu would have killed them. Twenty three of the 38 deaths here in the U,S. have been linked to this same nursing home. Sixty percent of the 1339 are linked to this long term care nursing home. So, it seems more isolated then the media would like us to believe.

The toilet paper mad dash stems from a facebook post where someone had encourage people to stock up as they claimed T.P. comes from China and China may shut down exports. Other posts showed emptied out displays in Australia and the media took that and ran. But, or should I say butt, there was never a need to panic.

So, for now we here in the not have to worry. It is a flu. If you do get it and you are healthy you will get over it. Don't rely on social media where drama thrives. Fact check.
Here is something to put things into perspective and set your mind at ease. There are 330,874,115 people in the U.S. As of right now there are 1339 confirmed cases in the U.S. with 38 Fatal and 15 recovered. Again, of the near 330 million people there have only been 1339 confirmed cases.

60 of those infected came from a nursing Home in Washington state. That nursing home became infected when a new resident was admitted who had just come from China. Unaware he was infected he already spread the virus thus infecting one third of its 180 staff members. Of the residents who had died from the virus all had underlying health conditions. Its quite possible that any sort of flu would have killed them. Twenty three of the 38 deaths here in the U,S. have been linked to this same nursing home. Sixty percent of the 1339 are linked to this long term care nursing home. So, it seems more isolated then the media would like us to believe.

The toilet paper mad dash stems from a facebook post where someone had encourage people to stock up as they claimed T.P. comes from China and China may shut down exports. Other posts showed emptied out displays in Australia and the media took that and ran. But, or should I say butt, there was never a need to panic.

So, for now we here in the not have to worry. It is a flu. If you do get it and you are healthy you will get over it. Don't rely on social media where drama thrives. Fact check.
Not to panic. Contact Dr. If your on drugs that are manufactured in China
Get a back up supply..
Insurance companies hopefully accommodating
I thought the TP panic was because of reports of people in China had a shortage of it during the height of the epidemic there. So when it came here, people bought TP cause NO ONE wants to run out of that! 😉
No joke. 97% of our drugs are manufactured by China. So, when Trump wants us to be self sufficient we need to support that. More people in the U.S. would die from drug shortage than the Corona Virus.
Those numbers are fake. We are not testing.

Those numbers are fake. We are not testing.
Those are fact. Those are the number of confirmed cases as per the CDC which governs all disease. That's not saying someone else may be sick from it and not tested. But, when it comes to deaths you can pretty much guarantee someone has noted cause of death on the death certificate.
Those are fact. Those are the number of confirmed cases as per the CDC which governs all disease. That's not saying someone else may be sick from it and not tested. But, when it comes to deaths you can pretty much guarantee someone has noted cause of death on the death certificate.
We cannot use numbers that we know for a fact are completely wrong to build a case that there are not many cases in the US and that we need not worry.
Those are fact. Those are the number of confirmed cases as per the CDC which governs all disease. That's not saying someone else may be sick from it and not tested. But, when it comes to deaths you can pretty much guarantee someone has noted cause of death on the death certificate.

Actually no. Some people have already been tested posthumously have been determined to have had the virus despite the fact that doctors initially assumed pneumonia is what killed them.
And determining an accurate death rate is absolutely dependent upon testing enough people for the numbers to matter. You are stating facts that simply aren’t in evidence
We cannot use numbers that we know for a fact are completely wrong to build a case that there are not many cases in the US and that we need not worry.

Those are the exact number of confirmed cases per the CDC. There is no way to be specific as with any illness. Whether it be the common cold or a flu strain. But, in regards to what the Center for Disease has posted those are the numbers they have reported as of right now.
Those are the exact number of confirmed cases per the CDC. There is no way to be specific as with any illness. Whether it be the common cold or a flu strain. But, in regards to what the Center for Disease has posted those are the numbers they have reported as of right now.
Do you believe that the numbers that you posted are accurate? Meaning, do you believe that there are only that number of cases in the US?

I am not asking if you can read their website - I am asking if you believe the numbers accurately represent the number of cases in America.
Those are the exact number of confirmed cases per the CDC. There is no way to be specific as with any illness. Whether it be the common cold or a flu strain. But, in regards to what the Center for Disease has posted those are the numbers they have reported as of right now.
But it’s not enough data to extrapolate the dangerousness of this disease yet.
I have no anxiety about actually catching the coronavirus. If it happens, it happens. It'll be no worse than when I got the swine flu back in the day.

The issue is the people acting like this is the end of the world. Locally there are a few cases of it, and they've shut down a school corp. I heard there were shortages of things, so I decided to stop by Sams Club to grab some TP just to make sure I had some so I wouldn't run out.

As soon as I walked in they had pallets of water at the entry points. Nearly every cart I saw had two cases of water in it. When I got back to the actual bottled water section, I've never seen so many people shopping it before.

There was no toilet paper.

No way I'm going to read this whole thread, but have been planning to stop by Sam's (right next to my job) every morning for the past week to pick up the big pack of Scott's t.p. It lasts me about 6 months & I'm down to 3 rolls.
Then this morning the main office emailed us to 'use company funds' to purchase Clorox spray, wipes, disposable gloves etc. And I'm thinking I'll probably have to go to China to find any of that now, lol.
Do you believe that the numbers that you posted are accurate? Meaning, do you believe that there are only that number of cases in the US?

I am not asking if you can read their website - I am asking if you believe the numbers accurately represent the number of cases in America.

I believe that the media has caused people to panick over something that has not even marginally affected people as much as the common cold or flu. And, this may even be a seasonal illness where as we see temperatures rise it will die off. So, for now I believe we don't have to worry. I have a customer who almost died from the chest cold that went around here about a month ago. She has cancer and it got into her lungs. Anything can result in death if your immune system has already been taxed and most deaths from this virus have happened to the already ill.

My question is do you believe even if the numbers are way off, that this is any different from a flu virus. It may be more contagious but, do you believe it could be fatal for you if you are healthy.
Then this morning the main office emailed us to 'use company funds' to purchase Clorox spray, wipes, disposable gloves etc. And I'm thinking I'll probably have to go to China to find any of that now, lol.

Funny, my wife works for a small daycare. They have used these supplies every day of the year for as long as the business has been going. It is not like they have some secret supplier for these things. They go to BJ's or Sam's Club. And if they run out well then they can't clean all of the normal germs that go around a daycare.
Those are fact. Those are the number of confirmed cases as per the CDC which governs all disease. That's not saying someone else may be sick from it and not tested. But, when it comes to deaths you can pretty much guarantee someone has noted cause of death on the death certificate.

While it may be fact that that is the number the CDC has documented, it does not accurately reflect the number of cases here. We are not testing to scale. South Korea dx'd it's first case the same day as the US, and began testing. They have tested a 200K+, whereas we've tested somewhere between 2-4K (The US won't confirm the # of tests). It's simply can't be described as an accurate # of cases. These CDC and the task force has acknowledged this failing. We've just been letting the iceberg grow while we've tested the tip above the waterline.

I know this on a personal pediatrician's office can not order a Covid-19 test on their discretion, it still needs to be approved.

In any case, I agree with what the Mayor of New Rochelle said yesterday (I'm paraphrasing), "You cannot manage when you can't measure."
My question is do you believe even if the numbers are way off, that this is any different from a flu virus. It may be more contagious but, do you believe it could be fatal for you if you are healthy.
So, since you didn't answer my question I will assume that you know that those numbers are not accurate. Please feel free to correct me.

Yes - per Trump's task force, this virus is 10 times as deadly as the flu. Ten times as deadly - this is not from the media. This is from Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.


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