Another fight and no one to stop it.

I do think a sense of entitlement is prevalent. People use to have that inner voice that said
"Is this really wise to get into it over THIS?" Nowadays some folks don't care long as they
"get theirs".

With everyone having a phone and recording everything you would think that would be somewhat
deterrent. Nope unless it goes viral and on news stations and your employer hears about it. Then
you get the remorse/apologies for poor judgement.

I disagree. There have always been people who have an unwarranted sense of entitlement. It isn't more NOW then it was before. The difference is we see it more BECAUSE everyone has cell phones. And it's actually a good thing.

People like this could have behaved like this 20 years ago with maybe a blip in the local newspaper. Now their faces are plastered everywhere and they have to be accountable for their actions.
I've noticed that since the pandemic, my impulse control is no longer what it once was. (Luckily for those around me, my kind of impulsive decision is something like eating lunch at a weird time, not throwing punches.)

I think that's a big part of it; people got so used to being alone that the childhood learned habit of curbing bad impulses was deadened down, because of no one being around to be witness them.

I disagree. There have always been people who have an unwarranted sense of entitlement. It isn't more NOW then it was before. The difference is we see it more BECAUSE everyone has cell phones. And it's actually a good thing.
On this I'm not so sure. I think it *would* be a good thing except that internet fame is something that one can monetize, and that makes a whole lot of people think that it's now worthwhile to do outre things in the hope of making money for it; even if the press is bad. Every click earns money for the person who posts it, so very often the person who posts it is actually an associate of the bad actor.
So it sounds as if the sister tried to rejoin her group (not sure if she was successful) and the matching shirts group pushed her. Then the matching shirts group waited to confront her and her family after the show. That’s what I REALLY don’t get - I mean they were the jerks to begin with (IMO) and then they wanted to continue being jerks even after a twenty minute show where line position means almost nothing??

I hope that the matching shirt group was all arrested. It looked like the other group was mainly trying to get away other than one guy who kept arguing.
I've noticed that since the pandemic, my impulse control is no longer what it once was. (Luckily for those around me, my kind of impulsive decision is something like eating lunch at a weird time, not throwing punches.)

I think that's a big part of it; people got so used to being alone that the childhood learned habit of curbing bad impulses was deadened down, because of no one being around to be witness them.

On this I'm not so sure. I think it *would* be a good thing except that internet fame is something that one can monetize, and that makes a whole lot of people think that it's now worthwhile to do outre things in the hope of making money for it; even if the press is bad. Every click earns money for the person who posts it, so very often the person who posts it is actually an associate of the bad actor.
Agreed. It is the impulse control. I was at the DMV last week. DMV has always been crappy about
crowds and lines for YEARS. However 1 fight and 1 loud argument broke out with one guy screaming
he is tired of waiting and "hire more people" . Same with Costco gas. Shorter tempers.
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I disagree. There have always been people who have an unwarranted sense of entitlement. It isn't more NOW then it was before. The difference is we see it more BECAUSE everyone has cell phones. And it's actually a good thing.

People like this could have behaved like this 20 years ago with maybe a blip in the local newspaper. Now their faces are plastered everywhere and they have to be accountable for their actions.
Agree to Disagree. I posted upwards how i was at DMV recently and fight and argument broke
out. Dmv lines have been crowded for years. Noticed more loud complaints than ever. No one
was recording. Same with getting gas. Person in front of me got really ANGRY because the person
in front of them took extra minute or 2 to empty trash from their car instead of leaving right away.
Rude words were exchanged and attendant had to come out.

Seeing shorter fuses.
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Springer to producers " We just didn't have that shock appeal any more. But now I'm tired of sitting around in Sarasota. I want to make a come back. We're going to be bigger. We're going to be trashier. And my 3 minute comments at the end are going to be even more sanctimonious. What can we do to lower the bar further?"
Producers to springer: Watch this video.
Springer: Book em.

Why on Earth would anyone argue about catching up with family in line at PhilharMagic?
I know. I haven't seen an actual wait over 10 minutes there in over a decade.
I saw this on another site, sick and disgusted seeing it. I'm more bothered that other kids at Disney had to watch such a disgusting display of bad behavior. First CM didn't show up until around 1.30 minutes, and even then they needed more.

Disney will just try to sweep this under the rug like it didn't happen. When what I think Disney needs to go is make an example and make sure charges are filed, and that both parties are banned for at least 10 years if not for life. They need to show and prove to guests they are safe. After seeing a few of these videos, I'm not sure I feel that Disney is doing enough.
I get the whole don't want to let someone through to get their cell phone but at that point if you didn't want to let someone through then don't but that should have been the end of it. People who wait around for that stuff are a certain kind of people. Many of us have been there done that with people coming back through the line and not wanting them to pass, we don't wait around for said party later on to duke it out though, especially physically.

Cell phone footage is both good and bad. There is something that tends to happen when people see cell phones recording, their behavior becomes amplified and often more violent.
Why on Earth would anyone argue about catching up with family in line at PhilharMagic?
As Allen Iverson once said, "We're in here talking about PhilharMagic. Listen, we're talking about PhilharMagic. Not Flight of Passage, Not Rise, we're talking about PhilharMagic. Not Flight of Passage. Not Flight of Passage that I go out there and die for. We're talking about PhilharMagic man."
I saw this on another site, sick and disgusted seeing it. I'm more bothered that other kids at Disney had to watch such a disgusting display of bad behavior. First CM didn't show up until around 1.30 minutes, and even then they needed more.

Disney will just try to sweep this under the rug like it didn't happen. When what I think Disney needs to go is make an example and make sure charges are filed, and that both parties are banned for at least 10 years if not for life. They need to show and prove to guests they are safe. After seeing a few of these videos, I'm not sure I feel that Disney is doing enough.
People have been charged or banned for life in the past. It really doesn't set an example like you think it would. People's memories are short and certainly in the moment they aren't going to remember that on July whatever may have you 2022 some fight broke out and the consequences were xyz. It's not just a Disney thing, theme and amusement parks all around can struggle with this sometimes it's just the sheer amount of people involved, where the fights were happening (such as the parking lot vs inside the park), what it was about, etc.

A normal employee should not interfere in these situations, it's a job for security. I def. agree they should get criminal charges and that Disney security needed to be there, but I don't think charging and/banning will act as a deterrent much for future things. Even parks that are tough on things like line cutting and are consistent about it it only does so much.
Springer to producers " We just didn't have that shock appeal any more. But now I'm tired of sitting around in Sarasota. I want to make a come back. We're going to be bigger. We're going to be trashier. And my 3 minute comments at the end are going to be even more sanctimonious. What can we do to lower the bar further?"
Producers to springer: Watch this video.
Springer: Book em.

I know. I haven't seen an actual wait over 10 minutes there in over a decade.

Well, the show length is 12 minutes - and that's pretty much the maximum wait time unless you are picky about your seats.
This makes me sick to my stomach. It's the waiting and pouncing aspect that makes it worse. I'm certain this behavior is not new to these folks.

We had a guy jump my husband at Disneyland on our first trip there. This was almost 20 ears ago. I went to order food at the Village Haus. My husband and little boy went to sit down at a table. A guy came over to them and said he was saving all the tables in the dining room for his group. My husband said there's no one here, we're going to sit, we can move when my wife returns. Then the guy said some cuss words and "you want to box" and then hit my husband across the top of the head breaking his sunglasses and sending the glasses flying across the room.

Security came and said we could press charges. We asked what does that entail and they said we would have to come with them to the security office. It would take a couple of hours minimum. We didn't want to waste all day doing that. We had put enough energy into it by that time. No clue what they did to the guy.

I'll always remember the look on my kid's face. The fear and confusion. And I will always be proud that my husband acted like a gentleman and didn't reciprocate and engage in a fight. He was raised better than that and was setting a good example for his son. People who fight like this don't have that, no role models, no inner compass to guide them.
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I saw this on another site, sick and disgusted seeing it. I'm more bothered that other kids at Disney had to watch such a disgusting display of bad behavior. First CM didn't show up until around 1.30 minutes, and even then they needed more.

Disney will just try to sweep this under the rug like it didn't happen. When what I think Disney needs to go is make an example and make sure charges are filed, and that both parties are banned for at least 10 years if not for life. They need to show and prove to guests they are safe. After seeing a few of these videos, I'm not sure I feel that Disney is doing enough.
Both parties? If all of this were true I’d be working on a lawsuit if i were the family that was attacked and had their things stolen. This was aggravated assault and robbery.
The part about approaching the family after the show is disturbing to me. I'm sure the family with the phone they left in the ECV forgot all about the incident by the time the show started, while the other family stewed about it and actually planned to wait for and confront them. About a space in line. It is absolutely crazy to me. All that violence, fighting, yelling, police reports, cell phone videos, time wasted, possible ban from the parks...........I hope it was all worth it. For a useless spot in line. Because someone forgot a cell phone. I feel bad for any small children that witnessed this awful scene.


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