Things that aren't significant that you have strong views about?

Ridiculously thin toilet tissue.

Essential items when going to Disney--4 rolls of Charmin.

Was I ever annoyed once when we were down to nearly the end of the roll and the Mousekeeper changed it out for a Disney roll!
Agree - life is too short for cheap TP - we always travel with our own supply - and also (not trying to start an all out war) - the way it’s hung on the roller!
Clear the timer on the damn microwave when you're finished with it. If you're not going to let the timer complete, hit the button to clear it. This is one of the biggest fights my wife and I have. She will always open the door with 2 seconds left on the timer and walk away. Was even worse when the microwave was the only clock in the kitchen, she'd ask me what time it was I'd respond "2"
Cilantro is a vile weed. We need to collect every single shred of it and fire it into the Sun.
I totally agree.

There is a small percentage of people (4-14%) who think cilantro tastes like soap. Adding it to food just makes the whole dish taste bad.

The soap taste comes from a certain gene, if you have it you can pick up the aldehyde chemicals taste.
Did you know _________ is a superfood? Shut up. I mean shut up as in shut up, not shut up as in really?

Pain is not a flavor. End this nuclear arms race of hot peppers. If I need a respirator and Hazmat suit to prepare the food, it's way way way way too hot.

The perfect fertilizer for Kale and Quinoa.
I totally agree.

There is a small percentage of people (4-14%) who think cilantro tastes like soap. Adding it to food just makes the whole dish taste bad.

The soap taste comes from a certain gene, if you have it you can pick up the aldehyde chemicals taste.

Before I lost my sense of taste and smell from Covid last February, I loved cilantro. Now I am one of the 4-14% of people who think cilantro tastes like soap.
It really bug me whenever I see pictures of Elsa at Walt Disney World or Disneyland, and the performer's wig is white.

Elsa does NOT have white hair. She is a platinum blonde.

It really baffles me that Disney doesn't know the hair color of one of their most popular characters. They probably spend thousands on those costumes for the performers and then plop the wrong color wig on her. It's like making Ariel a brunette or Belle a blonde.
Before I lost my sense of taste and smell from Covid last February, I loved cilantro. Now I am one of the 4-14% of people who think cilantro tastes like soap.
Oooh. That’s awful. I love love cilantro. I would be so upset if it started tasting like soap. That would ruin Mexican food for me.
I hope that changes back for you.
People placing their shoed feet on seats or chairs...or parents letting their children do so.
Leaving food on the sponge after you clean up the table. Just don't do it. Rinse off every crumb, then leave it behind the sink.

Going to Costco, and not saying thank you for the samples. It is NOT HARD to thank them for what they just gave you, they are a human being. Just thank them!
People who don't eat a properly cooked steak.

I'm on air fryer groups on FB. The various groups are the only reason I'm still on there. Lately it's been a flurry of people cooking grey wet spongy baked steaks to shoe leather and posting pictures saying "perfect". Uggg....
People who don't eat a properly cooked steak.

I'm on air fryer groups on FB. The various groups are the only reason I'm still on there. Lately it's been a flurry of people cooking grey wet spongy baked steaks to shoe leather and posting pictures saying "perfect". Uggg....
Oh man, the first time I air fried a steak I hammered it. Followed a Gordon Ramsay recipe exactly, including for the cook time. Big mistake doing that.

The steak smelled good, seasoning was spot on, but it was beyond well done. I didn't make a sauce or anything, so it was super dry and very tough to eat on it's own. I ended up eating it with instant noodles (recommend Sao Tao non-fried instant noodles or instant pho if you can find some), since the soup helped to rehydrate the meat a little.

The next time out, I cut the recommended cook time in half and I got that medium colour I was looking for. I could've IG'd it, if I were into such a thing.

Short story long - I owned the mistake and did better the next time out.
Leggings are not pants. They belong under something that covers your butt, like a tunic.

You shouldn't kill spiders. I almost threw a drink on an acquaintance I'd just met because a little spider crawled across the table in front of me and he smashed it and acted like he'd done some great service, and when I said "why the #$%& would you do that to a harmless little spider?" he was like "what, you wanted it crawling across you?" I sure don't recall asking you to smash it, you Neanderthal.
Please learn the difference
Not checking if you spelled something correctly - not talking about typing error - talking about total misspelled words
Leggings are not pants. They belong under something that covers your butt, like a tunic.

You shouldn't kill spiders. I almost threw a drink on an acquaintance I'd just met because a little spider crawled across the table in front of me and he smashed it and acted like he'd done some great service, and when I said "why the #$%& would you do that to a harmless little spider?" he was like "what, you wanted it crawling across you?" I sure don't recall asking you to smash it, you Neanderthal.

Spiders and all bugs belong OUTSIDE. Inside they're fair game.
There's no way I was going to let all the tiny baby spiders that hatched in my bathroom fan vent take over my house. I sprayed so much bug killer that anything that enters the bathroom is still dying months later.


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