Keeping Political Discussions away from Your Thanksgiving Table

I don’t think all people who “don’t like gays” are religious, necessarily, are they? Some people are just jerks, plain and simple.

This thread has made me very sad. Last year at one of our family’s holidays a heated argument broke out over politics. It was horrifying, between two people who really loved eachother. Now one of them is gone (passed). I don’t think they ever resolved it. All those years of loving memories overshadowed by that one awful moment.

It sounds like some people here place more importance on views and beliefs than family relationships. I get it; I had some of those obnoxious relatives, too, but they, for the most part, are all gone now. Those of us left want to remain close so we strive to keep it civil (usually) even thought it’s clear we’re not all on the same page politically.

Here’s hoping that everyone has enjoyable holidays. 🤞
I don’t think it’s necessarily about views and beliefs but rather people thinking those views and beliefs give them the right to say nasty and horrible things because you don’t share the same ones they do. People who do that are spoiling for a fight and then act surprised and hurt when they get one. I’m well past the age where I have to put up with that especially around my own table. I have lost four people in the last five years and I have no regrets making the decision to keep our holidays a small intimate gathering. You can maintain close relationships without spending the holidays together.
I think you missed where I wrote I was joking, of course. 😜
Oh, I knew you were. 🤣 It astounds me the ppl who say it, and mean it. Those damn pigeons are everywhere, they are just too dumb to see! sorry, I didn't intend for you to think I thought you were serious 😁
Oh, I knew you were. 🤣 It astounds me the ppl who say it, and mean it. Those damn pigeons are everywhere, they are just too dumb to see! sorry, I didn't intend for you to think I thought you were serious 😁
Oh, ok, all good. You can't always tell on forums, can you!
Based on this thread it seems the goal isn't to avoid political discussion, but to avoid discussion with those with whom you disagree.

I don't care to hear anyone's nonsense (just move the conversation along in these situations), but I am fine with a reasonable, intelligent discussion. Of course, as this thread reveals, most people feel compelled to confront those who disagree. What a sad way to live.
I don't know that avoiding certain topics on holidays is living your entire life this way. I know my audience. On Thanksgiving DH's 10 siblings and their extended families, plus neighbors, friends, second cousins, and significant others pop in and out throughout the day. I could have that type of conversation quietly with some of his sisters on any other day. I don't feel the need to engage in conversations that might start some drama with Great Aunt Judith's neighbor or my 20 year old nephew's new girlfriend.
The majority of religious people I know love & respect everyone. Those who don't aren't motivated by religion. For most of them, politics are the main motivator. They just hide behind religion to support their agenda. Unfortunately, the anti-religion segment, including those on this board, lump all religious people in one group. Some of the things posted here are extremely offensive to believers. Many of whom are the same people who support others in living their lives the way they choose.
I most definitely have highly religious people in my life (both friends and family) who are extremely loving, wonderful, kind people that I am blessed to know. Unfortunately, the vast majority of my extended family belongs to a very cultish church with extremely weird beliefs...primarily, it's a sort of MLM of suffering: You can only earn your way to heaven through suffering on earth. But that's not enough. You also have to have a downline of people who are suffering EVEN MORE than you are. It's sick and twisted, and I have no desire to spend the holidays (or any more time than strictly necessary) with them. And now it's worse than ever, because more than a few of them have also now joined a very high profile conspiracy theory group that starts with a Q. I don't need to hear them ranting for hours about the coming Storm.
How does my profession have anything to do with my feelings about religion or religious people?
I should clarify my position since you, @Christine and others are likely jumping to conclusions about my beliefs. I don't believe in any higher being, religious or otherwise, of any kind and I am not accusing you of indoctrinating anyone. And I am not a "conservative" so don't come back with that nonsense. But you claim to be a professor and on this thread alone you admit you want to avoid people who don't share your political beliefs and that you "go out of your way to avoid religious people at all costs."

That seems fairly extreme and rather exclusionary, if not out outright hateful. Most of the world is religious in some form and you simply believe, based on your experience, that a majority of religious people are incapable of love and respect. These are your words and your disdain is clear. You have negatively stereotyped a rather large group. I would expect this out of an uneducated and spiteful person.

It surprises me (I guess not really) that people agree with you that nullification of such a large group is an intelligent position to support. It is highly inappropriate to make such generalizations about any group.

As a professor, you should be responsible for teaching your students acceptance and freedom of thought, despite your individual beliefs. Do you? Do you avoid at all costs your students who are persons of faith?
I should clarify my position since you, @Christine and others are likely jumping to conclusions about my beliefs. I don't believe in any higher being, religious or otherwise, of any kind and I am not accusing you of indoctrinating anyone. And I am not a "conservative" so don't come back with that nonsense. But you claim to be a professor and on this thread alone you admit you want to avoid people who don't share your political beliefs and that you "go out of your way to avoid religious people at all costs."

That seems fairly extreme and rather exclusionary, if not out outright hateful. Most of the world is religious in some form and you simply believe, based on your experience, that a majority of religious people are incapable of love and respect. These are your words and your disdain is clear. You have negatively stereotyped a rather large group. I would expect this out of an uneducated and spiteful person.

It surprises me (I guess not really) that people agree with you that nullification of such a large group is an intelligent position to support. It is highly inappropriate to make such generalizations about any group.

As a professor, you should be responsible for teaching your students acceptance and freedom of thought, despite your individual beliefs. Do you? Do you avoid at all costs your students who are persons of faith?
I have neither the need nor the desire to justify my beliefs or pedagogy to you.
I should clarify my position since you, @Christine and others are likely jumping to conclusions about my beliefs. I don't believe in any higher being, religious or otherwise, of any kind and I am not accusing you of indoctrinating anyone. And I am not a "conservative" so don't come back with that nonsense. But you claim to be a professor and on this thread alone you admit you want to avoid people who don't share your political beliefs and that you "go out of your way to avoid religious people at all costs."

That seems fairly extreme and rather exclusionary, if not out outright hateful. Most of the world is religious in some form and you simply believe, based on your experience, that a majority of religious people are incapable of love and respect. These are your words and your disdain is clear. You have negatively stereotyped a rather large group. I would expect this out of an uneducated and spiteful person.

It surprises me (I guess not really) that people agree with you that nullification of such a large group is an intelligent position to support. It is highly inappropriate to make such generalizations about any group.

As a professor, you should be responsible for teaching your students acceptance and freedom of thought, despite your individual beliefs. Do you? Do you avoid at all costs your students who are persons of faith?
I am not the OP, and I don't presume to speak for him. But it seems to me that you are unable or unwilling to separate a person's personal life from their professional life. When I worked professionally in mental health, my entire job was to meet people where they were and show great empathy for their situation. But that doesn't mean that I necessarily would have chosen to spend personal time with them. I suspect that it's the same for educators as well (in general, again I'm not speaking for the OP). It really is okay to have a personal POV and a professional POV.
This is encouraging to hear as my experience is the complete opposite, which is why I go out of my way to avoid religious people at all costs.
Your attitude toward & bias against “religious people” is just as bad as what you’re assuming all these religious people to be.

I’m a “religious person”- you could probably even call me a Conservative Christian (Yikes! Bring out those torches!!), & I don’t go out of my way to avoid any particular group of people.

We’re hosting Thanksgiving, & I don’t care who’s around our table - I don’t care how they vote or if their personal beliefs aren’t exactly in line w/ mine. Relationships w/ family & friends are valuable & important - even if you don’t always agree. And, as long as we keep it civil & respectful, I don’t mind discussing politics and/or religion because discussion is good. People are more than their opinions and/or voting stance, & I’m not afraid of differing opinions. I don’t cocoon myself in a vacuum of people whose beliefs are the same as mine & I don’t go around w/ an elitist attitude saying “you must think & say as I do or you are wrong, & I hate you.”
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