Pride month at Disney...

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Hard to go "round and round" with only two responses IMO. You might disagree.

And I thought "Nick" (I think that's his name) is a "Fairy Godmother's Apprentice", NOT Fairy Godmother.

And you're certainly welcome to your beliefs. I just don't find "because I said so" a valid reason for a belief. Didn't like it when I was told that as a kid, don't like it now. So I'm trying to understand the thought beyond "because that's what I think".

This is a chance for you, or anyone for that matter, to explain what's wrong with it. If you don't want to discuss why you feel this way, I hope you have a good day.

Again, round and round we go.

Fairy Godmother apprentice = fairy godmother in training...mother generally refers to a woman. Sorry if you don't understand that. Maybe they need to change it fairy godperson...

Thanks for allowing me to have my own opinions/beliefs, that is very kind of you. You are putting words in my mouth, I never said "because I said so". Nice try though.

I think I have already given my reasons, it's unfortunate that you don't want to or don't choose to understand what I wrote.

Again, I hope you have rainbows in your future. Like I said before, I love rainbows.
What makes it too much is that parents are spending LOTS of money to have a family vacation at Disney which used to cater to the family. The Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique is another high-priced added expense to the total cost of a Disney vacation if one chooses to participate. This (I guess you would call it) attraction is geared for children so why do we have to dress a man as a woman? If the person didn't have a mustache, it wouldn't have been so noticeable ergo maybe no questions. Why should parents/grandparents be put in the position of having to answer questions about sexuality while on a family vacation? I wonder what Walt would think. I do believe it was Walt's hope/dream to develop a family friendly park where he would want to take his girls and to give other families the same opportunity.

To the person who asked about different hair styles for different types of hair, I'm pretty sure they only have a very limited selections of hairstyles (2-3 maybe). They all include tons of glitter and hair spray. Be prepared to wash your child's hair multiple times to get it all out.

As far as women wearing slack versus dress, that is not same thing at all.

Old news to you maybe but not to me or those guests who encounter the new inclusive policy. I guess I'm not as up to date on all things Disney as you seem to be, nor are a lot of other folks who wanted to enjoy a nice day at the park.
Disney can and will do what they want but at some point, if they continue to stay the course they currently seem to be on, they will eventually push just a little too far. When that happens, they will either have to walk it back or face a decline in visitors aka revenue which is all it's about these days.

Bottom line for me, they can paint all the rainbows they want and make all the pretty drinks and deserts with rainbow colors. I happen to love rainbows although maybe not for the same reasons as others. I just think that the BBB was just a little too far for me. If you're ok with it, that's great. Different strokes for different folks. Peace brothers and sisters, enjoy the rest of your day. May your world be filled with rainbows. Happy times. pixiedust:
Disney still caters to families. But families have evolved. And Disney recognizes this. :)
Again, round and round we go.

Fairy Godmother apprentice = fairy godmother in training...mother generally refers to a woman. Sorry if you don't understand that. Maybe they need to change it fairy godperson...

Thanks for allowing me to have my own opinions/beliefs, that is very kind of you. You are putting words in my mouth, I never said "because I said so". Nice try though.

I think I have already given my reasons, it's unfortunate that you don't want to or don't choose to understand what I wrote.

Again, I hope you have rainbows in your future. Like I said before, I love rainbows.
Also, to the point of "having to explain it to my kids" - most kids these days don't even bat an eye at someone with a different lifestyle than ones own. If they DO look down on these people, that is a YOU problem. Do you have an issue explaining husband and wife or seeing a hetero couple interact in any way? No? Then you shouldn't with any other couple, and your kids shouldn't, either.

My kids have known, learned with, loved, and grown with plenty of kids over the years who are LGTBQIA+ or come from a family that is. It isn't hidden like it was when we were all growing up, and it certainly isn't weird or something that needs explaining. Love is love is love is pretty much as far as you have to go.

I wish I had the desire to step into FLA just so I could cheer on the Pride Days in person.
Again, round and round we go.

Fairy Godmother apprentice = fairy godmother in training...mother generally refers to a woman. Sorry if you don't understand that. Maybe they need to change it fairy godperson...
They are called "Fairy Godmother’s Apprentices" because they are apprentices of the specific Fairy Godmother character from Cinderella.
You know, it's getting really old to have all of the LGBT focused threads being derailed by pointless banter. Really wish we could celebrate Pride Month without there being an issue.

Universal also has a Pride collection out and all of the proceeds are being donated to LGBT charities. I bought the shot glass and tbh sometimes I feel like I need a shot of liquor for every bad take I see.
Y'all took the bait and started arguing. The comment in question was meant to derail the conversation and it worked. I know it's hard, but I recommend sitting on your hands when folks post things fishing for a reaction.

Getting back to the OP, I wish that the backgrounds were designed for my computer! I really wish I could get some photos with the cool walls too!
Y'all took the bait and started arguing. The comment in question was meant to derail the conversation and it worked. I know it's hard, but I recommend sitting on your hands when folks post things fishing for a reaction.

Getting back to the OP, I wish that the backgrounds were designed for my computer! I really wish I could get some photos with the cool walls too!
I would be happy for them (the new Pride themed walls) to stay up past June. I think they look so nice.
Again, round and round we go.

Fairy Godmother apprentice = fairy godmother in training...mother generally refers to a woman. Sorry if you don't understand that. Maybe they need to change it fairy godperson...
What dictionary are you using? According to Miriam -Webster, an apprentice is someone who's " one who is learning by practical experience under skilled workers a trade, art, or calling". Just because the 'skilled worker' is a female doesn't mean the apprentice becomes a female.
Thanks for allowing me to have my own opinions/beliefs, that is very kind of you. You are putting words in my mouth, I never said "because I said so". Nice try though.
No, the way I read what you said is "these are my beliefs" with no reasoning OTHER than that's what you believe. Basically "because I said so." A couple people, including myself have asked you why sexuality would come up regarding a man wearing a dress. I noticed you haven't answered that.
I think I have already given my reasons, it's unfortunate that you don't want to or don't choose to understand what I wrote.
I think I pointed out why I don't follow the logic to your reasons. If someone doesn't understand what you're trying to say, is that because of them OR of the person explaining?
Again, I hope you have rainbows in your future. Like I said before, I love rainbows.
Sorry if it has been brought up before, but are those Epcot Pride walls up where the Moana site is? maybe they will get taken down when it opens
Haters going to hate and we can type until we are blue in the face, but we won't change narrow and/or bigoted views on these boards. Yes, people can choose to disagree, but why be so hostile? Is it that hard to teach/show love and acceptance? If you can't, then maybe the "most magical place on earth" isn't the right place for you. And for goodness sake, please quit trying to say what Walt would/wouldn't want.
I'm not big into the instagram stuff but have generally enjoyed when Disney paints wall stuff. These are no exception, they are great! The Spaceship Earth one especially
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