New CDC Outdoor Guidance

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I think by July - Disney pulls the mandatory mask mandate - recommended for those who are not vaccinated - by July we will be at Herd Immunity (honestly, in a few weeks I think we will be there) and it becomes an recommendation.
I hope we can get there. We are at 35% and need it to be 70-90% for herd immunity. I don't think we can hit that until the vaccine is approved for a younger age group. Too many eligible people are not getting the vaccine for us to reach herd immunity quickly.
I think many forget that while the CDC advise is great, it does only apply to vaccinated individuals. Vaccines are still not all approved for children (altho one JUST got approved for what, down to 12?), and other countries do not have the access to the vaccine the US does. So even if we never reach herd immunity, we also haven't reached 'whoever wants the vaccine can have it' among expected Disney guests. Personally, I'm really hoping for no masks outside tho, no matter how they decide to proceed!!
I’m in Ohio and the governor announced yesterday a lottery type drawing (based off voter registration) for those that have had at least 1 dose of the vaccine by the drawing date. The next five Wednesdays they’ll be drawing a name and you’ll get 1 million. They are also drawing 5 names for the under age 18 crowd and they’ll get a full-ride scholarship to college.

I’m wondering if more states get in on this kind of thing to boost their vaccination numbers how quickly that will help push some of these changes along?

We’ll be there 4 wks from today. Going to Universal first for 3 days then over to WDW for 8 and as much as I would love at least the outdoor mask mandate to be dropped, I don’t think it will happen by then. You never know I guess but I doubt it. It just seems too soon. I do think everything will be pretty much back to normal by the 50th in October.
Yes, but the risks of illness and death for that age range is non existent. My 9 year old is a cancer survivor and her TEAM of doctors have never once been concerned about her getting COVID even at it's peak.
I'm not particularly worried about my own kids catching it, but there are a ton of people who are for various reasons. My point was just that the vaccine is NOT now currently available for everyone who wants it.
Remember that in addition to two sets of rules being difficult to enforce, Florida has essentially made it illegal. Disney won't end mask mandates until the CDC says nobody needs them regardless of if they are vaccinated.
I doubt Disney is currently going to do anything with these mask guidelines. My opinions on what they should do aside, it is just very hard to enforce exceptions in places where people are moving around. Sure you can prove you're vaccinated at the gate, but then every CM you will come across will probably need to see proof again and again and again. They could give vaccinated people wristbands or whatever once they've showed proof of vaccination but still, it'll be extra work.

If they're going to change rules, whether it's masks or social distancing, it's going to be an across the board change. Either everyone or no one.
I hope we can get there. We are at 35% and need it to be 70-90% for herd immunity. I don't think we can hit that until the vaccine is approved for a younger age group. Too many eligible people are not getting the vaccine for us to reach herd immunity quickly.
We are at 60% of adults who have at least the 1st dose, as of today - we are well on our way to Herd Immunity - by July the masks should be gone and a recommendation only.
I doubt Disney is currently going to do anything with these mask guidelines. My opinions on what they should do aside, it is just very hard to enforce exceptions in places where people are moving around. Sure you can prove you're vaccinated at the gate, but then every CM you will come across will probably need to see proof again and again and again. They could give vaccinated people wristbands or whatever once they've showed proof of vaccination but still, it'll be extra work.

If they're going to change rules, whether it's masks or social distancing, it's going to be an across the board change. Either everyone or no one.

I'm hoping they will eventually go to no masks required, but recommended for those not fully vaccinated, but I think that is going to take a bit longer. So many families with young kids can't get them vaccinated yet, even if they wanted to.
There is no way for Disney to know who is vaccinated. I cannot imagine them requiring proof of vaccination. Honestly, they should just drop the mask mandate and let those that want to wear a mask wear one. No one is telling anyone they can't wear a mask.

Things are going to get interesting in the days ahead. Disney may not drop the mask mandate right now, but as time goes on and more and more places drop it, it is going to be very hard for Disney to not follow suit. People will take their money elsewhere.
I doubt Disney is currently going to do anything with these mask guidelines. My opinions on what they should do aside, it is just very hard to enforce exceptions in places where people are moving around. Sure you can prove you're vaccinated at the gate, but then every CM you will come across will probably need to see proof again and again and again. They could give vaccinated people wristbands or whatever once they've showed proof of vaccination but still, it'll be extra work.

If they're going to change rules, whether it's masks or social distancing, it's going to be an across the board change. Either everyone or no one.
I think we are going to see the across the board lifting sooner than most think - the CDC is lagging behind the science and has been for months - this announcement today could have been made a month ago. The lifting of masks across the board is coming soon - the backlash and enforcement of vaccinated vs non-vaccinated will never come to pass - I think Disney will just lift the mask mandate after the vaccination event for cast members later this month - then recommend non-vaccinated guests to wear a mask if they fell it to be appropriate. Social distancing will be gone too - 3 feet was never a real thing - people naturally stand at that distance and by lifting mask mandates - social distancing means nothing.
There is no way for Disney to know who is vaccinated. I cannot imagine them requiring proof of vaccination. Honestly, they should just drop the mask mandate and let those that want to wear a mask wear one. No one is telling anyone they can't wear a mask.

Things are going to get interesting in the days ahead. Disney may not drop the mask mandate right now, but as time goes on and more and more places drop it, it is going to be very hard for Disney to not follow suit. People will take their money elsewhere.
Your last paragraph spells it all out...Disney will remove the mask mandate and it will become voluntary for those who want to wear them - soon.
Yes, but the risks of illness and death for that age range is non existent. My 9 year old is a cancer survivor and her TEAM of doctors have never once been concerned about her getting COVID even at it's peak.
They did just say on the CDC conference today that all those who are immunocompromised should continue to mask. I assume as a cancer survivor ( big hugs to you all) and until a vaccine comes out you all will keep her masked❤️
Remember that in addition to two sets of rules being difficult to enforce, Florida has essentially made it illegal. Disney won't end mask mandates until the CDC says nobody needs them regardless of if they are vaccinated.

Or until people start canceling their Disney vacations because they’d rather go somewhere they are not required to wear a mask. It is a big deal for a lot of people.
We are at 60% of adults who have at least the 1st dose, as of today - we are well on our way to Herd Immunity - by July the masks should be gone and a recommendation only.

Two things here...

1) We're approaching, or already past, peak vaccination rate in adults. Given supply availability it should be much >60%. There's a very good chance this peaks in adults in the 70% range.
2) 'of adults' matters in this context. Because that means there is a huge % of the population that is not vaccinated. And the kids of those adults who are going to choose to not be vaccinated will likely also not be vaccinated.

I don't see how any of those 2 lead us to herd immunity anytime soon. Hopefully I'm wrong.
Will Disney choose to follow the new outdoor mask guidance that vaccinated individuals do not need to be masked even in crowded outdoor areas, or continue to follow its private company policies.

personally, I hope they start to follow the guidance and allow us to enter the park without a mask. But what does everyone think?
I hope so ! But , how will this apply to children ? Since many haven’t been vaccinated yet , I have 3 under the age of 12. My husband and I are both vaccinated , i had my second Moderna dose early Feb and he has his second on Sunday . We have vaccination cards and dept of health record as well . I have a feeling Disney will hold off as long as they can unfortunately because they would have to verify those who have been vaccinated and I just don’t think they will do that much work to discontinue masks outside for vaccinated people , although I hope they do ! Our trip is June 27th to July 4th
I would dearly love to see them drop the outdoor mask mandate. I realize it'd be making things more complicated to go from maskless outdoors to mask-on indoors, but if a CM were stationed at the entrance to indoor attractions/restaurants reminding guests to don their masks, I think it could work.

The chances of spreading COVID outdoors is virtually nil. So even bottlenecks shouldn't be an issue. And if people aren't comfortable going maskless outdoors, they can choose to keep theirs on.
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