Thoughts about new CDC guidelines and how it might affect your Disney vacation.

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We were in Disney last week, got back Monday. Weather was nice Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the days prior were hot and sticky. We couldn’t really stay in the parks more than a few hours each day. Pools were much more inviting, along with the room balconies. A lot of other guests were non-compliant outside. I didn’t have a problem with it as we were able to just move away from those guests, and we are fully vaccinated anyway. Going again in December, I think it is a safe bet no masks will be required by then. Until the mask requirement goes away at Disney I would recommend lots of table service reservations. There is a great relaxation station in AK, near the river that was ideal. Outside, a great breeze, multipl fans blowing, and cold drink options nearby. Lifesaver.
First and foremost, when we go to Disney in a few weeks, I absolutely plan on complying with their rules. I have no problem with that at all.

That said, if Disney reduces or eliminates mask requirements at that time I am fine ditching them based on the new CDC Guidelines. My understanding of the CDC's position is that fully vaccinated people (1) are extremely unlikely to be infected; (2) extremely unlikely to get sick if they do get infected; and (3) even if they do get infected, unlikely to build enough of a viral load that they could pass it on to someone else who was not vaccinated.

I had no problem with social distancing and wearing a mask when the science indicated it was necessary to do so. By the same token, I have no problem with fully vaccinated people not having to social distance and wear masks now that science has indicated it is not necessary to do so.

I will continue to respect businesses (including Disney) who require masks, and will put mine on with no hesitation if required by the business. But otherwise, I am glad to be moving on from those restrictions.
In an ideal world, all the vaccinated people would go mask-free and all the unvaccinated people would wear their masks to keep from spreading their germs to other unvaccinated people. The huge problem with that is there's no way to tell who and who isn't vaccinated, so from a practical point of view masking at Disney has to be an all or nothing kind of requirement.

I could hope that even if Disney doesn't require masks, anyone who isn't vaccinated would still wear one voluntarily but... LOL... I have extremely little faith that's going to happen.

The harm is the kids who can't get vaccinated yet. It's kind of a big gray area at just how much risk kids have from being around unvaccinated adults in an indoor space and parents are going to have different viewpoints on what an "acceptable" level is anyways even if we could figure it out. You also have to consider the herd immunity effects already happening as cases go down, which also lowers risk. It's something we're currently really struggling with to decide with our kids. I don't envy the decision Disney has to make now as they figure out if more people care about whatever level of risk that brings to kids vs how many adults they upset by requiring masks.

My suggestion is at some date we should start charging full price for doctors and hospitals for any unvaccinated adult who catches Covid. I don't see why I have to subsidize someone who refuses to protect themselves with a simple, quick, and free shot, and ventilators are expensive! If someone doesn't want to take that risk, they can stay home. Obviously this doesn't really work in the real world because a bunch of destitute bankrupt people isn't good for society either, but it's a nice thought that would probably increase vaccination rates.
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Extremely worried I will have to cancel my trip in 3 weeks because Chapek hinted in the earnings call they might drop the mask requirement (NOTHING concrete was said, but it seemed implied that they are planning on doing it sooner rather than later). I just started packing too. But there is absolutely no way I'm going to Florida, with the highest number of cases in the country and several variants floating around, if there is no mask policy. Yes, I am fully vaccinated. I would consider going to Disneyland California if they opened up to non-residents as they have half the cases with nearly double the population.
Extremely worried I will have to cancel my trip in 3 weeks because Chapek hinted in the earnings call they might drop the mask requirement (NOTHING concrete was said, but it seemed implied that they are planning on doing it sooner rather than later). I just started packing too. But there is absolutely no way I'm going to Florida, with the highest number of cases in the country and several variants floating around, if there is no mask policy. Yes, I am fully vaccinated. I would consider going to Disneyland California if they opened up to non-residents as they have half the cases with nearly double the population.

So you don’t think your vaccine will work? Why even get it if you still don’t feel safe when even before vaccination the outdoor transmission rate is LESS than 1%? That makes no sense to me. If you still don’t feel safe then wear your own KN95 mask which will certainly protect you. Certainly wouldn’t cancel a vacation over it.

I did mention somewhere that I was sure people would start to complain about the LACK of masks as soon as the mandate’s lifted. I’m actually a little sad to see that I was right.
My thoughts are this is the happiest I have been in over 12 months. Real progress. The per 100,000 number is plummeting. I for one can't wait till the masks are off at Disney, and based on that earnings call, I think its coming sooner than we think. He literally said its going to make for a better experience this summer. Just pure joy honestly.

I'm vaccinated. I know the data. I know the science. And vaccines work. Been hanging out with everyone I know who isn't vaccinated. Indoor dining, etc. They know the risk, and their choice is their choice. They couldn't care less if I was around them unmasked. I have no negative thoughts on people who have their own reasons for not wanting it. The vaccines are available to all right now. Everyone who wants them, are getting them. This is the right move and I am happy the CDC actually came out and said it, as I was starting to lose faith in their guidance and messaging.

I won't get into the children discussion because those are personal choices for the parents, and I don't think there is a right or wrong decision. That is their own risk assessment. Which IMO is extremely low. Deaths under 17? 0.004 percent according to CDC. To each their own though respectfully. Nothing wrong with either.

And as discussed above, if someone who has fear of it. Get some KN95 masks and wear them anyway. That will protect you and ease concerns. I also expect Disney to allow free changes and cancelations for people who might not be ready for it, which would be the right and fair thing to do.
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I agree that Disney is likely to take an all or nothing approach when it comes to masks. Can’t imagine the logistical nightmare it would be to do it any other way.

I think the only thing this CDC recommendation change means is the requirements get dropped a lot sooner than we anticipated.
Extremely worried I will have to cancel my trip in 3 weeks because Chapek hinted in the earnings call they might drop the mask requirement (NOTHING concrete was said, but it seemed implied that they are planning on doing it sooner rather than later). I just started packing too. But there is absolutely no way I'm going to Florida, with the highest number of cases in the country and several variants floating around, if there is no mask policy. Yes, I am fully vaccinated. I would consider going to Disneyland California if they opened up to non-residents as they have half the cases with nearly double the population.
You should read the latest CDC guidance and the reports from experts. The CDC is now putting its money where its mouth is regarding vaccines. They work, they against variants, they don't keep you from getting sick but allow you to make others sick, etc. The vaccines work. You are protected.
So you don’t think your vaccine will work? Why even get it if you still don’t feel safe when even before vaccination the outdoor transmission rate is LESS than 1%? That makes no sense to me. If you still don’t feel safe then wear your own KN95 mask which will certainly protect you. Certainly wouldn’t cancel a vacation over it.

I did mention somewhere that I was sure people would start to complain about the LACK of masks as soon as the mandate’s lifted. I’m actually a little sad to see that I was right.
I'll be wearing an N95 whenever I go, believe me. I've been extremely careful for the past 14 months and it's paid off. But going from 90-95% of the people around me wearing masks properly to 0% in a place located in a state where cases are still high and vaccination is still low is a bridge too far for me. I live in MA where we have the second-highest vaccination rate in the country and people are still mostly happy to wear masks.

You should read the latest CDC guidance and the reports from experts. The CDC is now putting its money where its mouth is regarding vaccines. They work, they against variants, they don't keep you from getting sick but allow you to make others sick, etc. The vaccines work. You are protected.
I have. I'm extremely risk averse and don't want to risk getting it and infecting others, especially children who are ineligible right now.
If masks aren't required, we will be canceling our July trip as we have two kids under 12. DH and I are both vaccinated but since they're not, I wouldn't be comfortable with it. We've rented DVC points that we've already graciously been allowed to extend once. So we'll eat that cost but we assumed that risk when we rented. We purchased tickets pre-Covid so I guess we'll just push the dates out on those if that's possible.

It would be disappointing for sure.
We aren’t planning to go until next year, but this news has me SO HAPPY. I would absolutely not go at any time of year if masks were required. I have zero problem wearing a mask in stores, etc.. and have done so since almost the very beginning. However, wearing one all day on a vacation to a warm climate? With glasses? No thanks.

Hopefully this will also mean that other things will be back by the time we go - character dining, shows, no wait-lists for pools, etc., are must-haves for us at WDW.
I agree that Disney is likely to take an all or nothing approach when it comes to masks. Can’t imagine the logistical nightmare it would be to do it any other way.

I think the only thing this CDC recommendation change means is the requirements get dropped a lot sooner than we anticipated.
Agreed, there is no way Disney will try to require unvaccinated people to wear masks, and allow vaccinated people to skip it.

I suspect the next step by Disney will be to drop the mask requirements for anyone outdoors, but to keep the mask requirements indoors for everyone. After that, they will probably drop the mask mandate altogether, but urge unvaccinated people to continue wearing them (with likely little success).
After that, they will probably drop the mask mandate altogether, but urge unvaccinated people to continue wearing them (with likely little success).

I don’t know about that. I was very hesitant to get the vaccine, and eventually caved. However if I hadn’t, I would have kept wearing a mask. Most people who are not comfortable with the vaccine aren’t rabid anti-vaxxers or covid deniers, they have rational reasons.
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