Thousand flock to Florida Beaches

Just a quick scan of one news story, I didn't see any limitations on the Georgia reopenings to speak of. It will be interesting to watch.

Hopefully, not TOO interesting -- my oldest daughter and her family live in Atlanta!

It’s mentioned in his press release.

I used to until I needed to take care of my parents. I wasn’t expecting a pandemic. And I’m glad they’re not in long term care. Those care centers have been hit hard across the country.
Are there any new movies in theaters or being released soon anyway ?

I’m all for opening things up slowly. He’s going buck wild with it though.
I'm curious how Georgia is planning to protect people who get sick if they feel they have no choice but to go to work. Will people be able to keep their jobs if they need to take two weeks off to quarantine? Will they be paid if they have to take sick time? Will people feel forced to go to work even if they aren't comfortable?

Glad I don't live in Georgia.
I'm curious how Georgia is planning to protect people who get sick if they feel they have no choice but to go to work. Will people be able to keep their jobs if they need to take two weeks off to quarantine? Will they be paid if they have to take sick time? Will people feel forced to go to work even if they aren't comfortable?

Glad I don't live in Georgia.

This is going to be an issue in every state when they start reopening things. It’s something I’ve wondered about through all of this. I work for a hospital and if we’re out with covid or quarantined we have to use our PTO. What happens to people who don’t have paid sick time ? Are you going to get fired? With so many people looking for work I’m sure they can replace you in a matter of minutes.
When I lived there, Regal had assigned seating, so I guess you could sell every other seat. But you’d still need time between shows to wipe down all of the seats. I guess it could be done. But I’m not sure how many people will be in a rush to see a movie. And if you’re a family with kids, I can’t see parents separating out their kids. A decent size family could occupy an entire row.
Guarantee most people will be religiously wiping down their own seats every time, in addition to the theater staff, base on what I saw while flying before lockdowns, I saw one person even fly with a full bio hazard suit.
This is going to be an issue in every state when they start reopening things. It’s something I’ve wondered about through all of this. I work for a hospital and if we’re out with covid or quarantined we have to use our PTO. What happens to people who don’t have paid sick time ? Are you going to get fired? With so many people looking for work I’m sure they can replace you in a matter of minutes.

Lots of things that should be answered before people have to go back to work.

I'm also curious what people who think areas should be re-opening soon think of this. Would they go to work if they knew someone they worked with might be sick, or live with someone sick? Would they expect that person to stay home with no pay to protect others?

It's all pretty complicated.
I'm curious how Georgia is planning to protect people who get sick if they feel they have no choice but to go to work. Will people be able to keep their jobs if they need to take two weeks off to quarantine? Will they be paid if they have to take sick time? Will people feel forced to go to work even if they aren't comfortable?
As Rambling Mad said above, you have to read the Gov's press release...which is not easy to find, but here it is:
Businesses will have to check employee temperatures and insure they are not having respiratory issues, and they will have to wear gloves and masks "as appropriate." So I would think that any massage therapist, hair stylist, tattoo artist, etc would wear mask and gloves. Not sure how well that would work, but that's the way I read the governor's statement.

I'm much more concerned with the medical aspects than the HR questions. How is a tattoo shop owner going to evaluate employees' respiratory functions? Or a beauty shop owner? That's not a no-brainer for trained medical professionals. Are they going to recognize crackles, rales, or diminished breath sounds in one part of a lung?

I understand the need to get small businesses open, especially with the politicians playing political games in Washington. But it sounds like they're waving a magic wand and making the business owners responsible for anything that happens.
I did giggle a little reading:
Brian Kemp will reopen some Georgia business, "I don't give a damn about politics."
Is that like a vet saying "I don't give a damn about animals"?
Or a rock star claiming the same about music?
Lots of things that should be answered before people have to go back to work.

I'm also curious what people who think areas should be re-opening soon think of this. Would they go to work if they knew someone they worked with might be sick, or live with someone sick? Would they expect that person to stay home with no pay to protect others?

It's all pretty complicated.

sometimes I wonder if this is why they’d rather not test or keep testing low. If people don’t know they have it then they won’t quarantine. Same if you don’t know you’ve been exposed.

until there are better sick time policies people are going to go to work if they’ve been exposed and have no symptoms or have minor symptoms. People have been doing this since forever with every other illness.

Poor people are going to have to decide between going to work sick or not being paid for weeks.
As Rambling Mad said above, you have to read the Gov's press release...which is not easy to find, but here it is:
Businesses will have to check employee temperatures and insure they are not having respiratory issues, and they will have to wear gloves and masks "as appropriate." So I would think that any massage therapist, hair stylist, tattoo artist, etc would wear mask and gloves. Not sure how well that would work, but that's the way I read the governor's statement.

I'm much more concerned with the medical aspects than the HR questions. How is a tattoo shop owner going to evaluate employees' respiratory functions? Or a beauty shop owner? That's not a no-brainer for trained medical professionals. Are they going to recognize crackles, rales, or diminished breath sounds in one part of a lung?

I understand the need to get small businesses open, especially with the politicians playing political games in Washington. But it sounds like they're waving a magic wand and making the business owners responsible for anything that happens.

Here it is:
JimMIA, thanks for the link - I needed a chuckle.
Not only is Kemp waving a magic wand, he’s engaging in magical thinking. That’s just pathological. Citizens of Georgia will suffer.
It will be interesting to see how well they fare in using the swabs manufactured in Augusta work on the various proprietary testing machines.
Speaking for myself, when I discuss a slow reopening, I was never speaking of being able to to go movies, restaurants, etc. And I was never speaking of tomorrow or next week.

But there is a way to reopen slowly, it's just not really what Georgia is doing.
Europe is relaxing some restrictions in a more reasonable manner.
I can appreciate that a mani-pedi place could conceivably maintain social distance (at least between noses). But only I’d it were Shaq or Kareem working on Brittney Griner. But a barber or hair stylist? No chance.
Speaking for myself, when I discuss a slow reopening, I was never speaking of being able to to go movies, restaurants, etc. And I was never speaking of tomorrow or next week.

But there is a way to reopen slowly, it's just not really what Georgia is doing.
Europe is relaxing some restrictions in a more reasonable manner.
There Is no reason many "non essential" small businesses can't reopen. They can limit the number of customers and/or social distance as good or better than a big box. No problem with curbside deliveries either. Oh, and restart "elective" procedures too.
Baby steps...
There Is no reason many "non essential" small businesses can't reopen. They can limit the number of customers and/or social distance as good or better than a big box. No problem with curbside deliveries either. Oh, and restart "elective" procedures too.
Baby steps...

Yes. There isn't just "open everything now!!!!!!!!!!" or "stay closed forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - there is a reasonable in-between and I think most of us sit there quite comfortably.


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