Will this end up being the pandemic that cried wolf?

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Find ONE POST where I said that I was doing Anything to endanger others!!

Just because I don't agree with some of the restrictions put into place, does NOT mean that I am acting carelessly or irresponsibly!
I mean you no disrespect and I apologize for the wording of my post. I meant to illustrate the aspect of this virus that I find so vexing. I really wish everyone could open their businesses and just let those that are concerned or higher risk to manage their situation as they see fit. At the beginning of this thing I thought it was an over reaction. I can admit that. But after the numbers skyrocketed and yes people I knew became afflicted i reconsidered. I do not see how not buying grass seed helps. Seems a bit much to me. At the risk of being flagged as political I’ll say some are over reaching to help push an agenda. Sure they are. If protesting is part of our dna as a nation so is playing politics. I am totally disgusted that this virus got so out of control and beyond annoyed that there was Not better mitigation on a global level before it got here. That hard working Americans are being forced to choose between health and financial health and clashing over it. But the numbers dont lie. Staying home is working. Shouldn’t we try and suck it up for a few more weeks?
How can we open anything up until we ramp up testing? That’s what I don’t get. I live in a state with 7 million people. We’re testing 10 thousand people a week. We don’t know Jack.
What would you be testing in South Carolina? Barely anybody has in a hot and humid enviroment. It seems testing more than a minmal amount of very key areas would be a waste. I am assuming these test are costly. Remember you are opening up to people, in that state. Gerogia should be more cautious and require more testing.
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Shouldn’t we try and suck it up for a few more weeks?
Each area is different. I mean this on a state level and areas within a state level. There is def. a case to be made for doing things on large scale level (nationally, state and regional) but at some point areas will deviate from that need and that doesn't mean they are always throwing caution to the wind or that they need to suck it up for a few more weeks as you so not so delicately put it as if that's all people need to do.
What would you be testing in South Carolina? Barely anybody has in a hot and humid enviroment. It seems testing more than a minmal amount of very key areas would be a waste. I am assuming these test are costly.

I live in the desert. We are breaking a 100 degrees this weekend. Our cases have been going up all month while we were in the 80s and 90s.
I will say, the media has been aggressively looking for clicks. The baby that died in Connecticut apparently was accidentally suffocated by a caretaker and tested positive during the autopsy. There have been teenagers (California and Louisiana) that have been the "poster children" for young people passing away from Coronavirus. Only to be retracted (in very small print). Heck, even Wynton Marsalis' father's test was not confirmed when the media ran with the headline that he died of Covid-19.

But let's even say 1000 of these deaths are click bate. So be it. People are still succumbing to Coronavirus at alarming rates. It is a horrific virus for many people. We can't deny it.

Don't think anyone is denying that people are dying. It is just the fear mongering that the media has created, that anyone can get it and could die, while true, by highlighting a sensationalized death which it most cases is not a "Covid" is the problem. When statistics show the extremely disproportionate deadly effect the virus have on the elderly and nursing home patients. In Rhode Island close to 80% of the deaths are in nursing homes alone.
That's a pretty offensive statement, calling people horrible who may not necessarily agree with you and accusing them of having ulterior motives if they don't.
You may have misunderstood what I wrote then. We know that opening up while the pandemic is surging (10-30k new cases a day) will result in unnecessary deaths.
So my statements was that anyone who pushes to reopen to reopen while we're still experiencing 10s of thousands of new cases is willing to trade the lives of others for financial gain. That's a fact.

Some do this because even though they live in the wealthiest nation on earth, they have no choice. I don't disparage these people. But a large number of the protesters can weather another 4 weeks of lockdown but would rather have the rise in deaths (that mostly will happen to other people) than be inconvenienced any longer.

You can call them what you like. I call them bad people.

What would you be testing in South Carolina? Barely anybody has in a hot and humid enviroment. It seems testing more than a minmal amount of very key areas would be a waste. I am assuming these test are costly. Remember you are opening up to people, in that state. Gerogia should be more cautious.
Testing every american once a week for a month would cost $20B, 1% if the covid response package. That's paying full retail. In reality it should cost about a third of that.

Countries that have tested their people thoroughly gave opened back up while keeping case counts low.
Don't think anyone is denying that people are dying. It is just the fear mongering that the media has created, that anyone can get it a die, while true, by highlighting a sensationalized death which it most cases is not a "Covid" is the problem. When statistics show the extremely disproportionate deadly effect the virus have on the elderly and nursing home patients. In Rhode Island close to 80% of the deaths are in nursing homes alone.
Can we stop focusing on deaths. The deaths aren't the only problem. There is a lot of people who get this that have a difficult time with it. Til there is a way to treat this I'm of the opinion physical distancing and masks are the new normal.
View attachment 490331It is possible to understand that this is a dangerous virus, be concerned for freedoms and liberties (especially if you feel that things are unfairly deemed non-essential), and be worried about the state of the economy at the same time. They are ALL valid concerns.

Absolutely true. What is both ridiculous and frightening is that in spite of this being true it is still impossible to then engage in any discussion with many people and express any concern whatsoever about any aspect along any points of the wheel without it being leapt upon as if by a pack of feral dogs and regurgitated back as if you either have no concerns about any other points around the wheel or if you're somehow denying the existence of the rest of the wheel altogether.
Don't think anyone is denying that people are dying. It is just the fear mongering that the media has created, that anyone can get it and could die, while true, by highlighting a sensationalized death which it most cases is not a "Covid" is the problem. When statistics show the extremely disproportionate deadly effect the virus have on the elderly and nursing home patients. In Rhode Island close to 80% of the deaths are in nursing homes alone.

So let the old people die? That’s cruel.
Don't think anyone is denying that people are dying. It is just the fear mongering that the media has created, that anyone can get it and could die, while true, by highlighting a sensationalized death which it most cases is not a "Covid" is the problem. When statistics show the extremely disproportionate deadly effect the virus have on the elderly and nursing home patients. In Rhode Island close to 80% of the deaths are in nursing homes alone.

If it is a true statement how is it fear mongering?
Absolutely true. What is both ridiculous and frightening is that in spite of this being true it is still impossible to then engage in any discussion with many people and express any concern whatsoever about any aspect along any points of the wheel without it being leapt upon as if by a pack of feral dogs and regurgitated back as if you either have no concerns about any other points around the wheel or if you're somehow denying the existence of the rest of the wheel altogether.

I just think it’s sadistic to throw our elderly to the wolves, so that I can go out to eat at a restaurant or watch a movie in a theatre.
Can we stop focusing on deaths. The deaths aren't the only problem. There is a lot of people who get this that have a difficult time with it. Til there is a way to treat this I'm of the opinion physical distancing and masks are the new normal.

Well that changes the discussion even more. Then lets talk about all the diseases that give people a hard time and make things difficult, leave lingering issues in comparison. The whole stay at home, social distancing everything are based on deadliness the of the virus.

Goalposts are moving.
Well that changes the discussion even more. Then lets talk about all the diseases that give people a hard time and make things difficult, leave lingering issues in comparison. The whole stay at home, social distancing everything are based on deadliness the of the virus.

Goalposts are moving.
But most other diseases have a way to treat them. Something we don't have for Covid-19. It is why physical distancing will be here for awhile. I get it you have always believed this is nothing.
Each area is different. I mean this on a state level and areas within a state level. There is def. a case to be made for doing things on large scale level (nationally, state and regional) but at some point areas will deviate from that need and that doesn't mean they are always throwing caution to the wind or that they need to suck it up for a few more weeks as you so not so delicately put it as if that's all people need to do.
I agree response should be regional. I also think “suck it up” is an appropriate phrase for some of the complaining I’ve seen. There are some folks that are in complete denial Regarding the facts here and utterly dismissive of reality. Sorry you were offended.
What would you be testing in South Carolina? Barely anybody has in a hot and humid enviroment. It seems testing more than a minmal amount of very key areas would be a waste. I am assuming these test are costly. Remember you are opening up to people, in that state. Gerogia should be more cautious and require more testing.

The "barely anyone" in a hot and humid climate has it confuses the crap out of me. Singapore, which is one of THE MOST hot and humid places on the planet (seriously hot, seriously humid) added 869 cases yesterday ALONE. Singapore is really more a "city/country" as it is quite small geographically and has a total population about equal to the state of Minnesota. Minnesota added 2 cases yesterday. The difference between Minnesota (this time of year) and Singapore on the "hot and humid" scale is monstrous. Yet, Singapore is having quite the explosion of cases. People who think summer solves this problem are ignoring the many WORLD data points that tell us quite the opposite.
Let me state that what makes covid-19 dangerous is how contagious it is. Way more contagious and faster spreading than the seasonal flu. I personally believe the overall death rate will fall to flu-like levels once all the antibody studies come in. Flattening the curve did turn out to make sense from the perspective of trying to control the hospitalization rate. Remember we are trying to slow it, not completely stop it which is impossible. At this point as we begin to ride the falling edge of the curve, people still need to practice good hygiene and keep personal distance. But it is mostly the elderly and those with comorbidities that need to practice extreme social distancing. So about 50K deaths in a month? That is not crying wolf. But we must ask the question when have we achieved the original goal of flattening? Are we fine with 26 million Americans looking for food to put on the table, who had no trouble affording food before these lockdowns.
But most other diseases have a way to treat them. Something we don't have for Covid-19. It is why physical distancing will be here for awhile. I get it you have always believed this is nothing.

Never have believed it is nothing, never had said that, my post speak for themselves. You can believe whatever you want to of course.
Well that changes the discussion even more. Then lets talk about all the diseases that give people a hard time and make things difficult, leave lingering issues in comparison. The whole stay at home, social distancing everything are based on deadliness the of the virus.

Goalposts are moving.
I’m all in for the discussion. Is there another disease anywhere near as contagious that can be transmitted by asymptomatic carrier? Can we agree that other afflictions have at least treatments that can be employed? Seriously every doctor and scientist in this country is studying this thing can we provide them a bit more runway?
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