Oh my gosh, just looking at all these pics is so sad hahaha I forgot what it's like to TRAVEL and be able to go places without a mask!
Once COVID is in our rearview mirror, I certainly hope to never take things like that for granted again!

This looks like it was a really fun and exciting trip and I am looking forward to reading along! You always have the best TR's!
Following! Loved reading about your travels pre-COVID. Maybe you had a sense it was coming and you better go while you could. They all looked great but especially loved the pictures of Tromso! I prefer going warm places but it looks like it would be worth bundling up. Thanks for sharing your adventures!
We were there at the same time! Wasn’t life pre global pandemic wonderful? I can’t wait to go back. We have a “not until vaccination” policy in our fam and it’s so hard to wait. Eeek!
Sorry your wedding got pushed back. We were invited to two that had to reschedule. I can’t imagine how disappointing it must be. Hopefully you’re able to make it even more fabulous with the extra time to plan. And we’re gonna get an epic WDW honeymoon trip report when it’s all said and done, right? Riiiiiight?
Popping over from your last TR. I can't remember if I congratulated you on your engagement - so just in case - CONGRATULTIONS! I took a Dis break for a month or so and just now catching up . Looking forward to reading more about your adventures.

Hello!! and THANK YOU!! :hug: Yay glad you're here, thanks for reading :goodvibes

I need to set the bar low :rotfl:

I am very late on this, but congrats!

Thank you!!!

So did mine. But then the ToC came out and it made sense. Therefore we charge on.

:laughing: We go onnn


Of course, this was BC (Before Covid), so not really.

But still!

It's still strange to see though isn't it!

DO IT. DCL is the best thing that Disney has offered, and the customer service is not just the best in the Cruise industry. Not just the travel industry. BUT THE WHOLE UNITED STATES. Do it if you have the money.

Oh my gosh you've sold it to me!! I would love to do the Norway cruise (I looove Norway, and it departs from here in England!) But I bet once I do that I'll want to do them all :laughing: which routes have you done? Do you have a favourite?

Very contrasting to what I've seen otherwise.

Haha I know, I can't pull off that whole emo thing :laughing:

Muppets! We have a cat named Beaker because when he adopted, his hair was very much like Beaker's hair

That's brilliant! I hope he knows he's names after a true legend. I think The Muppets movie from 2010 is one of my favourite movies :laughing:

Time for a CT lesson. White pizza is actually quite common here on the East Coast, especially in the Northeast. A specialty in my area is White Clam Pizza, which has very little cheese, a lot of garlic, and little clams. I've heard its good, but I haven't tried it, so... :confused3

That does sound good!! I just thought the three key ingredients of pizza were dough, cheese, and tomato.. I didn't think I'd ever have to look out for the tomato in the description! Noted for if I ever visit the Northeast :thumbsup2
which routes have you done? Do you have a favourite?
I've actually only sailed to the Caribbean with DCL. So, base it off of what ports you want to see. The ship that comes to Europe is the Magic, and even though its the oldest, they consider it their flagship still, so the best of the best go there.
How amazing to have that in your backyard!!!

I know! I'm not a big swimmer in public pools (haven't been to Typhoon Lagoon or Blizzard Beach since I was a kid!) so I really appreciated this!

I barely remember what life was like pre-COVID....

Isn't it so weird to think about! Life was so great, but also so unsanitary?! I used to get a train into work and back every day and thinking about it now is so gross, everyone touching all the same railings! The freakiest thing to think about is when COVID just started kicking off, in early March here... That train got gradually emptier and emptier every day :scared: what strange times we live in!

So, how did it stand up to the EPCOT version? I have never had it as I am not a fan of coconut.

I'm actually not sure I've ever had an Epcot school bread!! I got it in Norway because I recognised it from Disney so figured it must be a very Norwegiany thing to have :laughing: it was really tasty! But maybe not for someone who doesn't like coconut.. :rolleyes1

I loved all of it! I feel like we really get to know everyone on these trip reports! And I loved all of the photos for your other trips!

I'm so glad, I love making notes about the time before and after a trip! And I like reading about it in other people's reports too :goodvibes but I always figure most people will probably just skim over that stuff until we get to Disney :laughing:

This is why I usually don't order white pizzas. I love tomatoes and tomatoe sauce too much to not have it. But they alwasy looks so good.

Yeah I love a tomatoey pizza too, I didn't know I had to look out for "tomato" in the description on the menu, I just assumed it would have tomato on it! But apparently not :sad2:

You are so lucky to have a friend so like minded and to love Disney as much as you! Can't wait to hear about the trip!

Haha I know aren't I! We have so much fun with it, we talk about it all the time :laughing:

I loved your previous reports
I was in Disney last year from Feb 22-28th so I can’t wait to hear about your experience!

Yay :welcome:!! Ahh thank you, and it looks like we crossed over a bit! Keep an eye out for yourself in the background of my photos :wave: :laughing:

Loving your pre trip travel! So glad you got to do some fun travel before lockdown. We were luck that we went to both Paris (with a lil trip to DLP of course) and Milan in 2019 so we had had two holidays to make up for our 2020 trips to Florence and Florida being cancelled :guilty:
Okay, now back to reading the rest!

Thanks! I know yeah we were really lucky to have just been away so much! Paris and Milan sound lovely! Have you been before? I used to go to Florence with my family when I was growing up, it's so beautiful! Hopefully you've been able to rearrange? Everything is just so uncertain isn't it! :sad2:
Just finished up your 2019 trip report and I'm so excited to be here! Hoping you can return to the happiest place on earth sooner rather than later. :flower1:
Isn't it so weird to think about! Life was so great, but also so unsanitary?! I used to get a train into work and back every day and thinking about it now is so gross, everyone touching all the same railings!

OMG this! When things are finally back to normal I don’t think I’ll be able to shut my brain off thinking about how filthy everything around me is. And can we just keep the mask habit if we’re sick? I can’t believe we all just sat in a room with our coworkers while they hacked cold and flu germs on us and we just accepted it.

I was reading someone’s report from a pre-Covid trip with a pic of their kids playing with one of the interactive displays. Disney put in SO much money on upgrading the queues, will they ever be able to reopen those now that we’re all a bunch of germaphobes? I have a two year old and a 4 week old. The idea of them playing with that stuff in a year or two or three makes me cringe when a year ago I was so excited to take my (would be) 16 month old on our long canceled May trip and show her all of that fun stuff.


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