DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

Morning Gents, another heat warning day so I'm staying in the basement watching Wandavision. It's true after the first three episodes it is a pretty good show.

And the Jets moose doesn't haunt our dreams like Gritty does. And, in my true bandwagon jumping style, if Ponzie had mentioned the mascots name was Mick E Moose, that may have tipped the scales in the Jet's favour for my undying vague interest in a hockey team.

Easy now, we have Youppi.


The first character from a Canadian-based club to be inducted into The Mascot Hall of Fame
Okay... I really need to know if you're kidding here or not.

Between 1997 and 2011, we lost our NHL franchise. In the interim, we had an AHL team. (American Hockey League)
Their name is the Manitoba Moose.
Their mascot, obviously, is a moose. And his official name is Mick E. Moose.

The moose are still here, but interest is far more on the Jets as an NHL team.

Manitoba Moose - Wikipedia
Ah, OK. That'll teach me for googling for 2 seconds on "Winnipeg Jets Hockey Mascot", and jumping to conclusions.
Morning Gents, another heat warning day so I'm staying in the basement watching Wandavision. It's true after the first three episodes it is a pretty good show.
Curious to see what you think by the end.
Ah, OK. That'll teach me for googling for 2 seconds on "Winnipeg Jets Hockey Mascot", and jumping to conclusions.
Ah. Thought it was a bit much to be a guess.
Looks like the Chicago trip is looking dicier by the day, although there is a big push to get this UK/US travel corridor back open. Lets see, it was always a swing for the fence at the bottom of the 9th.

Hope it works out. Chicago is such a neat city.

And the Jets moose doesn't haunt our dreams like Gritty does. And, in my true bandwagon jumping style, if Ponzie had mentioned the mascots name was Mick E Moose, that may have tipped the scales in the Jet's favour for my undying vague interest in a hockey team.

I'm OK with that. Gritty has eyes like he's been doin' Columbian Marching Powder since the late 70s.

Gritty is awesome. That is all.

Morning Gents, another heat warning day so I'm staying in the basement watching Wandavision. It's true after the first three episodes it is a pretty good show.

I ended up liking WandaVision quite a bit. Looking forward to Loki tomorrow night.

Curious to see what you think by the end.

Did you not care for the ending?

It was really good. She's got real talent. And I'm saying this as a hairy ar$ed construction manager.

Thank you, sir. I have no idea where that talent comes from, certainly not my side of the family. As much as it hurt to encourage her into an art career, I felt like it would be a waste if we didn't.
Curious to see what you think by the end.

Give me a couple of hours

Jesus, your mascots get around, don't they? Is there some kind of shortage on fuzzy felt in Canada that we should be aware of?

When the Expos moved to Washington and the Nats opted for a different mascot they negotiated with ten different groups. He ended up with the Habs for reportedly over 6 figures. Another fun fact, he was the first mascot evicted from a MLB game after Tommy Lasorda complained about him running on the Dodgers dugout.
Top O the Mornin Dads! This is already turning into one long work week.............. Family is all good and a trip to Da World in a few more weeks with the whole gang so shouldn't complain as the important things are in good shape. Congrats to the DDs out there on their endeavors, and I agree with the Dads that they grow up to dang fast. Enjoying the NHL playoffs, congrats Darcy & sorry PK.
Bacon, bourbon, cigars and Mickey Bars
Hello gents, I fell woefully behind once again.
That’s what happens when you have a bat shirt crazy couple weeks at work.
I hope all is well with everyone.

I spent this past weekend off the grid at my friend’s cabin. Very remote. I’ve mentioned it before but as a reminder: 15 minute drive up a woods road, 15 minutes ride on quad up a dirt path, then 20 minutes up the lake on boat. No electricity, internet,TV, only a satellite phone for emergency. Peaceful weekend. Weather was only so-so with cloud and middling temperatures, but no rain and not so cold we needed the wood stove for heat, but not so warm we perished without AC. Overall enjoyable and relaxing, with a drink or two of rum to help us forget about the real world.

I finally had my first shot last week ( Pfizer if anyone is curious).
I barely felt it go in and then it was all over #TWSS

I heard that. Heat hasn’t hit here yet. Reasonably pleasant today but supposed to get up to 26C/79F tomorrow which should be nice for my last day off before going back to work.
Good to hear from you and sounds like a nice trip for you. I may be more in line with Dan as not sure that would be my cup of tea.
Huh. I enjoyed the show quite a bit. I liked WandaVision a lot more than Falcon & Winter Soldier, personally.
I liked it too. DD20 wasn't happy about how much they spoon fed the viewer.
Give me a couple of hours
Another fun fact, he was the first mascot evicted from a MLB game after Tommy Lasorda complained about him running on the Dodgers dugout.
:laughing: Perfect!
Overall it was a good series, the ending was about what I expected. Now bring on Loki.

Glad you enjoyed it.
You guys must be one of the slower provinces?
Probably. I am not scheduled for my 2nd shot until September. Although I heard they may be cutting that time in half. Being slow may be a factor of us having relatively few cases through this whole thing. I presume the vaccines went to areas with worse outbreaks.
Either way, I am looking forward to all this being behind us.

Any super powers yet?
But every time I blink the TV channel changes. Is that a superpower?

How's work?
Ok, busy.
But at least they still pay me. So there’s that.

Between 1997 and 2011, we lost our NHL franchise. In the interim, we had an AHL team. (American Hockey League)
Their name is the Manitoba Moose.
Their mascot, obviously, is a moose. And his official name is Mick E. Moose.
Yes. Another bit of trivia, when the Moose left Winnipeg in 2011, they came to St. John’s for 4 years as the Icecaps. I saw a couple games (I specifically remember seeing a couple of the current Jets players).

ended up liking WandaVision quite a bit. Looking forward to Loki tomorrow night.
I enjoyed WandaVision as well. I couldn’t really get into Falcon and Winter Soldier, it was just okay.
I’m looking forward to Loki too. I read an early review that said it’s the best yet.


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