Marathon Weekend 2022

SAFD: My only real goal is to enjoy being back in person for Marathon Weekend. I missed it sorely this year. I enjoy just being at Disney, in the ambience of the races and meeting and putting faces with all the screen names from here. Dopey will just be an exercise in easy, enjoyable running, as it’s a nice training checkpoint for my March goal race.
SAFD (Goofy):
-Finally locate that dadgum PhotoPass setup in front of the castle!!!! In at least one race if not both. I guess I've been so caught up in the moment coming through there every time that I never notice where to get off the course and get in line.
-Feel good enough at the end of each race to be on the lookout for character photo opportunities in World Showcase. Usually I have such tunnel vision at that point in the marathon that I miss all the princesses... Which is directly related to my overarching goal:
-No time goals this weekend. I have a bunch of goal races in the fall and I won't make the mistake of running another race at Disney for time. Ever again. I can torture myself much more inexpensively at a local race.
My goal- I’ve done 3 marathons and I always put so much pressure on myself to run a certain speed. The training and the race just aren’t fun after all that. This is my first WDW marathon and my goal is to force myself to slow down, laugh, and not try to finish in a certain time (despite the months of training and long miles). I need to find these Goof Troop people and commit to running with them. I keep talking a big talk with riding Everest and getting a margarita- time to hold myself to that instead!
I'd love to hear your goals for Marathon Weekend.

My daughter (12) has done the kids races three times and has done a few triathlons but this will be her first 10k. She wanted to do the 5k but I told her no way was I going to wake up at 3am to run three miles. Nope, no way, no ma'am so we agreed on the 10k this year since she is not old enough for the half.

Our time goal will be under 1:15 with as many pictures as possible.
So someone needs to explain the whole riding the rides part of things. Obviously the park needs to be open and the ride has to be open. Standby line? FP line? I’m trying to wrap my head around the wait times coupled with the marathon cutoff/sweepers.
Search this thread for EE or Everest. One shorter discussion begins on post 1089. I made a FP for EE in 2019 but just ran through the single rider line. The cast members are very gracious in letting the runners get through quickly.
SAFD: I love this one!

My MW goal is to finish my first full marathon!

Other goals surrounding that goal include:
- Finishing a training plan. I started a @DopeyBadger plan last year, but I let life get in my way and didn't complete it :( This year I vowed to make time for me, and I rearranged my fall schedule early this year so I can make this happen! Once marathon training is done I'm going back to that plan, hopefully it'll help me improve my chances for a POT for 2023 (far future goals lol).
- Enjoy the race, stop for photos, and feel good at the finish line!
- Get medal photos with my first marathon medal in MK!
SAFD: My MW goal is to "just" finish my first full marathon!

I've done a few Halfs (including WDW on 2020 and WDW Virtual in '21) but this will be the next big step for me. I'll try to take it slow, take advantage of some of the photo ops, and not worry too much about my finishing time.

My half pace was just under 13:00/mile so while I won't win any awards I am not too worried about being swept. Going into the half, I didn't want to waste time on character photos, but ended up stopping for a few pics anyway and I was glad I did. I mean -- how often do you see Horace Horsecollar or Panchito Pistoles??
My MW will be virtual, so my goals aren’t quite as fun as they would be if I were running in-person.

Goal 1) finish the virtual 5K and 10K on back-to-back mornings
Goal 2) don’t die in the process 😆😆 I’ll be coming off the holidays, which includes a long visit from my mother who is, shall we say, not athletically inclined, so it’ll be hard to keep myself on track without leaving her out too much
Enjoy the 5K with my whole family. Simply take in the moment, no running goal.

Under an hour for the 10K

Enjoy the Half with my daughter, pictures, tell bad jokes, enjoy the moment.

Under 4:45 in Marathon.

Attend some meet ups.

Most important, really treasure this time with my family at WDW. It has been to long.

- First and foremost, just get there and have this happen. I’ll double mask, wear a face shield and gloves, shoot up pfizer every week, bathe in hand sanitizer and get a covid test up the nose before each race. I don’t care. I’ll do whatever it takes.

- Help my buddy experience his first marathon weekend and Dopey, as well as reunite with my runDisney buddies.

- Have as much fun, raise as much hell and get into as much trouble as I possibly can with the Goof Troop Roving Road Party (no name change).

- Photograph the new nighttime shows

- DATW until my pants fall off

- Eat at either Ohana or Boma

I’m sure there are more that I’ll come up, but that’s a good start.

EDIT: One more - have a virtual beer with @FFigawi at some point during the festivities.
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