Marathon Weekend 2022

SAFD: I'm afraid I'll be in too much pain to go anywhere on Sunday after the marathon! We'll probably just do quick service at AKL where we are staying.

Earlier in the week we have ADRs at Steakhouse 71, Sanaa, and Boma. Sadly, there was no availability at Space 220 on Monday after the marathon. I can't decide what to do instead! Maybe Tokyo Dining since we've never been there before.
We were up & at em at 5:50AM on our 60+ day out, and still couldn't get many of the high-demand reservations we wanted. If that' makes you feel any better :)

For my SAFD, I didn't book anything "celebratory" particularly for my races, but it's the first Disney trip that both my young adult kids are taking with us, it's been years, so we were hoping to get some of the old favorites. For instance, I couldn't get Ohana for any time before 8:50PM which doesn't work for us. We will make some new favorites this time around if we can't get the oldies.

Anybody have a hard time getting Biergarten? I was shocked! It will be my older DS first trip of legal drinking age and we thought he'd like to eat there. We can still get a big beer in Germany regardless, but I was amazed Biergarten was booked up!

There was a thread out on the theme parks forum I think about the lack of availability at Biergarten lately. But it seems from that thread that openings seem to suddenly appear, so maybe just keep checking back and hopefully you'll get it.
My friend, who is doing the half marathon, asked a question that I wasn't sure of. For the runners staying at Boardwalk/Beach & Yacht Club, do they allow you to come in through Int'l Gateway and cut through the park to get to the starting line or do you have to go all the way around like everyone else? I told him I figured he would have to go around like everyone else but didn't know the exact answer.
My friend, who is doing the half marathon, asked a question that I wasn't sure of. For the runners staying at Boardwalk/Beach & Yacht Club, do they allow you to come in through Int'l Gateway and cut through the park to get to the starting line or do you have to go all the way around like everyone else? I told him I figured he would have to go around like everyone else but didn't know the exact answer.
Nope, they are not open yet. You have to bus or drive to the front of Epcot.
My friend, who is doing the half marathon, asked a question that I wasn't sure of. For the runners staying at Boardwalk/Beach & Yacht Club, do they allow you to come in through Int'l Gateway and cut through the park to get to the starting line or do you have to go all the way around like everyone else? I told him I figured he would have to go around like everyone else but didn't know the exact answer.
Nope, they are not open yet. You have to bus or drive to the front of Epcot.

Yep, what @SheHulk said. Take the bus to the race. But if the park is open after they finish the race, and they have a valid ticket and park reservation, you can walk back through the park to get to the resort. I have always stayed at BWV for the races, and done that a few times. But the buses are usually plentiful and quick.
I have an etiquette question. This will be my wife and I's first.... well everything when it comes to run disney. She is a good runner, me not so much. We are going to be doing the Dopey. Since she is faster, can she run ahead of me and get in picture lines and I join her as I catch up, or would this be considered bad form?
I have an etiquette question. This will be my wife and I's first.... well everything when it comes to run disney. She is a good runner, me not so much. We are going to be doing the Dopey. Since she is faster, can she run ahead of me and get in picture lines and I join her as I catch up, or would this be considered bad form?
I know when we were doing W&D there were a couple people ahead of us in line that when they got up front they were letting others go ahead as they were waiting on someone
I have an etiquette question. This will be my wife and I's first.... well everything when it comes to run disney. She is a good runner, me not so much. We are going to be doing the Dopey. Since she is faster, can she run ahead of me and get in picture lines and I join her as I catch up, or would this be considered bad form?

I don't see an issue since it's the two of you having your picture taken together--it's no additional places/time/wait for anyone behind you.
I have an etiquette question. This will be my wife and I's first.... well everything when it comes to run disney. She is a good runner, me not so much. We are going to be doing the Dopey. Since she is faster, can she run ahead of me and get in picture lines and I join her as I catch up, or would this be considered bad form?
I don't see an issue since it's the two of you having your picture taken together--it's no additional places/time/wait for anyone behind you.

I think this is the key, as long as you take a picture together and don’t increase the amount of time others are waiting there may be some light grumbling but I don’t think it’s bad form.

If you want multiple pictures, poses, and generally take longer than other groups there will probably be a little more grumbling.

If a character goes on break directly after you? May God have mercy on your souls. :rotfl2:

In all seriousness, the vast majority of people at rD races are going with the flow, understand other people are also trying to enjoy themselves, and know an extra 10 seconds waiting in a character line is neither ruining their day nor their race. But, it’s Disney, so there are the others looking for anything to complain about; it’s possible you’ll meet someone like that in a line but they’re pretty few and far between in my experience.
So who knows what’ll happen with on course characters, but for this week’s Sundays are for Disney let’s pretend they’re on like Donkey Kong (never say never - the Goof Troop has a lot of sway). What characters would you like to see on the course?
With no more Star Wars races, I would love to see a Star Wars character out along the course. I decide on character photos based on how much I like the movie/character and the length of the line and how I'm feeling at that moment. As a slower runner, I have to balance everything and finishing the race takes precedence.
I think Phineas & Ferb have been on-course characters before so that is a possibility
I got a photo with Ferb in Epcot during the early part of the 2020 marathon.
So, are you wearing costumes for this year's races? Have you worn them in the past? What's your favorite costume you've worn? If you haven't worn costumes, what's the best one you've seen?
My first rule of race costume is that race appropriate clothing is rule one. So usually it will be much more loosely inspired by, but also hopefully somewhat obvious. That hasn't always worked.

2012 Wine & Dine Half I dressed as Prince Phillip from Sleeping Beauty. Wasn't very recognizable.
2015 Star Wars Half (Disneyland): Luke Skywalker Return of the Jedi. Black works.
2016 Star Wars 10K (Disneyland): Darth Vader fanboy Kylo Ren. All black, Kylo Ren lightsaber and a Darth Vader mouse ears hat. A few people were upset with me for killing Han Solo and when I crossed the finish line, they played Kylo Ren's theme.
2017 Star Wars 10K (Disney World): Jedi Knight Prince Phillip. A toy lightsaber attached to my belt and the back of my cape read "Once Upon a Dream In a Galaxy Far, Far Away. . . ." This is the sort of costume that people who recognized it loved it.
2017 Star Wars Half (Disney World): Darth Vader sort of. Under Armour Vader tech shirt, but with BYU shorts. BYU colors are dark royal blue and white.
2017 Avengers Half Marathon: Batman being trained by Yoda. To honor the superhero theme and "protest" the cancellation of the 2018 Star Wars Half at Disneyland, I wore a Batman tech shirt and ran with the Yoda backpack. Lots of people loved it. I got some good natured teasing since Batman is not in the Marvel Universe. Perhaps my favorite comment came from the Disney CM dressed as Nick Fury who said "looks like someone is watching your back." For those who may not know, Samuel L. Jackson plays both Nick Fury and prequel era Jedi Mace Windu.

For last year's Princess virtual races, I went the etsy route and purchased Mandalorian armor shirts in yellow for Belle and pink and blue for Sleeping Beauty. I plan on using at least one of them for marathon weekend since they'll be greatly appreciated in Disney World.

I have tossing around ideas for this year. We'll have to see what actually happens as I will always follow the race appropriate clothing rule first especially for the marathon.

Tenative plan:

5K: Mandalorian armor Belle or super secret if I can pull it off mashup involving Marvel.
10K: Mandalorian armor Sleeping Beauty or something else.
Half and Full: TBD depending on weather.

SAFD: I love a mashup costume! Some of the favorites I've worn are Jungle Cruise Skipper Rey (got interviewed pre-race on the big screen with that one) and Darth Elsa. I always strive to come up with something unique that not everyone will do, or a true favorite that means something to me personally.

For MW, I'm doing all new costumes, and all things related to WDW in 1971 for the 50th.

5K: to be revealed... I'm SO PROUD of this idea but I'm still working out exactly how to do it and I'm terrified of someone stealing it. When it's ready, I'll share it.
10K: 1971 VIP tour guide (including the riding crop if it doesn't drive me crazy)
Half: Haunted Mansion umbrella portrait girl
Full: Orange Bird
At the 2015 Disneyland Half, I saw a runner dressed as Elsa Fett, complete with Han Solo frozen in carbonite. I would love to see photos of those costumes. I've also seen Wayne's World Garth Vader, and some people dressed as Captain Picard and even Dumbledore.
- Barf and Dot from Space Balls
I was so excited to get a picture with Barf after the 2017 Star Wars Half at Disneyland.
Watched a marathon vid with a few guys dressed as Marvel characters and the guy dressed as Doctor Strange was apparently totally gassed by the end of it (well, more than usual for a marathon at least). Part of that was due to the weather that day but it doesn't help if you're wearing a costume with long sleeves, a cape, and you're holding props the whole time.
Rules for running with a lightsaber.

1. Toy lightsabers only.
2. Belt clip is a necessity. Otherwise, your arm will hurt after carrying that lightweight toy lightsaber for miles.

Some favorites off the top of my head: Peter Pan and his shadow, the guy dressed as Kronk carrying that giant Yzma-in-a-tent thing, George Lucas, my friend who dressed as holiday Mary Poppins complete with 3D cardboard carousel horse.
During the 2015 Star Wars 10K in Disneyland I got a picture with "George Lucas" complete in jeans, a flannel shirt, and a megaphone. He was awesome.
Which begs the question - Where are people booking celebratory dinners?
I've decided to make that decision based on dessert. If a dessert sounds incredible, that's where I'm eating. Whatever I feel like for the stuff before dessert will figure itself out. This mentality has served me well in both 2019 and 2020 with different choices both years.
Since folks are booking some ADRs this week, let’s talk celebrations! For this week’s Sundays are for Disney, how are you celebrating at Marathon Weekend? If you don’t have any plans, what was your favorite past celebration? Or what’s your dream celebration?
I chose Liberty Tree Tavern based on dessert. There will be more celebratory meals in the days after the marathon, but the comfort food of Liberty Tree Tavern sounds safe and the dessert is a known great choice for me. I learned that I enjoy places like Le Cellier far more after my body has settled back to normal. So I have Space 220 on Monday after the marathon and Le Cellier on Wednesday after the marathon as the final meal of the trip.

I did Artist's Point with Dopey after 2019 and that was fun. In 2020, I opted for the Cinderella's Royal Table Celebration meal with fireworks viewing and dessert party after the fireworks. While that was expensive, it was pretty cool to sit in the fireworks viewing area with lots of room and just reflect on the events of the day and weekend. Being seated next to a window during sunset worked out really well. And the timing of the dessert party in relation to the end of dinner meant that I could enjoy all the desserts from various Magic Kingdom restaurants. It's an experience I will never forget. Glad I did it once. Would consider again for the right circumstances.
I don't have any specific plans for the meal after the marathon. Previously, I have from POR food court, BOG, and...can't remember. I did Boma after a half one year, and that was delicious! I couldn't eat that much after a full, but after a half was perfect!

We are heading down on Friday and staying until the following Thursday, and that seems to be the thing to do (we usually go Thursday-Monday). Lots of open dining reservations in the days following the marathon - Topolino's, Space 220, Ohana, etc.

But I'm with my mom (who doesn't eat a lot) and my kids (who are picky), so I'm not sure how many ADRs we will do.

After the marathon, I'm thinking a Casey's hot dog and a big ice cream cone in MK. Maybe a funnel cake.
SAFD: I was able to get 'Ohana after the marathon. Not sure I'm going to be able to handle that much meat, it was more that was the only day of the trip I could get the reservation. Really excited to get an opening for lunch at Space220 on Monday. Now I'm happy my flight Monday was bumped to later.

My first runDisney race was princess weekend with friends. We had a lovely meal at Victoria and Albert's after the half but we did not factor in the early wake up time and very long meal. Some of us may have nodded off. For Dopey the next year we made sure to schedule the big celebration for Monday.
I was hoping to celebrate the trip early with an over the top splurge at Victoria and Alberts (absolutely amazing) but alas, they are not open.
Since we were able to score a value at AKL arrival night will be dinner at Sanaa
ADRs after that include Garden Grill, Hollywood and Vine, Tony's, and Mama Melrose (carbs with a side of carbs please).

Post Dopey will be the best buffet on property.... Boma!
I got Boma for dinner on Sunday - my appetite is always a bit hit or miss after a big race, hopefully I will be in full hungry bear mode and can take advantage of all the Boma yummies!
Doing Skipper Canteen Friday night, and Mama Melrose Saturday night after the half
I was happy that I was able to get everything I wanted, at reasonable times too, with the exception of Space220 (but I really should wait to experience that when I come back with the fam)
It went well. He kept it on the whole time. It's a pretty thick hat with no mesh for breathability, so it kept his head warm while waiting in the corrals. However once we started running it got really sweaty. The whole thing was completely soaked in sweat. It was pretty nasty, but it still looked good and wasn't horribly uncomfortable. He also carried golf clubs and got a lot of fun comments from other runners, though some volunteers thought he was Goofy!

I ordered it off eBay a few months ago. It's got a Walt Disney World inner tag. Don't know if this pic helps!View attachment 620882
I saw him! I remember the golf clubs specifically because I was impressed someone was willing to carry those the whole time.


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