The ABCs of a New 'Ohana Adventure-G is for: Greetings From Teppan, Good-Byes, and Good News!!! - COMPLETED 1/7

You would think that most people would do this but it seems like that isn't always the case. We find that the more time spent at our resort the more we enjoy our vacation. :)

I am starting to agree. I guess my system lately is book a lesser expensive place for the beginning of the trip when we're fresh and it's all new again and then something a bit more pricey to finish out our vacation we're satiated with park time and ready to slow down and relax. So far, it's working! ;)

I always try to watch the EWP when staying at a MK area resort. It brings back memories of when we were young parents with our young kids watching the EWP from our resort back when MK was the only park in WDW. :)

Awww, I love those happy memories for sure. I hope they keep it around for a while longer. I miss Wishes, but know things evolve and change too. Definitely have mixed feelings on that.

That is a really long time for a baby to cry. I would have been awake the entire time, worrying about the baby. Was it obvious that the parents were in the room, too?

It is WAY too long. I can see an hour? 2 at the most! But this just went on and on and on.... I would drift off and then get jarred awake the whole time and the during that time I was constantly arguing with myself about whether to call or now.

We watched this show and it was cheesy, but interesting. They have a similar show at the St. Louis Zoo.

I do enjoy the birds still, many of which are the same as before. Some of them are HUGE!

We have done a couple of these classes and I am terrible at it. But I still enjoy them. :)

I am too, as you can see! LOL!

I had no idea that they used to do a Tiki Torch Lighting Ceremony. It would be more dramatic if it was darker out, though.

I assume they still will. ?? Nothing to dangerous about it as there's plenty of room to spread out and watch. It's super short, but impressive to be sure. And you are SO right!! I thought it was done a bit clower to dusk rather than while still very light.

Actually, most cell phones are small computers and small cameras and hold an awful lot of our important stuff. Did you think about having someone call your cell phone so that you could hear it ring? You could have called from your resort room phone, too.

My phone is VERY relied on by me. Many of my documents are on the cloud so accessible with it, it's my alarm clock, all my apps for finances on it, etc... not just a phone for sure!

I am sure we would have called it, but as I remember, it was on silent for some idiotic reason.

Were you disappointed that you did have a lagoon view room? We booked a water view room at the Yacht Club for October and I will be very upset if we are looking at the quiet pool.

No, I really liked our room location. When you book water view, you can get pool or lagoon or bay or whatever. And sometimes just a tiny bit. That's my understanding anyway, someone correct me if I'm wrong. You can go to the maps of the resorts and request specific areas or wings that will get you closer to what you would like. Don't get to specific though, they may see it as demanding (NOT saying you would do this), just give them some guidelines on what you'd really love and often they will try their hardest to accomodate.

That looks delicious and totally worth it. :)

I forgot to mention that was for 2 people!! You can tell them how many diners there will be.

That is a nice little plus to having the Volcano pool view. Some resorts only have seating on the ground, but it is nice to have real chairs as an option.

It sure was!! One big perk for sure!
Since you're cranking out updates like I cant keep up, I'll forgo the multi quoting for this one.

I know! Sorry!! I don't have much left on this one and want to finish it up so I can start cranking out updates on the Italy one!
Good job on finding all the Remys! I know the years we did it there were a few pretty tricky ones.

Some took quite some time. Glad there were food stops along the way to keep me going!

Which Pride and Prejudice are you referring to? The BBC version from the early 80s? Or the one that played in theaters with more popular actors?

The BBC version from 1995. With Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle. Soooo good!!!! It's definitely my favorite of all the versions and yes, I've seen them all.

Nice cup you got in the end. When we did it you got the option to buy a pin set. I like the cup better.
It's a nice cup to travel in the car with for sure. I do love my pins, but this is so useful.

Actually I've thought that since my second visit in 1997...

I think if folks are willing to step out of the chicken nugget box there is a lot to be found. ::yes::

Where do you find souvlaki????? Fran would be all over that!

I"m 99% sure I saw it at one of the Festival Kiosks, but don't remember which one.

I read something online that with WDW reopening the signature restaurants won't be part of the first phase.

That breaks my heart. I love to hit up one or two each trip :(

We ate there once (outside of a special event) and it was pretty dead too. I think you've nailed it on the reason. People are afraid of strange food. In fact when they opened the small plates menu featured Merguez (a yummy lamb sausage). Shortly thereafter they changed it to "Moroccan Lamb Sausage". I pointed this out to our server and she didn't believe me. I had to point it out in the menu.

So like a Kefta? I'll have to look up recipes for both now. ;)
I've never sat outside, but the inside tables have a lovely water view without the breeze.

Next time I'll pay more attention to the weather!

I like how there is something for everyone. I would not enjoy hummus fries, cause I don't like chickpeas. Wish I did, so many things that are popular are made with them. Not a fan of grape leaves either a little too bitter for my taste. Brie is good, but there are better things, IMO.

But bring on those shrimp! They have served them as the first course for the Mediterranean lunches we did there during F&W and they are stellar! We also had the lamb as part of our lunch, from the prices you quoted, sounds like we got quite a deal for $99 including four courses and four glasses of wine!

Personally (and I'm going to tell you this regardless of whether you care, because I feel like I'm out of practice ordering from a menu) Fran and I would have gone with the shrimp, the Merguez, the Calamari and the Harissa Chicken. If we were still hungry maybe the Brie, or maybe just picked up some dessert at Les Halles.

The shrimp were amazing. Really very, very good!!

$99 you say? I'd say yes, that's a phenomenal deal for all the wine you got and a ton of food.

Of course I care!! :hug: I like all of your choices and can see a nice glass of Shiraz going well with that.

You mean no Baklava?!
San Angel
I've eaten here a few times and every time it's been just great! Love the atmosphere, the food is bomb and the margaritas are strong! What's not to love?


La Hacienda
I've only been here for the Tequila lunch pairings, but from what I've had at those, I would love to come back for a regular menu meal!

I've read about those! They sound so fun! I think if we ever end up in "Mexico" again for a meal, I'd do this one to try it out.

Ate here once. It was good, but we have an excellent German restaurant in Anaheim and I would much rather order off a menu than at a buffet. All I really want is some sausages, Wiener Schnitzel, and spaetzle. Oh yeah and their brown bread!

I like the hot potato salad and kraut. YUM!! And well.... strudel.

Teppan Edo
Been here a few times as well, but I realized about 10 years ago, I can do this at home, well used to be able to....not sure if we will see these coming back unless your whole party takes a table. Which Fran and I have done by ourselves before....

As can I but this one seems like the chefs are a bit funnier and the food a bit better.

Tokyo Dining
It's also been a long time since I've been to this one as well, simply because we have plenty of good Japanese restaurants at home. In fact my favorite place to order delivery from is a Thai/Japanese place where I can get sushi and Pad Thai all in one spot!

Can't comment on this one, but would probably choose Tamkumi Tei over it anyway.

Via Napoli
Everyone raves about the pizza at Via Napoli, but actually for me I prefer the other stuff on the menu. I love Arancini and the first time we went there that was a big draw for me. The last time we went there we got the Pasta e Fajoli and Lasagne Verde which were both also excellent. Now I want to go back!

Now I want to go too! And order other stuff off the menu.

Tutto Italia
I've eaten here, but honestly it was so long ago I don't even remember.

Me too!

This one is great! Another that you almost don't need a reservation because everyone is afraid of the weird food, but it's so good! I love Moroccan Cuisine!

I do too!! The couscous I had was amazing! I love it in there. But it's been years and years.

Rose and Crown
It's been a long time since I ate here. It used to be on the top of our list, we would have a late reservation for dinner and stay to watch Illuminations. They used to let you wait for a better table, but the last time we went there, they told us "take it or leave it". It was a crappy table and got Fran in a foul mood. We haven't been back. Then again we have some pretty good British places available to us here in So Cal as well.

This is the service that sounds across the board there now. I've read a lot of abominable reviews on it lately for the service alone. Mom and I had to wait for almost an hour for a table outside, our servers more than sucked and i will never go back.

Chefs de France
This is another favorite of ours, but I just don't have the capacity to eat everything that I want here!

Someday, I'll check it out, but am sorta smitten with Mr. Paul. For a lot of reasons. ::yes::
So I suppose I would say it's a toss up between Spice Road Table, Via Napoli and Chefs de France, with San Angel in a close runner up many restaurants so many choices!
I'd say the pizza not withstanding I'd go for that one from that list. Then again, if it's a very early dinner I might have to choose SRT for small plates and then do a later 2nd dinner or cocktails hour.
I would agree with this. If I ever make it to a Deluxe Resort I will make sure to schedule some downtime to enjoy it.

You won't be sorry!
Sounds so nice. Perfect evening.
It really was! I love balmy evenings at the Poly.

Lovely photo of you!

Thanks! :)

How cool! I never catch anything remotely interesting when we go there.

Typically the cool stuff happens first thing in the morning just like at any human surgery center. All of our first cases start a 7:30AM pretty reliably as a lot of docs have clinic hours after they're done. I'd imagine these docs are the same.


I know that feeling.

I'm so glad you found it. Just think of all the calories you burned frantically searching for it.

Just working up an appetite for our Twilight Feast. :laughing:

This looks sooooo good. Do you have to order room service to get it?

Really enjoyed this update.
Yes, it's room service only, but massive amounts of food. You have to order a minimum of food for 2 people but it's cheaper that 2 eating at O'hana for sure. And it fed 4 of us. What I showed you was for 2 people.
Hi Liesa! I'm back! Or at least, I'm working on being back. I'm starting to get caught up here as well...
MEGHAN!!! You're back!! Look at you all Graduated UP!! :banana: Welcome back!

Thanks for the heads up! I skim-read most of it, but skipped most of the pictures. Trying to keep the mystery alive!

I knew people would want to skip photos if they are trying to find them. It's quite a fun little hunt!

Totally! I know this about you, and I completely agree. :)

I seem to always find more and more things every time I go. Never gets old for sure!

Yes, it's definitely time consuming. We didn't finish it. I'm very impressed that you did!

There's always next trip!

Fantastic! I hope everything goes perfectly and you have a wonderful trip! I don't remember if you said anything about it on Facebook or not, but are you planning a visit to the Trevi Fountain while in Rome? After the Piazza Navona, it was my favourite place :) You'll have the most amazing time!

That's coming up, yes. I'm going in order of the routes I've planned out for us. I'm on Day 2 in Rome, still on our morning walking tour. :)

This is neat! I haven't done this one, but I enjoyed reading about it!

Let me know if you do!

Cute! I like the cup you ended up with!

I like to fill it with water in the mornings and take it with me for my commute.

Pretty minor things to work around. I used to be very very picky growing up, but I've gotten much better as I've gotten older. Now aside from dietary restrictions, I'll try almost anything unless it has a lot of raw onions.

That makes it so easy to find places to eat for sure. And more of an adventure and less just filling the belly.

Couldn't agree more! They were my favourite WS entertainment.
Still sad they're gone. I do confess I really enjoyed the Canadian and German groups this time around.

La Hacienda
Teppan Edo
Rose and Crown
Chefs de France

Hard to choose a favourite, but I think maybe Rose and Crown by a small margin. The view from the outdoor patio seating is lovely, and we've just tended to have really nice meals there and good service (aside from when we went for a fireworks dining package, but I think that was just because of the restricted menu.) But we've had good experiences at most of these. I'd say Chefs de France was my least favourite due to limited allergy options

So about half! Not bad!

Interesting to hear the opinion from an allergy diner. ::yes:: This is good information to get the word out about so others can have a good shot at success.

Hopefully there wasn't any kind of major issue going on, but always good to be safe. And I'm glad that eventually you all got some sleep!

It wasn't enough, and I'd have been super upset if we had had an early morning RD to get to. All's well that ends well for sure.

That's all you can ask for! What a great family you've got. Seems like you really travel together well. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about your adventures!

They are such great kids. They have their issues just like all kids do, but I'm proud of them and love to call them mine. This year have an Italy Tour with Anara, next year is the cruise with Michaela and who knows... maybe Zach or Rebekah will get a travel with mom another time. ?
Intentionally booking our stay at the Polynesian Resort at the end of our Disney Vacation, we had the time, and just enough lack of oomph left in us, to thoroughly enjoy our stay. I mean, common sense dictates that if you are going to book a deluxe resort you make time to truly spend time there and enjoy it.
I desperately want to stay at a deluxe one day, and Poly is near the top of the list. That’s a good idea, to leave the stay near the end of the trip and spend some downtime at the resort.

Unfortunately, sleep was elusive that night as the only awful part of our vacation intruded rudely into our slumber.
Bad luck there. I’ve been fortunate to have never been disturbed by noise in another room.

were completely geeked out over the Macaw Show.
I knew about this and wanted to see it last trip but as usual the timing never worked out with the to and fro of rides and characters.

we also ended up over at Rafiki’s Planet Watch and did one of the Animation Classes.
I really enjoyed this back in DHS and I’m glad to see it back in some form.

a showing of Emperor’s New Groove, quite possibly our family’s favorite Disney Movie.
I must confess to never seeing this movie. I think it came out in my late teens early twenties phase of being too cool for kid’s movies. I’ve become smarter.
I presume it’s on Disney +, I should look for it.
MEGHAN!!! You're back!! Look at you all Graduated UP!! :banana: Welcome back!

Thank you!!

There's always next trip!

Yes! I'm hopeful that we'll be able to make time next time to complete the Wilderness Explorer's challenge. After all, the Wilderness must be explored!! *CA-CA!*

That's coming up, yes. I'm going in order of the routes I've planned out for us. I'm on Day 2 in Rome, still on our morning walking tour. :)

Wonderful! Sounds like a dream :)

Still sad they're gone. I do confess I really enjoyed the Canadian and German groups this time around.

Sometimes change can be good!

So about half! Not bad!

Interesting to hear the opinion from an allergy diner. ::yes:: This is good information to get the word out about so others can have a good shot at success.

Yes, I'd like to add a couple more to my list as well. Tokyo Dining is high on my list of priorities! Nathan has been there and enjoyed it. It can be a little hit-or-miss for allergy diners at EPCOT since so many restaurants aren't Disney-owned, but there still are lots of good options to be found!

They are such great kids. They have their issues just like all kids do, but I'm proud of them and love to call them mine. This year have an Italy Tour with Anara, next year is the cruise with Michaela and who knows... maybe Zach or Rebekah will get a travel with mom another time. ?

Travel time with mom is so special! I love travelling with my mom, especially when we can make time for just the two of us. Your kids are lucky to get those experiences with you!
I must confess to never seeing this movie. I think it came out in my late teens early twenties phase of being too cool for kid’s movies. I’ve become smarter.
I presume it’s on Disney +, I should look for it.

It's a good one! You should watch it! Maybe your youngest would indulge you and watch it with you! Nathan and I quote it to each other often.
LOL!! But, aside from Covid, you're an AP Holder.... time to stop and smell the roses!
Well... by the time they reopen the border, my AP, extension notwithstanding will probably be expired.
I really don't know, but it wasn't a good situation for anyone involved. It's stressful for parents, or should be, and for everyone around him.
Sooooo stressful.
Aren't they the most amazing?! So colorful and fun to watch.
::yes:: Love how bright their colours are.
No, I didn't get any of the gorilla, as I'd gone for the drawing class thinking they'd still have him on the table, but they were already done by the time we finished.
The Gorilla surgeon must be as fast as our plastics guy who does b00bs at work. :rolleyes2
Nooooo! You need to take your time on those!
It was such a fun thing to finally see for myself. I have gone to the Poly specifically to see it in the past, and have missed every single time.
Glad you got to see it finally, then. :)
I know... it's a problem.
Yes. I have had one years ago at Pecos Bills when they still had the enormous fixin's bar (which is probably never going to make a re-appearance now :( ) that was pretty good too. But then again, fake cheese sauce can fix just about anything.
I did have that fixin' bar once, but... still wasn't that great a burger.
I mean, common sense dictates that if you are going to book a deluxe resort you make time to truly spend time there and enjoy it. So, we did.

It does indeed. Sounds like a wise use of time.

I took a stroll out onto the beach to watch the Electrical Water Parade. Such a kitchy little spectacle which makes my little old heart happy.

It's a nice, fun treat for the guests. One of those Disney things.

For literally hours the family next door struggled with a screaming baby who after quite some time I actually became worried. Moms know when something is just… amiss. Chances are more than likely everything was fine, but the baby sounded sick.

Ugh. I feel bad for the parents. And you, of course.

As a bonus there was an orthopedic surgery on a baby gorilla going on where they were fixing its leg. Best part for me? Seeing that the anesthesia machines are nearly identical to the ones we use at our surgery center. So that’s what I took pictures of.

Ha! I bet that's a great time when you show your friends your vacation photos.

I mean when you hear loud drumming, you know something good is about to happen, right?

Either that, or you're about to be invaded.

I started to put away my clothes and as I took out the last bit from the bottom of the bag, there was my phone in all its glory. I had slipped it into the bag to free up my hands so I could carry everything back to the room. Yes, I had looked in that bag. At least twice, in fact.

Getting old sucks.

I opted to order the Twilight Feast which is the O’hana meal served room service-style straight to the comfort of your own digs. All the fixin’s.

That's a good meal, right there.

After dinner the common area beside the pool, steps from our room, came to life with a showing of Emperor’s New Groove, quite possibly our family’s favorite Disney Movie. It’s just so darned quotable.

Kronk totally makes that movie work.

All in all, it was such a great vacation.

I'm glad to hear that. We all have our drama moments, but I hope the family memories were special for you.
Because I'm always full of excuses to not be here as often as I'd like, I thought I'd throw something extra into the mix. I've started the process of applying to school for starting my BSN. You can fill in what you think the letters mean, but managers like to use Bachelors of Science in Nursing. It's something I would have done in the first place but wanted to keep myself as debt-free as possible with education. I ain't gettin' any younger and may be facing a job change sooner than later and most places are requiring one... so it's back to the books, but mostly papers. Truly, it's the B.S. of Nursing.

My anticipated start date is August 1st and I hope to be able to finish in 9-12 months. But I have as long as I want; that faster I do it, the less I spend. That, my friends, is highly motivating!!
Trying to catch up again and also get over to actually read your Italy TR, so comments will be succinct.

Sounds like a nice couple of days, well besides the crying baby and almost losing your phone. I love watching the Electric Water Pagent, such a fun little show, even if it is kind of cheesy.

The only thing about that Poly Feast is that it didn't look like it had enough shrimp, but then you said someone didn't eat seafood. Still I'd want three just for me! I hope that O'hana can reopen someday. And just after I figured out that you could get the noodles and potstickers at the bar! :headache:
The BBC version from 1995. With Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle.

I didn't realize that the BBC did the one with Colin Firth, I liked this one better
I"m 99% sure I saw it at one of the Festival Kiosks, but don't remember which one.

Oh, it was probably chicken souvlaki at the Greek booth. Lamb is much better.

That breaks my heart. I love to hit up one or two each trip :(

Hopefully they will open again in the near future. While the average TS is OK, I prefer the signatures.

So like a Kefta? I'll have to look up recipes for both now. ;)

No, this is a real sausage. I ordered some from this place outside Seattle, but Fran says they are too spicy for her taste.
The shrimp were amazing. Really very, very good!!

$99 you say? I'd say yes, that's a phenomenal deal for all the wine you got and a ton of food.

Well we got three regular glasses of wine and a small pour of dessert wine. Nothing like the deal at the French Lunch, but still I think it was a good deal.

You mean no Baklava?!

I'm not a huge fan of nuts, so I'd rather have a French Pastry.

Someday, I'll check it out, but am sorta smitten with Mr. Paul. For a lot of reasons. ::yes::

I can see that, but this is a great lunch place!

I've started the process of applying to school for starting my BSN.

Good for you!

My anticipated start date is August 1st and I hope to be able to finish in 9-12 months.

That should be easy compared to your initial nursing school adventure!

ETA: My friend Leonard who also got his nursing degree later in life is just finishing up his BSN. He started sometime last year, so he seems to be on the 9 month timeline. He either just finished his clinicals or has that and one paper left until he is done.
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I've started the process of applying to school for starting my BSN.
Because you have so much free time!!!!
Seriously though, good for you!
You can fill in what you think the letters mean
Well, duh. Obviously Batman's Side Nurse.
but managers like to use Bachelors of Science in Nursing.
Sure. To throw the criminals off the scent. Good thinking.
may be facing a job change sooner than later
Oh? Has your work place been affected by the Corona Virus?
and most places are requiring one... so it's back to the books,
Makes sense.
that faster I do it, the less I spend. That, my friends, is highly motivating!!
::yes:: Go Liesa, go!
Very exciting that you're headed back for some more schooling! I'm sure it will make life even busier for you, but hopefully it'll be worth the effort and the money! That's an excellent excuse for being a little too busy for the DIS. If you ever need a proofreader for any applications or essays etc., now or in future, I'd be happy to help :)
My anticipated start date is August 1st and I hope to be able to finish in 9-12 months. But I have as long as I want; that faster I do it, the less I spend. That, my friends, is highly motivating!!
Good luck with the program. It will be a lot of hard work but definitely worth it. At least you don't have kids at home to worry about while you earn your degree. :)
I desperately want to stay at a deluxe one day, and Poly is near the top of the list. That’s a good idea, to leave the stay near the end of the trip and spend some downtime at the resort.

You'll get there, Jeff. :) One day, I'm sure it'll happen.
Bad luck there. I’ve been fortunate to have never been disturbed by noise in another room.

It was really bad luck. :( I felt so badly for the parents and was annoyed at the same time.
I knew about this and wanted to see it last trip but as usual the timing never worked out with the to and fro of rides and characters.

It's always such a struggle to get everything done you want to.

I really enjoyed this back in DHS and I’m glad to see it back in some form.

Me too!! I know you can also do them at AoA Resort.

I must confess to never seeing this movie. I think it came out in my late teens early twenties phase of being too cool for kid’s movies. I’ve become smarter.
I presume it’s on Disney +, I should look for it.

Yes, it's there. Trust me on this. You will NOT be sorry. It really is very, very funny.
Yes! I'm hopeful that we'll be able to make time next time to complete the Wilderness Explorer's challenge. After all, the Wilderness must be explored!! *CA-CA!*

Why, yes! It must!

Sometimes change can be good!

It really can. ::yes::

Yes, I'd like to add a couple more to my list as well. Tokyo Dining is high on my list of priorities! Nathan has been there and enjoyed it. It can be a little hit-or-miss for allergy diners at EPCOT since so many restaurants aren't Disney-owned, but there still are lots of good options to be found!

I sure liked Takumi Tei so am not sure if I'd try T.D. before going there again. That Seabass!!! :cloud9:

I didn't realize whether a place was owned by Disney or not made a difference in the allergy-friendliness! Good info!!

Travel time with mom is so special! I love travelling with my mom, especially when we can make time for just the two of us. Your kids are lucky to get those experiences with you!

It sure is! :) And honestly right now, I"m not sure if they consider it "lucky" or not. Maybe someday they'll look back and appreciate it more? Who knows.


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