awkward situation: no shoes at baby shower


DIS Veteran
Feb 27, 2015
I thought this was an awkward situation. Invited to a baby shower. I'm rather old-school and I get dressed up to go special events. My family and I were in cute shoes and when we arrived the hostess asked us to remove our shoes. (If I had known I would've brought slippers I have really bad foot circulation and get cold feet instantly!) I sorta felt odd that she did that and really didn't want to go barefoot! I know a lot of people have shoes-off homes, but do you forewarn your guests? Or do you provide slippers?
The shoes/no shoes topic gets kind of heated around the Dis. It is pretty much 50/50 here with whether or not you'll be asked to remove you shoes, especially in the winter, and I don't really care. If you ask me to remove my shoes I will and I'll just be in my socks.
We are okay with shoes in the house (even though DH brings in dirt all of the time). That said, I very rarely have shoes on, same with the kids who kick them right off next to the shoe basket (not in, adult children), and their friends. If someone asks, I tell them whatever makes them comfortable.
I would never ask anyone to take off their shoes if they come into my house - unless there was a foot of mud outside and they walked right through it. I think the bigger threat to the carpet is a plate of greasy food dropped on the floor.
I live in an area where people don’t ask you to take your shoes off.

I’ve only been asked once, and that was in my own brother’s home, by his girlfriend at the time (who was living there). I didn’t mind, but my mother was really upset and didn’t want to take her shoes off. She grew up very poor and her feet were misshapen by never having the proper size shoes. I tried to explain that off to the side to girlfriend, but it didn’t matter, Mom’s shoes had to come off! No warning, either. It wasn’t an easy day. Thereafter we brought slippers for Mom, but at her advanced age she was a fall risk and really would’ve been better off in her solid shoes. Going up the tall stairs to the second floor bathroom was hazardous for her, especially after a glass of wine or something; thankfully there was never an accident.
I think it's rude to ask this during a party. I mean, if you decide to host a party, budget in a good floor/carpet cleaning afterwards. Are you also going to scold people if they spill food or drinks on the floor?

In general, I think it's okay to have a "no shoes" household, but when you decide to open your house and throw a party, all pretense is gone. You clearly don't care THAT much about germs.

My sister has this rule and I always bring my "indoor" crocs when I visit her because I cannot go barefoot on hard floors due to Plantar Fasciitis and her house has no carpet.
We're a shoes off home. I'm a germaphobe and when I think of all the places people's shoes have been, it totally disgusts me. Public restrooms, hello!

That said, when we have guests, I don't ask them to remove shoes. I just grin and bear it and deep clean the floors when they leave!
We don't wear shoes around the house. When guests are over, I let them do what the feel like doing. Usually people slip them off but some leave them on. If I was having a party I would not ask people to take off shoes. I would just clean the floors after they left.

I once went to a friends house and she asked for shoes to be removed. I was suffering with planters fasciitis so I could not walk barefoot. If she told me ahead of time, I could have brought some slippers or indoor supportive shoes. She was okay with it but made me wipe my feet really good and it wasn't even raining or anything. It was a dry summer day. Now, I tend to bring along some clean crocs that I only wear indoors when going to someones house and leave them in the car in case I come across that situation again.
I think warning is good in these situations. We are not a no-shoes household, but I have been to several. I bring slippers or at least socks if I know in advance. I also wear shoes that are easy to remove and put back on.

I don’t think it’s rude to ask that people remove their shoes, even for a party, but they really should have included that on the invite. Some people have conditions like plantar fasciitis or diabetic foot pain that make going without shoes difficult or painful.
We are a no shoes in the house family but when I host I do not expect people take off their shoes.
When we go to other's homes we do what they ask.

Exactly this.

We just don't wear shoes at home. In fact, over the weekend, I had my shoes on and my son asked where I was going.

But I've never been asked to take them off anywhere.
I'm a shoes off person as are most people I'm around but the barefoot thing gets weird, like do you really want me to leave barefoot marks all over in the summer. I have mentioned it to the hostess who, invariably, says keep them on because ewww. I started when someone came in with frozen dog mess on their shoes when I had a young toddler, who got it in their mouth leading to a frantic call to the pediatrician (it was Feb and I was told it was likely sterile from the cold) but from then on it was a no thanks to shoes.

Having little slipper socks is a really good idea OP, it would be smart to have a basket of them near the door, think I may do that.
My dad worked for the phone company. One time he told us he went to a house and the woman told him to take off his shoes. He said listen, my shoes are clean and I’m not taking them off. My hvac guy wears those booties over his shoes.
Living in Canada, most people automatically take off their shoes when they enter someone's home, even in the summer.
My Canadian Grandma married and American man and it was always something that frustrated her. He just couldn't get into
the Canadian habit of taking off his shoes in the house. My Grandma was so embarrassed and felt he was rude for tracking dirt into
someone's house.
I guess it depends on the people and the place. When you go to Thailand, you take off your shoes to go into some stores.
If I'm a guest, I just graciously do as the host asks. I always have a basket of slippers at the front door for anyone who needs some.


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