Queen Elizabeth funeral and looking forward

I think that in times gone past, the noble people and gentry sat in the quire, facing each other, often with named seats and the riffraff sat facing the altar.
I had to google as I only knew that this is a sign that the church was at some point a catholic monestary or Abbey. Google then told me that Westminster was at one point an abbey. here nuns, monks would literally pray and chant all day so it was not only for mass but for gatherings. hench facing each other vs alter

Wills and Kate's wedding was also center facing
I've been in churches (Christchurch in Oxford, for example) that had the same seating where we faced the aisle. Also for a funeral actually, but we were in pews/fixed seats, so it's not like they changed for that funeral (the one I was at, not the Queen's).

I was just curious about it, since it’s unfamiliar to me. I doubt the seating is changed for any event, and yes, at least the choir area is fixed stalls. Westminster Abbey has held many royal events, including the weddings of William and Kate, Andrew and Sarah, Anne and Mark Phillips, and of course, the Queen and Prince Philip.

And St. George’s Chapel at Windsor is set up the same way, with all seating facing the aisle. Edward and Sophie, Harry and Meghan, and Eugenie and Jack, all had their weddings there.

IIRC, at St. Paul’s Cathedral, where Charles and Diana were married, the congregation sits in pews facing the front altar (though I think it also has a side-facing choir area).
The seating is pretty easy to figure out. Obviously the Royals first, followed by the Commonwealth countries and then everyone else. Didn't matter that Biden was President of the USA, he wasn't going to be close to the front.
Ya, let’s not make this thread about American stuff. Please.
(Not to you Declansdad… just to anyone.)

Apparently they did have issues akin to this with the presence of the former King of Spain, Juan Carlos, who abdicated in disgrace about a decade ago. He's estranged from his son, the present King Felipe, but apparently still married to Sofia, Dowager Queen of Spain, though they live separately (in different countries.) Sofia was invited as part of the official Spanish delegation, but Juan Carlos was invited as an individual guest because he is family; Queen Elizabeth's and Prince Philip's cousin. It was apparently very awkward, and the Spanish government is not pleased that they were photographed together.

Also, speaking of the Spanish, Queen Letizia had the best black dress/hat in the house, IMO. She looked stunning. (I mean, she's already a very lovely woman, but that outfit was perfectly tailored and really, really flattering, especially the hat. It's hard to look that good in a high-necked, long-sleeved plain black dress appropriate for a funeral, but she managed it.)

PS: In regard to the scheduling of the Coronation, I suspect it is a safe bet that whatever else, no Coronation-related events will be scheduled on July 1 or July 29th. Those dates, are associated with the late Princess of Wales (birthday and wedding anniversary), and Charles will want to avoid them for that reason.
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I did read an article saying that William would probably not have a formal investiture as Prince of Wales. It isn't required and with the financial situation, it's probably a good idea to skip it. Plus, the piece said it wasn't the sort of thing William would even be likely to want.
What about what we want? I would find this very disrespectful. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

“Queen Letizia had the best black dress/hat in the house, IMO. She looked stunning. (I mean, she's already a very lovely woman, but that outfit was perfectly tailored and really, really flattering, especially the hat. It's hard to look that good in a high-necked, long-sleeved plain black dress appropriate for a funeral, but she managed it.)”

My favorites of the day were The Dutchess of Sussex in a Stella McCartney cape dress that was elegant, understated, appropriate and very to the moment in fashion. She did not over do the accessories, make up or jewelry but kept it simple and it worked. Loved it!

For sentimental reasons.. Sophie The Countess Wessex in the dress with the custom embroidery on the back featuring the Queen’s favourite flower, the lily of the valley was lovely and touching.
Is there anyone but me that wished we had some kind of "alexa" type thing so we could say, why is that happening, how many X are there, how tall is that , etc. Just watching, I had about a hundred questions on the people, the buildings, the marching, the cannons, etc.

Just amazing to watch how it was done.
I believe William is respectful and a student of history. He's studied Welsh for some years. He understands the importance of an investiture.
I think he studied geography at Uni. He isn’t fluent in Welsh, but knows some words and phrases and could probably be coached sufficiently to make a short speech.
I do find myself wondering how scaling back the monarchy will go. They seem to enjoy a high degree of respect and love from the people who live there. And from what they say, they generate more income than they cost. Assuming that's the case, I wonder if downsizing is really the way to go. I mean, I certainly can see them trimming some of the far flung members. But when I hear about downsizing various ceremonies and such, I wonder if there's a chance that might backfire and cause them to lose some of the support then currently enjoy.
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Apparently the new slab is now in place in the George VI Memorial Chapel at St. George's:

It now reads:
George VI 1895-1952
Elizabeth 1900-2002
(a metal Garter Star emblem has been placed in the center to divide the list)
Elizabeth II 1926-2022
Philip 1921-2021

Oddly, there is still no marker there for Princess Margaret, whose ashes were interred in that chapel the same week as the Queen Mother's funeral. Surely they could add a small plaque on the wall for her?
My mom was a giant fan of Queen Elizabeth II and has collected many books about her and the queen was one of Mom's heroes because she admired the queen so much because of her beauty and grace. When the queen mother was alive I would always get the queen confused with the queen mother because they were both named Elizabeth and when the queen mother died I thought it was Queen Elizabeth II that had passed away but then I learned it was the queen mother who passed not Queen Elizabeth II. But at least the queen was able to have another jubliee before she passed because she set a huge milestone in history. Have you seen the collector doll that Mattel released of Queen Elizabeth II? Do you think it will be a huge collector's item now?
There's some fascinating footage on YouTube of past royal funerals, and it shows how much tradition there was in Monday's events.

Here's the funeral of Queen Victoria in 1901. Apparently the horses pulling the gun carriage carrying the coffin got spooked during the procession by a snapped harness and the coffin almost got toppled from the carriage. The men of the Royal Navy were employed to pull the carriage instead, and they still do it that way today. The switch was made around 5:50, before that horses are pulling the gun carriage.

And here's the procession of Elizabeth II's father, King George VI, in 1952.

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Oh dear. The Queen of Denmark has COVID. She is quite elderly but was at the funeral and reception. I hope that she recovers.

Yeah, I wondered if this whole thing wouldn't turn into a superspreader. The only masks I saw were on the Chinese delegation. But ten days of receptions, walkabouts, the queue (I did see a handful of people in the Hall with masks), services, etc. It's likely there was a lot of spread.
I have never been into the Royals,but the Queen's Funeral got me a little interested and I have a question.

If King Charles and Prince William were to pass away today,would Prince George become a 9 year old King?
Yeah, I wondered if this whole thing wouldn't turn into a superspreader. The only masks I saw were on the Chinese delegation. But ten days of receptions, walkabouts, the queue (I did see a handful of people in the Hall with masks), services, etc. It's likely there was a lot of spread.

As we watched the service at Westminster Abbey, I said to my husband, “boy I hope none of these people have Covid.” Wonder how many others will turn up + soon.


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